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1、小学英语口语常用句型100句小学六年级英语口语一、日常生活用语1. Keep in touch. 保持联络。2.Whos calling ?是哪一位?3. You did right .你做的对。4.Give me a hand .帮帮我。5.What a pity ! 太遗憾了!6. I have no idea .我没有头绪。7. I just made it. 我做到了。8.Ill see to it .我会留意的。9. Just wonderful !简直太棒了!10.Any day will do .哪一天都行。11.Are you kidding ?你在开玩笑吧?12.I cant

2、 help it .我情不自禁。13.I dont mean it .我不是故意的。14.You set me up !你出卖我!15.Congratulations!祝贺你。二、交通 场所 方位16.My home is near.我家在附近。17.How do you go to school?你怎样去学校?18.Usually I go to school on foot.我经常步行去学校。19.I usually go to school by bus.我经常乘公交车去学校。20.Sometimes I go by bike.我有时骑自行车去。21.Lets go to the par

3、k.让我们去公园吧。22.Come to my home by bike.骑自行车来我家 。23.Where is your home?你家在哪?24.My home is near the post office.我家在邮局附近。25.Which floor?哪层楼?26.Thefifth floor.五楼。27.See you at 2oclock. 两点见。28.Stop at a red light.红灯停。29.Wait at a yellow light.黄灯等。30.Go at a green light.绿灯行。31.How can I get to Zhongshan Par

4、k?我如何能到达中山公园?32.You can go by the No.15 bus.你可以坐15路公交车。33.Can I go on foot?我可以步行吗?34.Sure,if you like.可以,如果你愿意。35.Its not far.不远。36.Is there a cinema near here?附近有电影院吗?37.Yes,there is.有38.Where is the cinema,please?请问电影院在那里?39.Its next to the hospital.在医院隔壁。40.What are you going to do after school?放

5、学后你准备干什么?41.I want to buy a pair of shoes.我想去买一双鞋。42.Excuse me.打扰了。43.Where is the post office?邮局在哪里?44.Its east of the cinema.在电影院的东边。45.Turn left at the cinema.在电影院处向左转。46.Go straight.直走。47.Its on the left.它就在你的左边。48.Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。49.Thank you all for coming.谢谢你们的到来.50. Take the No.

6、17 bus.乘坐17路公交车。51.Get off at the post office.在邮局处下车。52.Walk east for three minutes.向东走三分钟。三、周末活动53.What are you going to do on the weekend?周末你准备干什么?54.Im going to visit my grandparents.我准备去看望爷爷,奶奶。55.Is it far? 远吗?55.Yes,so Im going by train.是,所以我准备坐火车去。56.Im going to have a busy weekend.这个周末我很忙。57

7、.Where are you going?你将要去哪里?58.Im going to the bookstore.我准备去书店。59.What are you going to buy?你准备买什么?60.Im going to buy a comic book.我准备买一本漫画书。61.When are you going?你什么时候去 ?62.Im going at 3oclock.我3点去。四 、爱好63.Whats your hobby?你的爱好是什么?64.I like collecting stamps.我喜欢集邮。65I like diving .我喜欢跳水。66.He like

8、s diving,too.他也喜欢跳水。67.She likes collecting leaves.她喜欢收集树叶。68.My hobby is drawing pictures.我的爱好是画画。69.His hobby is playing chess.他的爱好是下棋。70.Her hobby is reading .她的爱好是读书。71.Dose she teach English?他教英语吗?72.No,she doesnt.不。73.Does she teach you math?她教你数学吗?74.Yes,she does.是。五、职业75.What do you do?你是做什么

9、的?76.Im a student.我是一名学生。77.What does your mother do?你妈妈是做什么的?78.She is a TV reporter.她是主持人。79.What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的?80.He is a teacher.他是一名教师。81.Where does she work?她在哪里上班?82.She works in a car company.她在汽车公司上班。83.How does she go to work?她怎样去上班?84.She goes to work by bus.他坐公交车去上班。六、自然现象

10、85.Where does the rain come from?雨来自哪里?86.It comes from the clouds.来自云。87.How do you do that?你做那件事感觉怎样?88.Its easy.很容易。89.What should you do ?你应该做什么?90. Water them.给它们浇水。七、谚语积累91.What must be must be.事实就是事实。92.It s hard to please all.众口难调。93.It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。94.Learn not and know

11、 not.不学无术。95.One stone ,two birds. 一箭双雕。96.East or west ,home is best .金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。 97.One flower doesnt a spring .一花独放不是春。98.Tomorrow is another day.明天又是新的开始。99.Seeing is believing .眼见为实。100.Where there is a will , there is a way.有志者事竟成。小学五年级英语口语一、日常生活用语1. My treat 我请客。2. So do I 我也一样。3. Forget it!

12、 休想! (算了)4. I decline! 我拒绝!5. I promise 我保证。6. Of course! 当然了!7. Slow down! 慢点!8. Take care! 保重!9. They hurt (伤口)疼。10. Try again 再试试。二、人物描述11.Do you have new teachers? 你们有新老师吗?12.Yes./No. 有/没有。 13.Whos your English teacher? 谁是你的英语老师?14.Mary./Alison.15.Whats she like? 她长的什么样?16.Shes tall and strong./

13、Shes young and pretty。 她很高很胖/她年轻漂亮。17.Hes very funny. 他很滑稽。18.I know. 我知道。19.His class is so much fun. 他的课很有趣。20.Whos that young lady? 那位年轻的女士是谁?21.Shes our principal. 她是我们的校长。22.Is she strick? 她严厉吗?23.Yes, she is. 是的。24.Shes very kind. 她很和蔼。25.Shes a university student. 她是一位大学生。26.Is she old? 她年老吗?

14、27.No, shes young. 不,她很年轻。三、星期28.What day is it? 今天星期几?29.Its Wednesday. 今天星期三。30.What do you have on Wednesdays? 星期三你们都有什么课?31.We have English, computer and P.E. 我们有英语,计算机和体育。32.I like Wednesdays. 我喜欢星期三。33.Tomorrow is Friday. 明天星期五。34.What do you do on Saturdays? 星期六你都干什么?35.I watch TV. 我看电视。36.I

15、love Saturdays. 我喜欢星期六。37.What about you? 你呢?38.I do my homework. 我做我的家庭作业。四、食物39.Im hungry. 我饿了。40.What would you like for lunch? 你午餐想吃什么?41.Id like some tomatoes and mutton. 我想吃西红柿和羊肉。42.What do you have for breakfast? 早餐你吃什么?43.I have bread and milk. 面包和牛奶。44.What do you have for lunch on Mondays

16、? 星期一午餐你们吃什么?45.We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. 西红柿,豆腐和鱼。46.Here is our school menu. 这是我们学校的菜单。47.That sounds good. 那听起来挺好的。48.Whats your favourite food? 你最喜爱什么食物?49.Fish. 鱼。50.Its tasty. 好吃。51.Whats your favourite fruit? 你最喜爱的水果是什么?52.I like apples. 我喜欢吃苹果。53.Theyre sweet. 很甜。54.I dont like grapes

17、. 我不喜欢吃葡萄。55.Theyre sour. 很酸。56.Bananas are my favourite. 香蕉是我的最爱。57.I like carrot juice. 我喜欢喝胡萝卜汁。58.Its fresh and healthy. 新鲜又健康。59.Im heavy. 我胖了。60.I have to eat vegetables. 我必须吃蔬菜。61.Lets go to a restaurant. 让我们去餐馆吧。62.OK! 好的!63.Do you have any noodles? 有面条吗?64.No. 没有。65.Yes, we do. 有。66.Im help

18、full. 我是有用的。67.I can sweep the floor. 我能扫地。68.Are you helpfull at home? 你在家有用吗?69.Sure. 当然 。70.What can you do? 你能干什么?71.I can cook the meals. 我可以做饭。72.Great! 棒极了!73.Youre helpfull. 你是有用的。74.I can water the flowers! 我能浇花。75.Can you do housework? 你能做家务吗?76.Yes,I can. 是的 。77.Can you make the bed? 你能铺床

19、吗?78.No,I cant. 不。79.Id like to have a try . 我想试一试 。五、房间80.I have my own room now. 我现在有自己的房间了。.81.Really ? 真的吗?82.Whats it like ? 它是什么样子的?83.Its small and nice . 既小又漂亮。84.I love my new room very much . 我非常喜欢我的新房间。六、 自然公园85.Theres a nature park in the city . 这个城市有一个自然公园。86.Is t here a river in the pa

20、rk ? 公园里有河流吗?87. Yes , There is. 有。88.Is therea farm ? 有农场吗?89.No , There isnt . 没有。90.The park is pretty .这个公园很漂亮。七、谚语积累91.A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。92.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。93.No pain,no gain. 不劳而获。94.A cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命。95.Every little helps.积少成多。96.Tomorrow neve

21、r comes. 明日不再来。97.A lie has no leg . 谎言是站不住脚的。98.A tooth for tooth .以牙还牙。 99.First come, first served. 先来后到。100.A snow year, a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年。小学四年级英语口语一、日常生活用语 1. So long 再见。2. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 3. Allow me 让我来。 4. Be quiet! 安静点! 5. Cheer up! 振作起来! 6. Good job! 做得好! 7. Have fun! 玩得开心! 8. How m

22、uch? 多少钱? 9.Im hungry.我饿了。10.Im thirty .我渴了11.Im tired .我累了。12.Im full.我饱了。13. Im home 我回来了。14. Im lost 我迷路了。 二、数字应用 15.How old are you ?你多大了?16.Im 我17.How old is she ?她多大了?18.Sheis 她19 .How old is he ?他多大了?20.He is 他21.How many ?多少?22.Nine.九个。23.How much is it ?多钱?24.Its sixteen yuan .16元。25.How mu

23、ch are they ?多钱?26.They are thirty -five yuan.35元。 27 .Whatsthree and four?三加四等于几?28.Three plus four equals seven .三加四等于七。29.Eight plus two equals ten .八加二等于十。30.Thirteen plus eight equals twenty-one.十三加八等于二十一。三 、天气描述31.How s the weather ?天气怎么样?32.Its cool.很凉快。33.Its warm and rainy .温暖、多雨。34.Its hot

24、 and sunny .晴朗、炎热。35.Whats the weather like today ?今天天气怎么样?36.The weather is cold and snowy .下雪、寒冷。37.The weather is windy and cloudy .多云有风。四、情景对话 38.Excuse me.打扰了。39.Where is the gym?体育馆在哪里?40.I can show you .我带你去。41.Here it is .在这儿。42.Thanks .谢谢。43.You are welcome .不客气。44.Where is the library ?图书馆

25、在哪里?45.Across from the office .穿过办公室。46.Is that far from here ?离这远吗?47.No! Its just up the stairs!不,就在楼上。48.Let me help you .让我帮你吧。49.Thank you .谢谢。50.Where are you going ?你准备去哪里?51.To the office .去办公室。52.To the stairs .去楼上。53.Can you help me ?你能帮我吗?54.Yes ?怎么了?55.Im lost .我迷路了。56.Dou you have a map

26、 ?你有地图吗?57.Yes,Here it is .有,在这儿。58.What do you want to do ?你想做什么?59.I want to buy a pair of shoes.我想买一双鞋。60.What do you want to buy ?你想买什么?61.Ice -cream.冰淇淋。62.May I help you ?我能帮你忙吗?63.Yes. I want to buy a dress.是的,我想买一件裙子。64.Where are the dresses ?裙子在哪呢?65.Ill show you .我带你去。66.This way , please .这边请。67.Here they are .在这儿。68.Do you like them .你喜欢吗?69.No.不。70.Can you play cards?你会玩牌吗?71.No. I cant .不,我不会。72.Yes . You can .是的 ,我会。73.Go fish.出牌。74.OK.好的。75.Where does a fish live ?鱼居住在哪里?76.In a river .在河里。77.Where does a panda live ?熊猫居住在哪里?78.In a forest .森林里。79.Where does a bi

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