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小学英语 六年级四种时态总结复习过程.docx

1、小学英语 六年级四种时态总结复习过程小学英语 六年级四种时态总结小学英语四种时态总结1 一般现在时。主要描述经常会发生的动作、状态或不变的真理。句末常出现every day/week/year/Monday , in the morning, 句中常有always, usually, often, sometimes口诀:“经常有每没(美眉)总星周”经常:often 有:sometimes (记住,“有”不是have,而是“有时”) 每:every week/month/year 等 没:never 总:always, usually等 星周:on Mondays, on Tuesdays等

2、组成:主语+be+名词(形容词) I am a student. He is tall.1. He is in New York with his cousin.他和他的堂兄在纽约。2. These postcards are great.这些明信片真棒!3. Its a picture of the Great Wall.这是一张关于长城的明信片。4.Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.它超过两万公里长5.Its in the east of China.它在中国的东部。6.There is a Chinatown in New Yor

3、k. 纽约有一个唐人街。7.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.那里有许多中国商店和餐馆。8.There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.在中国有许多偏凉漂亮的湖泊。9.Its a big family dinner.它是一次大的家庭晚餐。否定句:在be 后加not I am not a student. He is not tall.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 疑问句:be 动词提前到第一位。Are you a student? Is he tall?

4、Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 主语+动词+地点+时间 We go to school on Monday. He goes to the park on Sunday.否定句:主语+dont/doesntt+动词原形+地点+时间 We dont go to school on Monday. He doesntt go to the park on Sunday.疑问句:在句首加do或does Do you go to school on Monday? Yes, w

5、e do./ No, we dont. Does he go to the park on Sunday? Yes, he does./ No, he doesntt.动词单三变化:1. 在原单词末尾加s , 如:like likes 2. 单词以o, sh, ch, s, x 结尾加es, 如:go goes3. 单词末尾为辅音+y结尾去y加ies 如:study- studies2. 现在进行时:主要叙述正在发生的事情。句末常出现now, 句首常出现look, listen组成:主语+be +动词ing形式 I am reading English. They are swimming.

6、He is playing football.否定句:在be后加notI am not reading English.They are not swimming.He is not playing football.疑问句:将be 放到第一位。Are you reading English? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Is he playing football? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.动词变ing形式:1.在动词末尾加ing. 如:pl

7、ay- playing 2. 末尾有e 要去e加ing. 如:ride riding3. 末尾以辅音元音辅音结尾 双写末尾一个辅音如:swim-swimming3. 一般将来时。 主要描述将来要发生的事情。句末常出现next Monday/week/ year, tomorrow组成:主语+be going to +动词原形 I am going to visit Ann. They are going to draw a dog. She is going to ride a horse.否定句:在be后加not I am not going to visit Ann. They are n

8、ot going to draw a dog. She is going to ride a horse.疑问句:将be提前 Are you going to visit Ann? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Are they going to draw a dog? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Is she going to ride a horse? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.组成:主语+will+动词原形 I will go to the library. They will clean the

9、house. She will eat breakfast at home.否定句:在will 后加not 或将will not 写为wont I will not go to the library. They will not clean the house. She will mot eat breakfast at home.疑问句:将will 提前 Will you go to the library? Yes, I will./ No, I wont. Will they clean the house? Yes, they will. / No, they wont. Will

10、she eat breakfast at home? Yes, she will. /No, she wont.4一般过去时:主要描述过去发生的事情. 句末常出现last night/week/Monday/year, yesterday, ago组成:主语+动词过去式 I was a pilot. They were busy. He went to the market.否定句:在be后加not 在普通动词前加didnt 动词恢复原形。I was not a pilot.They were not busy.He didnt go to the market.疑问句:提前be 动词或在句前

11、加did Were you a pilot? Yes, I was./ No, I wasnt. Were they busy? Yes, they were./ No, they werent. Did they go to the market? Yes, they did. / No, they didnt.动词变过去式:1. 在原次末尾加ed 或d如:play-playedlike-liked 2. 辅音加y 结尾去y加ied 如:study-studied 3. 辅音元音辅音结尾双写最后一个字母加ed 如:stop-stopped 特殊变化:can-could do-did eat-

12、ate go-wenthit-hit pit-put sit-sat come-came get-got have-had see-saw begin-begangive-gave win-won read-read am/is-was are-were run-ran hear-heardhide-hid lay-laid cut=cut wake-woke fall-fell连系动词be是am, is, are三者的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,而是以am, is, are的形式出现。它们各有分工,而且随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。am最专一,始终跟着I转;are 跟you, we及表复

13、数名词或复数意义的词连用;is的交际最广泛,is与“他、她、它”形影不离,至于名词单数,指示代词(this/that)都与is结下不解之缘。小学英语语法时态度口诀 2. 一般过去时:“昨天上个ago前,in加年份when字连”(原创) 昨天:yesterday, 后面可以加morning, afternoon,evening等 上个:last,后面可以加week, month,year等 XX前:ago,前面可以加three weeks/months/years ago in加年份:in 2009/2008/1986/1220等,2010前全用一般过去时,后年2012前就都是过去时了,2012

14、,世界末日?电影看多了。 when字连:when I was a child等 when字后面都是过去时,也要用一般过去时。 3. 一般将来时时间标志口诀:正好和一般过去时对应:“明天下个after和in后” 明天:tomorrow,后面可以加morning, afternoon,evening 下个:next,后面可以加week, month,year等 XX后:after和in,后面可以加three weeks/months/years 这里要注意一下,after后加时间点才表示将来,如after 3 oclock 。加时间段表示过去,如after 2 hours 表示过去。in后加时间段

15、表将来,如in two years。 4. 现在进行时:“现在时刻看和听,最近在哪请安静。” 现在:now, at present, at the moment等 时刻:Its ten oclock. Im beating Xiaoqiang. 看和听:Look! Listen!后面一般都用现在进行时。 最近:What are you doing recently/these days? 在哪:Where is Xiao Z? Xiao Z is beating Xiaoqiang. 请安静:Be quiet!/Dont make any noise!/Stop making noise! X

16、iaoqiang is sleeping. 该文章转小学英语四种时态及口诀 一提到时态,就必然用到动词。首先要明确两个概念: 动词有五种形式,即:原形(形式),第三人称单数(形式),过去式(形式),现在分词(形式),过去分词(形式)。 小学阶段,句子有以下四种常见时态,即:一般现在时态;一般过去时态;一般将来时态;现在进行时态。式,意思就是各种不同的形式,是对应着动词来说的;时态,意思就是表达各种不同的时间的事情,是对应着句子来说的。式与时,先搞懂区别。 一、 一般现在时态一般现在时用法口诀 一般现在时,every, usually, often, sometimes. 第一、二人称和复数,动

17、词原形不变换。 除了I, you,复数外,动词后加s(es)别忘怀。 要变一般疑问句,be动词提前很容易。 若是没有be动词,Do和Does开头要注意。 否定句,很简单,not 在be 动词后面站。 若是没有be动词,do, does加not 要牢记。 请把这些规律记,一般现在时没问题。 一般现在时态,可能是两种意思。第一,表示经常性的动作,常与often, sometimes, usually, every day, every week, every month, every year等表示频率的副词连用。例如:He often goes swimming in summer. I usu

18、ally go to work by bike. Sam visits China every year. 第二,表示现在的状态。如:My mother is a worker. There is a computer in our classroom.注意问题: be (am, is, are) 动词就是独立的谓语动词,一个句子中有了be(am, is, are) 就有了谓语动词了。句子中不能同时出现两个谓语动词。不少同学经常出这样的错误:The boy is often eats hamburgers.(错)应改为: The boy often eats hamburgers.二、现在进行

19、时态正在进行时态口诀 现在分词用途多,进行时态不用说。 它的构成很好记,动词后缀ing。 词尾若有哑音e,去e再加没问题。 一辅重读闭音节,这个字母要双写。 还有一点要注意,改y为ie再加ing。 现在进行时态,表示现在正在发生的动作。结构是:am/is/are + 动词ing(现在分词)形式。如:Im writing a story. You/They/We are cleaning the classroom. He/She/It is having some food. 三、一般将来时态一般将来时态用法 一般将来时,将要发生事。 谓语不一般,will后加动原。 要变疑问句,will置主语

20、前。 否定句,也不难,will后把not添。一般将来时态,表示将要发生的事情。结构是:am/is/are going to + 动词原形;或者是will + 动词原形。 will 通用于各种人称之后,不受人称和单/复数变化的影响。如:I/We/You/You/He/She/It/They will have a walk after supper.I am/ We are/They are/ You are/ He/She/It is going to have a walk after supper. 四、一般过去时态一般过去式之歌 过去式构成有方法,一般词尾加ed。 如果词尾有个e,直接加

21、d就可以。 辅音字母y在尾,变y为i加ed。 “一辅重闭”作尾巴,双写之后ed加。 标准过去式加ed,少量不规则分别记。 am和is对was,are要变were没问题。 have和has用had,do和does变did。小学英语动词过去式顺口溜过去式 很简单,只要你能这样记。 前提必须是动词,不规则变化先记牢。 再记规则两三条,结尾有e只加d. live变成lived. y结尾也不难,辅音字母嫌他烦,把y换成i才愿加ed. Carry变成carried。 目前双写只有俩,hop过去hopped, stop要变stopped。 其他动词很随和,带上ed就能一起回过去。 动词过去式不规则词(目前学

22、过的): amwas iswas arewere dodid doesdid havehad hashad gowent buybought fallfell一般过去时态,也有两种意思。第一,表示过去发生的动作,经常与明确的表示过去的时间连用,如:last week, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last year, last weekend 等。如:The family had a picnic in the park last weekend.第二,表示过去的状态。如:There was a small pond in

23、the school before. Mary was a teacher two years ago.注意问题:be (was, were) 是独立的谓语动词,它不能与行为动词的过去式同时使用。同学们经常出这样的错误:It was rained yesterday. (错)应改为; It rained yesterday. The ducks were ate our picnic. (错)应改为:The ducks ate our picnic.过去式动词不存在第三人称单数的问题。也就是说,一般过去时态的句子中,无论主语是什么人称,单数还是复数,过去式动词都不能加s/es.可见:动词原形使

24、用于一般现在时态的第一人称单、复数之后;第二人称但、复数之后; 第三人称复数之后;还使用于一般将来时态。 动词过去式使用于一般过去时态各种人称之后。 动词第三人称单数使用于一般现在时态的第三人称单数之后。 现在分词使用于现在进行时态中。do/does/did 这三个助动词也是经常用错的单词。他们都是助动词,意思就是说他们是帮助行为动词的单词。do/does 用于一般现在时态,did用于一般过去时态。问句(一般疑问句/特殊疑问句/选择疑问句等)和否定句中使用它们。do/does/did 总是与动词的原形连用。句子的时态通过主动词体现出来。如:Do you often go swimming? No, I dont often go swimming. Does he like apples? No, he doesnt like apples. Did they go to the supermarket last Sunday? No, they didnt.载自无忧考网:

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