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1、广州版小学五年级上学期英语全册教案五年级上学期英语教案第一课时一、教学内容分析Unit 1What Is Our Life Like?二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.词汇:tomorrow, start, always, never, before, London, toy, weekend, open.2.句型Would you like to go to school with Yongxian tomorrow, children?Yes, that would be fun.What time does school start? At seven thirty.(二)语言技能目标1

2、. 学生能较流利地朗读课文,并能用所学知识自己和他人的日常生活安排;2. 通过课文的学习,学会与他人交往。(三)学习策略目标1. 通过新旧知识的对比,提高学习的效率;2. 联系生活实际,使学习的内容更容易接受;3积极与同学老师交往,提高说的能力;4订出学期的学习计划。(四)情感态度目标通过学习,体会学习的乐趣。(五)文化意识目标了解英国学生的日常生活情况。四、教学过程(一)热身与准备1学习第4页的顺口溜。(注意频度副词的理解。)2自由交谈(Free Talk)。本课要谈论日期,所以在准备阶段复习星期天到星期六的说法以及如何问星期几的句型:1. T: How are you, children?

3、 What day is today? How many days are there in a week?(二)引入新内容T: Today is , then tomorrow is What s the Chinese for tomorrow?(板书并学习tomorrow, 可以分音节记忆这个单词: to mor row)。2. Suppose, today is What day is tomorrow? (用日历操练这个句型。)3. T: What time do you usually get up? Would you like to go to school with Yong

4、xian tomorrow?4. T : (出示学校的时间表) 提问并学习单词school, start:What time do our school start? At seven thirrty? At?(出示Yongxian学校的时间表)What time does Yongxian s school start? (二)呈现与操练通过课文课件展示Tom 和 Rose以及有关他们日常生活安排(routines)的相关图片,进行介绍。1. T : This is Tom and Rose. They re from London. Tom never gets up before sev

5、en thirty. Rose usually gets up at 8 o clock. (学习频度副词及其他新单词,同时复习动词第三人称单数时的用法。)2. Game:分小组运用频度副词造句,看哪组造的句子最多。S1: My mum often goes home at 500. S2: My dad never goes home before 500.3. 在教师的帮助下,学生描述Tom 和 Rose的routines。4. 分步呈现课文。课文背景介绍:Tom and Rose are brother and sister. They are from Britain. They co

6、me to visit their pen friend Yongxian in Guangzhou, China. Now they are at Yongxian s home.(1)先看下列问题,再观看课件第一、二段。边呈现边回答教师准备的问题。并板书学生回答的内容:T: What time does Rose get up? S: She gets up at eight o clock.T: What time does Yongxian get up? S: He gets up at six thirty.T: Does Tom get up before six thirty?

7、 S: No, he never gets up before six thirty.(要求学生注意上述句子划线部分动词和助动词的变化。)(2)继续观看课件第三段并回答下列问题,看课件前先读板书了好的句子,并板书学生回答的内容:T: How often does Rose eat noodles?S: She eats noodles very often. Sometimes she eats noodles at her friend Sarah s.T: How often does Yongxian eat noodles? S: He always eats noodles.T: D

8、oes Tom and Rose s mother eat noodles? S: No, their mother never makes noodles.(要求学生注意上述句子划线部分动词和助动词的变化;此处引入How often?句型,为第二课时铺垫。)(3)带着下列问题看课件第四段,板书下面的句子,教师板书学生回答的内容。T: What time do Rose and Tom go shopping? S: They go shopping at the weekend.T: What time do Yongxian and his parents go shopping? S:

9、Yongxian and his parents go shopping after dinner.T: What time does Rose go to bed?S: She goes to bed before nine thirty.T: What time does Yongxian go to bed?S: He goes to bed after nine thirty. He never goes to bed before nine thirty.T: Does Rose like the life in China? S: Yes, she does.(要求学生注意上述句子

10、划线部分动词和助动词的变化。)5. 全班跟课件朗读课文一次。(三)巩固与操练方案一:1. 根据提示,复述课文大意。Yongxian s school at seven thirty. So Yongxian gets up at six thirty. Rose usually up at 8 o clock. And Tom gets up seven thirty. Yongxian s mum makes noodles at home. Rose noodles at her friend Sarah s. Tom s mum never noodles. Tom and Rosego

11、 shopping at the. In China, the shops are stillin the evening. So Yongxian and his parents go shopping after dinner.Tom and Rosego to bed at about eight thirty. But Yongxiango to bed before nine thirty. 方案二:把Yongxian 的生活习惯与Rose,Tom的生活习惯作比较,帮助学生记忆课文。YongxianRose & Tomgoes to school at 730go to school

12、 at 800gets up at 630never get up at 730has noodlessometimes have noodlesgoes shopping after dinnergo shopping at the weekendnever goes to bed before nine thirtyusually go to bed at about eight thirty2. 各小组分角色,朗读课文,熟练的小组准备根据提示进行课文表演。(四)发展调查访谈自己的一个好友或同学,填写表格并汇报,表格如下:Name:Questions : What time do you

13、? 频度动作 neversometimesoftenusuallyalwaysget up at atatatatgo to schoolat at at atatwatch TV at at at atatgo home at at at atatgo to bed at at at atat或者就只是访谈其他同学,并把别人的routines和自己的比较。(五)小结引导学生小结下面的句性和语法知识:Would you like to go to school with Yongxian tomorrow, children?Yes, that would be fun.What time d

14、oes school start?有关频度副词的句子总结:1频度副词放在be之后,例:He is often late for class.They are always happy to see us.2频度副词放在动词前,例:We usually get there at seven a m.He often helps the old lady.3 有时频度副词放在句前或句后,例:Sometimes he comes to see us.He comes here very often.4通过上面板书的有关课文的句子,让学生再一次小结有关一般现在时第三人称作主语的动词的变化和助动词的使用

15、。(六)布置作业1. 听录音,熟读课文,记忆新单词;2. 预习Work with Language & Fun with Language;3. 写写自己的或别人的日常生活安排 (选做)。第二课时一、教学内容分析Unit 1 Work with Language & Fun with Language二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.词汇:museum, quite, walk, drink,surf, net, palace 2.短语:go to work, do some reading, surf the Net, Children s Palace, go for a walk, ta

16、ke exercise, after class,How often ?3.句型How often do you watch TV, Li Hong?How often does Li Hong watch TV? She watches TV every evening.(二)语言技能目标1. 进一步掌握频度副词的使用;2. 通过学习,能更熟练地讨论日常生活。(三)学习策略目标1. 通过新旧知识的对比,提高学习的效率;2. 联系生活实际,使学习的内容更能被接受;3. 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(四)情感态度目标积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流, 从中感受成功的乐趣。四、教学过程(一)热

17、身与复习1. 读下面的顺口溜:Piggy likes sleeping all day.He always gets up very late.He never takes exercise on holiday.He always eats a lot every day.His parents say,Piggy is very, very lazy.2. 听写第一课时所学习的单词的词组或句子。可考虑听写下面的句子:(1) My father never has lunch at home on weekdays.(2) My friend Lily always gets to scho

18、ol before seven thirty.(3) Sometimes my mother goes shopping after dinner.(4) Sarah eats noodles very often.(5) My uncle usually comes to see us.3. 学生分角色朗读课文,分小组表演课文。4. 听短文并回答问题:Jane is a good girl. Every morning she gets up at six. After she gets up she takes exercise and helps her parents with the

19、 housework. She walks to school on weekdays. She gets to school before seven thirty. She is never late for class. She studies hard and she always does her homework every evening. She likes sports. She always has sports for an hour after school. (1) What time does Jane get up?(2) What does Jane do af

20、ter she get up?(3) Does Jane drive to school?(4) What does Jane do in the evening?(5) How long does Jane have sports after school?(二)呈现与操练1. 学习频度副词,教师要对频度副词进行讲解,让学生了解每个词的区别。(1)课件展示所有频度副词,要学生猜它们的正常排列顺序;( 2)做P5,Work with Language Ex 1;( 3)玩 Fun with Language的游戏,加深对频度副词用法的了解。2. Free Talk(1)用下列句型进行小组讨论,

21、进一步熟悉频度副词的用法;S1: What time do you get up?S2: I usually (sometimes, often, never, always) get up at seven.S1: What time does your father get up?S2: He usually (sometimes, often, never, always) gets up at six thirty.(2)做P5,Work with Language Ex 2,特别提醒学生动词第三人称单数时候的用法。(学习短语:go to work, do some reading)3

22、. 课件展示surf the Net, go for a walk等内容。(1)师生对话T: How often do you watch TV, Janet?S1: I watch TV every weekend.T: How often does Janet watch TV?S2: She watches TV every weekend.(用实际的例子让学生感受第三人称单数在一般现在时的语法现象。)(2)学习P5,Work with Language Ex 3,talk in groups. (学习其他生词)(三)发展1. 看一组有关Rose的图片,用下列句型进行小组讨论; What

23、 does Rose usually do? What time does Rose ? How often does she ?2. 小组根据图意编对话进行表演;3. 做英语活动手册Ex 3。(四)布置作业1. 复习有关频度副词的知识,并记忆新单词和短语;2. 听录音,预习Unit 2 Dialogue;3. 做英语活动手册P1,Ex 1和P2,Ex 4。一、教学内容分析Unit 2Dialogue二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.词汇“三会”掌握单词first, autumn, second, winter, third, spring, summer, September, end, D

24、ecember, January, April, begin, May, July 2.短语:on holiday 3.句型When does the autumn term start? It starts in September and ends in December.Does your spring term begin in May?(二)语言技能目标1. 能基本正确认读所学词语;2. 能理解并正确表达一段时间的开始和结束,在日常交际中有效使用。(三)学习策略目标1. 能根据需要提前进行预习,从而降低学习新内容的难度;2. 通过对比找规律学习单词;3. 联系生活实际,积极运用所学知

25、识进行表达和交流。(四)情感态度目标乐于接触并了解异国文化。(五)文化意识目标了解英国学校的学期划分情况。四、教学过程(一)热身播放歌曲:Months of the Year(意图:迅速集中学生的注意力,并通过歌曲内容引出新课。)(二)呈现与操练1通过歌曲学习一年12个月份的名称(本课只要求会认读)。2. 通过表格对比学习基数词和序数词(见课本第10页)。Game: 课件展示两种数词,当学生读到序数词的时候就拍拍掌。One, fourth, three, five, first, (游戏一方面增加了学习兴趣,另一方面为课文的学习做了铺垫。)3. 学习日期的两种表示方法(用日历帮助表达):五月十

26、日: May the tenth / the tenth of May八月十二日: August the twelfth / the twelfth of August让学生尝试说下面的日期:(1)六月一日(2)四月三十日(3)二月五日 (4)十二月三十一日(5)九月十五日4. 学习下面的单词:(回忆小学二年级的内容,学习一年四季的名称。)There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. (板书并学习spring, summer, autumn, winter.)5. 引入课题:(1)教单

27、词term并回答问题, 指着单词term /t :m/ 教师开始提问:a. This is the first term (spring term) of our school year. We usually start the first term (spring term) in February or March. What s the Chinese for term?b. How many terms do you have in our school year?c. It s September now. Is it the first term (spring term) or

28、 the second term (summer term) in our school?d. When does the first (spring) / second (summer) term start / begin? e. When does the first (spring) / second (summer) term start / end? (2)板书并学习上面的句型和部分新单词。6. 自然引出课文。T: Children, do you want to know how many terms there are in Rose s school? (1)先看下列问题,再

29、听录音回答问题;How many terms do Tom and Rose have in a school year? When does the autumn / winter / spring / summer term start/ begin? When does the autumn / winter/ spring / summer term end? (2)听录音跟读,然后回答下列问题;What term do they like best?What do they do in Guangzhou now?( 同时学习本课其他新单词,并注意单词中的元音音节的发音)(3)分组进

30、行角色朗读。(三)归纳与操练1. 课文归纳:(1)让学生自己划出课文中的新单词,并认读;(2)注意归纳:单个月份前面使用介词in;in May, in September (时间允许可以同时归纳表示时间的介词:at six o clock, in the morning, on Sunday, on Monday morning, in spring等)(3)学生小结本课重点句型,教师帮助提醒学生注意动词第三人称单数时的用法,可以让学生找出主语是第三人称单数一般现在时的句子。2. 观看课文软件,并尝试表演课文。(四)发展1. 根据课文内容,完成英语活动手册 P8,Ex 2;2. 访谈同学,填写

31、下面调查表,并发表。termsstarts inends inWhat term do youlike best ?the spring termthe autumn term(五)布置作业1. 听课文录音,熟读课文并记忆新单词。2. 预习Unit 2 Work with Language & Fun with Language。3. 英语活动手册P5,Ex 1。4. 选做作业:写几句关于你的学期时间安排的句子,提示:There are terms in our school year.The spring term usually begins / ends in There are about weeks in spring term / summer term.一

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