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1、qr部分单词quarterkw:t n.四分之一,一刻钟,一季,25美分,区,方向Only a quarter of the earth is land.仅仅地球的四分之一是陆地。Its a quarter past ten.现在是十点一刻。The flight was put off about a quarter, because of ground fog.由于地面有雾,这次班机推迟1 刻钟。The rent is due at the end of each quarter.缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。The quarter is used most often as a tip for

2、 small services.对于小服务,小费往往给25美分。The city has a busy Chinese quarter.这个城市有个热闹的华人区。He lives in the student quarter of the city.他住在城里的学生居住区。From which quarter is the wind blowing?风从哪个方向吹来?Her travels had taken her to every quarter of the globe.她游遍了世界各地。 v.四等分We should quarter a pineapple.我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份

3、。 adj.四分之一的 n.一季,25美分 quarter sessionsn. 地方法庭 quarter dayn. 四季的结账日期或付款日期 at close quartersadv. 逼近地,接近地 draw and quarter四马分肢,肢解尸体 a bad quarter of an hourn. 不愉快的短暂时刻 three quarters四分之三 living quarters住处 quarter-bound adj. (书本的)皮脊装订的 quarter-final adj. 四分之一决赛 的. three-quartersn. 四分之三 three-quarteradj.

4、 四分之三的 on the quarter在船尾部 give quarter准其投降免死;从宽发落 give no quarter格杀勿论 from no quarter从哪一方面都不,从什么地.questionkwestn n.问题,疑问He gave me no chance to reply to his question.他没有给我回答他问题的机会。That is a great international question of the day.那是当代的一个重大国际问题。Make a mark where you have a question.在有疑问的地方做个记号。There

5、was some question as to his honesty.关于他的诚实,还有些疑问。 v.询问,怀疑 in question正在考虑的 beyond question毫无疑问,确定无疑 question mark n. 问号,未知的事情 question master n. 答问节目的主持人 indirect question n. 间接疑问句 out of the question不可能,根本谈不上 open question未决问题;容易讨论的问题 call in question对 . 提出疑问,对 . catch question怪题 essay question n.

6、问答题 without question毫无疑问 cross-question n. 盘问,反复询问; come into question vi. 讨论(有实际意义,. beg the question vi. 以尚未解决的问题作. call into question怀疑,对 . 表示异议 past question adv. 毫无疑问(无可争. direct question直接疑问句查看全部查看全部quickkwik词形变化: quickly quicker quickest quickness j.迅速的,快的,机敏的Everyone is trying to get rich qu

7、ick nowadays.现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。He gave a quick answer to the teachers question.他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。They are pressing us to make a quick decision.他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。Come on quick or well be left behind.快,不然我们就掉队了。She walked with short, quick steps.她以小而快的步子走路。He is quick to understand.他理解能力强。He is quick at spyin

8、g the faults of others.他敏于发现别人的错误。A quick suspicion flashed across him.一丝疑惑突然产生在他的脑海里。 adv.迅速地,快 n.本质,皮下(尤指指甲下)细嫩或敏感的肉 quick bread ph. 速发面包(使用一种. be quick in the uptake v. 理解很快 quick test快速试验;快剪试验 quick break快速断开 quick action快动的;速动 quick ratio经速动比率 quick freezing速冻 quick disconnect快速脱开quietkwait adj

9、.安静的,宁静的,平静的When you are in a library, you must be quiet.当你在图书馆时,你必须保持安静。Please keep quiet while others are studying.在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad.在国外度过一个宁静的假期,他的健康状况有所好转。Everything was quiet under the blinking stars.在这闪耀的星光底下,一切都很平静。 n.安静,平

10、静,闲适Leave me alone. I just want some peace and quiet.别理我,我只想安静一下。There was such a world of hereditary quiet in her.她身上有一种先天的娴静气质。 vt.使平静,使安心I am well aware that nothing else will quiet Tom.我很清楚,别的任何办法都不能使汤姆罢休。The principal tried to quiet the students.校长试图让学生们安静下来。 vi.平静下来 on the quiet秘密地,私下地 quiet d

11、own使安静下来,平静下来 keep sth quiet将某事保密 quiet day平静日 quiet volcano静火山 quiet sun宁静太阳 Be quiet保持安静 quiet move平稳之着quitekwaitadv.相当,完全,十分,很,不太 quite a few相当多,不少 quite the thing被认为是正确的东西,流行 quite the contrary adj. 适得其反 not quite the thing身体不舒服 quite a相当 . 的 quite the go非常流行 quite other adv. 完全不同 quite somethin

12、g非同寻常;令人惊奇 feel quite oneself沉着,镇定 quite a little相当多,不少 quite some adj. 非常多 You are quite a stranger.好久不见了 quite too adv. 非常 quite a bit相当多 quite so adv. 正是如此(的确是. quite the other way相反的;颠倒过来 quite a number of adv. 相当多的(许多) quite an amount adj. 相当大量的 quite a character性格独特的人,与众不同的人racereis n.赛跑,竞争Eve

13、ry morning he spent two hours training for the race.他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。We are all involved in a rat race, whether we want to be or not.不管我们愿不愿意,我们都进行着激烈的竞争。 n.人种,种族,血统The Chinese belong to the yellow race.中国人属于黄种人。He is against race prejudice.他反对种族歧视。He is a man of noble race.他是贵族出身。 v.赛跑,竞赛 race meetin

14、g n. (通常延续数天. human race人类 obstacle race n. 障碍赛跑 tide race急潮 road race公路赛 boat race n. 划船比赛 relay race接力赛 hurdle race n. 障碍竞赛,跳栏赛跑radioreidiu; reidi.u n.收音机,无线电Im afraid this old radio is beyond repair.恐怕这台旧收音机不能修了。Radio reception isnt very good here.这里的无线电接收情况不太好。 v.用无线电通讯Every ship is required to

15、radio its position.要求每一艘船用无线电报告各自所在的位置。 adj.无线电的 clock radio n. 带收音机的闹钟 radio set收音机 radio tower无线电塔;无线电天线塔rainrein n.雨,雨水There will be rain in all parts of the country.全国各地将有雨。The boys went for a walk despite of the rain.尽管下雨,孩子们还是去散步。The rain beat against the windows.雨水拍打在窗户上。Too much rain account

16、ed for the poor crop.太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。There is plenty of rain this year.今年雨水充足。 v.下雨,(雨点般)落下 rain forest热带雨林 rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨 rain out vt. 因下雨而延期(或取消) acid rain酸雨 rain down大量落下 rain or shine adv. 不论晴雨(无论如何) rain spell雨期 rain cloud n. 雨云 rain work雨中作业raisereiz n.上升,增高,高地The percentage of the pay ra

17、ise equals the increase in prices.薪水的提高比率和物价的上升一致。He got a raise in monthly wages.他的月薪增加了。 vt.升起,举起,饲养,提出,引起 raise the roofvi.大发雷霆 raise a laugh引人发笑 raise a finger举手之劳;出一点儿力 raise up举起,抬起reachri:t v.到达,伸出,达成,取得联系,延伸,(伸手)去够We had twenty miles to cover to reach the nearest railway station.我们得走20英里的路才能

18、到达最近的火车站。He reached into his pocket to get his car keys.他把手伸进口袋里拿车钥匙。Hopefully, they will reach an agreement after the talk.会谈之后,他们有望达成协议。We tried to reach them by cable.我们试着用电报跟他们联络。The garden reaches the lake.花园一直延伸到湖边。He tiptoed to reach the dictionary on the shelf.他垫起脚去够书架上的字典。 n.范围,影响力,河段,等级 re

19、ach for伸手去拿,努力争取 reach for the stars目标遥不可及 reach out伸出,伸展 reach to达到,伸延到 . normal reach正常区段;正常范围 eye reach n. 视野readred,ri:d v.识字,阅读,朗读,理解,读到,猜测,读唇语,写着,读起来(给人以某种印象),显示,看读数,听到,将.改为,攻读,(计算机)读盘Only a few of the children there can read.那里只有几个小孩识字。Read the text slowly and deliberately.缓慢,有意的读全文。Every man

20、 is a volume if you know how to read him.每一个人都是一卷书,只要你懂得如何阅读它。Please read aloud so that I can hear you.请大声朗读,好让我能听到。I can read French but I cant speak it.我能看懂法文但不会说。Silence must not always be read as consent.沉默不能总理解为同意。I read a good article in todays paper.我在今天的报纸上读到了一篇好文章。The marker reads 12 kilome

21、tres.只见标志上写着“12公里”,Generally, the article reads very well.一般而言,这篇文章读起来很不错。What does the thermometer read?温度计的读数是多少?A man came to read the gas meter.有位男子来查过煤气表。Do you read me?你听得见我说的话吗?We advise the bank to amend the clause to read partial shipment be permit.我们已通知银行将该条款改为“允许分批装船”。She read history as

22、an undergraduate.她在大学攻读历史My computer cant read the disk you sent.我的电脑不能读你送来的盘。 n.阅读,好读物I was having a quiet read when the phone rang.我在静静地看书,忽然电话铃响了。His thrillers are always a gripping read.他的惊险小说向来引人入胜。 adj.博学的,熟知的 read between the lines体会字里行间的意思,领悟言外之意 read out vt. 大声读出来,宣读 read up攻读,熟读 read on v.

23、 往下念 read in n. 记录(写入) read of vt. 读到,从报刊上了解到 read over v. 很快把 . 从头. read off v. 记下,流利地读出 read into vt. 加上另外的意思于,. read for v. 攻读 read someone like a book充分了解某人,对某人知道得. read head读出头;读出磁头 read someones mind知道某人在想什么,看出某人的心思readyredi adj.准备好的,现成的,乐意的,情愿的The troops were ready for anything.部队已做好了一切准备。The

24、 letter is ready for the post.信已准备好,可以寄出了。I have no ready answer to the question.我没有现成的答案。We are ready to render them assistance.我们乐意援助他们。I am ready to vouch for the truth of the report.我愿担保这一报导的真实性。 vt.做好的准备Help him to ready all the ingredient that he need.帮他准备他所需的材料。 at the ready准备立即行动 ready money

25、 n. 现金 ready for准备从事 ready sale畅销 ready about准备转向 not ready非准备好 ready light就绪指示灯;操作准备指示灯 make ready vt. 准备好(预备) get ready准备好reallyrili adv.实在,真正地,事实上 really and truly adv. 真正地(千真万确地)reasonri:zn; ri:zn n.原因,理由,理智,理性That is the reason why I dont like it.那就是我不喜欢它的原因。He is able to explain the reason bec

26、ause he was present at that time.他当时在场,所以他能解释原因。We have reason to believe that he was murdered.我们有理由相信他是被谋杀的。We shall in no way let reason be defeated by impulse.我们决不能让冲动战胜理智。His assessment of the situation is based on sheer emotion, not reason.他对形势的评估完全是感情用事,而不是建立在理性基础上的。 v.理论,论证,推理,劝说 by reason of

27、由于 in reason adv. 合理(正当,有道理) reason out推论出 reason with v. 与 . 评理 listen to reason v. 服理 reason out of v. 劝说 . 排除 beyond all reason毫无道理,全然无理 for some reason由于某种原因 stand to reason vi. 符合逻辑(合乎情理) good reason充足的理由 reason together adj. 商定 by reason of the fair ey.为了某人的缘故 bring someone to reason使某人明白道理 ha

28、ve reason to有理由去 .;不得不 hear reason vi. 听从劝告 with reason adv. 有道理(合乎情理.receiverisi:vv.接到,收到,接待 receive ready接收准备就绪 receive miss防守失误 receive only只接收 receive in state隆重接待recentri:snt; ri:snt adj.近来的,新近的 recent years近些年 recent advance新发展 recent memory近事记忆 recent development近来的进展发展 recent amnesia近事遗忘 rec

29、ent times最近一段时间 the recent全新世regardrig:d v.尊敬,视为,注视,留意,和 . 有关The artist was highly regarded.这位艺术家非常受尊敬。I regard reading as a form of recreation.我把看书当作一种消遣的形式。He regards the bad weather as a prognostic of failure.他将坏天气视为失败的预兆。He regarded the famous scientist with worship in his eyes.他以敬慕的目光注视着这位著名科学家。Mary regarded the photo intently.玛丽专心地注视着那张照片。He seldom

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