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高二下学期期末考试英语试题A卷 含答案.docx

1、高二下学期期末考试英语试题A卷 含答案试卷类型:A卷 2021年高二下学期期末考试英语试题A卷 含答案第I卷(100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答相应小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the man do first?A. Fix the bike. B. Have a coffee. C. Clean the windows.2What is the date today? A. May lst.

2、B. May 2nd. C. May 3rd.3. Where will the speakers probably buy something to eat?A. At a cafe. B. At a service station. C. At the airport.4. How does the woman feel?A. Proud. B. Pleased. C. Angry.5What is the conversation mainly about?A. A film. B. A book. C. A bookcase.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材

3、料,回答6、7题。6. When does the woman usually go to the US?A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In winter.7. Where did the woman go on holiday last month?A. To America. B. To Canada. C. To Mexico.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. How did the woman improve her French?A. By listening to the radio. B. By speaking as much as poss

4、ible.C. By watching French films.9. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Believe in himself. B. Change learning methods. C. Practise French with her.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where is the woman now?A. In London. B. In Kingsford. C. In Briston.11. What does the woman think of the life in London?A. Bo

5、ring. B. Peaceful. C. Expensive.12. What will the man do this summer?A. Organize sporting activities. B. Work as a pool lifeguard.C. Teach people to swim.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B. Neighbors. C. Classmates.14. When are the business h

6、ours?A. From 9: 00 am to 6: 00 pm. B. From 7: 00 am to 7: 00 pm.C. From 7: 15 am to 6: 36 pm.15. Why is the woman worried?A. She will be fined heavily.B. She will be forbidden to drive.C. Her insurance will be raised.16. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Challenge the ticket. B. Call the pol

7、ice officer. C. Throw away the ticket.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. How did a North American Indian boy prove himself an adult?A. By drinking enough alcoho1 B. By wearing traditional clothesC. By staying in the woods alone safely for some time.18At what age does an American child bee an adult?A. 16. B. 18.

8、 C. 21. 19What could the speaker probably be?A. A teacher. B. A reporter. C. A writer.20. What is the speaker talking about?A. Customs for children.B. Legal activities for adults.C. Adult ages in different countries.第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA

9、store that sells husbands has just opened in Ottawa, where a woman may go to choose a husband from many men. The store consists of 6 floors and the men increase in positive attributes(品质,特点)as the shopper goes up the flights. There is, however, a catch(陷阱). As you open the door to any floor, you may

10、 choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building. So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 These men have jobs. The woman reads the sign and says to herself, “Well, tha

11、ts better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder whats further up?” So up she goes. The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 These men have jobs and love kids. The woman remarks to herself, “Thats great, but I wonder whats further up?” And up she goes again. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 These men h

12、ave jobs, love kids and are extremely good-looking. “Hmm, better.” The fourth floor sign reads: Floor 4 These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good-looking and help with the housework. “Wow!” exclaims the woman, “Very tempting. But, there must be more, further up!” And again she heads up anot

13、her flight. The fifth floor sign reads: Floor 5 These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good-looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic character. “Oh, mercy me! But just think, what must be awaiting me further on?” So up to the sixth floor she goes. The sixth floor sign reads

14、: Floor 6 You are visitor 3, 456, 789, 012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. Thank you for shopping Husband Mart and have a nice day.21. The writer intends us to believe that _. A. husbands are hard to shop B. women are hard to please C. women think they are better than men D. women can

15、t be too careful when choosing husbands22. Why do women tend to go up the floor until they reach the top floor ?A. Because they think the husbands downstairs are not suitable.B. Because they are sure that the best husbands are on the top floor.C. Just because they think even better husbands may be u

16、pstairs.D. Maybe they know the catch very well.23. What result can we learn from the passage?A. Women are not good at shopping husbands. B. Women are kinder than men. C. Women are romantic. D. More women will leave the shop alone.BAfter a terrible electrical accident, which caused him to bee both bl

17、ind and deaf, the whole world became pletely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years. The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life. His family, especially his wife, did their best to tend and fort him and finally he regai

18、ned the will to live.One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lightning. Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face

19、 down in muddy water at the base of the tree. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes, he could hardly believe what he saw: a plough and a wall. When Mrs. Edwards came running up to him, shouting to their neighbors to call for help, he could see her and hear her voice for the first time

20、in nearly ten years. The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread, and many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning. However, none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should

21、have happened. The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock, perhaps, the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock. 24. The reason for Roberts attempts to kill himself was that _.A. he had to li

22、ve in a dark and silent worldB. a terrible traffic accident happened to him C. he was struck by the lightning once more D. nobody in the world cared about him25. What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?A. Sheltering from the rain under a tree. B. Driving a car. C. Taking a walk wit

23、h a stick. D. Lying on the ground.26. We can learn from the text that _. A. Roberts wife sent for doctors immediately after the shockB. many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredC. there was no accurate explanation for Roberts recoveryD. a sudden injury in the head led to Roberts recovery27.

24、 Whats the best title of the whole passage?A. A Terrible Electrical Accident B. Robert Edwards and His WifeC. An Unforgettable Experience D. What a Sudden ShockCItalian Lakes and Greek Islands (12 Days)Prices starting from1,999Your tour begins in Milan, Italy, and moves on to the pretty Italian Lake

25、 District and the attractive resort(胜地) of Stresa, your home for two nights. Collette Vacations has carefully chosen the Costa Victoria as your home away from home for your 7-night journey along the waterways of the Mediterranean. The cruise ship is filled with the warmth and culture of Italy and is

26、 richly designed with entertainment(娱乐) areas and very good living conditions. It will take you to the places of your dreams.Youll spend 4 days touring Greek cities youve always heard about. In Katakolon, you will have the only unguided tour to nearby Olympia on the whole journey. Then with a local

27、guide you will visit the Greek islands of Santorini, which is often related to the story of the lost city of Atlantis, and Mykonos, a wonderful island with beautiful beaches.Your journey ends in Verona, home of the love story Romeo and Juliet, with a fun-filled farewell dinnera perfect ending to a p

28、leasant journey.12 Days, 25 Meals, 10 Breakfasts, 6 Lunches, 9 DinnersDay 1 Overnight flight to ItalyDays 23 Regina Palace, Stresa, ItalyDays 410 Costa Victoria ( Costa cruises)Day 11 Hotel Leopardi, Verona, ItalyDay 12 Leave for homePlease Note:Leaving datePrice for one personApril 7$2,099June 2$2,

29、199October 6$2,099November 3$1,99928. How is the journey planned? A. It starts and ends in Italy. B. It starts and ends in Greece. C. It starts in Italy and ends in Greece. D. It starts in Greece and ends in Italy.29. What can be inferred from the travel plan?A. The price may get lower than those in

30、 the plan. B. The prices include three meals a day. C. The price is the highest in summer. D. The prices include entertainment service.30. What does the underlined part “the Costa Victoria” most probably refer to? A. A famous hotel. B. A beautiful resort. C. A fortable ship. D. A long-distance bus.3

31、1. Tourists will travel on their own in .A. Stresa B. Olympia C. Mykonos D. VeronaDBELJLNG Eating at a Beijing restaurant is usually an adventure for foreigners, and particularly when they get the chance to order “chicken without sex life” or “red burned lion head”.Sometimes excited but mostly confused, embarrassed or even terrified, many foreigners have long plained about mistranslations of Chinese dishes. And their plaints are often valid, but such an experience at Beijings restaurants

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