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1、新课标高考英语科命题思路新课标高考英语科命题思路 全国各地将继续实行“全国统一考试分省自主命题”的原则,但是它们都将依据教育部考试中心的“注重基础,强调运用,突出能力”的“命题总体思路”进行命制。结合近几年全国及各地英语卷特点,高考英语试卷具体有以下七条命题思路: 【命题思路一】语言真实,素材源于生活 全国各地的高考试卷从听力、单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解到短文改错和书面表达各大题型的内容均与学生的日常生活活动息息相关,具有较强的时代感,并且注重人文关怀。英语试题会继续体现这样的一个原则:创设真实的语言环境、运用地道的语言、选用贴进学生生活学习的具有时代感的素材。这要求考生在备考时,要具备相当

2、丰富的生活文化知识,还要有一定的人文素养。 高考所测试的基础知识,不仅包括基础语音、基础语法和大约1,200个基础词汇,而且还包括“基础话题”,如:个人情况、家庭、朋友、学校生活等等。这类基础话题都是在初中一、二年级就已经接触过的,而且一直见诸于初高中各个年级的语料之中。 仅就听力理解而言,据不完全统计,经常出现“英语课程标准”所列的“1、个人情况”、“2、家庭、朋友与周围的人”、“4、日常生活”、“5、学校生活”和“16、旅游和交通”等多种基础话题,例如全国卷出现的场景有银行场景、购物场景、租房场景、打电话场景等,湖北卷听力部分的对后一段独白是有关英语在线学习的内容,这都是考生在日常生活中非

3、常熟悉的。 单选部分的题干设置所涉及的话题也基本来源于生活,考生们都比较熟悉。例如:Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?_. Ours is much stronger than theirs. A. Of course B. It depends C. Dont mention it D. By no means这个小对话的话题是有关大家都很关注的亚运会,“你认为在即将到来的亚运会上他们的乒乓球队会得第一么?”,结合对方的回答“我们的国家队比他们国家队强

4、多了。”可以得出答案D. By no means 绝对不可能。 再比如 More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities _ space. A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of这道题涉及到在大城市很常见的高楼大厦。“越来越多的摩天大楼在大城市被建起是由于缺乏空间。”根据句意还有各个选项的含义:A. 寻找,B. 代替,C. 因缺乏,D. 生怕、以免可以得出答案C。 完形填空,阅读理解以及书面表达不仅涵盖这些基础话题,而且增加了诸如:“2

5、4、文学与艺术”、“17、语言学习”、“18、自然”、“20、科普知识与现代技术”等等“ 热点话题 ”,尤其是,诸如有关“7、个人感情”、“8、人际关系”等“社会话题”的哲理思辨文章。这在一定程度上丰富了阅读理解能力的测试要求。 例如完形填空,有文章讲的是医生和一名年老病人之间的事,从医生和病人交流的过程中来阐释这位年老病人的爱情观和生活观,文章结尾部分升华主题,发人深思。还有的完型填空的选材是通俗易懂的记述文,通过一个孩子的自述,向读者展示了其继母如何用热情和鼓励帮助他及其家人如何获得成功故事。还有的记叙文,主要描写自己从最初接触英英词典的惊异,到习惯使用英英词典以及使用英语词典的好处。这些

6、文章无论是题材内容还是体裁风格都为考生所熟悉。 近年高考阅读理解文章的选材更趋现代化、生活化,进一步突出实用性和时代性,更广泛地涉及到社会、自然、科学,人生观等日常生活各个领域。例如有的阅读理解讲述了美国城市的新变迁;农业在利用淡水资源方面存在的问题;主编的劝说同行要注重手下记者的职业发展,激发他们的潜能的公开信等。这些文章都取自于日常生活。 写作部分的短文改错基本上都是一篇贴近学生生活的记叙文,有的甚至是学生平时的习作。 例如陕西卷短文改错是作者姐姐去超市购物买茶杯的经历: My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other d

7、ay. She liked it at once. Then she bent down and picked up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on her T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted get out of the shop as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It was tur

8、ned out to be her own cup, that shed left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister, for I just thought it was funny!书面表达的取材也多是和学生生活密切相关的,让学生做到有话可说。例如要学生就“please、 thank you、sorry”等礼貌用语的魔力写一篇半开放作文;要求学生在电视、手机和网络三者中放弃其中一个并陈述理由。 如果考生平时知识面较广,对这些内容的背景知识有一定程度的了解,不仅会从平时

9、的阅读中获得一些益处,在考试时也能游刃有余,这样的选材会对学生的全面发展起到良好的促进作用。 【命题思路二】尽量保持英语原材料语言的真实性 学生在学习语言时,接触的都是一些情景真实、语言地道的语言材料,因为这样才能够真正体会到该语言所承载的文化,学习到不同情景下所使用的实实在在的语言。语言学习是这样,语言测试也应该是这样,本着这一原则,2012年试题会尽力保持所选材料的原始风格,但是结合学生的实际水平,按照高考对学生的能力要求简单的进行了一些修改,主要是在词汇方面。 比如听力部分一段材料是一份学校对于新生的欢迎词: Welcome to Montfort School, thank you f

10、or choosing our school and for joining the happy Montfort family, which has been educating boys since 1916. We are so happy that you have taken time off to be with us today. It is with great pleasure that we have prepared some events that we hope will please you. At 9:00 am, our headmaster will give

11、 a welcome speech; this will be in the school hall. Please be sited by 8:45 am. Following the speech, its the guide tour of the exhibition at 9:30, here you can see the proud history of our school and our achievements in the field of education. The exhibition is laid out in the classrooms on the 2nd

12、 floor. Then the guide tour of science labs at 10:20 am, here you can see the subjects that new students will be studying. You will also notice that our labs have excellent equipment. At 11:00 am, you will be guided to the tool to practical areas. This covers our technical workshops, music, and othe

13、r areas of our school life. At Montfort, we believe in all around development of our students. Lunch will be at 12:00. It has been specially prepared for our guests. All our teachers and student leaders will be present to answer any questions that you have in your minds. We are so happy that you cou

14、ld be with us today. 像这样的内容在国外学校中非常常见,命题人把里面的词汇和内容稍作改变,使得中国的学生能更容易理解和接受。 阅读理解中也经常出现一些国外的广告,国外报纸的新闻报道和科普杂志节选的短文等内容,例如关于莎士比亚故居和展览的广告;关于温莎城堡的旅游广告;有关法国游客有救落水儿童感动纽约的新闻报道;关于飞机飞行和地球引力的科技短文等。 这些材料都是取材于国外的报刊杂志等,情景真实,语言准确地道。通过做这些题,学生不仅可以对国外的生活、时事、科技动态有所了解,最重要的是能熟悉说英语国家的一些用语习惯,感受地道英语,这对于学生学习英语有着很大的帮助。 【命途思路三】着

15、重考查考生对基础知识的综合运用能力 学习语言特别是学习外语,不掌握一定的基础知识是谈不上对语言的实际应用的。高考卷对考生基础知识的综合应用能力有一定的要求。在语法、词汇考查方面,试卷对中国学生学习英语感到最难掌握的动词时态、语态以及复杂的非谓语动词形式进行了重点考查。对动词的喜好表现的更是明显,而在考查动词的题目中,时态语态题又在各地的高考卷中都占有很大比例。 例如: (湖南卷) I walked slowly through the market, where people all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices ca

16、refully and bought what I needed. A. sell B. were selling C. had sold D. have sold 这道题根据选项可以得知考察动词的时态和语态,根据题干中“I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed”的提示可判断此处表示“人们当时正在出售各种水果和蔬菜”,即表示过去某时正在发生的动作,故选B项。 (全国卷I)The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _.

17、A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made 该题句意为:在澳洲金矿的发现使千百人相信将会发财。根据选项此题考察时态和语态。make fortune译为发财,make在句中需要使用被动形式,因此排除B和D,题干中led提示时间为过去,因此选择C。be to do译为“将会、将要”,was to be made表示过去将来。 除了动词的时态语态,动词和动词短语词义辨析以及非谓语动词也都是考察热点。 例如: (山东卷) Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching othe

18、rs working on it.A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up该句句意应为“山姆只是凭借看别人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。”表示“学会” 用pick up。 pick up另外还有“捡起; 顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始;获得”等义; bring up 表示“抚养,教育;提出;呕吐”;look up 表示“向上看;(形势)好转,改善; 查阅”;set up表示“建立,设置;造成,产生”,故答案选C。 (湖北卷) Had he _ her promise, she would have made it to Yale

19、University.A. looked up to B. lived up to C. kept up with D. come up with 该题的难点不仅仅在于这四个词组的辨析,更主要的是考生要读得懂这个句子的意思。该句是典型的虚拟语气, “if” 引导的非真实条件句的倒装句,描述的事于过去事实是相反的。“如果她当年履行了自己的诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。”look up to译为“抬头看,尊重”;keep up with译为“跟上,追上”;come up with译为“追赶上;想出;提出”;只有live up to“履行,实行”符合题意。 (北京卷)25. Im calling to

20、 enquire about the position _ in yesterdays China Daily.A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertised本题考查非谓语动词。该句的句意为:我打电话来咨询下昨天中国日报上刊登职位的信息。 the position肯定是被广告的,此处的过去分词可以理解为一个定语从句which was advertised,故答案选A。 除了动词外,考查从句的题目在历年高考题中也占有不小比例。在各地试卷中,考察状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句的题目每年都会出现23题。 例如

21、: (江西卷) The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister _ she would stay for an hour. A where B who C which D what此题考察定语从句。定语从句的先行词为centre而不是her sister,如果先行词找不对容易误选B。定语从句she would stay for an hour 不缺宾语或主语, 故要填状语, 表地点用关系副词where。股答案选A(浙江卷) It is uncertain _ side effect t

22、he medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether本题考查主语从句的引导词。根据句意:尽管大约有两千名病人服用过这种药物,但是,它会带来什么样的副作用还不确定。side effect意思是“副作用”,还原主语从句中的主干是the medicine will bring about _ side effect。故选择what,起修饰作用,译为“什么样的”。 (上海卷) _ you may have, you should gather

23、 your courage to face the challenge.A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problemC. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem该题考查让步状语从句,根据句意“无论你有多么严重的问题,你都应该鼓起勇气面对挑战”排除B、D, however做连接副词,相当于no matter how,后接形容词或副词,意为“无论、不管”,引导让步状语从句,其序为“however+形容词、副词+主语+谓语”。 就总体而言各地高考卷单项选择题重视基础,强调语

24、境,注重运用。知识点覆盖面广,动词所占的比例大,考点相对集中,题目整体难度不大,无偏题、怪题,强调在语境中运用英语。虽然历年有些常见考点并没有涉及,但备战2012年高考的考生对于这些语法点还是不能小视,一定要彻底理解,毕竟高考英语是综合语法点的考核。 高考对基础知识的综合运用能力的要求在完形填空题部分的体现是对考生在正确理解上下文内容、理顺上下文逻辑和情节的基础上对基础词汇、语法知识的掌握情况进行考查。 例如湖北卷完形填空: The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy as Susan made her way carefully up th

25、e steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to 31 the seats, settled in one of them. It had been a year since Susan became blind. As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of 32 . Susans husband Mark watched her 33 into hopelessness and he was 34 to use every possi

26、ble means to help his wife. Finally, Susan felt ready to 35 to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too 36 to get around the city by herself. Mark 37 to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening 38 she could manage it by herself. For two weeks, Mark

27、39 Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other 40 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new 41 . At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip 42 . Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she hugged her husband 43 , he

28、r eyes filled with tears of gratitude(感激). She said good-bye and, for the first time, they went their 44 ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement 45 Susan. She was doing it!On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work 46 . As she was getting off the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure 4

29、7 you.” Curious, Susan asked the driver 48 . “You know, every morning for the 49 week, a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely,” the bus driver said. Tears of happiness poured down Susans cheeks. She

30、was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than 50 , that is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness. 31. A. touch B. grab C. count D. feel32. A. weakness B. sickness C. darkness D. sadness33. A. run B. sink C. jump D. step34. A. inspired B. determined C. honored D. pleased35. A. return B. adjust C. contribute D. stick36. A. tired B. astonished C. depressed D. frightened37. A. volunteered B. attempted C. continued D. struggled38. A. when B. as C. until D. after39. A. drove B. directe

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