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1、高考英语作文真题范文挖空截至07年14年广东高考基础写作及读写任务范文第一部分 基础写作2014年广东高考基础写作你接受了一项写作任务,要为当地英语晚报写一篇报道。写作内容:请根据以下信息写一篇英文报道,内容包括:人物:英国人查理德阿维斯(Richard Avis)出生日期:1974年12月1日时间:2011年开始在世界各地寻找同年同月同日生的人目的:理解不同文化中成功人生的含义相关信息:借助当地媒体寻找迄今找到32名,其中男性17名,女性15名,来自13个国家职业包括政府官员、运动员、司机、教师、艺术家等计划40岁生日前找到40位同年同月同日生的人打算根据此经历写一本书 同年同月同日生的人:

2、time twin Richard Avis,a British man 1 (bear) on December 1st,1974,started a project to have a global search 2 his time twins in 2011. 3 the help of the local media,32 people from 13 countries 4 (find) up till now. They are 17 men and 15 women 5 work as government officials, 6 (athletic),drivers,tea

3、chers,artists and so on . The purpose of this project is to understand the different 7 (mean) of a successful life in different cultures. Richard plans to find 40 time twins 8 his 40th birthday and write a book about this experience. 2013年广东高考基础写作请根据以下信息, 写一篇关于移民火星的快讯。志愿者的选拔到2015年, 在全球选出约30名去火星的志愿者。

4、志愿者的条件至少18岁;做好不回地球的准备;愿与他人保持良好的关系。专家的观点火星生活条件太艰苦;面临严寒气候、孤独和恐惧。志愿者观点厌倦地球生活,想体验火星生活;如果成功, 就是人类英雄。火星:the Mars About thirty volunteers 1 (choose) from all over the world by 2015 to go to the Mars. The volunteers 2 (be) over eighteen years old, 3 (prepare) not to return to the earth, and willing to keep

5、a good relationship 4 other people. Some experts think that the 5 (live) conditions on the Mars are hard because it is difficult for the volunteers 6 (face) the cold weather, loneliness and fear. The volunteers believe that 7 they are successful, they will become the 8 (hero) of human beings. Whats

6、more, they are tired 9 living on the earth, 10 they want to experience the life on the Mars.2012年广东高考基础写作你接受了一项写作任务,要为英语校报写一篇人物介绍。【写作内容】请根据以下信息,介绍一位传奇人物姓 名:Allan Stewart国 籍:澳大利亚出生日期:1915年3月7日世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。第一个学位:1936年获得第二个学位:医学博士第三个学位:80多岁时决定学习法律,2006年获得硕士学位。第四个学位:2012年通过网络学习获得

7、,善于合理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。*硕士学位:masters degree; *博士:doctorAllan Stewart, of Australian nationality, _1_(bear) on March 7, 1915. He _2_(get) his first degree in 1936 and_3_ his second degree of Doctor of Medicine. He believed that _4_ is never too old _5_ challenge oneself. Therefore, in his _6_(eighty), he

8、 decided to study law, and in 2006 he set a world record for becoming _7_(old) person to get a masters degree. Because he was so good at _8_(arrange) his study time, he got praise_9_ his teacher, and in 2012 he managed to get his _10_(four) degree by network learning. 2011年广东高考基础写作:以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道

9、基本信息: 书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 作者:Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁大学教授 出版时间:2010年 内容:作者用中国传统方式教育两个女儿的故事 效应:引发中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论相关报道: 中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售 意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法 最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁录取 耶鲁:Yale 哈佛:HarvardA book _1_(entitle) Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua was published in 2010. It _2_(tell)

10、how the author, _3_Chinese American and professor at Yale University,_4_( educate) her two daughters in the _5_(tradition) Chinese way. Its publication has started a debate as _6_ which way of parenting is superior, the traditional way _7_ the American way. It _8_(report) that the Chinese version of

11、 the book began to sell in China early 2011. _9_( expect), the _10_(major) of mothers in China disagree with the author though her 17-year-old elder daughter was lately reported to have got offers from both Harvard and Yale.2010年广东高考基础写作以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的主要内容。内 容:公共场所禁烟实施时间:2011年1月1日起实施范围:全国目 标:所有室

12、内公共场所无烟措 施:张贴禁烟标志相关数据: (1)吸烟人数:约3 5亿 (2)分 布:男性75;女性25 (3)受二手烟影响人数:约5 4亿 (4)因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万年 二手烟:second-hand smokeThe Chinese government has decided to ban smoking in public places across the country. This 1_(decide), which aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free, will come into _2_(affect) f

13、rom the first day of 2011. _3_ this end, no-smoking signs_4_(put) up in all indoor public places. Currently China has about 350 million smokers, among _5_75% are men and 25% are women. Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke, _6_causes 100,000 _7_(die) per year.2009年广东高考基础写作你是校报小

14、记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况:时间:上周末对象:眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授主题:我国中小学生近视(short-sighredness)问题基本信息:(1)发生率:略高于50 (2)人数:世界第一专家解读:(1)原因:很复杂 (2)治疗:没有哪一种药物能治愈近视 (3)建议:不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动 (4)特别提示:如何握笔也和近视有关Last weekend, I had 1_ interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, 2_(concern) the issue of short-sightedness of

15、the school children in China. According to Professor Wang, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted, 3_ ranks the first in the world. He also 4_ (point) that the causes for short-sightedness are 5_ complicated that no medicine can cure short-sightedness. He sug

16、gested that school children 6_(avoid) overuse of their eyes and do more outdoor activities. He 7_ (particular) reminded us that 8_ to hold a pen is also related 9_ short-sightedness.2008年广东高考基础写作你很荣幸成为2008北京奥运会的一名志愿者,负责编写奥运比赛项目英语介绍。写作内容请根据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍:背景:射击最初只是生存工具,19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。1896:第一次成为奥

17、运项目1904:中断1928:中断1932:重回奥运会1968:第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛现状:稳步发展,1896奥运会只有三项射击项目,现今有17项。It was not until 1_ the end of 19th century 2_ shooting, 3_ (originate) as a means of 4_ (survive), earned its status as a sport. Shooting became an Olympic event _5_ (official) in 1896. _6_, twice in history (1904, 1928)

18、shooting was suspended at the Olympics. It returned to the Games in 1932, and women were first allowed to participate in the _7_ (compete) in 1968. The sport _8_ (grow) steadily from 1896s three events to todays seventeen.2007年广东高考基础写作上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:写作内容根据以上数据,写一篇短

19、文,包括以下内容:1调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象;2男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异;3“父母”在男女生偶像中的排序差异;4男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同;5你的偶像及理由。写作要求1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。Last week, we did a survey _1_ 2,600 students on the “who is your idol”. The survey _2_ (show) that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols, _3_ 48% of the boys fig

20、ure sports stars. _4_ the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. _5_, the _6_ (percent) of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as _7_ of the girls. As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his _8_ (invent) have greatly changed our life.20

21、14: 1.born 2. For 3. With 4. have been found 5. Who 6. Athletes 7. meanings 8. before13年答案:1.will be chosen 2. must be 3. prepared 4.with 6. to face 7. if 8. heroes 9. of 10.so12年答案:1.was born 2. got 3.then 5. to 6. eighties 7.the oldest 8. arranging 9. from 10. fourth 11年答案:1. entitl

22、ed 2.tells 3. a 4. educated 5. traditional 6. to 7. or 8. is reported 9. unexpectedly 10. majority 10年答案:1. decision 2. effect 3.To 4. will be put up 5. whom 6.which 7. deaths09年答案:1. an 2. concerning 3. which 4.pointed 5. so 6. avoid 7. particularly 8. how 9. to 08年答案:1. at 2.that 3. originated 4.

23、survival 5. officially 6. However 7. competition 8. has grown 07年答案:1. among 2. shows 3. while 4. As 5. However 6. percentage 7. that 8. inventions第二部分 读写任务2014年广东高考读写任务写作内容1. 用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2. 用约120个词就Miss McCarty的捐助谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1) 你如何看待她的捐助行为;(2) 你认为她的捐助对受惠学生有哪些影响;(3) 如果你自己要捐助,你会选择哪个群体并陈述理由。 Oseo

24、la McCarty was a laundrywoman for more than 75 years who earned a few dollars each time. But she donated $150,000 of all her life savings to help the students who needed financial help. _ _. Virtuous and warm-hearted, she has donated a considerable amount of money to help college students struggling

25、 with financial difficulties, thereby motivating people at any other corner of the world to participate in this affectionate activity. _ _ . They can buy many things they need and may be more grateful and kinder. Therefore, its more likely for them to help others in the future. Not only will the lad

26、ys generosity paint a very brilliant blue print for the future of those students in want of money, but also it will rekindle their faith in life. _ _. Convincing arguments as follows can be made to support my stance. For one thing, generous and selfless dedication is indispensable(绝对需要的)assistance t

27、o them, especially when they are confronted with pain and sorrow, twists and turns. For another, just as an Indian old saying goes, roses in her hand, flavor in mine. That is to say, great satisfaction would step slowly and gracefully into mercy-producers souls as well. Suggested answers:1.I think h

28、er behavior is very unselfish and worth praising2.From where I stand, the $150,000 is of great help to the students who have financial problems3. Given the chance, I would make donations to those who still live under the bottom line of modern living condition.2013年广东高考读写任务写作内容1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。2. 以约

29、120个词谈谈你对平凡工作的想法, 内容包括:(1)描述清洁工工作的艰辛;(2)假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何?(3)你对平凡的工作的看法。Many people find their work unpleasant because they cannot get satisfaction from what they are doing. But their work is important and necessary to society even it is boring and ordinary. Therefore, we should respect ordinary workers. _. Whether it is cold in winter or hot in summer and whether it is sunny or rainy, they have to work in a bad working environment with dirt and dust, from dawn to night. Whats worse, they are often ignored or looked down upon and what they get is low income. _

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