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1、小学英语节主持稿小学英语节主持稿篇一:XX年英语节主持稿 达拉特旗第七小学XX年英语节主持稿 一 开场白 老师:Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls. 学生:女士们,先生们,亲爱的同学下午好! 老师:Were so excited to welcome all the students and teachers。 Thank you for join us . Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence. 学生:请允许我们代表所有师生对于你们的到来表示热

2、烈欢迎。(鼓掌) 你们的到来给我们送来一份鼓励,一份信心。 老师:English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , well show you our enthusiasm and interest for English . I hope youll enjoy it . Let s shout our slogan “Happy English, happy l

3、ife. “ 学生:英语在我们的日常生活中正变得越来越重要。在我们学校,所有师生都非常热爱英语。今天,我们将向你们展示我们对于英语的热情和兴趣。希望大家喜欢。大家和我一起喊出本次英语节的口号 Happy English ,Happylife 快乐英语,快乐生活 老师: First, Lets enjoy a wonderful songHappy New Year 学生:首先我们全体齐唱 新年快乐 圣诞节快乐 二、 校长致辞 教师:Next, welcome Mr Lv to give an opening speech. 学生:接下来 ,欢迎吕校长致开幕辞。 三颁奖 老师:During th

4、ese days, we have many different kinds of English activities. We sing, we dance, we read 、we draw we write. Then,medal presentation 学生:英语节期间,大家通过制作圣诞节新年贺卡,手抄报,书法比赛,收获了英语,收获了成功,下面为优秀的班集体颁奖。请吴校长颁奖 四、我心永恒演唱 老师:Our school is famous for the outstanding singing. They mix the harmonioustones and graceful d

5、ance with English. Lets earnestly appreciate their wonderful performance:My heart will go on that from liu jinle and Yang yinjia , 学生:我们学校有一对出色的小歌唱家。他们以和谐的音色及优美的动作把英 语与音乐完美地结合。让我们用心聆听这天籁之音: 我心永恒 ,请大家用热烈的掌声欢迎三一班的刘静乐 杨盈佳。 五、服装秀 老师:Appreciate so many lovely and happy performances,next there is a fashio

6、n show for you 学生: 下面请大家欣赏精彩的服装秀,大家掌声欢迎 六 架子鼓表演 老师:Youth is a beautiful scene in the life. Our cool students will fully show their vigor and their charm by the dynamic songMerry chirstmas 学生:青春这道亮丽的风景线,我们学校的帅气的男孩们将伴随着圣诞光狂 欢曲 这一曲动感的音乐秀出活力,秀出风采! 七、谢幕辞 老师:Today, we receive applause , receive happiness

7、and good wishes. The 对着学生,示意互动)Well succeed. 学生:今天,我们获得了掌声,获得了快乐和幸福。这崭新的校园是我们成长 的沃土,是我们腾飞的舞台。我们会努力,我们会成功。 老师:Now , the curtain of the 4th English Festival is falling .Thank you for your coming and best wishes to you and your family . 学生:英语节表演即将落下帷幕。感谢你们的到来并向您和您的家人致以最美 好的祝愿。 篇二:英语节主持稿 Manuscript of t

8、he English Festival 英语节主持稿 一 周:Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls. 女:女士们,先生们,亲爱的小朋友们下午好! 周:We?re so excited to welcome all the honored guests . They?re Thank you for join us . 女:欢迎各位来宾与我们共聚红梅新村小学,他们是 周:Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence. 女:你们的到来给我们送来一份鼓励,一份信

9、心。 周:In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , we?ll show you our happiness and interest for English . I hope you?ll enjoy it . 女:英语在我们的日常生活中正变得越来越重要。在我们学校,所有师生都非 常热爱英语。今天,我们将向你们展示我们对于英语的热情和兴趣。希望大家喜欢。 周:As you know , our life cannot be happy without lovely cartoon

10、s . Now , let?s begin the party with the lovely cartoons. 女:众所周知,我们的生活离不开可爱的卡通。现在让我们在可爱的卡通的伴 随下,开始英语节演出。 二、 校长致辞 周:First of all , welcome Mr. Li to give an opening speech. 女:首先 ,欢迎吴校长致开幕辞。 三、校合唱队演唱 周:Our school is famous for the outstanding chorus . They mix the harmonious tones and graceful dance w

11、ith English. Let?s earnestly appreciate their wonderful performance: “Suzana” 女:我们学校有一支出色的合唱队。他们以和谐的音色及优美的动作把英语与 音乐完美地结合。让我们用心聆听这天籁之音: 苏珊娜 四、领导致辞 周: Today, some leaders of come here too. Let? to give us a speech.女 :今天,也来到了我们学校。让我 们用热烈的掌声欢迎为我们讲话。 五、 儿童剧表演 周:The English Short Play which is full of del

12、ight can rise children?s interest. Let?s enjoy the performance played by pupils from Grade Two. 女:充满童趣的儿童剧可以提高孩子们学习英语的兴趣。请欣赏由二年级同学 表演的儿童剧小熊请客。 六、chant 大串联 周:English chants are popular in our school and in our life. Today, pupils from Grade One want to show their chants to all the guests. Let?s enjoy

13、 it . 女:英语童谣来到了我们的学校更是融入了我们的生活。今天,一年级的小朋 友们要为我们“秀”一段童谣大串联。请大家欣赏。 七 舞蹈小斑马 周:Do you like animals ? And I like zebras very much . Look , many lovely zebras are running to us . 小朋友们,你们喜欢小动物吗?我非常喜欢斑马!看,一群可爱的斑马正 飞奔而来。 八、童话剧灰姑娘 周:Do you like fairy tales? And do you know who?s the writer of Cinderella?(停 顿,

14、互动)Yes, he?s Mr Grimm. Students of Grade 6 will show us the story. 女:你们喜欢童话故事吗?你们又知道灰姑娘的作者是谁吗?答对了,他 就是格林兄弟。 六年级的同学们将为我们演绎经典童话剧灰姑娘。 九、歌舞剧音乐之声 周: Well, we?re all familiar with the American film ?Sound of Music?and the melody of Do Re Mi .So let?s sing and dance with the lively melody .Come and enjoy t

15、he musical comedy Do Re Mi. 女:我们大家都对美国电影音乐之声和Do Re Mi 优美的旋律耳熟能详。让 我们随着这轻快的音乐唱起来,跳起来吧!请欣赏音乐剧 Do re mi 。 十、舞:(When the angles sing) 周:青春是道亮丽的风景线,我们学校的年轻教师们将伴随着当天使在唱歌 这一曲轻快的音乐秀出活力,秀出风采! 女:Youth is a beautiful scene in the life. Our young teachers will fully show their vigor and their charm by the livel

16、y songWhen the angles sing 十一、谢幕辞 女:Today, we receive applause , receive happiness and good wishes. The new 学生,示意互动)We?ll succeed. 今天,我们获得了掌声,获得了快乐和幸福。这崭新的校园是我们成长的 沃土,是我们腾飞的舞台。我们会努力,我们会成功。 十二、Now , the curtain of the 12th English Festival is falling .Thank you for your coming and best wishes to you

17、and your family . 第十二届英语节表演即将落下帷幕。感谢你们的到来并向您和您的家人致 以最美好的祝愿。 篇三:英语节学生主持词 雷锋小学英语节学生主持词 男:Honorable leaders, teachers, 女:Dear students, ladies and gentlemen, 男: 尊敬的领导,老师们 女: 亲爱的同学们,女士们,先生们 合:Good afternoon! 下午好! 男:Welcome to our English Characteristics Performance of Leifeng Primary School. 女: 欢迎大家参加雷锋

18、小学英语特色展示活动。 男:We can gain so much in English learning. 女:我们能在英语学习的过程中收获很多。 男:Our slogan is Happy English, Happy Life. 女:我们的口号是快乐英语,幸福生活。 男:My name is Zhang Hanwen. Im in Class 4, Grade 5.我是来自五年级四班的张翰文。 女:I am Yu Jiaqi from Class 1, Grade 5. 我是来自五年级一班的于佳琪。 男:We are honored to be the hosts of our Engl

19、ish Festival. 女:作为本次英语节的主持人,我们感到非常荣幸。 男:It is joyful and meaningful to study English. 女:学习英语是一件快乐而有意义的事。 男:Every student has a dream to speak English very well. So is the teachers dream. 女:每个同学都希望自己能说一口流利的英语,这也是学校和老师的愿 望。 男:Today, well show you our talent in this English Festival. I hope youll enjoy

20、 it. 女:今天,我们将在英语节的舞台上展示自我,希望大家喜欢我们的节 目。 男:Do you like English? Do you often speak English? English chants are popular in our school and in our lives. Today, pupils from Grade One want to show their chants and an ABC song to all the guests. Lets enjoy it. 女: 你们喜欢英语吗?你们经常讲英语吗?英语童谣在我们学校很受欢 迎,更是融入了我们的生活

21、。今天,一年级的小朋友们要为我们“秀”一段童谣大串联和一首字母歌。请大家欣赏。 男:Wonderful! Thank you, pupils from Grade one! Animals are the best friends for us. Look! They are coming. Please enjoy the short play from Grade 5 The arrogant peacock. 男:感谢一年级小朋友的精彩表演!让我们再次为他们鼓掌! 动物是我们的好朋友,看,他们来了!请欣赏五年级同学的短剧 骄傲的孔雀。 女:Thank you!Thank you, my

22、wonderful team. Music makes us happy. Music makes us excited. Now lets enjoy the song Bingo from Grade 2. 女:谢谢!谢谢大家的掌声,也谢谢我们团队的演出。 音乐使我们快乐,音乐使我们激动。请大家欣赏由二年级小朋友带 来的歌曲Bingo。 女:Thank you, pupils from Grade 2. Your show is wonderful. 男:感谢二年级小朋友带来的精彩演出。 女:Coming next is the song DO RE MI and Our School w

23、ill Shine from Grade 4. They mix the happy song and lively dance with English. Lets enjoy it. 男:接下来的节目是四年级同学的歌曲Do Re Mi和我们的学校沐浴着阳 光.他们以欢快的歌曲和活泼的舞蹈把音乐与英语完美的结合。请大家欣赏。 女:Thank you for bringing us the happiness, students from Grade 4. 男:感谢4年级同学带来的精彩演出,谢谢你们给我们带来的快乐。 女:In our childhood, we all love fairy

24、tales. What is your favorite fairy tale? Lets enjoy the short play, Snow White and Seven Dwarves from Grade 5. 男:我们在童年都有喜欢的童话故事。你最喜欢的童话故事是什么呢? 下面请欣赏由五年级同学带来的短剧-白雪公主和七个小矮人。 男:As we all know, our life cannot be happy without wonderful songs. 女: 众所周知,我们的生活离不开美妙的歌声。 男:Now , lets enjoy the Body Song and

25、Merry Christmas from Grade 2. 女: 下面请欣赏由二年级小朋友带来的歌曲 身体之歌 和 圣诞快乐. 男:Everyone has a dream. Has your dream come true? 女:每个人都有梦想。你的梦想实现了吗? 男:Now lets enjoy play about a dream- Seven Colour Flower from Grade 6. 女:下面请欣赏由六年级同学带来的一个有关梦想的短剧七色花. 男:Have you seen a rainbow? Its like a bridge to the wonderland in

26、 the sky. 女:你见过彩虹吗? 它就像天空中一座通往仙境的桥梁 男:Do you like the sunshine? It can light up the smile on your face. 女:你喜欢阳光吗?它能照亮我们每个人的开心的笑容。 男:Now please enjoy The Rainbow Song and You Are My Sunshine from Grade 3 and all the English teachers. 女:接下来请欣赏由三年级同学带来的彩虹之歌和由同学们和全体英语 老师共同演唱的你是我的阳光。 男:Ladies and gentlem

27、en,boys and girls, now we are coming to the end of the English Festival. 女:女士们先生们,亲爱的同学们, 我们的英语节活动已经接近尾声。 男:Lets say thank you to our school, to all the teachers, to all the parents, to everyone who cares about our growth. 女:感谢我们的母校雷锋小学,感谢亲爱的老师们,家长们,感谢在我 们成长过程中关心爱护我们的每个人。 男:We will continue to learn English better and better after this festival. 女:今后我们将继续努力学习英语。

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