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四川大学 《大学英语一0001》15秋在线作业2满分答案.docx

1、四川大学 大学英语一000115秋在线作业2满分答案四川大学 大学英语(一)000115秋在线作业2满分答案一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)1. Advertising is often the most _ method of promotion.A. efficientB. efficiencyC. effectD. effective正确答案:D2. The BBC _ the news to all parts of the world.A. showsB. broadcastsC. tellsD. communicates正确答案:B3. It took him a

2、long time to _ the skills he needed to become a professional artist.A. acquireB. requireC. inquireD. remain正确答案:A4. All the _ in the hospital will get a rise tomorrow.A. women-doctorsB. woman doctorsC. women doctorsD. doctors of women正确答案:C5. Theres something important in _.A. paper of todayB. today

3、 newspapersC. today newspaperD. todays newspaper正确答案:D6. My son is already showing an interest _ music.A. onB. toC. inD. at正确答案:C7. Because there is so much unemployment, the _ for jobs is fierce.A. chanceB. contestC. pressureD. competition正确答案:D8. Thanks to my foresight, I took my umbrella with me.

4、A. 谢天谢地,我带了雨伞。B. 带了雨伞,这是我的聪明之举。C. 幸亏我带了雨伞。D. 幸亏我有先见之明,带了雨伞。正确答案:D9. Hes a shy boy who cant _ with others very well.A. sayB. talkC. communicateD. speak正确答案:C10. 亨利向几家大公司递交了求职申请。A. Henry sent out applications to several big companies.B. Henry sent out application several big companies.C. Henry sent ou

5、t several big companies to his applications.D. Several big companies sent out applications to Henry.正确答案:A11. A diet high in fat may be responsible _ several types of cancer.A. forB. ofC. toD. at正确答案:A12. Hi! How do you do, Zhang? _A. How are you?B. Good afternoon.C. How do you do?D. Very fine.正确答案:

6、C13. Many small businesses are struggling _ survival in this difficult economic climate.A. offB. withC. forD. up正确答案:C14. The islands _ is similar to Hawaiis, which attracts more and more tourists every year.A. peopleB. areaC. customD. landscape正确答案:D15. Old Mr. Carter was convinced that women docto

7、rs were _ to men.A. superiorB. inferiorC. superiorityD. inferiority正确答案:B16. 十年来我一直在坚持收听收音机里的英语节目。A. I listened to the English programs over the radio ten years ago.B. I often kept on listening to the English programs over the radio ten years ago.C. For ten years I kept on listening to the English p

8、rograms over the radio.D. For ten years I listened to the E正确答案:C17. Mr. Smith raises many _ on his farm.A. deersB. sheepsC. oxesD. chickens正确答案:D18. Youd better have more physical exercise. _A. Id like that, but I cant afford the time.B. Thats good.C. Really.D. Yes, I would.正确答案:A19. 昨天雨下的很大,但是我们不管

9、怎样都去了音乐会。A. It rained heavily yesterday, for we went to the concert anyway.B. It rained heavily yesterday, and we went to the concert anyway.C. It rained heavily yesterday, but we went to the concert anyway.D. It rained heavily, however we went to the concert anyway.正确答案:C20. Some words are hard to

10、_ because they have many different uses.A. spellB. pronounceC. defineD. mean正确答案:C21. My letters were all returned to me, so I decided to go around to her house _ person.A. withB. atC. inD. of正确答案:C22. The police asked me to _ exactly how it happened.A. expressB. drawC. describeD. imagine正确答案:C23. I

11、d like to have some fish rather than beef.A. 我想吃牛肉,不想吃鱼。B. 我不想吃牛肉,也不想吃鱼。C. 我想吃鱼,不想吃牛肉。D. 我想吃牛肉,也想吃鱼。正确答案:C24. He is learning to playing _ guitar.A. aB. anC. theD. /正确答案:C25. The hero of the story is an artist in his _.A. thirtiethB. thirtyC. thirtysD. thirties正确答案:D26. I _ on those days as the happi

12、est time of my life.A. look atB. look downC. look backD. look for正确答案:C27. Ive lost _ with George in the last few months.A. letterB. messageC. contactD. news正确答案:C28. Tom felt his mother knew he was lying when she looked him in the eye.A. 汤姆觉得妈妈在撒谎,当妈妈看他的眼睛时。B. 当妈妈看汤姆的眼睛时,汤姆觉得妈妈在撒谎。C. 汤姆觉得妈妈知道他在撒谎,当

13、妈妈正视汤姆的眼睛时。D. 当妈妈正视汤姆的眼睛时,汤姆觉得妈妈知道他在撒谎。正确答案:D29. There are two _ students on the play ground.A. hundredB. hundred ofC. hundredsD. hundreds of正确答案:A30. If you meet a new word and you are not sure what it means, _ it _ in a dictionary.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look up正确答案:D31. I think we sh

14、ould _ these interesting old customs.A. preventB. preserveC. reserveD. serve正确答案:B32. _ I failed my driving test again.A. What shall I do?B. Im down in spirits.C. What are you doing?D. Whats up?正确答案:D33. The air in Beijing is getting much _ now than a few years ago.A. cleanB. cleanerC. cleanestD. th

15、e cleanest正确答案:B34. There is _ ink in the bottle. I have to buy some.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few正确答案:A35. Mrs. Black became a(n) _ at making desserts.A. expertB. workerC. hostD. specialist正确答案:A36. It wasnt a good thing; _ the contrary it was a huge mistake.A. ofB. onC. inD. at正确答案:B37. Each

16、member is given a special exercise routine that is _ for his or her needs.A. constantB. appropriateC. badD. hopeful正确答案:B38. Some friends of _ joined the political party.A. my fatherB. my fathersC. my fathersD. my fathers正确答案:A39. Which is your preference, tea or coffee? _A. OK, thanks.B. I like both.C. Can I choose?D. I choose tea any time.正确答案:D40. John was so drunk that he fell off the bike and _ by the roadside until the next morning.A. laidB. liedC. had lainD. lay正确答案:D

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