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本文(浙江省学年第一学期期中杭州地区含周边重点中学高三年级英语试题扫描版有答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、浙江省学年第一学期期中杭州地区含周边重点中学高三年级英语试题扫描版有答案E壮9学年卄删中杭T含周边中学 高三年级英语学科试题亠 潭intKi严卅申学林卩那埒咬赵畝命淳安中爭述繼养1HW.命杭坯出卩学袪X考生找知匸1- 本症済分】50分有试吋何120分许: 座位兮及笊考证号并垃沧辄数之2-柱理丽.在答吧心出険区域山写班级姓帝考场八 %所右答案必须写a書题巻上.写在试堆上无效:4韦试结贞后.貝需I:交苔題卷.选择题部分第一祁分$听力G共倩也满分3。分J傲題时.先将答幺标在试卷上。录音内西结疝,你将有画分种的时何将试橹上的答摘鋼 答題氓上第一 Y:(共5小赵:毎小軀13分,满分7.5分) _听卜而5

2、段对话-無段对话石有一个小虎.从题孕所给社从C三个透项中选出Mil选臥 井标在试柱的相应位j听完毎般对诂仃你祁有W秒钟的円间来回答有关小越和问谅下一外題. 扼段对话仅谟一坍.A- A coach. B. A driver. C. A policernan.4.Hour is the woman probably feeling?A.Happy. 0 Annoyc4 C. Scared.5.What does the woman mean?A.Kren can drive her to the airpurtB Karen has io change her schedule.C.Karen w

3、ill aCiend the meeting.第二节:(共15小题,誓小题1-5处 滿分22.5分)听下而5段对话或独白毎段对话或独白后有二至四个小题,从题屮所给的A、B、C三:*期 中选出最佟选项,井标左试卷的相应位理听毎段对话或独白前你将有5杪饼时间阅述各个小氤 听宪后.各小题将给出5秒钟的件答时乩 每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料.回答第6、?越。6. What da we know about 阮 man?A He is a middle school wtudeMB.He will have class- after 3:00 P m-C.He used to love playi

4、ng tenn,s7.W1)at will the speakers play nexHime?A.Tennis. B. Hswkc(ball.听第7反村科,回裤第8至10.题。8.wjs the man guing tn do at fitbl?A Take 4. business tnp. H. Go CO* work$. Why dieMht man put Town the briefewe?A Tb make p-ymcol B. To lake somclhm out(it.tO. Whm du we know abuuc the briefcase?A.Rs a small ka

5、thcr nnc.B.Its a Large blown one;.C h pnmtrd wih the mans full name 折毎8段材料.回密第11至13世eU.UTdco do students have the hngr st RChOOl holiday in Australia9A.In wmicr. B. In summer.12.What majur might Sue choose in university?A. HiStorj*. B. Science13.Where ire (he speakers now?A. In Heijing R In Wuhan听第9

6、股材料.也答矣Id至I?題.14.Whai is the rrlationhip between the ipeakers?A. Colleagues B. ClasTnates.15 Hqk will (bey know wheiher chases will be cancelled.?A. By reading the notice. tk Hy rcxeivtng a me?口gu16. Hnw does the man fed about the idea nf cancelling classes?A. Unconcerned B. Warned.U. WIul do knuw a

7、bout the ujuvrity?A Some Ktudcnl、live FTcampUI.H The piofessors don t Ukc rance Ding chilesC.Il has a beautiful campus.听第io政材砂,冋答笫18工20SS15.What Should li$tpxr? avoid doing?A. Writing down everything they hear.B Ekciding what is importaneC.Using symbols or numbers Qo keep pace.19.Whst CUn. you do to

8、 he an act3vd listener?A. Rend us much as yen can about lh qv!l 戶|旧 z 仙怕巧叱祸曲。spuows jOJiu e w 仅用)邨汛出 啪皿lg a呷 鬥gcudw SJkKWd T ivqi PIDD s M 5|d 如!l卩凹臥U1曲如二他助P附丄叩曲5 flutddru XfjURisuw 泗饰为31 qr啊“护叼uo山泌 阿叫呷i A|iiwuuuuJ$2|“ 呷 割叫 tn 9l itdiijo 爪叩6 atp ui npduioo uj p00 jo ajud SppDM 訓i 58 Uiotnj o*s(y lun

9、i|PAiuX()jq pipjpA uKissnf 科1 ui pJMyc3 .4uaai UAUunx weq UQM世Spo3cjnos(p mq jwapiswoj g汕巩2屮 dqiJssp inq spio/ft Xi!M0|lW。屮 尹 iPMYk efEsumo (inrtj 叫 pug rurp d*jq jje j 韦sntipu以 炉JQJ ltcujom nqp IO,JOl( X ,5详 duLoui v 3JVUS 0丄 9 兀ocqxtt可 p= ur 诩mu o.j, V.uyuuo.u ? piM? 21 jc sojx|d nqj 卩FOdn 皿n 叫1 P

10、IP HA耳珂avoirs 卩怦1luP!卩 3il xiHT:zq nofiid nwres 9i(i w ihb.%.jh i jistuJ Sw iirAx pwunai X|vuj mq 阿| an J -jiu.w,n po旳 e j| ire.Vi oi 3ndon iqiIs siuvs 矶I)c pn.O 叫口 nbi?asLpsiqju osiwq JXLO “皿円 h叫 Aq pouopucqe 住m an V paqocpt mmsgq pi?q uogwg laq imppoiHpn【卩小用 応2|巴| m 山心凯“二 丸小 jq iact ipim suoq uiiq

11、 35別 pou)叙卩 u飢卅 ynq *pq 05 durcopur 1F| 【*3 庐町小 pouws 目op JOOd 0Ua., (|r pur 衣屮 03 JqS mq、 心02 0(|i pjeoqpui? tneqd a(i mcs 叫s X|ius)sui Suine. sirw Pop 中 01 jaq 乱屮p oj jajqBnep jnq 口 bn lunypojpw 片U J2Q sif3?叫 r 卩取l$OPi|V (leiUOM 卩|0-丄1?亠竹 m CUDSimS lb(;呷 puc |VJIA |U3A uoos isoi!叫丄 m(q x)y pn半】5【叫

12、m ncwo.v pouwq-puiif 呷 pue 3cip aqijo SOL叫d PW 1? Wuqgwrinp nipai (RiQPS MO I? an?l|S QJ |plJ)p 10SII 屮兀叫册4 9q)aqi moqr Suiujr yyY&P M3J .jA3 3徑piiF poiy ujtt(ii(nQrq ptrv iuw wnfaqs jaiLva siq wp aioqi /山他皿 jtm 卑 z申 yinxsr iai| iJuaT|Eut Fqq 価 ISJl 列丫 JMd JUJUS 8nq oipasxW! rcqi pimojp mu” MJ 3wnu

13、HuipuodK u?鬥 pappus pm 3dp 】叫)ni、pauini 口 9可叫亠* po| 叫、呷 pzijcaj U9ll mq pouoputqe uxq pcq 3op mp jqSnnid A|BuiSup 伽丄 auoxuos jq Huihcm ji sb . a訓 2】to “ &崗 丫町 wdl-irauicd - cuinpeced :号1“电普 marathons for 5, 10. 211,刃 and 42 Mbmcidcrg ihc frozen 山血陽加森和wnlra, 18 1 亡stan of the nin, the air leiupepturc

14、 was an almosi unhcaiatilc -52 dtgrg Celsius, aixl by the【imc (he firsl 3d nnly runner reached the 39km mark iC hd iiKreascd w 48 decrees Celsius.*Wc coulil see CTiiirc amu/cment in Lhc eyes ofiourisu who veled here from AnsEha, Isdwaih pan and India g waich【he worlds c鈕胡 raee,M mnner S3咚问血 NellsVoy

15、cva d The Siberian Times. This was our fint uy at oranuing thi? extrcnirlY wM maMihnn Next year dcfinildy doing another rate, and aS alhktcs frlov; head ot J umii lour aiency. 13 pbns I。M aain nexi ir liopcfkally with more bnvc runners able Ki endure die weEiiiv winter temperature:-; ci Oymyakun24.W

16、Qiai cun wr Leam about To chdi现c their body limit in lhe cold climateC.To make running in low (cmperaiure popular.D.To help proiHOtc the toncisin id Oyniykon.2. Whai windd be lhe hc*( bile for the passage?A. The World role cf Colli H. Sixteen Brave RunnersC. An Icy JouEty D. The Worldws Coldest Race

17、CDescribed as die wyHdt most cnvirnmew(锻主砌)山已门 added eo the liquid cn1aUon(:fi?) jinxtss similar ki hzbrewing. The dried Solein has aday in Jkw 51 订 produced f3 it docs not need sprWulruM: hr Pmi Vninikkq, The Chief c?xeulivc uf Solr Foods cold Ills GuardLaa The piocess used co poduce Solein con vei

18、ling hydrogen and carbon dioxide l0 calories - us the s under food can be pjixiuced auyMiere in the world, ht also KO rimesE0c cnery-efUcicnC pH hcctirq than photciyalhCS1;光合用),tnd 10 to LOO lime? more environment “d elima-friendly ill wnter use lhan uninml or plant-bused (bed priducdonSolein 4ho ca

19、nuins all 1hc ewentu “”汐“0&皿龙酸).hue became it is produced uitig carbon djQMidr and cJcc.Lricity, it dee nul requite larc amounts if laud to pgdiicethe Solar Foodsbsite explains* AnoBer unique charac(efisti of Solein is that is able to take carbon directly fcn 書WcUX 泊 e witlwu needing i source of sug

20、arWhile Sohr Foods does not expect Solein to challenge canvcntional protein production iMhods n % next two decades, it dxs expeci it lo become a Few harvext” for humanily, which is significant considering 如 far 京e have only relied on plants Bild animals, ior sustenance. The HekinkL-based company pla

21、ns to open 张 first Sok in factory at the end of 202) and scalp up production(o two billinnmvah pcyear by 2022.27. Which of the following stalenieHis best dcsaibe the features of Solein?A It is a new kind of food containing all the nutritcon.H 11 lS marfe from waler anil carhon dioxide by applying ck

22、clriciLyC.It is produced without tojisuiming much land and energv;D.1( i$ a kind of man-made wheat flour.mean;2& What does (he undetJSed ord ,convcrtmgMA. relating B. changing29.VhiH can he inferred from the Iasi paragraph?A.The cuinpany thuiks Solem would Iiavc a rewarding future.B.Soldh is suppose

23、d tn challenge traditional protein production.C.There is Hill a long way for Sole in to be piU into production D I lumbnE can complete- rely on Sokin to survjvv.30.WhaVs the aulhOrS puqpoc in wribng this passage?A. To promote a new kind of tccbnoloe-.tS. Io introduce a new kmd of food.I:. Tn nalce i

24、in ad for a new kind of protein.D To call people to protect the environment 如-节* 共5个小题.毎小題2分,滿分10分 轉按矩丈内容,从燈丈后的塊礙中迤出能填人空白处的蛀任选顶-选顶中石两项为纟金遶反How In tlvdl with rtcgaifliviflyt can someiimcs feel hkc sunoundcd by negative people and opinions. Whdlicr i【is on seterf meilia, the people wk meet or in polulca! discuunje, thing$ cari oficn sccin averfhclming depressing

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