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1、精编新人教版学年度八年级英语上册全册教学设计2019-2010学年度新人教版八年级英语上册全册教学设计(Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?)Period 1(1a-1c)Teaching aims(教学目标)1学会谈论自己和他人过去发生的事情和活动。2 能够熟练的运用本节课出现的动词短语。Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains.2要求掌握以下词汇: 动词词组(过去式形式):went on vacation, stayed at

2、 home, went to the beach, went to the mountains, visited my uncle, went to summer camp, visited museums, went to New York City(本节课短语比较多,过去式变化也不简单,鼓励学生说出更多自己知道的描述过去事情的短语。)Difficulties(难点):用准确的过去式短语描述过去发生的事情Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and lead in(课堂热身和导入)(1)New term greetings (新学期问候)T: Hello everyo

3、ne! Good to see all of you again. Did you enjoy your summer vacation? S: Yes!(师生之间的问好过后,让学生前后位、同桌之间互相问好)1(2)Lead in(导入)T: Can you tell me about the activities you did during the summer vacation? Try to use verb phrases, for example, “watch TV”.S1: I went shopping. S2: I went to the movies with my fr

4、iends.S3: I went swimming.(老师可以鼓励学生给出尽可能多的答案,并引导学生使用过去式)T: Wow. It sounds like you had a good time during the summer vacation! Im sure you enjoyed yourselves very much. Now I want to know where you went on vacation.(教师把“Where did you go on vacation?”和 I went/ 板书在黑板上)教学设计说明:从贴近学生熟悉的话题入口,通过对学生暑假生活的了解及

5、回顾,引出今天的重点内容。2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: I went to Hainan on vacation. Lily, where did you go on vacation?S1: I went to Australia. Where did you go on vacation, Henry?S2: I went to Australia. Where did you go on vacation, George?S3: (每个同学说完一件活动后教师特别强调一下过去式形式并把其原形和过去式形式写在黑板上,用彩色笔标出有变化的地方) 教学设计说明:通过学生自己的

6、真实活动描述,引出重要的动词短语,同时有意识的呈现并操练Where did you go on vacation? I went 重要句型。虽然是新课,通过这样的形式呈现学生很快会理解并掌握。3. Work on 1aT: Look at the picture in 1a on Page 1. Some students are also talking about their vacation, like we were doing earlier. They went to different places and did different things. Some stayed at

7、 home Some (引导学生说出图片中出现的其余的活动)Lets match the activities they did to the picture.(教师可以四处走动,以帮助有需要的同学)Check the answers:1. stayed at home f 2. went to New York City b3. visited my uncle g4. went to summer camp d5. went to the mountains c6. went to the beach a7. visited museums e教学设计说明:在完成1a 任务前简单的口头说出

8、图片内容其实是为连线打基础,帮助基础薄弱的同学,同时大家一起再巩固了一遍短语动词的过去式。4. Work on 1bT: Listen to these three conversations carefully and number the people in the picture using 1-5.(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)T: Listen again, then read the conversations aloud.T: Can you guess what these words mean? everyone, anyone, anywh

9、ere, nothing Have Ss guess the meanings. Help and correct Ss when necessary.教学设计说明:听并完成1b任务不难,但是好的听力材料应该充分利用,让学生听后模仿并理解重要词汇的意思有利于培养学生听力和口语水平。5. Work on 1cT: Now we know what Tina, Xiang Hua, Sally, Bob and Tom did during their vacation. Lets work in pairs and talk about the people in the picture. Th

10、en Ill choose a few pairs to present their conversation to the class.Choose two pairs to present their conversation to the class.A: Where did Tina go on vacation?B: She went to the mountains. (给学生练习的时间,然后抽查5对看对话情况,特别是过去式使用情况)教学设计说明:进一步巩固本节课所学内容,让学生对听力对话内容又了更深的理解和更好的掌握。6. HomeworkOral:Listen, then re

11、ad the three conversations aloud.Written:Make a survey about what three of your friends did during the summer vacation.教学设计说明:课后充分利用现有资源进行学习,模仿磁带是最方便有效的方法。调查三位好朋友的假期情况并能够写下就达到了学以致用的目的。(Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?)Period2(2a-2d)Teaching aims(教学目标)1学会谈论自己和他人过去发生的事情和活动。2 能够熟练的运用本节课出现的不定代词及动词短语

12、。Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式: Did you go with anyone? Did you go anywhere interesting/special? How was the food? 2要求掌握以下词汇: (1)代词/副词: nothing, anyone, anything, everything, everyone, anywhere, myself, yourself(2)形容词:wonderful, bored, few(3)名词:diary, pig, hen(4)词组:study for tests, went with my mot

13、her, taste really good, have a good time, Huangguoshu Waterfall(本节课生词较多,但是一部分是以前接触过的,因此拼读不是问题,如何正确使用是难点。)Difficulties(难点):恰当地使用不定代词和动词过去式描述过去的事情Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Review & Lead in(复习和导入)Show Ss the picture of Huangguoshu Waterfall.T: Can anyone tell me what it is in the picture?S1: Its the Huang

14、guoshu Waterfall.T: Thats right! Do you know where is it?S2: Yes! Its in Guizhou Province.T: Thats right! I went there last summer vacation with my family. Where did you go on vacation? Did you go anywhere interesting?S3:I went to T: Get into pairs and ask your classmate about their vacation.Have Ss

15、 work on their conversations in pairs then ask three pairs to present their conversation to the class.(导入时自然引出了本节课的重点词组和句型Huangguoshu Waterfall, did you go anywhere interesting? Went with my family并写到黑板上。同时复习了前一课时的内容。)教学设计说明:从教师谈论自己入口,抛砖引玉,让同学们简单分享假期有趣的事情,引出今天的重点内容。2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Everyone

16、likes to go on a vacation. We have three friends Grace, Kevin and Julie. They are talking about their vacations. Do you want to know sth about their vacations?Ss: OK.T: Great! Lets listen to what they have to say, then.3. Work on 2a & 2bT: Listen carefully and complete the chart in 2a.PeoplePlacesGr

17、aceNew York CityKevinbeachJulieAt homeCheck the answers. Encourage Ss to answers in full sentences:Grace went to New York City. Kevin went to the beach. Julie stayed at home.T: Listen again. Check Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. for each question.Did you Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Grace go with anyone? go

18、 to Central Park? buy anything special? Kevin play volleyball? swim? meet anyone interesting? Julie do anyone interesting? study for tests? go out with anyone? After listening, check the answers. Help Ss understand the new words and target language.(教师可以四处走动,了解同学们听的情况)Listen to 2b again and ask Ss t

19、o retell what they hear about Graces vacation. Do the same for Kevin and Julie.Grace went to New York on vacation with her mother. She went to Central Park and bought sth for her father.Kevin Julie 教学设计说明:听力对学生来说并不难,听完后的模仿有利于学生语音语调的提高。复述所听内容对学生是个挑战,可以尝试以培养学生复述能力。4. Work on 2c & 2dT: Now suppose you

20、are Grace, Kevin and Julie. Get into pairs and role-play the conversation. You can change the words used.教学设计说明:在学生角色扮演时,鼓励学生在原对话掌握的基础上编自己的对话,这样真实的交际才会降低难度的同时达到学以致用。5. HomeworkOral:Listen, then read the three conversations aloud. Written:Read the conversation in 2d and repeat the conversation with y

21、our own words. Then write it down in your exercise book.教学设计说明:课后充分利用现有资源进行学习,模仿磁带是最方便有效的方法。把自己课堂编的对话落实到笔头上,对于各层次的同学都是一个提高过程。(Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?)Period 3(Section B 1a-1e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1学会用适当的形容词评价不同的事物。2 听懂他人的描述并作出反馈。Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式: What did she say about her v

22、acation/people/the stores/the food? Did you do anything special there? What was it?2要求掌握以下词汇:形容词:褒义形容词(delicious, exciting, cheap)贬义形容词 (terrible, boring, expensive)Difficulties(难点):会恰当地使用不同的形容词来描述不同的事物。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Lead in & Presentation(直接导入引出新知识)T: My shoes are very cheap (写在黑板上). They

23、cost only 50 yuan, and I like them very much. I think they are beautiful. Can you give me more adjectives that I can use to describe my shoes? S1: Fantastic!S2: Wonderful (老师可以鼓励学生给出尽可能多的形容词,并引导学生适当归类并把归类结果写在黑板上)T: Thats great! Now, can you tell me which adjectives you have mentioned are positive an

24、d which are negative?(教师把Positive adjectives & negative adjectives 板书在黑板上并在对应的地方写上相应的形容词)教学设计说明:虽然学生学了不少形容词,但是形容词如何用的恰当又有何区别学生并不清楚,通过讨论和板书,学生可以清楚的知道形容词可以由褒义和贬义之分,有些甚至是中性的。2. Work on 1a & 1bWork on 1a. Look at the pictures and match them to the words in the box. Encourage Ss to give their answers in

25、full sentences, like:Cakes are delicious. The ring is expensive. The talent show is exciting.The movie is boring. The food is terrible. The eraser is cheap.Next, have Ss look at the words in 1a again. Explain that a happy face shows that the word is positive, and a sad face shows that the word is ne

26、gative. (有了刚才的导入,学生很快就能理解并顺利完成1b)Check Ss answers: Happy face (delicious, exciting, cheap) Sad face (terrible, boring, expensive)教学设计说明:通过学生归类和连线,进一步清楚了形容词的分类及用法。3. Work on 1c & 1dT: Lisa is talking about her vacation. Listen and answer the questions in 1c.Answers:1. She went to Hong Kong. 2. Yes, s

27、he did. She went to a fun park.3. Yes, she did.4. Yes, she did.Listen again. Fill in the blanksWhat did Lisa say about ?Her vacation was great.The people were friendly.The fun park was exciting.The food was delicious.The stores were very expensive教学设计说明:边听变记笔记需要精力高度集中,听完能完整地扑捉到所需要的信息就达到了此项活动的目的。4. W

28、ork on 1eT: Now, get into pairs and answer the five questions in 1e according to what you heard just now. Write your answers in your book.Encourage Ss to put their answers to all five questions into a short paragraph. For e.g.:Lisa went to Hong Kong on vacation. She went to a fun park, and she think

29、s the park is exciting. She says the people are friendly there and 教学设计说明:进一步巩固本节课所学内容,让学生通过自编对话更深的理解和更好的掌握本节课内容。5. HomeworkOral:Listen , then read the conversation aloud. Change the words used.Written:Practice your conversation with a partner, then write it down.教学设计说明:课后充分利用现有资源进行学习,模仿磁带是最方便有效的方法。

30、把课堂上没来得及一一展示的对话写下来与同学、老师分享,感受分享的快乐。(Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?)Period 4(2a-2e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1 读懂Jane的日记,了解基本内容并能扑捉关键信息。2掌握日记基本格式并克服障碍领悟日记内容,享受阅读带来的乐趣。Language points(语言点)要求掌握以下词汇和短语: (1) 动词:decide, try, wonder, wait(2) 名词:bird, bicycle, building, trader, top, umbrella,difference(3) 形容

31、词&副词:wet, enough, hungry, below(4) 短语:because of, feel like, decide to do sth, enjoy doing sth, arrive in/at, make a differenceDifficulties(难点):通过分享欣赏别人的愉快时光Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Pre-readingT: Get into groups of three or four and discuss the following questions on the screen. Choose one person in the group to share what you have discussed with the class.1. What do people usually do on vacation?2. What activities do you find

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