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1、8BUnit1教案杨庙中学八年级备课组集体备课材料8B Unit1 Past and present 单元分析及课时教案【教材分析】主要内容包括:一、语篇内容,本单元探讨的是时代变迁带来的变化和发展,涉及北京交通系统的变化,以及通过阳光城过去和现在的改变。二、语法内容,本单元的语法内容时现在完成时,这一语法是学生学习的一个难点。三、词汇学习技能,主要是反义词的构成与运用;以及如何使用英语词典查单词。四、写作技能,能通过语篇的学习,掌握如何描述某地过去到现在所发生的变化。【单元目标】知识目标:1学习动词过去分词的拼写及现在完成的基本构成2学习并识别使用现在完成时的语境。3识别反义词并掌握其正确的

2、用法。4学习并掌握有关发展变化的词汇。能力目标:1 熟悉并灵活地使用现在完成时谈论因时间变迁而产生的变化。2 能理解采访时用到的问题并能对开放性延伸性的问题予以回答。3 能听取有关大屿山变化的具体信息并能通过两幅照片的对比描述某地从过去某一时间到现在的发展变化。学习技巧目标: 进一步熟悉字母表的字母顺序,指导学生掌握查阅字典的技能。情感目标:通过中国各地的发展变化,激发学生的爱国热情,进行爱国主义教育。文化目标: 通过阳光镇的过去到现在的发展和变化,了解时代的变迁。【教学重难点】 1. 有目的的进行语篇教学及从阅读教学中的问题讨论、语篇分析、语义重构及机械模仿四个教学过程着手,培养学生的写作能

3、力,提高学生的写作水平。 2. 现在完成时的教学是本单元语法教学中重中之重,也是学生学习的难点,是学生两级分化的关键。 3. 本单元的一些重点词汇及重要句子、句型。【学情分析和教学建议】本单元的话题-过去与现在的变化,这与现在社会热点-改革开放30周年活动很贴近,这对学生学习课文有一定帮助,也为学生的写作提供有效的素材。因此教师在教学设计与课堂教学过程中要准备充分的材料,从而让学生意识到改革开放各地变化,激发学生的爱国热情。在教学方法上,教师可以采用Role-playing; Cooperating; Pre-reading; While-reading; Post-reading; brai

4、nstorming; listening for special information等教学、学习策略,正确利用好教学图片以及多媒体课件展开课堂教学体现教学过程中学生的参与活动work alone, Pair work, Group work, Discussion.词汇教学可以通过图片或多媒体进行,以原有知识带动新知识,并在教学词汇是,进行必要的句子教学或小篇段教学,使词汇教学不孤立。Integrated skills这一部分在教学前要为听力活动做一些铺垫教学,明确听的目的,激发兴趣和欲望,熟悉话题,处理关键词,强调对主要信息的获取(input)和输出(output)。阅读教学主要强调整体

5、教学,把握文章结构,复述、模仿描述为主。写作教学是这一单元的综合运用,可以先给学生理清一个提纲,再让学生进行口头表述,或填空造句,模仿写作等。语法教学建议:一、 在Comic strips中就出现了现在完成时,为了降低学习的难度,可以将Grammar课时的语言材料及内容提前进行语法教学,对课时原有顺序稍作调整。二、讲透现在完成时的“完成用法”和“未完成用法”一)、现在完成时的结构: 助动词 have / has + 动词的过去分词 ( Past Participle ) 其中 have / has 为助动词,因而它的否定和疑问句形式全部由 have / has 进行变化。 二)、1.现在完成时

6、的完成用法 A、定义:现在完成时的完成用法指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。 B、特点:现在完成时完成用法的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning month year.,today等)连用。2. 现在完成时的未完成用法 A、定义:现在完成时的未完成用法指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续下去。 B、特点:此种用法的句中常需

7、一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far到目前为止)等。【课时安排】本单元攻击安排九课时。具体安排如下:Comic strip and Welcome to the unit: one period; Reading: two periods;Vocabulary: one period; Grammar: two periods; Integrated skills: one period; Main task: one period; Checkout、Study Skills: one period.第一课时

8、Welcome to this unit【课时分析】 本课是一个单元的读前热身活动。在备课时应先阅读整个单元,了解本单元的话题: 现在与过去、功能和语法项目(现在完成时态)以及中心任务,同时学习不同时期有关交通工具的单词,了解学生在这些方面的已有知识。【学情分析】教师能在这一课时有效激活学生的已有知识,充分调动学生对单元的学习兴趣,为后面几个课时的学习做好铺垫。课本的课时安排符合先功能后技能,在具体语言环境中掌握应用所学语言的规律。【教学目标】 Eddie和Hobo的对话。 北京不同时代的交通工具的词汇。【重点难点】(1)初步了解现在完成时态的构成。(2) since的意义和用法【教法过程】S

9、tep One. Lead-inDid you have a good time During Winter Holiday? What did you eat? What food is your favorite?Step Two. Pre-taskTeacher says:My favorite food is chocolate. Today I took a piece of chocolate here. Oh, where is my chocolate? It was in my pocket an hour ago.Teacher asks Ss: -Have you see

10、n my chocolate? -No, I havent.Ss guess Teacher saysMaybe you have put it in your bag. -No, I havent.Maybe you have put it in your book. -Yes, I have. Step Three While-taskTask 1: Lets listen to the tape: What are Hobo and Eddie talking about now?Task 2: Ask some questions about it:1. Where was Hobos

11、 food an hour ago? 2. Why did Eddie eat food?3. Is Hobo happy? 4. What does Hobo think of Eddie?Task 3: Work in pairs and drill the dialogue.Task 4: Ask and answerEddie and Hobo both think they have changed a lot. Thats true. There are also many changes in our life. How did you come to school today?

12、 Do you know other different forms of transport?Task5: Welcome to the unit.Show some pictures of the different forms of transport. ask: When did people in Beijing begin to use trains?train in 1909 since 1909Task6: Do Part A on Page7Task 7: Make a conversation like this. A: When did people begin to u

13、se trains? B: People began to use them in 1909. Trains have been in use since 1909.Step Four. Post-task Talk about the transport at different times in Beijing using the sentence: have been in use since .Step Five Homework 第二课时Reading 1【课时分析】阅读是一个单元语言输入比较集中的环节,一般用两个课时完成。阅读教学主要围绕阅读材料本身的内容展开活动,要求学生说出文章

14、的大意,将细节内容归类等。阅读后的活动旨在让学生通过提问、讨论和语言难点的学习等形式进一步加深对文章的理解。阅读课还应该配合听、说、写的活动,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。【学情分析】本课时阅读教学主要围绕阅读材料The changes to Sunshine Town内容展开活动,教师在教学时要注意指导学生运用正确的阅读技巧理解文章大意,要求学生说出文章的大意,将细节内容归类等。侧重对文章的主旨和结构的分析。【教学目标】1.了解掌握本课出现的重点单词和词组。2.理解课文内容(The changes to Sunshine Town)。3.能用本节课所学知识,简单描述周围变化。【重点难点】1.训

15、练学生阅读理解能力。2.部分词汇: used to.; dumpinto ; get married (to sb)【教法学法】Step One Pre-reading Teaching new items by picturesPast PresentPicture1: There used to be a building. It is open space.过去经常 空地Picture2: She used to be a happy girl. She is going to get married. She is going to be a wife.Picture3: The fa

16、ctory used to dump waste It has turned into a into the river. market, there are many stalls.Picture4: The poison in the waste polluted the river, many fish died.The government realized the pollution and reduced it. The river is much cleaner.Vocabulary married 已婚的 get married 结婚 wife 妻子 stall 货摊 turn

17、 (使)变成 turninto 将变成 factory 工厂 used to 过去经常dump 倾倒 waste 废料 poison 毒物 pollute 污染 realize 意识到 reduce 污染 open space 空地Doing Part B1 on page 10 1 b 2 f 3 d 4 c 5 g 6.a 7. eStep Two While-readingRead the conversation and answer the following questions.1 How long has Mr. Chen lived in Sunshine Town?Since

18、 he moved there with his family when he has two years old. 2 How many times did he move house? When?In 1965 when he got married and last year when his children bought them a new flat.True or False (Page 10)Mr. Chen knows Sunshine Town very well.( )He moved into Sunshine Town in 1965.( )He got marrie

19、d last year.( )Mr. Chen moved out of Sunshine Town when he got married.( )In the past, 30,000 people lived in Sunshine Town.( )Mr. Chen and his old friends meet in the new park to play cards and Chinese chess.( )Step Three Parts of the dialogue Part1. Line1-9 Changes to Mr. Chens . A. parents B. wif

20、e C. living placePart2. Line10-25 Changes to . A. the park B. Sunshine Town C. the factoryPart3.Line26-31 Mr. Chens about the changes. A. talking B. dreams C. feeling Part1.Changes to Mr. Chens living placeTimeLiving placebefore 1965near Sunshine river in the _part of Sunshine Townfrom1965 till last

21、 yearmoved to a flat in the of the town after he . since last yearanother new flat here because his children a new flat them. Part2.Changes to Sunshine Town in the past nowthe center ofthe townThere was _and_The government has _the place _a parkSunshine RiverIt was dirty and poisonous because the fa

22、ctory used to _its waste_the river.It is much cleaner. The government _the pollution and took action to _ the pollution. Part3 Mr. Chens feeling about the changesAdvantages: It is nice to _.Disadvantages: It has become difficult to _So he feels _from time to time.Complete the passage according to th

23、e text.Mr. Chen knows Sunshine Town very well. When he was two, he m to the town. In 1965, he moved to the of town when he got .He tells me that Sunshine Town has c a lot over the years. The government has t the center of town a park. Mr. Chen and his friends often play and Chinese there. The shoe f

24、actory (过去常常倾倒) its waste Sunshine River. The poison in the waste p the river. Later, the government r it and took action to the pollution, now the river has a lot and it is much .Mr. Chen says in some ways life is much better than before. Its nice to have and pretty gardens. However, it has become

25、more to see some friends. From time to time he feels lonely.Step Four Homework第三课时Reading 2【课时分析】阅读是一个单元语言输入比较集中的环节,一般用两个课时完成。阅读教学主要围绕阅读材料本身的内容展开活动,要求学生说出文章的大意,将细节内容归类等。阅读后的活动旨在让学生通过提问、讨论和语言难点的学习等形式进一步加深对文章的理解。阅读课还应该配合听、说、写的活动,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。【学情分析】要求学生说出文章的大意。因为时态较多,教师要引导学生进行辨析,特别是一般过去时与现在完成时态的区别。对重难

26、点进行适当的讲与练。【教学目标】1.掌握相关的词汇、短语和本文中出现的语言点。2.进一步理解课文内容(The changes to Sunshine Town)。【重点难点】1.培养学生根据提示复述课文的能力。2.一般过去时与现在完成时态的区别。【教法学法】Step One Discussion Why was the river in Sunshine Town very dirty in the past?The local factories used to dump waste water into the river. The local people didnt realize t

27、he importance of polluting the river.Why is the river in Sunshine Town much cleaner now?The local government realized water pollution was a serious problem and actively took action to reduce the pollution.How does Mr. Chen feel now? He feels a bit lonely from time to time.Step Two: Reading the text

28、Doing part C2 on page 11 Step Three: Doing part D on page 11Step Four: Post-reading (language points)1. miss 想念 eg: I miss my old friends very much. 错过eg: I dont want to miss seeing the play on TV tonight.2. pleasant : 指环境,地方,行程的舒适愉快。多用于修饰事物。Eg: The weather is usually pleasant here in May . The trip

29、 is pleasant.pleased : 指感到愉快。通常描述人。 be pleased with-Eg: Im pleased with your work. The teacher is pleased with us. 同根词-pleasure. With pleasure /Its my pleasure.3 way (1)方面,方式,方法。 in this way /that/another way in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上 a new way of teaching 一种新的教法。2)路 on ones way to- on his way to sc

30、hool / by the way 顺便问一下4. lonely adj.指人,表示寂寞孤独,指物,表示荒凉,无人居住的eg: He feels lonely without friends. This is a lonely house. alone adj./adv. 独自的(地) He lives alone . 5. from time to time =sometimes=at times 6. Its adj ( for sb) to do- Its nice to have open space Its interesting for us to fly kites. It ha

31、s become more difficult to see my old friends.7.realize 意为“认识到”“明白”,其后接名词、代词或从句。e.g. He has already realized his mistake. The villagers didnt realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died.Step Five Homework第四课时 Vocabulary【课时分析】词汇部分围绕本单元话题介绍一些新词,方便学生在后面的学习活动中使用,同时,按词义将同一类别的单词集中学习,有利于提高学生单词学习的效率,快速扩大词汇量。教师在教学中可根据实际情况对该部分的词汇进行补充,并帮助学生掌握一些单词记忆的方法。【学情分析】在情境中学习反义词,强化对阅读部分的理解。由于内容难度不大,可以适当拓展。【教学目标】1了解反义词及其

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