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1、作文范文之喜欢住校的原因的英语作文作文范文之喜欢住校的原因的英语作文喜欢住校的原因的英语作文【篇一:英语作文】 对立观点作文 写作框架和模板 3 *9 第一段:陈述现状 (第1、2句) 1 the term “?”may by no means sound strange to most people in this day and age. 2 does anyone hold the same attitude towards “?”? definitely not,as to this issue,opinions vary from person to person. 第二段:阐明对立

2、观点(第3、4、5、6、句) 3 for those who hold the opinion that?正面观点claim that, firstly, 理由之一 4 secondly, 理由之二 5 however, others maintain that?反面观点,first and foremost,理由之一 6 moreover, 理由之二 第三段:阐明我的观点(第7、8、9句) 7 if i were forced to agree with one of the two opinions, i, doubtless, stand by the idea that?你支持的观点,

3、 in the first place, 理由之一 8 in the second place ,理由之二 9 given the factors i have just outlined, i strongly commit to the notion that? 再次表明你的看法和观点第3句正方观点替换句 那些支持?观点的人认为? thosewho are in favor of the idea that?claim that,firstly, 理由之一? 第二段 第5句反方观点替换句 相反,有很多人认为 on the contrary, a majority of people mai

4、ntain that?,to begin with ,理由之一? 第三段 第7句个人观点替换句 在我看来 from my perspective, 个人观点 to my way of thinking, so far as i am concerned, 问题解决作文写作框架和模板3 *9 第一段:陈述现状 (第1、2句) 1 the past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that? 2 taking a look around, one can find numerous examples wit

5、h ease:举例补充第 1句,增加文章生动性和真实性 (同时凑字) 第二段:阐明问题产生的原因、后果(第3、4、5、6 句) 3 what exactly contributes to such phenomenon ? its a thought-provoking question.firstly, 原因之一 4 secondly, 理由之二 5 the problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. first and forem

6、ost,危害之一 6 moreover, 危害之二 第三段:阐明问题的解决策略(第7、8、9句) 7 confronted with such problem ,effective measures must be taken before things get worse. in the first place, 措施之一 8 in the second place , 理由之二 9 only with these measures taken can we 提出美好愿景 问题解决作文 模板句作文 第一段 模板句替换和自创 第一段:陈述现状 (第1句的替换) 写法一:过去几年,我们见证了?

7、1 the past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that? 第一段:陈述现状 (第1句的替换) 2 taking a look around, one can find numerous examples with ease: 举例补充第 1句,增加文章生动性和真实性 (同时凑字) 第一段 第2句保持不动 第二段 模板句替换和自创 第二段 第3句现象产生的原因替换句 到底是什么导致了这个现象的产生? 这是个令人深思的话题 what exactly contributes to such pheno

8、menon ? its a thoughtprovoking question. firstly,原因之一 第二段 第3句现象产生的原因替换句 这个现象为什么会出现 ? 理由很明显,如下解释? why such a phenomenon emerges? the reasons, which are obvious to all, can be listed as follows: firstly,原因之一 第二段 第3句现象产生的原因替换句 很多因素可以解释这个现象,如下几点是最重要的 a number of factors can account for such phenomenon,

9、but the followings might be the critical ones. firstly,原因之一 如果我们熟视无睹,这个问题必定会带来严重的后果 the problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. firstly,危害之一 第二段 第5句危害或后果替换句 如果这个状况没有得到处理,将危害极大 it is extremely harmful if the situation is left unfettered.

10、firstly,危害之一 第二段 第5句危害或后果替换句 如果我们听之任之,将会带来巨大的问题 it will give rise to a host of severe problems if we leave the situation as it is.firstly, 危害之一第二段 第5句危害或后果替换句 第三段 模板句替换和自创 第三段 第7句-号召注意-替换句 鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们必须在事态恶化 前采取有效措施 in view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken befo

11、re things get worse. in the first place, 措施之一 第三段 第7句-号召注意-替换句 鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们必须马上关注这个问题 in light of the seriousness of the problem, due attention has to be paid to this issue. in the first place, 措施之一 第三段 第7句-号召注意-替换句 很明显,我们必须采取有效措施来阻止这 个情况 obviously, it is imperativethat effective actions should be

12、taken to prevent the above situation . firstly, 措施之一 第三段 第9句-美好愿景-替换句 通过这些方法,我们有理由相信这个问题,在不久的将来,就会解决 with these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future. 第三段 第9句-美好愿景-替换句 只有采取这些措施,我们才能? only with these measures taken can we? expect a compr

13、ehensive development of college students. 第三段 第9句-美好愿景-替换句 只有这样,我们才能? only in this way can we ? make the society more harmonious. 措 施 有 哪 些 ?( 第7和 第8句 ) 解决措施一 因此,我们应该吸取好的一面,而回避坏的一面 we should,therefore, take advantage of the fruitsand avoid the opposite facet. 解决措施一 因此,我们应该“取其精华,取其糟粕” we should,there

14、fore,as the common saying goes,“take the essence, discard the dregs.” 解决措施二 我们应该发扬长处,并将其坏处减少到最低程度 what we must do is to encourage the strengthand diminish the weaknesses to the least extent. 解决措施三 政府制定法律法规 it is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to ? ban/reduce sm

15、oking. put an end to the trend/ situation. 解决措施四个人应该提高意识 the public(we ourselves)should enhance the consciousness of the importance of ?health / education / independence 模板作文的内容填充万能论据及话题预测 一. 客观社会角度 便利 节约 浪费 效率 环境 经济 文化 1. 便 利 convenience 便利角度万能句 好处方面 it will offer us great conveniencein many aspect

16、s of our life. 坏处方面 ?会给我们生活的很多方面,造成巨大的不便 sth. will bring about tremendousinconvenience in many aspects of our daily life. 便利角度拓展句 微薄的广泛使用 microblog 微博可以使用户更方便地表达他们的情感和个人想法 microblog enablesits users toconvey their emotions and individual thoughts more conveniently. 网络远程教育 distant learning 更容易获得网络上的教

17、育资源 we have easier access to education resources on the internet. 信用卡的广泛使用 credit cards 使用户获得更多的便利服务 credit card enables its owners to obtain more convenient services. 社交网站的广泛使用 social-networking site 这是一种获得娱乐和放松的来源 social networking site is a convenient source of entertainment and relaxation. 2. 节约

18、和浪费save and waste 节约浪费角度万能句 好处方面 it will help us save a great deal of time (and money). 坏处方面 sth. is nothing but a waste of our precious time. 节约浪费角度拓展句 二手货网站盛行 这可以使那些经济条件差的人省很多钱 it enables those who have low financial condition to save a great deal of money. 城市用电紧张 electricity crisis 相当多的人毫无意识地浪费电

19、quite a few people waste electricity without even realizing it . 家长要求孩子寄宿学校 住校可以节省很多的来往与家与学校的时间,因此我们可以集中时间和精力在学业上 living on campus can save us a great deal of time on the way between home and schooleveryday,so we would be able to concentrate more time and energyon study. 3. 效率 efficiency 效率角度万能句 好处方

20、面 it can enhanceour work (study)efficiencygreatly. 坏处方面 it will decreaseour work (study)efficiencygreatly. 效率角度拓展句 网络 vs 图书搜索信息 with a wealth of information on the internet , searching for useful information can be time-consuming and inefficient. 4. 环境 environment 环境角度万能句 好处方面 sth. contributes to th

21、e improvement of environment. 坏处方面 sth. has a detrimental impact on the environment. 环境角度拓展句 大城市的生活环境愈加恶化 无可否认,大城市环境正处在一个恶劣的状况 no one can deny the fact that the environment in big cities is in an undesirable condition. 保护环境的紧迫性 如果我们什么都不做,那么环境问题将会不可避免地加剧 if nothing is to be done to protect the enviro

22、nment, the environmental problems will inevitably be aggravated . 保护环境的紧迫性 为了唤醒公众的环境保护意识,我们需要采取很多方法。 various measures should be adopted to arouse public awareness of environmental protection.5. 经济、发展、就业 economy 经济、发展角度万能句 好处方面 sth. contributes to the ( )development of economy. long-termsustainable r

23、apid and soundcomprehensive 坏处方面 sth. will hamper the ( )development of economy. long-termsustainable rapid and soundcomprehensive 经济、发展、就业 角度拓展句 大学生在校兼职 taking part-time jobs can relievetheir family financial burden to some extent. 考公务员热 ?公务员,作为中国最稳定的职业之一,成为了他们更倾向的选择 ?civil servant, as one of the m

24、ost stable professions, has become their preferable choice. 考研、考证热【篇二:阅卷老师更喜欢这样的英语四级作文】 阅卷老师更喜欢这样的英语四级作文【巨微英语】 在英语四级当中,写作虽然不如听力和阅读的分值大,但也影响着考生能否顺利通关。想要自己的英语四级得高分,只靠背写作模板怎么行? 今天,巨微英语小编就给大家讲一下如何写出让阅卷老师更喜欢的英语四级作文。 一、善用插入语 英语四级当中的插入语有两种形式,一种是两个逗号之间的成分;另一种是由两个半破折号引起的成分。插入语可以是一个词、一个短语、或是一个句子。插入语的运用可以帮到考生变

25、换句式,写出新意,得到高分。 举例: ancient men made tools of stone. for instance, they always used flint because it is easier to shape than other kinds.(未使用插入语) fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because it is easier to shape than other kinds. (使用插入语) 第二个句子不管是从形式还是结构都比第一句更胜一筹,试

26、问这样的句子阅卷老师有什么理由不喜欢呢? 英语四级写作中经常使用的插入语大概有这几类:1.副词插入语:frankly, especially, fortunately, indeed, however 2.短语插入语:generally speaking, to tell the truth, in a sense, in a word, strange to say 3.短句插入语:i suppose, as i see it, i believe, what is important 4. 万能插入语:rather than 二、巧用倒装句 倒装句用在英语四级写作当中,不仅能够表示强调,也

27、可以承上启下,使文章段落衔接更加自然顺畅。 倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装,今天巨微英语小编给大家整理了一些英语四级写作当中常用的倒装句式: 1. so + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子(如此以至于) 举例:so precious is time that we can not afford to waste it. 时间如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费。 2. on no account can we + v. + (我们绝对不能) 举例:on no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 3. n

28、othing is + (adj).er than to + v. + nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + v. + 举例:nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 以上就是巨微英语小编为大家总结的英语四级写作得高分的两种方法。当然,对于英语基础薄弱者而言,在学习写作方法的同时,还应恶补基础,避免无从下笔。基础薄弱不用愁,四级真题逐句精解解你忧!逐词逐句解真题,英语逆袭真神器!【篇三:英语作文总结】 1)先背3个句子 1 nowadays with the rapid

29、 development of advanced ., more and more. are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2 the popularity of digital will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. on the one hand , but on the other hand.(讲影响) 3to conclude, .are just like a double-edged sword. with them we ma

30、y have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. however, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段) ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板) 1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段nowadays wi

31、th the rapid development of advanced ., more and more. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. however, what worries most of us is that 中间段 firstly.secondly.lastly but in no means least 结尾段 to conclude, .are just like a double-edged sword. with them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. however, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间

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