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Training File2中英对照.docx

1、Training File2中英对照汽轮机运行技术知识问答Q&A for the Turbine Operation Technology1. 试述火力电厂生产过程?Please describe the production process of the firing power plant?发电厂是把各种动力能源的能量转变成电能的工厂。Power plant is a factory which generates various dynamic resources into power.火力发电厂简称火电厂,是利用煤、石油、天然气等燃料的化学能产生出电能的工厂。Firing power

2、plant, shortly called firepower plant, who mainly utilize the chemical energy from coal, petroleum, or natural gas, etc. to generate the power. 火电厂的容量大小各异,具体形式也不尽相同,但就其生产过程来说却是相似的。The volume of each power plant can be different, and so does the specific form, however, the production process are quit

3、e similar.煤送至锅炉的炉膛内燃烧。煤燃烧后形成的热烟气沿锅炉的水平烟道和尾部烟道流动,放出热量,最后进入除尘器,将燃烧后的煤灰分离出来。洁净的烟气在引风机的作用下通过烟囱排入大气。燃煤燃尽的灰渣落入炉膛下面的渣斗内,与从除尘器分离出的细灰送至灰库。The coals were put into the boiler hearth for firing, and the generated hot gas will flow along with the boilers horizontal flue and after-body flue, discharge heat energy

4、, and then get into the separator chamber to separate from coal dust. Clean gas will get through stack and flow into the atmosphere. While the exhausted dust will fall into the dust collector which is under the boiler hearth, and to be transported along with the existing dust conveyor to the dust si

5、lo.在除氧器水箱内的水经过给水泵升压后送入省煤器。在省煤器内,水受到热烟气的加热,然后进入锅炉顶部的汽包内。在锅炉炉膛四周密布着水管,称为水冷壁。水冷壁水管的上下两端均通过联箱与汽包连通,汽包内的水经由水冷壁不断循环,吸收煤燃烧过程中放出的热量。部分水在冷壁中被加热沸腾后汽化成水蒸汽,这些饱和蒸汽由汽包上部流出进入过热器中。饱和蒸汽在过热器中继续吸热,加热成符合规定温度和压力的过热蒸汽,经管道送到汽轮机做功。加热成符合规定温度和压力的过热蒸汽。过热蒸汽经管道引入汽轮机后,便将热势能转变成动能。高速流动的蒸汽推动汽轮机转子转动,形成机械能。The water within the deaera

6、tor water tank will be transferred to economizer by feed-water pump. And such water within the economizer will be transferred to boiler-top steam drum after heated up by the hot gas. Water pipes were densely covered on the boiler hearth and form as water cooling wall. The water cooling wall tubes ar

7、e interconnected with steam drum through tube header by upper side and lower side, the water inside the steam drum continuously circulate along with the water cooling wall and absorb the heat energy which discharged during coal firing process. Partly water will transform into steam on the wall after

8、 heating process, such saturated steam will flow into the super-heater through steam upper side. And the saturated steam will continue absorb heat within the super-heater, super-heated steam which conform to the rated temperature and pressure will transfer to turbine through pipeline, after the turb

9、ine process, the heat energy will be transformed into power. The high speed rotated steam will push the turbine rotor move and generate mechanical energy.汽轮机的转子与发电机的转子通过连轴器联在一起。当汽轮机转子转动时便带动发电机转子转动。励磁柜发出的直流电送至发电机的转子线圈中,使转子成为电磁铁,周围产生磁场。当发电机转子旋转时,磁场也是旋转的,发电机定子内的导线就会切割磁力线感应产生电流。这样,发电机便把汽轮机的机械能转变为电能。电能经变

10、压器将电压升压后,由输电线送至电用户。 The rotors of turbine and generator will be interconnected via couple. The generator rotor will be driven to rotate by the turbine rotor. DC energy launched by exciting panel will be transferred to the generator rotor wiring which transform the rotor as electromagnetism, and the

11、surrounding magnetic field will be rotated when the generator rotor keep rotation, furthermore, the wire inside the generator stator will incise the magnetic force line induction and generate electric current. In this case, the generator can transform the turbine mechanical energy into power. Finall

12、y the power will transfer to the power users after the voltage was ascended by the transformer.在汽轮机内作完功释放出热势能的蒸汽从汽轮机下部的排汽口排出,称为乏汽。乏汽在凝汽器内被循环水泵送入凝汽器的冷却水冷却,从新凝结成水,此水成为凝结水。凝结水由凝结水泵送入到除氧器内,完成一个循环。在循环过程中难免有汽水的泄露,即汽水损失,因此要适量地向循环系统内补给一些水,以保证循环的正常进行。除氧器是为了除去水含的氧气以减少对设备及管道的腐蚀。The steam which discharged from

13、the turbine lower side was called exhausted gas. Such exhausted gas was transferred into the condensing cooling water for cooling down by the circulating pump, and condensed as water again; such water was called condensed water; and the condensed water will be transferred in to the deaerator to fini

14、sh one-time circulation. The steam leakage can not be avoided during the circulation process, which called steam loss, so some water shall be added into the circulating system so as to keep the smooth circulating process. The function of deaerator is to reduce the oxygen composition within the water

15、 which may result in potential erosion impact for the equipment and pipeline.以上从能量转换的角度,火力发电厂生产过程即把是燃料的化学能蒸汽的热势能机械能电能的过程。在锅炉中,燃料的化学能转变为蒸汽的热能;在汽轮机中,蒸汽的热能转变为轮子旋转的机械能;在发电机中机械能转变为电能。炉、机、电是火电厂中的主要设备,亦称三大主机。与三大主机相辅工作的设备成为辅助设备或称辅机。主机与辅机及其相连的管道、线路等称为系统。火电厂的主要系统有燃烧系统、汽水系统、电气系统等。In view of the energy transfor

16、mation consideration, the power plant production process can be broke up as: fuel chemical energy steam heat energy mechanical energy power. During the boiler process, the fuel chemical energy will be transformed into steam heat energy; during the turbine process, steam heat energy will be transform

17、ed into mechanical energy of rotor rotation; the generator mechanical energy will be transformed into power. Boiler, turbine and generator are the main equipment inside the power plant, and also called three main machines; and its supporting equipment called auxiliary equipment; while the pipeline a

18、nd wiring which interconnect the main and auxiliary facilities were called system. There are fueling system, steam system and electric system mainly inside a power plant.除了上述的主要系统外,火电厂还有其它一些辅助生产系统,如燃煤的输送系统、水的化学处理系统、灰的排放系统等。这些系统与主系统协调工作,它们相互配合完成电能的生产任务。为了保证这些设备的正常运转,火电厂装有大量的仪表,用来监视这些设备的运行状况,同时还设置有自动控

19、制装置,以便及时地对主辅设备进行调节。现代化的火电厂,已采用了先进的计算机分散控制系统。这些控制系统可以对整个生产过程进行控制和自动调节,根据不同情况协调各设备的工作状况,使整个电厂的自动化水平达到了新的高度。自动控制装置及系统已成为火电厂中不可缺少的部分。Beside the above mentioned main systems, there are also some other auxiliary systems in support of the production process, (e.g., the transportation system for coal, chemi

20、cal treatment system for water, discharge system for dust.) those systems may coordinate with the main systems, and cooperatively finish the power generation process. In order to ensure the regular performance of these machines, there are also many instrument applied to monitoring these machines ope

21、ration, and equipped with automatic control device so that the main and auxiliary machines can be easily adjusted. The modernized power plant nowadays had already adopted advanced Computer Decentralization System which can control and adjust the whole power generation process automatically, and coor

22、dinate each machines working condition on the basis of various situations; in this case, the automation level reached a record high for the whole power plant. Automatic control devices and systems had already become a must-have part.2. 锅炉本体有哪些主要部件?各有什么主要功能?The boiler body consists of what sort of co

23、mponents, and how about their functions?答:锅炉的功能是利用燃料燃烧放出的热能产生符合规定温度和压力的过热蒸汽。锅炉本体的结构和主要部件都是为了实现它的功能而设置的。锅炉本体的结构有炉膛、水平烟道和垂直烟道(尾部烟道),主要部件按燃烧系统和汽水系统来设置,有省煤器、汽包、下降管、水冷壁、过热器等。炉膛内的飞灰随烟气经水平烟道、垂直烟道到除尘器,除尘器把烟气中98%以上的细灰除下落入除尘器下部的灰斗中,极少的细灰随烟气经吸风机送入烟囱排入大气。灰斗中的积灰由除灰设备定时除出炉外。 省煤器布置在垂直烟道中,它把给水母管送来的水利用烟气进行加热再送到汽包中。

24、汽包布置在锅炉顶部,它在锅炉的汽水循环中起着接收来水、储水和进行汽水分离的作用。 汽包中的水经下降管、水冷壁下联箱(它们都布置在炉膛外壁)送到水冷壁。水冷壁是布置在炉膛四周的排管,在炉膛内燃烧的燃料所放出的热把水冷壁管内的水加热成汽水混合物。汽水混合物经水冷壁上联箱和上升管进入汽包。汽包中的汽水分离器把汽水混合物进行分离,分离出的蒸汽送到过热器,余下的水留在汽包中继续参加水循环。过热器布置在炉膛上部和水平烟道中,它把蒸汽加热并调节成符合规定温度的过热蒸汽,过热蒸汽经集汽联箱、主汽门到汽轮机。The function of the boiler is to utilize the fuel fi

25、ring to discharge super-heated steam with rated temperature and pressure, and its components were equipped to actualize previous mentioned function. The boiler body consists of hearth, horizontal flue and vertical flue (after-body section), and the main components were set up according to the fuelin

26、g system and steam system which include economizer, steam drum, descend tube and water cooling wall, super heater, etc. the dust inside the hearth will get through the horizontal flue and vertical flue until into separator chamber together with hot gas, of which 98% of the tiny dust will be discharg

27、ed into the dust collector under the separator chamber, and the rest will flow into the atmosphere through ID fan. The accumulated dust in the dust collector will be discharged outside boiler by the timing dust device. The economizer was set up inside the vertical flue which utilizes the water from

28、the water header to be heated by the hot gas and then sent into the steam drum. The steam drum was set up at the boiler top which was used as receive coming water, storage and separate the water from steam. The water from steam drum get through the down comer, water cooling wall lower tube header (t

29、hose are set up at the outer wall of the hearth) until get to the water cooling wall. Water cooling wall is the tube panel which was installed around the hearth, the fuels which was fired in the hearth release out heat and heat up the water inside the water cooling wall tube and transform it into st

30、eam-water compound. The steam-water compound will get into the steam drum through water cooling wall upper tube header and up-riser. The steam and water separation device within the steam drum will separate the steam-water compound and such treated steam will be sent to super-heater, and left the re

31、st water stay in the steam drum to involve in the circulation process. The super-heater was set up at the hearth upper location and horizontal flue which heat up the steam and adjust it into super-heat steam with rated temperature and send it into the turbine via steam tube header and main steam val

32、ve.4. 汽轮机主要有哪几部分组成?都有哪些设备?答:汽轮机由静止部分和转动部分组成;静止部分包括汽缸、隔板、喷嘴和轴承等;转动部分包括轴、叶轮、叶片和联轴器等,此外,还有汽封和盘车装置。The turbine consists of what sort of components, please state out them?The turbine consists of stillness part and rotation part; the stillness part includes the cylinder, clapboard, nozzle and bearing, etc

33、; and the rotation part includes the shaft, blade disc, blade and couple, etc., moreover the steam seal and turning device are also inclusive. 5. 汽缸的作用是什么?What is the function of turbine?答:汽缸的主要作用是将汽轮机的通流部分(喷嘴、隔板、转子等)与大气分开,保证蒸汽在汽轮机内完成其做功过程。此外,它还要支承汽轮机的某些静止部件(隔板、喷嘴室、汽封套等),承受它们的重量。The main function of turbine is to separate

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