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Unit1 My names Gina 教案一.docx

1、Unit1 My names Gina 教案一 Unit 1 My name is Gina.Learning Objectives一、Topics(话题): Making new friends 二、Functions (功能)1. Introduce yourself 2. Greet people 3. Ask for and give telephone numbers三、Structures (结构) 1. Present tense to be2. What question 3. Yes/No questions and short answers 4. Possessive a

2、djectives my, your, his, her四、Target Language (目标语言)Whats your name? My name is Gina. Hello, Gina. Im Ms. Brown.Nice to meet you! Are you Helen?No, Im not. Im Gina.Whats your telephone number?Its 281-9176.五、Vocabulary (词汇) name,telephone/phone, number, your, his, her, he, she, yes, no, first, last N

3、umbers 09 first/last names, middle school 六、Skills (技能) Listening for key information Scanning in reading 七、Recycling (复习巩固) Good morning! Hi/Hello! my, Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen.八、教材分析本单元以greeting和introduction为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过本单元的教学使学生学会如何用英语介绍自己的名字、如何询问对方的名字、如何使用简单的招呼语以

4、及询问和回答电话号码。Section A 如何介绍自己的名字和询问对方的名字,学会使用简单的问候语。1a, 1b, 1c主要是学习询问名字和简单的问候语。2a, 2b, 2c, 2d继续学习询问名字的句式和问候语。Grammar focus,3a, 3b, 3c主要是学习介绍他人的名字的方法。Section B 学会询问和回答电话号码。 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f学会询问和回答电话号码。 2a, 2b, 2c学会family name, first name, last name的区分。Self Check 3a, 3b检测本单元所学的知识,学会用英语介绍自己的名字和询问对方

5、的名字及电话号码。九、学情分析 新学期刚开学,认识新同学,结识新朋友是必不可少的一个过程。老师记住每一位新同学并给他们取一个英文名字,是他们非常乐意的事情,老师一定要抓住这个机会,讲清取英文姓名的学问,缩短与学生的距离。十、课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)Period 2 Target language structures (Section A: 3a, 3b, 3c)Period 3 Listening and speaking (Section B: 1a,

6、1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f)Period 4 Reading and writing (Section B: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b)Period 5 Self Check The First Period (Section A, 1a2d) Teaching aims(教学目标)1学会问候他人2学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼他们的英文名字3从对话中学会获取更多他人的基本信息5初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词Language points(语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式: Whats your/his/her first name? Whats your/

7、his/her last name?2要求掌握以下词汇: first name, last name, family name, given name, boys and girls1要求掌握以下句式:(1) Whats your name? My name is (2) Hello! Im Mary. Hi, Mary! Im Jim. Nice to meet you.(3)whats what is; Im I am; names name is 2要求掌握以下词汇:(1)生词:name, clock, am, nice, meet, what, hello(2)人称代词和形容词性物主代

8、词:I, you, my, your, his, her(上述数词和部分形容词性物主代词本应在第二和第三课时中出现,但可以在第一课时中非正式出现,给学生初步的印象,为后面的学习作铺垫。)Difficulties(难点): 本课难点是大量的人名和形容词性物主代词,而学生在描述时容易混淆男名和女名,在运用代词时容易错用人称代词和物主代词。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: Good morning/afternoon,everyone! Last week, we finished the first part of this English book Starter Un

9、its 13. We have finished studying all the English letters and some very useful sentences. I believe you remember what we learned. Shall we review them first? 【教学设计说明】新学期刚开学,认识新同学,结识新朋友是必不可少的一个过程。老师记住每一位新同学并给他们取一个英文名字,是他们非常乐意的事情,老师一定要抓住这个机会,讲清取英文姓名的学问,缩短与学生的距离。Step 1: Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)1.

10、Play the recording, enjoy the “ABC” song or the “Good morning!” song from the Starter Units, and get the Ss to sing together.2. Warm greetings to the Ss. T: Hello!/Hi! S: Hello!/Hi! T: You are very beautiful/cool/S: Thank you. 3. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Hello! My name is Lily. Whats your name? S: (引导学

11、生回答) My name is Tom. T: Its a good/nice name. I like your name.【教学设计说明】1在课前放一段学生熟悉的英文歌曲,渲染学习气氛。在轻快的音乐中学习,使学生更乐学。 2跟学生热情地打招呼,赞美学生,尽快缩短师生之间的距离。如学生未能理解,可用汉语补充解释。 3教师重复两遍这两句话,然后板书my/your/whats在黑板上,并在与学生交流的时候加重my/your的语音,突出这两个单词。 4教师要及时表达对学生名字的欣赏。Step 2. Work on 1a (完成1a)T: Now, lets look at todays new u

12、nit. Unit 1My names Gina. Please open your books and turn to page 1 and look at activity 1a. 1Look and find Please look at the picture in activity 1a. Can you write down the names in the picture? Please write down the English words you know on the blanks. 2Read together T: How many names do you know

13、? Can you share them with your partners? Please read them together and tell them the spellings. For example: Gina, G-I-N-A. T: Lets write down some names on the blackboard. If you want, you can write down your English name. Lets read the words on the blackboard together. 3Ask and answer (pairwork)Ha

14、ve Ss work in pairs. One asks and the other answers. Then change partners. 【教学设计说明】On the first day of class, some students will meet some new classmates and make new friends. Some of them wont know each other. They will introduce themselves informally before or after class. They will use first name

15、s to greet each other. Give an example to tell Ss how you would like to be addressed in the classroom. In English-speaking countries, teachers are addressed by Mr., Miss, Mrs., or Ms. and their last names. Lastly, try to give each S an English name if possible.Step 3. Work on 1b (完成1b) 1. Listen and

16、 number the conversations from 1 to 3 a. Listen to the recording for the first time. b. Number the conversations from 1 to 3 while you listen to them for the second time. 2Check the answers T: Lets check the answers. 3Read a. T: I would like you to read the conversations together. b. T: Would you pl

17、ease read them in pairs? c. T: Who would like to read them to the class? 4Explain a. T: Do you know what the conversations mean? Yes, they are greeting each other. b. T: How about “Im Mary.” and “My names Jenny.”? Yes, they are common ways of introducing yourself. (我们刚才读的对话一方面是打招呼,另一方面是介绍自己。请同学们掌握这两

18、种简单的介绍自己的方式:Im . 和 My names .)【教学设计说明】 Have Ss look at the picture as they listen to each conversation. Have them write the correct number of each conversation in the boxes. If necessary, have them listen to the conversations again and again. Check the answers by asking volunteers to read each conve

19、rsation and say the number.Step 4. Work on 1c (完成1c)T: Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates.a. T: Would you please greet other students in class? b. T: In Starter Unit 1, we learned some English names and everyone got one English name, remember? I would like

20、 you to greet other and introduce yourselves using your English names. c. T: Now, could you please present your conversations for the class? Who would like to have a try first?【教学设计说明】Have Ss form pairs and practice the conversations in the picture. Walk around the classroom to monitor their work. H

21、ave Ss introduce themselves using the conversations as a model. Have Ss mingle and practice the conversations. Invite volunteers to role-play their conversations for the class.1. 引出另一种表达方式Im / names,教师板书这两个词。同时让学生学会初次见面说Nice to meet you. 并且彼此握握手,告诉他们这是一个礼节,在美国很普遍。新句型的出现需多遍重复,加深学生的印象。 2有部分同学没有英文名字,为了

22、便于后面的交流,通过有趣的游戏,让他们在活动中获得奖赏。也可以让他们回答一些简单的问题来得到选名字的机会。同时巩固前面的句型。 3 把图上的东西在实物投影仪上放大,或者课前画一些简笔画。使图像更清晰、直观。 Step 5: Section A 2a 1Listen to the conversations and number the pictures 1 to 4a. T: Lets move to activity 2a now. Lets look at the four pictures. Can you tell me what is happening in the picture

23、s? b. T: Yes, the people are greeting each other. Now lets listen to the recording and number the pictures from 1 to 4. But for the first time, please just listen.c. T: Now lets listen to the conversations again and try to number them. Are you ready? Go! 2Check the answers T: Do you have the answers

24、? Who would like to tell us the answers? Answers: Picture 1 = Conversation 3 Picture 2 = Conversation 1 Picture 3 = Conversation 2 Picture 4 = Conversation 4 【教学设计说明】Ask Ss to look at the pictures and describe the setting. If they can, ask them to guess what the people are saying. Tell the Ss they w

25、ill hear four conversations. Have them number the pictures. Have Ss work in pairs to correct their answers. Answer any questions. 将四段对话让学生跟读一遍,为下一步的同桌活动做准备。教师要特别强调语音语调的模仿。可以先全班跟读,再让学生个体跟读。Step 6: Section A 2b 1Listen and circle T: Listen to the conversations again and circle the names you hear. 2Che

26、ck the answers T: Finished? Lets check the answers. 3Read the tape script a. T: Lets read the conversations. Please look at the tape script and read them together. b. T: I would like you to read them in pairs. c. T: Who would like to read them for the class? 【教学设计说明】Have the Ss listen to the recordi

27、ng again and circle the names they hear. Invite volunteers to read the conversations to check the answers. Step 7: Section A 2c 1Read a. T: Lets move to the activity 2c. There are two conversations in 2c. Please look at them. What are they about?b. T: Yes, they are about greetings and introductions.

28、 Could you please read them? 2Practice a. T: Lets practice the conversations in pairs. Please use your own names and if you can use your English names, it will be better. b. Who would like to present their conversations to the class? 3Task 1They are my friends. T: Lets try to perform a task They are

29、 my friends. I will give you a chart. Could you please greet your friends in class and write down their Chinese and English names in the chart? Please use the first conversation in 2c. I will give you two minutes and lets see who greets the most friends. Example: Hello! Whats your name? My names . a

30、nd my English name is . Im . and my English name is . Nice to meet you! 4. Task 2I want to have more friends. T: Just now, we finished task 1 and you have some friends names in your chart. Now lets do task 2. Please ask your friends about others names and fill in the chart. Example: Whats his (her)

31、Chinese name? His (Her) Chinese name is . Whats his (her) English name? His (Her) English name is . 【教学设计说明】Organize Ss into pairs. Have them use the conversations to guide them to talk about themselves. 1播放磁带, 训练学生准确获取信息的能力,同时检测一下学生对新句型的掌握情况。如有需要,教师可播放磁带两遍,播放之前,向学生讲清练习听力的步骤。听完检验答案后,有必要以大组为单位重复操练一下这三组句型。 2在学生两人小组进行对话时,教师可在教室不同的位置走动,聆听同学们的对话,及时肯定他们的进步,并在他们需要的时候提供帮助,纠正不正确的语音语调。Step 8: Section A 2c Invite volunteers to role-play their conversations for the class. Motivate them by o

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