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创新设计届高三英语四川专用一轮模块过关检测 必修二.docx

1、创新设计届高三英语四川专用一轮模块过关检测 必修二模块过关检测(必修二)第卷(选择题共90分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,共40分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)Prince William will be fiercely protective of his new son to ensure he has a chance of a normal family life,_ that means in Royal circles.Ahowever BwhateverCwherever Dwhich

2、ever答案B句意:威廉王子将极力保护新生的儿子,确保他有机会享受“正常的”家庭生活,无论“正常的”家庭生活在王室圈中意味着什么。whatever引导让步状语从句并在从句中作宾语, whichever有范围限制。2(原创)It was the spirit of fearing no sacrifice _ enabled the PLA to win battles against enemies and obtain the precious peaceful life for its people.Ahow Bthat Cwhat Dwhere答案B句意:是不怕牺牲的精神使得解放军能够战

3、胜敌人并为其人民赢得宝贵的和平生活。分析句子结构可知,本题考查“it is.that.”的强调句型,被强调部分是the spirit of fearing no sacrifice,故应用that。3(2014太原模拟)_ over everything whenever we want to make a decision,many people believe,and we will have less chance of making mistakes.AThink BTo thinkCThinking DThought答案A考查特殊句式。分析句子结构可知,“and”连接的是两个并列句,

4、“many people believe”为插入语。根据句式“祈使句and/orsb will.”可知,A选项与此相符合。故选A。4(2014自贡一诊)Wallace Chung can sing,dance and act as well.This is _ he has appealed to his fans for nearly 20 years.Abecause Bwhy Cthat Dhow答案B考查表语从句。句意:钟汉良会唱歌、跳舞还有表演,这就是他吸引他的粉丝将近20年的原因。空格处引导表语从句,根据句意可知应用why引导。5(2014连云港模拟)He said youd be

5、 giving them a lift._ There are already five people.AWhy not? BAs you wishCNot likely. DAll right.答案C句意:他说你要载他们一程。不可能。这里已经有五个人了。Not likely“不可能”; Why not?“为什么不呢?”;As you wish“如你所愿”; All right相当于OK。6(原创)Google has been selling its newest hightech device,Google Glass,to a select group _ the technology

6、so it can be improved for the mass market.Atesting BtestedCto test Dto be tested答案C句意:谷歌公司向一些挑选出来的人出售其最新高科技产品谷歌眼镜,以求进一步改进技术,最终打入市场。此处用不定式作目的状语。7(2014哈尔滨高三一模)There is a lot for Sam to improve _ he has achieved good results so far.Aeven though Bas thoughCnow that Dso that答案A考查状语从句。句意:尽管到目前为止萨姆取得了不错的成绩

7、,不过对他来说还有不少东西有待提高。even though意为“尽管,即使”,引导让步状语从句;as though意为“似乎,好像”,引导方式状语从句;now that意为“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句;so that意为“以便,为了;以致”,引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句。8_ in the storybook that he had bought not long before,the boy didnt notice his mother enter his room.ALosing BLostCHaving lost DTo be lost答案B句意:这个男孩着迷于不久前买的故事书,

8、没有注意到妈妈进入他的房间。be lost in沉迷于,此处过去分词短语作原因状语。9(2014河北衡水中学高三检测)Brenda is a contemporary artist,but its obvious that her painting _ by Picasso.Ahad been influenced Bhas been influencedCwas influenced Dhas influenced答案B句意:布伦达是一位当代艺术家,但是很显然她的画深受毕加索的影响。influence影响,因和主语paintings之间存在被动关系,故用被动语态。强调对现在造成影响,因此用现

9、在完成时。10My wife and I will celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary next month.Oh,_!Acheer up Bgo aheadCnever mind Dcongratulations答案D句意:下个月我妻子和我要庆祝我们结婚二十周年纪念日。祝贺了。congratulations祝贺。根据语境意义回答人应该对此表示祝贺,故选D项。cheer up振作起来;go ahead开始吧,去拿吧;never mind不要紧,没关系。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个

10、选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Midnight and another class project is due.Sometimes I wonder why Im still working so hard despite the fact that I should be _11_ with the education I currently _12_,having earned both a Bachelors and Masters degree.You see,in this life you will find those individuals who

11、sing well or run fast,using such talents to _13_ hardship and poverty.However,_14_ says that for those of us not born with the talent to entertain successfully,education is and will always be the _15_ to a better future.Now,as an adult,I clearly _16_ what my parents were trying to do by making educa

12、tion a top _17_This is why it pains me to see many children and families who do not take learning _18_In my opinion,disciplined and _19_ children can succeed,especially when their families are behind them 100 percent._20_ hardworking and productive members of society is not impossible for a family t

13、hat has one,two,three or more children.While it is known that certain neighborhoods may naturally _21_ a better environment for success,what is promoted within the home is what _22_ matters.I have wonderful _23_ of growing up in the Plymouth RoadGreenfield Road of Detroits Westside._24_ there were o

14、utbursts of violence surrounding me,that world was _25_ outside my front door.Inside,my family _26_ me daily with lessons of love,laughter,and faith.Things were not always _27_,but there was enough stability in place for me to stay focused _28_ the important things,like reading and math.Life could h

15、ave _29_ so different for me if not for the support of my family.I am so _30_ that I listened to the solid advice of my parents so that I could do better than those who came before me.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了从小作者的父母就让作者明白了教育的重要性。11A.angry BsatisfiedCdisappointed Dfamiliar答案B根据下文的both a Bachelors and Masters de

16、gree可知作者应该对自己的学业感到满意了。12A.consult Bspot Cconfirm Dpossess答案D根据下文的having earned both a Bachelors and Masters degree可知作者拥有了学士和硕士学位。13A.attract Breduce Cescape Dforget答案C很多人有天赋能让他们摆脱艰难和贫困。14A.reality BmoneyCenvironment Dfuture答案A但是事实告诉我们不是每个人都有天赋的。15A.stone Bticket Cbattle Drule答案B所以教育是通往美好的未来的门票。16A.i

17、magine BpredictCunderstand Dconclude答案C现在,作者是一个成年人了。他明白了他的父母为什么一直努力把教育作为最重要的事。17A.responsibility BentranceCevidence Dpriority答案D同上。18A.personally BsimplyCroughly Dseriously答案D看到很多家庭和孩子不认真对待教育,作者感到很伤心。19A.determined BamazedCaddicted Ddelighted答案A根据句中的disciplined可知此处指自律和有决心的孩子一定会成功。20A.Cheating BOrgan

18、izingCProducing DIgnoring答案C所以,对一个有孩子的家庭来说,创造一个努力的和对社会有用的人是可能的。21A.affect Bprovide Cimpress Darrange答案B众所周知,社区环境对一个人的成功影响很大。22A.effectively BfirmlyCtechnically Dtruly答案D但是,家庭影响确实很重要。23A.memories BdreamsCabilities Dinterests答案A根据下文的there were outbursts of violence surrounding me.可知此处指作者小时候的回忆。24A.Bec

19、ause BIf CAlthough DWhen答案C尽管作者住的地方外面很不安全,但是这些都会留在了外面。25A.fought BthrownCforbidden Dleft答案D同上。26A.praised BsupportedCdoubted Dallowed答案B在家里,作者的家人一直在支持着他。27A.perfect Bawful Cevil Dharmful答案A根据上文提到的社会环境等,可知事情并不完美。 Bwith Con Dby答案C但是作者能专注于学习。29A.turned out Bmade upCput out Dcut down答案A如果没有家人的支持,作

20、者的生活会变得不一样。30A.hopeful BthankfulCvoluntary Dthoughtful答案B作者很感激听了父母的建议,所以现在能够比别人更优秀。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,共50分)第一节(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AWhen McKenna Pope,13,went shopping for a Christmas gift for her little brother,she planned to buy him an EasyBake Oven,a toy that allows kids

21、to bake treats.Her brother,Gavyn Boscio,4,loves to cook.But McKenna changed her mind when she discovered that Hasbro,the toy company that produces the popular oven,only makes the toy in purple and pinkand only features girls on the box and in commercials.So instead of buying an oven,McKenna cooked u

22、p another plan.She started a campaign to get Hasbro to make a genderneutral oven.“I dont want them to make a boys EasyBake Oven and a girls EasyBake Oven,”McKenna,from Garfield,New Jersey,told the Associated Press.“I want them to make an EasyBake Oven for kids.”The EasyBake Oven was first introduced

23、 in 1963.At the time,the stereotype(固定模式) was that only women cooked.Today,thats changed,in part thanks to famous male chefs like Bobby Flay,who used an EasyBake Oven when he was a kid.Over the years,Hasbro says the company has featured boys on the packaging and offered the product in several differ

24、ent color schemes.But this year,just the purple and pink model is available.McKenna wants that to change,and shes not alone.Her petition(请愿书),posted on,has received more than 45,000 signatures.By next summer,McKenna should have her wish.On December 17,Hasbro invited the New Jersey teen an

25、d her family to their headquarters in Pawtucket,Rhode Island,to meet with the EasyBake Oven team.They showed her a prototype,or model,of their newest EasyBake Oven,which is scheduled to hit stores in 2013.The new color scheme is black,silver and blue.The company also told McKenna they plan to featur

26、e boys in ads.McKenna was happy with what she saw at Hasbro.“They really met most or even all of what I wanted them to,and they really amazed me,”McKenna said.She added that Gavyn thought the new design was “awesome”【解题导语】McKenna Pope知道市场上只有供女孩子玩的烤箱玩具后,在网上提议玩具公司生产男孩和女孩都能玩的烤箱玩具。31How did McKenna prob

27、ably feel when she found out what kind of oven Hasbro produces?AExcited. BInterested.CDisappointed. DRelaxed.答案C推理判断题。根据第一段的But McKenna changed her mind when she discovered that Hasbro.可推断McKenna当时很失望。32What did Mckenna want Hasbro to do?ATo make a boys EasyBake Oven.BTo make more kinds of toys for

28、boys.CTo make more girls EasyBake Ovens.DTo make ovens aimed at both boys and girls.答案D细节理解题。根据第一段的McKenna cooked up another plan.She started a campaign to get Hasbro to make a genderneutral oven可知McKenna想让玩具制造公司生产男孩和女孩都能玩的烤箱玩具。33We know that when the EasyBake Oven was first introduced in 1963,_Aman

29、y famous chefs were menBboys liked the toy more than girlsCit was aimed at both boys and girlsDit was believed that men didnt cook答案D细节理解题。根据第二段的The EasyBake Oven was first introduced in 1963.At the time,the stereotype was that only women cooked.可知在那时,人们的固有思维是男人不下厨。34We can infer from Paragraph 3 th

30、at the company Hasbro _Ahas taken McKennas proposal very seriouslyBwants McKenna to design a boys EasyBake OvenCwants McKenna to try their first boys EasyBake OvenDdoesnt think there will be the market for boys EasyBake Ovens答案A推理判断题。根据第三段的They showed her a prototype,or model,of their newest EasyBake Oven,which is scheduled to hit stores in 2013.可推断Hasbro非常认真地对待了McKenna的提议。BAmericans are buying more products and services than ever before through

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