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1、德国申克煤粉秤技术协议东方希望重庆水泥有限公司24800t/d熟料水泥生产线煤粉计量秤技术附件甲 方:东方希望重庆水泥有限公司乙 方:申克(天津)工业技术有限公司设计方:中材国际工程股份有限公司2009年8月30日项目: 01 窑头煤粉称重给料系统MULTICOR K 50 和MULTICELL 800/70 3COAL DUST FEEDING SYSTEM OF KILN 31.1 2台 耐压质量流量计型号MULTICOR K 50 4MASS FLOW METER MULTICOR K 50 pressure-proof 41.2 2台 耐压设计水平星型给料机,型号MULTICELL 8

2、00/70 5HORIZONTAL STARFEEDER Type MULTICELL 800/70 pressure-proof 51.3 2套 压缩空气净化装置/ CONDITIONER FOR COMPRESSED AIR for K50/K80 51.4 2套 测量及控制系统 / ELECTRIC CONTROL SYSTEM 61.5 2套 手动截止阀 DN700(可选项)/ SHUT-OFF GATE DN 700 manually operated(Optional) 61.6 煤粉输送系统的总体设计/ BASIC ENGINEERING for the Conveying of

3、 Coal Dust 7项目: 02 窑尾煤粉称重给料系统MULTICOR K 80 和MULTICELL 1000/100 8COAL DUST FEEDING SYSTEM OF Calciner 82.1 2台 耐压质量流量计型号MULTICOR K 80 9MASS FLOW METER MULTICOR K 80 pressure-proof 92.2 2台 耐压设计水平星型给料机,型号MULTICELL 1000/100 10HORIZONTAL STARFEEDER Type MULTICELL 1000/100 pressure-proof 102.3 2套 压缩空气净化装置/

4、 CONDITIONER FOR COMPRESSED AIR for K50/K80 102.4 2套 测量及控制系统 / ELECTRIC CONTROL SYSTEM 112.5 手动截止阀 DN800(可选项)/ SHUT-OFF GATE DN800 manually operated(Optional) 112.6 煤粉输送系统的总体设计/ BASIC ENGINEERING for the Conveying of Coal Dust 12项目: 03 备品备件/ SPARE PARTS 13项目: 04 仪表管理软件及连接线/ Easy Serve VPC 20150 soft

5、ware and data connection cable 13项目: 05 运保费/ TRANSPORTATION AND INSURANCE 13项目: 06 安装指导及调试/ VERIFICATION OF INSTALLATION, CALIBRATION AND COMMISSIONING 13工程设计 / 资料 / Engineering / Documentation Type 16一般要求/ General Technical Condition: 17技术规格和供货范围/ Scope of supply and Technical Specification适用于一条生产线

6、/ for one production line项目: 01 窑头煤粉称重给料系统MULTICOR K 50 和MULTICELL 800/70COAL DUST FEEDING SYSTEM OF KILN 技术参数/ Technical data给料量 2-20 t/h,正常14-17t/hFeed rate range 2-20 t/h, normal 14-17t/h给料精度 +/- 0,5 %相对于实际流量Feed accuracy related to the actual feed rate 依据样本/ acc. to data sheet BV - D 2082 GB给料稳定

7、性/ Feeding constancy +/- 1,0 % 依据样本/ acc. to data sheet BV - D 2082 GB系统图/ System drawing V032181.B02材料参数/ Material data固体物料/ Bulk material 煤粉/ Coal Dust堆比重/ Bulk density 0.5-0.6 t/m粒度/ Grain size 10% 0.080mm,方孔筛筛余/10% on R 0,080mm,max. 1mm.含水量/ Moisture 最高max. 1 %温度/ Temperature 最高max. 80 C流动性/ Flo

8、w properties 不迟滞/ not adherent灰份/ Ash contents 最多/ max. 15 % 系统描述:申克公司的煤粉给料系统由测量模块MULTICOR和预给料模块水平星型给料机MULTICELL组成。The SCHENCK coal dust feeding system is based on the MULTICOR measuring unit and the MULTICELL horizontal starfeeder, which serves as a discharge and pre-feeding device.直接安装在给料机MULTICEL

9、L下边的计量秤MULTICOR利用科里奥利力原理计量。Located directly beneath the MULTICELL unit is the MULTICOR measuring unit which is based on the coriolis force principle. The physical law of the coriolis principle, the force of moving mass, which acts upon on a rotation wheel, forms the basis of our measuring unit MULTI

10、COR.上述两部分与申克公司的仪表DISOCONT组成了快速精确的控制给料系统。Both units when combined with SCHENCKs state of the art electronic,DISOCONT, form a very fast and precise controlled feeding system.给料系统重要的设计和应用要素:The significant design and application parameters for the feeding system are:- 大口径进料口- Large inlet for the inlet

11、tube of the MULTICELL.- 带有独立驱动的搅拌器安装在星型给料机MULTICELL 上方的小仓里- Agitator integrated in the inlet tube directly above the MULTICELL- star feeder wheel with an independent drive unit. - 计量秤MULTICOR 对物料流的直接计量 - The measuring unit MULTICOR will ensure an exact measure due to direct mass flow.- 系统精度不会受外力影响-

12、The accuracy can not be influenced by external forces- 自带喂料靴可以直接连接煤粉输送管道- Direct infeed into the conveyor line.MULTICELL的上述设计要素是为了均化物料(煤粉),以确保星型给料机每个腔里的物料稳定。使申克公司的给料系统将形成一个无波动料流,从而保证了给料的短期稳定性。The above MULTICELL design parameters will provide material homogenisation (coal dust) in order to ensure a

13、constant fill level of the star-feeder chambers. From there it will create a pulsation-free discharge and consequently with the SCHENCK feeding system it will provide an excellent short-term feed constancy to the users benefit.设计/Engineering:签订合同以后,申克公司会根据客户的情况出图,还会对用户的煤粉仓的机构提出建议。After placing the o

14、rder SCHENCK will provide a customised layout drawing of the feeding system. Also SCHENCK will provide planing hints for users coal dust silo to aid a mass flow within the silo and suitable material storage.1.1 2台 耐压质量流量计型号MULTICOR K 50 MASS FLOW METER MULTICOR K 50 pressure-proof特性/Characteristics:

15、10 bar 耐压设计MULTICOR K.MULTICOR K in 10 bar pressure- proof design.直接与输料管相连. Direct infeed into the conveying tube.防尘外壳.Dust-tight housing.精密的测量轮.Precision measuring wheel免维护计量秤,可从外边装配Maintenance-free weighing module, accessable from outside 测量轮电机外置.Drive for the measuring wheel located outside.测量轮驱动

16、交流电机 0,55 kW, 380 V / 50 Hz, IP55, F. AC-motor 0,55 kW, 380 V / 50 Hz, IP55, F as drive for the measuring wheel.电机控制模块.Control unit for the drive.喂料靴用于与用户的输送管道相连Feeding shoe for installation into users conveying tube.尺寸和重量/ Measurements and weights:安装高度/ Installation hight:1200 mm with feeding shoe尺

17、寸图/ Dimension sheet: V035793.B01重量约/ Weight approx.: 460 kg with feeding shoe1.2 2台 耐压设计水平星型给料机,型号MULTICELL 800/70 HORIZONTAL STARFEEDER Type MULTICELL 800/70 pressure-proof特性/ Characteristics:10 bar耐压设计MULTICELL .MULTICELL in 10 bar pressure- proof design.进料管内置搅拌器用于均化物料。Inlet tube with integrated a

18、gitator for homogenisation of the silo discharge交流搅拌器电机3 KW, 380 V / 50 Hz, IP55, FAC-geared motor 3 KW, 380 V / 50 Hz, IP55, F, as drive for the agitator水平星型给料机作为料仓和气体输料系统的锁风装置Horizontal starfeeder as an extraction device and for pressure decoupling交流星型轮电机2.2 KW, 380 V / 50 Hz, IP55, F,AC-geared mo

19、tor 2.2 KW, 380 V / 50 Hz, IP55, F, as drive for the starfeeder wheel.星型给料机电机变频器一体化设计Frequency converter for the drive of the starfeeder mounted on top of the motor.搅拌器控制模块Control unit for the agitator出料口带柔性连接Outlet-chute with flexible connection尺寸和重量/ Measurements and weights:进料口/ Inlet area: DN 70

20、0尺寸图/ Dimension sheet: F 020 990重量约/ Weight approx.: 2500 kg用户需提供/ Customer supply:-依据图纸 V037092.B01提供压缩空气;为了便于维护,需用户提供压缩空气管路进气截止阀和双联体过滤器(40m)-Compressed air supply according to drawing V037092.B01-如果没有从申克公司订购闸板阀,用户需自行订购符合要求的质量好的闸板阀,安装在料仓出口和给料系统进料口处,法兰连接.-Shut-off gate DN 800, manually operated, to

21、be flanged between the silo outlet and the inlet tube. If not quoted/ordered separately.1.3 2套 压缩空气净化装置/ CONDITIONER FOR COMPRESSED AIR for K50/K80供货范围及特性/ Scope of supply:一体化压缩空气净化装置,带三级吸附式干燥器,定时排水1 adsorption dryer with integrated pre-and after filter, installed in a housing.尺寸和重量/ Dimensions and

22、Weights:W x D x H: 535 x 190 x 925 mm 重量/ Weight: 约50 kg耗气量/ Flow rate: 约65Nm3/h工作电源/ Power supply: 220V AC,50Hz1.4 2套 测量及控制系统 / ELECTRIC CONTROL SYSTEM供货范围及特性/scope of supply:2个 DISOCONT 系统模块VSE20100/ DISOCONT System Unit VSE for 1 measuring/feeding system 依据样本 BV-D 2051 设计/ designed in accordance

23、with Sheet BV-D 2051 GB- 包括软件和存储模块- including software and memory module- 出厂前已经完成接线和测试- completely wired and factory-tested on terminals- 与机械部分一体化安装- for integration into mechanical scale system2个 DISOCONT PROFIBUS DP-V0通讯模块DISOCONT PROFIBUS DP-V0 communication module Profibus DP-V0 通讯协议/ Profibus D

24、P-V0 protocol to DIN 19245 2个 DISOCONT I/O模块VEA20100/ DISOCONT I/O Unit VEA-与客户控制系统连接- parallel interface-增加控制外设- additional control of peripherals-与机械部分一体化安装- for integration into mechanical scale system2个DISOCONT 显示及操作模块 VLB/ DISOCONT Service Control Unit VLB-依据样本 BV-D 2051 GB设计designed in accorda

25、nce with Spec Sheet BV-D 2051 GB-用于操作和显示-used for calibration and display1.5 2套 手动截止阀 DN700(可选项)/ SHUT-OFF GATE DN 700 manually operated(Optional)法兰孔/ Flange bore: PN10, DIN 2501外壳材质/ Material of the housing: GG 25 DIN 1691闸板材质/ Slide plate material: 1.4301尺寸及重量/ Dimensions and Weight:安装高度/ Installa

26、tion height: 165 mm重量/ Weight: 约. 587 kg注:可选项不包括在合同总价内1.6 煤粉输送系统的总体设计/ BASIC ENGINEERING for the Conveying of Coal Dust需用户提供的数据(请参考煤粉输送系统物料和管道工艺参数表)如:Basic conveying data according to customers declaration:水平距离/ Horizontal length 40m垂直距离/ Vertical length 10m弯头数/ No. of elbows90 度/deg 945度/deg -60 度/

27、deg -燃烧器数量/ No. of burners 1分配器数量/ No. of volumetric distributors to the burner - 燃烧器压降/ Pressure drop-burner: 80mbar (g), 海拔高度/ Altitude above sea-level _ m环境温度/ Ambient temperature _C申克公司会根据客户提供的准确数据,计算从给料系统到燃烧器输送系统的管径及输送风量SCHENCK will provide material processing design of the pneumatic feeding, f

28、rom the feed station to the burner, based on the basic conveying data listed enclosed (Please fill it according to the actual pneumatic pipe designing )待计算结果/ Data to be calculated:管内壁直径/ Inner diameter of the tube _ mm所需输送风量/ Feed air under suction conditions _ m3/h所需输送风压力/ Feed pressure -blower de

29、sign _ mbar (g)注意/ PLEASE NOTE:如果生料或者烟尘被加到煤粉研磨,物料的传输特性会受影响。请参阅我们的设计的基本原则BV-H2011 If materials like raw meal or filter dust are added to the pulverised fuel, the conveying characteristics will be influenced. Please refer to our attached General Process Design Principles BV- H 2011.需用户提供/ Customer sup

30、ply:买方的煤粉仓锥体底部一定要安装至少3米高表面光洁度高(镜面,国标8K),厚度至少两毫米的冷轧不锈钢内衬,否则秤在高流量时下料不畅会影响系统精度STAINLESS STEEL LINING MATERIAL FOR CONE OF PV-COAL BINcomprising:- cold-rolled stainless steel sheet, thickness min. 3 mm for a cone height of min. 3000mm; - surface quality as per DIN EN 19988-2 n(2B), Chinese standard 8K-

31、delivered in sheet segments, cut and bent to fit with cone shape For details see BVR 2128为了配合我方进行输送管道和输送风机的详细选型设计,请填写煤粉输送系统物料和管道工艺参数表,并在我方给出计算结果后以书面方式确认。我们的计算结果只适用于客户填写的煤粉输送系统物料和管道工艺参数表数据。 条件改变会影响计算结果。 Competent detail engineering and - design for the conveyor tubes, based on our calculated material processing data and our standard GENERAL PROCESS DESIGN PRINCIPLES for pneumatic layou

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