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1、西城一模英语试题解析北京西城区英语一模试题解析(2013.4)(试卷附后)单选题:DACCB DCCDB BAADB分析:难度不大,语法考察主要集中在:谓语动词的时态语态共有4-5处,非谓语动词2处,状语从句的连词2处,特殊句型2处,定语从句,情态动词,虚拟语气,名词性从句,介词,冠词等各一处。解析:21. 考察状语从句的用法。连词的选择主要是取决于句子的意思:约翰一向信守诺言,他一旦承诺,就会去遵守。as good as ones word信守诺言;make a promise许诺;keep a promise遵守诺言。22. 考察非限制性定语从句的用法。先行词是New York,从句中又缺

2、少主语,所以选择A. which。句子大意:戏迷们热爱纽约,它每天上演各种各样的百老汇剧目。23. 考察非谓语动词的用法。Reaching与field之间是主谓关系,与主句动词动作同时或稍后发生,表伴随。24. 考察谓语动词的时态语态用法。句子大意:屋子太乱了,正在油漆。At the moment目前,现在;根据句意,用现在进行时的被动语态。25. 考察谓语动词的时态用法。有usually 和when从句用的一般现在时,说明主句应该是一般现在时。句子大意:春天鸡蛋价格通常下跌,正是大量上市的时候。26. 考察谓语动词的时态用法。句子大意:我昨晚经过你家房子的时候,噪音很大,当时你在做什么呢?根

3、据题意,用过去进行时。27. 考察虚拟语气的用法。句子大意:-乔治,祝你英语考试好运!-天哪,我真希望我昨晚好好复习它了!与过去事实相反,wish后用had done形式。28. 考察介词用法。句子大意:-你喜欢格林先生的演讲吗?-是的,简直是妙不可言,我会和同学一块儿再去的。Beyond description无法用语言描述,好的不得了。29. 考察非谓语动词的用法。句子大意:据报道,学生们提供的书前几天全都送给农村的孩子们了。The other day前几天;books 和students之间是被动关系,且已发生,所以用过去分词offered,表被动、完成。30. 考察谓语动词的时态用法。

4、句子大意:-我已经工作30多年了,马上就要退休了!-真的吗?你看起来连40都不到。31. 考察情态动词的用法。句子大意:-比尔,小心!-别担心,我不会打碎的!will表示意愿。32. 考察名词性从句的用法。连接词的选择主要取决于从句中所缺的成分,即:缺什么,补什么。本句do后面的宾语从句缺主语,所以选择what。句子大意:我相信如果事情到了那种程度的话,他会做他被期望的一切事情的。33. 考察连词和省略的用法。句子大意:我目前正在健身,即使不会太快,至少几周后我就准备好了。If not sooner=if it is not sooner.34. 考察倒装句和时态的用法。否定词never提前,

5、句子主谓倒装。Never, before往往和现在完成时连用。句子大意:瞧,这些孩子多有活力啊!我以前从来没有见到我的学生们这么热情奔放!35. 考察冠词的用法。冠词的选择优先考虑翻译法,如果能翻译成“一个、一种”等的时候,就应该选择不定冠词a或an。句子大意:据说,任何一次发现都是一次意外的事情遇到了一个有准备的头脑。完形:典型的记叙文,先描述一件发生在邮局让作者非常生气的小事,最后释然,了解到微笑的魔力,主题升华。答案:ABCDA DCBCD BABCD CADBAI was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in an

6、d out in a short while. Yet, I _36_ myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway. I had never seen so many people there on a weekday. It seemed someone might have made an announcement, welcoming customers to carry as many _37_ as they could and bring them in when I needed to hav

7、e my own package _38_. The queue moved very slowly. My patience ran out and I got _39_. The longer it took, the angrier I became. When I got to the counter finally, I finished my _40_ quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.“Excuse me,” I said,

8、trying not to be too pushy. Several people had to move _41_ to make room for me to get to the _42_.I stepped out, complaining about the _43_ conditions. Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the parking lot.A woman was coming across the lot in my _44_. She was wal

9、king with determination, and each step sounded very heavy. I _45_ that she looked as if she could breathe fire. It stopped me in my tracks. I _46_ myself and it wasnt pretty. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a _47_ day. My anger melted away. I wished I could wrap he

10、r in a hug but I was a _48_. So I did what I could in a minute _49_ she hurried past meI smiled. In a second everything changed. She was astonished, then somewhat _50_. Then her face softened and her shoulders _51_. I saw her take a deep breath. Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed

11、 each other.I continued to smile all the way to my _52_. Wow, its amazing what a simple smile can do.From then on, I became aware of peoples _53_ and my own, the way we show our feelings. Now I use that _54_ every day to let it _55_ me that when facing the world, I can try a smile.36. A. found B. he

12、lped C. troubled D. enjoyed37. A. things B. packages C. chances D. dollars38. A. lifted B. cashed C. weighed D. carried39. A. pleased B. disappointed C. delighted D. annoyed40. A. business B. choice C. situation D. attitude41. A. away B. about C. along D. aside42. A. counter B. cashier C. exit D. en

13、trance43. A. weather B. service C. work D. shopping44. A. satisfaction B. decision C. direction D. imagination45. A. announced B. discovered C. proved D. noticed46. A. trusted B. recognized C. hid D. persuaded47. A. rough B. bright C. big D. nice48. A. gentleman B. stranger C. customer D. passenger4

14、9. A. until B. though C. before D. since50. A. attracted B. frightened C. cheered D. confused51. A. trembled B. raised C. relaxed D. tightened52. A. car B. office C. home D. doctor53. A. appearances B. reactions C. behaviors D. expressions54. A. treatment B. awareness C. conclusion D. achievement55.

15、 A. remind B. show C. give D. tell语言要点:1. hoping to be in and out in a short while希望很快就能进进出出2. find myself standing in a queue发现自己站在长长的队列里面3. all the way一直4. make an announcement宣布5. have my own package weighed 给我的包裹称重6. My patience run out 我的耐心磨没了7. get annoyed生气8. be pushy咄咄逼人的,气势汹汹的,凶巴巴的。 9. move

16、 aside让开道10. make room for sb. 为某人让出地方11. head into走向12. in my direction朝着我的方向13. It stopped me in my tracks让我情不自禁地停了下来14. I recognized myself意识到了我自己的问题15. have a rough day糟糕的一天16. melt away逐渐消失17. become aware of意识到18. remind sb. of sth / that+从句 提醒某人某事解题技巧: 39. annoyed, 后线索 angrier;43. service 前线索

17、,post office 服务行业;53. expression, 后线索,the way we show our feelings. 54. awareness 前线索,be aware of.阅读理解题56. D. 细节理解题,第二段She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her. But Santa Claus cant bring it to her where she is now.她确信圣诞老人会给她带来礼物,但现在圣诞老人带不到她那儿了。My sister has gone to be with God. Daddy say

18、s that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister. 我姐姐已经随上帝走了,爸爸说妈妈也要随上帝走了,所以我想她能把礼物带给姐姐。57. C. 细节理解题,第五段I put some of my money with his without him seeing and we started to count it趁他不注意,我把我的一些钱跟他的放在一起,我们开始一块儿数钱。58. A. 主旨大意题,从

19、全文得知,一个善意的举动能给别人带来欢乐和希望。59. D. 猜测词义题,从第一段得知,“Panopticon” is a place in which everything is in full view of others.全景监狱是一个所有事情都能被他人尽收眼底的地方。60. C. 段落大意题,全景监狱对于控制囚犯来说,是一个有效的工具。61. C. 推理判断题,从最后一段得知,Monitoring cameras are everywhere, and we often dont even know our actions are being recorded摄像头无处不在,我们往往都

20、不知道我们的行为已经被记录了。62. B. 细节理解题,分别从第三段和最后一段得知。63. D. 细节理解题,从第二段得知,“The economy”,指的是share prices, interest rates, The Dow Jones Index分别提到,用排除法即可。64. D. 推理判断题,从前两句即可得知。65. B. 推理判断题,从第五段得知。66. A. 主旨大意题,从最后一段得知。67. C. 细节理解题,从第一段unlike traditional breeding, where a desired quality would be bred within the sa

21、me species, genetic engineering can insert desired ones into organisms of different species.可知。68. A. 猜测词义题,根据后句if allergies develop, it will be extremely difficult to find the origin of them.如果有过敏现象,很难找到过敏源。说明缺少标签产生的后果。69. A. 细节理解题,后句GE food is unnecessary, and fails to address the root of hunger转基因食品没有必要,它不能解决饥饿的根源问题。即给出了答案。70. B. 根据作者提出了很多转基因食品存在的问题,很显然,作者是不赞成的。

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