1、演艺居间服务协议书居间服务协议书Age ncy Agreeme nt甲方: (根据甲方的护照及签证情况,明确记载甲方的身份事项)(complete information of Party A including passport and visa information to fill hereby to indicate identities )PARTY A: 乙方: PARTY B: 地址: Location: 甲、乙双方依据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规,经友好协商,双方 就甲方委托乙方提供相关居间服务,协助甲方获得商业演出机会的事 宜,达成居间服务协议条款如下:Hereby acco
2、rding to the Peoples Republic of China laws, Part y A commits Party B to serve as age nt and assists Party A t o achieve opportunities of commercial performances, Party A a nd Party B agrees to enter into the following agency agreeme nt through friendly negotiations.一、委托事项:I. Committed items:1、甲方委托乙
3、方就其获得商业演出机会事宜,提供以甲方认可接受的价格及方式做好协调工作促成签约等服务。1. Party A commits Party B to promote and negotiate und er certain terms and commissions with acceptable price in order to achieve opportunities of commercial performance.2、“居间成功”是指乙方为甲方提供信息,为甲方提供的联络、 协助 (包括提供翻译服务 )、撮合并最终促成甲方与商业演出组织方、 娱乐场所业主等签订演出协议或其他类似协议。2
4、. “Success of agency service ”is defined as Performance Agreement or agreements in similar formats to be signed bet ween organizers of commercial performance or owners of ente rtainment places , which results from information , assistance ( including translation service) and negotiations supplied by
5、 Pa rty B.二、商业演出简述: (可以简单描述可能提供的商业演出机会 )II. Definition of Commercial Performance: (briefly described as possible commercial performance opportunities)三、 双方义务:III. Obligations of Both parties:(一) 甲方义务:(A) Obligations of Party A:1、 提供甲方相关文件及办理相关手续,保证其有权承接乙方 提供居间服务的商业演出;1. Party A should provide necess
6、ary documents and arra nge relevant procedures to assure rights for commercial performance supplied by Party B.2、 经考虑确定接受乙方提供的商业演出的信息与机会,应积 极配合乙方与商业演出组织方、娱乐场所业主等进行洽谈并做 好签约、合理安排时间进行演出等工作,包括但不限于应要求 的试演等;2 After Party A confirms to take the information or oppor tunities of commercial performance suppli
7、ed by Party B, Party A should cooperate actively with Party B during ne gotiations between Party B and organizers of commercial performance or owners of entertainment places, Party A should arrange time to sign performance agreements an d give commercial performance, including but not limited to reh
8、earsal.3、 签订本协议后,在乙方认真履行完协议约定的事项后,无论甲方最终以何种方式与商业演出组织方、娱乐场所业主等签 署合同,都视为乙方已充分妥善完成了本协议项下的居间服务;3 After signature of this agreement, If Party B follows i tems stipulated in this agreement , regardless that in whi ch format or means Party A signs performance contracts with organizers of commercial perform
9、ance or owners of entertainment places, it is to be seen that Party A com plete agency service under this agreement.4、如果居间成功, 则甲方应按本合同约定, 向乙方支付居间服 务费。4 If agency service succeeds, Party A should pay Party B agency fee according to this agreement.5、在与商业演出组织方、娱乐场所业主等签署合同后,应严 格履行合同约定义务,如因甲方原因导致乙方与商业演出组
10、织 方、娱乐场所业主等关系恶化或被投诉的,甲方应赔偿乙方相 关损失;5 After signature of performance contract between Party A and organizers of commercial performance or owners of entertainment places, Party A should strictly follow o bligations stipulated in this agreement, if due to behavior s of Party A, relationship between Part
11、y B and organizer s of commercial performance or owners of entertainment places worsens or complaints happens to Party B, Part y A should compensate Party B for relevant loses.6 Party A should be responsible for personal safeties o f lives and properties.二)乙方义务:(B) Obligations of Party B:1、乙方应保证所介绍演
12、出机会的真实性,并提供相关基本信息 资料;1. Party B should guarantee truth of introduced commerci al performance and provide relevant basic information.2、本着诚信、合法的原则从事相关活动,提供信息、协调洽谈 等做好居间服务, 促成签约; 并在谈判中尽到作为居间人的谨慎 和诚实义务;2. Party B should participate in relevant activities with prin ciples of integrity and legality, shoul
13、d provide information and assistance during negotiations to promote performanc e contracts, Party B should serve with careful and honest altitude during negotiations.3、在本协议履行期间,双方应保持密切联系和及时沟通,并且 乙方应及时向甲方汇报协调洽谈的工作进展情况;3 In the course of this agreement, both parties should ke ep in contact and communi
14、cation with each other , PartyB should keep Party A informed with process of negotiati ons.四、居间活动费用的承担:IV. Responsibility of expenditures during agency activities:居间活动费用是指乙方为完成委托事项实际支出的必要费用。 乙 方无论是否完成本协议所包含的委托事项, 乙方同意全部自行承担居 间活动费用。Expenditures during agency activities is defined as necess ary expens
15、es for Party B to pay in order to fulfill committed it ems. Whether Party B accomplishes committed items stipulate d in this agreement or not, Party B agrees to bear all expendi ture of agency activities.五、保密事项:V. Confidential Items:1、甲乙双方均应充分保守本协议所涉及的商业秘密。1. Both parties should fully protect confid
16、ential commercial i nformation disclosed under this agreement.2、甲方不得以其在居间过程中获取的乙方商业秘密 (包括但不限于乙方掌握的商业演出组织方或娱乐场业主名单、 各商业演出信息 等)而作出不利乙方的任何行为。2 Party A should not acquire commercial secrets form Part B during agency activities (including but not limited to acqu ire name list of organizers of commercial
17、performanee or own er of entertainment places and information of commercial perfo rman ce) which is detrime ntal to the ben efits of Party B.3、甲方违反保密义务的,应向乙方支付 元(大写: )违约金;如果违约金不足以补偿乙方因此而遭受的 损失的,甲方应负责赔偿。3 If Party A breaches the con fide ntial obligati on, Party A s hould pay RMB (capitalization: ) a
18、s penalty; If loses of Party B is beyond the penalty, Party A should be r esponsible for further compensations.六、居间服务费用及付款方式:VI, Agency Service Fee and Terms of Payment:1、居间服务费用: ;1. Agency Service Fee: ;2、 支付方式:乙方可选择甲方直接向乙方支付的方式,或乙方直接向商业演出组织方或娱乐场所业主等领取的方式, 如乙方选择后者,甲方须出具乙方向商业演出组织方或娱乐场所业主等领取的授权文件或其他被
19、认可的文件。2. Terms of Payment: Party B may choose to collect agency service fee from Party A, or Party B acquires agency serv ice fee from organizers of commercial performanee or owner s of entertainment places, if Party B chooses the latter, Part y A should issue releva nt docume nts en titl ing Party
20、B to ac quire agency service fee from organizers of commercial perf ormanee or owners of entertainment places,3、保证金:3. Guarantee Fund:七、如甲方违反本协议约定给乙方造成损失的, 在乙方向甲方公证送达催讨赔偿金函件后 天内,甲方未提出充分依据予以抗辩的,甲方同意乙方可直接依据本合同向商业演出组织方或娱乐场所业主等 领取其报酬用以支付赔偿金。VII, If loses of Party B occurs due to that Party A breaches th
21、is agreement, within days after arrival of notarized compensation letters, If Party B has no sufficient proofs to argue aga in st, Party A agrees that Party B can directly acquire rele vant salaries from organizers of commercial performanee and owners of entertainment places as penalty.八、协议终止VIII, T
22、ermination of agreement本协议签字生效后,至 年月日届满,届满前双方另行协商签订协议This agreeme nt will be in full effect after sig nature, will be valid un til day, mon th, year, before which both parties may a rrange to con ti nue con tract.九、争议解决方式:VV Settlement of Disputes:本协议在履行的过程中如有争议,双方应协商解决。协商不成, 由乙方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。本协议的解释或争
23、议解决适用中华 人民共和国的法律规定。If disputes occur in the course of this agreement, both pa rties should negotiate with each other. If negotiations fail, it wil l be settled by arbitration institutes located in location of Party B, Explanations or settlements of this agreement comply with laws and regulations of
24、People Republic.十、其它事项:VVI, Other Items:1、乙方可以将本协议委托事项进行转委托。1. Party B has the right to transfer committed items sti pulated in this agreement.2、 本协议如有英文版本,中英文版本均对双方有效,但如有冲突的以中文版本为准。2. This agreement may has English versions, both version are in effect for both parties, the Chinese version prevails
25、if conflicts occur.3、本协议壹式俩份,双方各执壹份,本协议经甲、乙双方签 字或盖章后生效。3 This contract shall be provided in duplicate, with eac h party holding one copy, this agreement will be in full effect after signature or seals of Party A and Party B.甲方:乙方:Party A:Party B:代表(签字):代表(签字):Reprehensive:Reprehensive:日期: 年 月日 日期: 年 月 日
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