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1、首届中学生英语奥林匹克竞赛初三组决赛试题首届中国中学生英语奥林匹克竞赛初三组预赛试题I 语音与拼写(0.5*10)A 从A B C D 中找出下列单词黑体部分读音不相同的选项。1. A. loud B. enough C. south D. mouth2. A. wondered B. happened C. pulled D. touched3. A. salt B. already C. always D. animal4. A.maths B.clothes C.thirty D.thank5. A.nose B .hope C .move D.postB,选择正确答案,将单词拼写完整。

2、6. pron _ nc _ tion A.o;ie B.u;ai C. u; ia;a7. g _ ner. A.e;a B.e;e C.a;e D.a;a8. _ ment A.monu B. mune C.mone D.manu9.1o_sta.c o D.coa10.t_w_ A.a;o rds B.o;a C.o;o D.a;aII 单项选择(0.5*30)11. Be careful when you are crossing the street. A. Go fast B. Dont stop C Dont run D. Look out12. I

3、s there anyone in the room? A. someone B. anybody C. everything D. anything13. Tom shouted out, Be careful! A. laughed B. called C. smiled D. found14. The young man was brave when he fought against the thief. A, quick B. strong C. fearless D. angry15. A true man fears nothing. A. real B. brave C. sa

4、d D. happy16. She was sorry for getting to school so late. B. heard from C. regretted D. pardoned17. We have enough time and we neednt do the work in such a hurry.A. many B. plenty of C. great D. plenty18. Take the medicine before you go to bed, please.A.Smell B.Have C.Taste D.Sell19. Sony, I dont k

5、now what you meant.A .look B. see C. watch D. look at20. He wondered who was making faces.A. didnt know B. wanted to know C. asked D. asked to know21. This book is well written; it is worth _.A. to read B. reading C. of reading D. to be read22. Peter decided to go _ the lesson once more before class

6、. A.out B.on C.over D.down23. There is a river _ the hill.A. on the foot of B. in the foot of C. at the foot of D. at foot of24.Wei Fang speaks English better than _ else in her class. A. all B. anyone C.none D. every one25. Betty and John have come back, but _ students in the class arent here yet.A

7、. the other B. others C. another D. the others26. It will be Childrens Day soon, and were now _ busy _ a;like;like;as;as27. Youd better _ late for class, Jim.A.dont be B. wont be C.not to be D.not be28. Class was over. The teacher let his students _ the classroom.A. leave f

8、or B. leave C. leaving D. left29. The West Lake is _ in China.A. most beautiful lake B. the most beautiful lakes C. one of the most beautiful lake D. one of the most beautiful lakes30. Thats _ the village lies.A. where B.when C.why D.what31. Lets have a party tonight,_?A. shall we B. will you C. don

9、t you D. are you32. This story-book is _. I wrote _ name on its cover_.A. my; my; myself B. mine; my; myself C. myself; mine; my D. mine; myself; my33. My teacher has been here _.A. for three oclock B. since three hours C. three hours ago D. since three oclock34. This room is not ours. Its _.A. Jack

10、s and Toms B. Jack or Tom C.Jack and Toms D.Jack and Tom35. My radio doesnt work. Ill have it _.A. repair B. repaired C. repairing D. to repairC 。辨错。下列A B C D 四个选项中只有一处是错误的,请指出。36. Neither of them was in the room. Maybe they had been to the library.A B C D37. We went for a outing to the sea on Sunda

11、y morning.A B C D38. One can never learn a language without use it.A B C D-39. You can either write to me nor call me in my office.A B C D40. Her mother said she had nothing to worry. A B C D III 情景交际1*10A)41.Happy birthday to you._.A. Happy birthday to you B. I am very glad C. Thank you D. Thats al

12、l right42.This is John speaking,_? This is Mike.A. who are you B. who is he C. whos that D. are you Mike?43. Will you come to see the film with me? _.A.No,I dont B.Sorry,I cantC. Yes, I am D. Yes, I want44. May I ask you a question? _.A. Yes, you need B. Yes, askC. Yes, please D. Let me see45. Your

13、hand-writing is very good. _.A. No, no B. Thank youC. Thats all right D. Yes, it isB )补全对话 Dick: Hello, Jim. Is your homework finished?Jim:Yes,it is.Dick: Im doing my homework. Im not able to answer some questions. I require a dictionary to answer them. Will you lend me your dictionary? Jim: Yes. I

14、will. (46) ? Dick:! lost mine just yesterday. Jim; (47) ?Dick: Yes. My name and the name of our school are written on it. Jim: then youll find it soon.Dick: (48) But I must finish my homework this evening. Jim: (49) . Ill bring my dictionary to you. .Dick: Thank you very much. Jim: (50) .46. A. But

15、where is yours B. But where yours is C. But where it is yours D. But where it yours47.A.Has your name written on it B.Is your name written on it C. Are your name written on it D. Does your name write on it48. A. I believe that B.I hope that C.I think that D.I think so49. A. Dont be afraid B. Dont be

16、 sonyC. Dont worry D. Im sony to hear that50. A. Thats all right B. Never mind C. Here you are D. All rightIV 智力测试1*1051. The total (总共) ages of two boys is now seventeen, what will it be in six years time?A. Twenty-three. B. Twenty-nine. C. Eleven. D. Twenty-one.52. She is my sister. But I am not h

17、er sister. Im her _.A. younger sister B. elder sister C. daughter D. brother53. What three letters mean twenty-six letters?A.ABC B.ABZ C.EFG D.XYZ54. Why is the-letter A like twelve oclock? A. Because it is the first letter. B.Because it is in the middle of a day. C. Because it is noon. D. Because t

18、he letter A stands for twelve oclock. 55. Which is right?A. The sun is looking.B.The sun is showing. C.The sun is shining. D.The sun is outing.56.If two cats are before a cat,and two cats are behind a cat,and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all? _.A. Seven cats B. Six cats C. Two

19、cats D. Three cats57. What letter is a body of water? _.A.t B.c C.a D.e58. All hens lay eggs, therefore(因此) _.A. more hens lay more eggs : B. white hens lay more eggs C. black hens dont lay eggs D. white hens lay bigger eggs59. Fifteen children are playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏) .If only five of them ar

20、e found, how many children havent been found?. A.Eight. B.Nine. C.Ten. D.Eleven.60. There is a heavy box, which Charlie cant lift and Tom cant either. Therefore _.A. neither of them can lift anything heavier than the box B.both of them can lift anything lighter than the box C. Charlie is stronger th

21、an Tom D. Tom is stronger than Charlie V完型填空(共20小题,计20分)(A)While Tom and Mary were on holiday-at the seaside, they enjoyed (61) _ the seagulls. They (62) a lot about these lovely birds.They will often come close to you on the beach (海滩) when you are eating anything. If you (63) a piece of bread to t

22、hem they soon snatched (抓住) it away.Seagulls swim well, but they do not often dive for fish. They are also good at flying (64) their large wings. When a seagull is flying, he puts his legs (65) his body.Tom often watched them (66) close to the ground because he liked the way they (67) the air with t

23、heir wings and brought down their feet before they (68) the ground.Mary liked to see them gliding(滑翔) over the (69) as they often do, without their (70) moving, but she said she didnt like the noise they make.61. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched62. A. understood B. learned -C. found D. th

24、ought63.A.threw B.took C.sent D.pulled64.A.with C.for D.of65. A. under B. about C.on D.in66. A. to come B. came C. coming D. B.beat . C.put D.kept68. A. hit B. arrived D. touched69. A. water D. ground70. A. eyes B.feet C.legs D. wings(B) One day Mozart (莫扎特) sa

25、w an old blind street-performer (街头卖艺人) playing the violin in the street comer (71) a hat in front of him. He found out the old man was (72) one of his compositions (作品) . The old man played for (73) but still nobody put any money into his hat. Mozart asked the old man, Do you often play composition

26、s by Mozart?Yes, (74) _, answered the old man. Now, everybody knows Mozart and likes his music. Do you (75) a living by playing the violin? The old man said he (76) . Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play.He played so well (77) all the passers-by stopped to listen to the won

27、derful music and soon the old man felt very (78) that the man could play so well. He asked Mozart, Who are you, sir? Your colleague (同行) ,a poor (79) like you. Then Mozart gave the (80) back to the old man and went away71.A.on C.with D.to72.A.writing B.playing C. reading D. listening73.A.someti

28、me B.sometimes C.some time D.some is C.Mr D.Sir75.A.make C. give D.take76.A.certainly B.did C.yes D. sorry77.A.which C.that D.what78.A.happy B.worried C. disappointed D. surprised79.A.musician B.artist C. scientist D. B.violin D.hatV 阅读理解(A)In A

29、frica I heard a story about a giraffe (长颈鹿) that did not believe in himself.The giraffes mother had left him when he was a few days old because she couldnt feed him. For three years he lived in the wardens (看守人) house and played with the children. Then he grew too large for the house.The family deci

30、ded that he should return. to his fellows ( 伙伴) . They took him to join a herd(S) of wild giraffes.One look was enough for the giraffes small brain (大脑) . He could not believe that such extraordinary (特别地) animals existed (存在) .Or that he was one of them! He turned and bolted(逃走) .The family took hi

31、m back several times. In the end they gave up(放弃) . Now their giraffe lives by himself near the wardens house. 81 .The baby giraffe was probably separated (分开) from his mother becauseA. the game warden took him away B. she couldnt feed him C. the game wardens children took him D. he ran away 82. After a while the giraffe became _A. too wild to play with the children B. too large to play with the children C. lonesome for other giraff

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