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参考中考英语 知识点梳理 第7讲 七下 Unit 56复习.docx

1、参考中考英语 知识点梳理 第7讲 七下 Unit 56复习参考-中考英语 知识点梳理 第7讲 七下 Unit 5-6复习 基础知识即时训练一、易错单词1. 旅行 2. 数量 3. 实验 4. 嗓音 5. 化学品 6. 管道 7. 找给的零钱 8. 电 9. 谈话 10. 规则 11. 电线 12. 瞬间 13. 电池 14. 厨灶 15. 任何人 16. 掉下 17. 增加 18. 归还 19. 形成 20. 继续 21. 回答 22.(使)连接 23.(用锁)锁上 24. 测试 25. 使整洁 26. 触摸 27. 无盐的 28. 宝贵的 29. 愚蠢的 30. 通过 二、词汇测试i. 从下

2、面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。1. Is there anyone in the room? No, all the students has gone out. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody2. Have you replied to his letter? Not yet. I will reply soon. A. talked B. seen C. answered3. When can you return this book to me? This Friday. A. borrow . from B. gi

3、ve . back C. buy . from4. Have a safe journey! Thanks. A. day B. party C. trip5. Could you say it again, please? OK. A. sometimes B. some time C. one more time6. River water is fresh, but sea water is salty. A. without salt B. good C. not clean7. What cant you add to the coffee just now? Just some m

4、ilk. A. get from B. take with C. put in8. Why cant she help you today? Because she has hands full. She has to go shopping, pick up her son and then cook dinner. A. is very worried B. is very angry C. is very busyii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。9. A/An _ is a statement that tells people what

5、they should do. A. example B. fact C. rule10. To _ means to say or write an answer. A. reply B. discuss C. allow11. He offered such _ advice that few people disagreed. A. possible B. harmful C. valuable12. Who helped Betty _ the bedroom just now? Nobody. She cleaned it all by herself.13. My parents

6、and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. Really? _. A. I dont think so B. Have a good time C. You should try it三、词组英汉互译1. turn off 2. 把加入 3. a bit 4. 的一部分 5. pocket money 6. 由组成 7. dry up 8. 一袋 9. in a way 10. 连接到 11. switch off 12. 收拾妥 13. power station 14. 洗衣机 四、课文语法填空根据所学课文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要

7、求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。One evening, Daisy was going to buy sweets and asked whether anyone wanted anything. Then her brother Benny let 1. _ (she) buy a packet of electricity 2. _ him. Daisy agreed 3. _ went out. Benny laughed at her and said she would look 4. _ (fool). Their mother didnt thin

8、k he should say that. Then their dad asked Benny 5. _ he knew about electricity. He said it flowed through wires and provided 6. _ (powerful) for people. Dad agreed with him and also told him the wires were 7. _ (connect) to cables under the streets, which were linked to 8. _ power station. Some tim

9、e later, Daisy returned home. She gave 9. _ (battery) to Benny. Dad said the chemicals inside them 10. _ (can) produce electricity, too. So their mum thought it was Benny who looked foolish. 必考词汇背记1. on adv.A. (表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中)Is the water on or off? 水龙头开着还是关着?B. 发生中;进行中The film has been on for fiv

10、e minutes.电影已放映五分钟了。2. valuable adj.: having a great usefulness 宝贵的;很有用的Real friendship is more valuable than money. 真正的友谊比金钱更宝贵。拓展value n. 价值 (反)valueless adj. 毫无价值的His ideas dont have much value. 他的意见没有多大价值。3. changeA. n.: money that you get when you have paid too much 找回的零钱I gave him a pound, and

11、 he gave me 20 pence change. 我给了他一英镑,他找了我20便士的零钱。B. n.: the act or result of changing 变化;改变You will see many changes in the village since last year.你会看见自去年以来村里发生的许多变化。Nothing will change him, and he will always be the same.什么也改变不了他,他将始终是那个样子。常用短语change ones mind 改变某人的主意change A into B 把A变成B拓展changea

12、ble adj. 易变的;可变的4. return v.: give sth. back归还;go back返回The students must return their books to the library before Friday.学生们必须在周五之前将书归还图书馆。Bill will return to London tonight.今晚比尔将返回伦敦。常用短语return . to . 归还给 return to . 回到(某地)5. continue v.: go on 继续No one will like you if you continue talking like t

13、hat.如果你继续像那样说话,没人会喜欢你的。常用短语continue to do sth./continue doing sth. 继续做某事拓展continuation n.继续 continuous adj.连续的,持续的6. turn off: stop working 关掉You must turn off the gas after cooking.你做完饭后必须关掉煤气。反义词组turn on 打开拓展turn down 关小;调低 turn up 调高;调大take turns 轮流7. (be) made up of: consist of 由组成Our class is m

14、ade up of six groups.我们班由六个小组组成。8. reply v.: say or make an answer 回答She didnt know what to reply. 她不知道要回答什么。He didnt reply to the letter. 他没有答复这封信。常用短语reply to 回答;答复9. connect v.: join to another(使)连接The two cities are connected by a railway.这两个城市由一条铁路连接着。常用短语be connected to . 连接到They are connected

15、 to a power station.它们连接着一个供电站。拓展connection n.连接10. in a way: to a certain degree 某种程度上The work is well done in a way.从某种程度上说,这工作做得不错。近义词组in some degree 在某种程度上拓展in the/ones way 挡道,挡路on the way 在途中on ones way to . 在某人去的路上by the way 顺便问(说)一下in many ways 在许多方面 写作句型运用1. there be 句型例句Some people think th

16、ere is much water on the Earth. 一些人认为地球上有许多水。用法there be“某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结构为There be (is,are,was, were) + 名词 + 地点状语。句中的there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词。there be 的否定句型是在 be 后加 not。运用(1) There _ (be) an old house by the river five years ago.(2) 瓶子里一点果汁都没有。(汉译英) _2. when当时;在时候例句First, when we finis

17、h washing the clothes, we can use the water to clean the floor. 首先,当我们洗完衣服后,我们可以用那水来拖地。用法when 在此作为从属连词,引导时间状语从句。运用When you see him, please say hello to him.(英译汉)_3. if 如果例句If we dont save the water, it will surely be used out some day.如果我们不节约用水,将来水一定会被用光。用法if 引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”,若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时,即“主将

18、从现”。运用如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。(汉译英)_ 写作模板狂背类型:节约用水典例:节水小方法模板:Some people think there is much water on the Earth. In fact, there is only a little water for us to use now. If we dont save it, it will surely be used out some day. There is little water in some area, so it is necessary to save water.Then what s

19、hould we do?First, when we finish washing the clothes, we can use the water to clean the floor. Second, after washing our faces, we can water the flowers with the used water. And we should turn off the shower when we are washing our hair.Saving water is very important in our life. Everyone should sa

20、ve it.提醒:能力提升卷(七)的书面表达就写节约用水第七讲基础知识即时训练答案一、1. journey 2. quantity 3. experiment 4. voice 5. chemical 6. pipe 7. change 8. electricity 9. conversation 10. rule 11. wire 12. moment 13. battery 14. cooker 15. anyone 16. drop 17. add 18. return 19. form 20. continue 21. reply 22. connect 23. lock 24. te

21、st 25. tidy 26. touch 27. fresh 28. valuable 29. foolish 30. through二、i. BCBCC ACC ii. CACAB三、1. 关掉 2. add . to . 3. 有点 4. part of 5.(父母给孩子的)零花钱 6. be made up of 7. 干涸 8. a packet of 9. 在某种程度上 10. be connected to 11. 关(电灯、机器等)12. tidy up 13. 发电站 14. washing machine四、1. her 2. for 3. and 4. foolish 5. what 6. power 7. connected 8. a 9. batteries 10. could写作句型运用1. (1) was (2) There isnt any juice in the bottle. 2. 见到他时,代我问他好。3. If you fail in the exam, you will let him down/disappoint him.

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