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1、四级核心词汇二词根记忆法mentthink, mind; 表示“思考、心智critjudge; 表示“判断sensfeel; 表示“感觉到”ratreckon, reasion; 表示“断定、理由、理性gnoknow; 表示“知道in-表示“否定或者在里面com-表示“共同、一起、全部dia-表示“穿越,在两者之间词根ment:想,思考 副词形式:mentally 形容词形式:mental 短语:mental illness / disorder:精神疾病prepare / stay healthy physically and mentally:身心上都要有所准备 / 保持身心健康 听力文本

2、和阅读例:But for many years her husband suffered from mental illness and hekilled himself in 1963.多年来她的丈夫都遭受精神疾病的折磨,最终在1963年自杀了。 名词形式:mentalitymention, commentmention:提及,说起的事情就是自己脑袋里想到的内容What did the men mention in the newspaper? not to mention:更不用说例:Old folk and children are all against the proposal, n

3、ot to mention ment:评论前缀com-:一起,共同,完全也含有“共同、完全”意思的前缀:co-, col-,com- 释意com-(完全)+ ment (思考)完全想清楚了再去评论 评论词根crit:判断critical: 批评的 考点:作者的态度What is authors attitude towards. 表示态度的词: indifferent:冷漠的 in-(否定)+ different(不同的) 没什么不同的 冷漠的 positive / negative:一对反义词 前者:积极的;后者:消极的例:There are both positive and negati

4、ve aspects of allowing students to choose their lecturers.让学生自己选择讲师,既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。 optimistic / pessimistic:也是一对反义词 前者:乐观的;后者:悲观的 critic:专门批评别人的人,批评家 criticize:“批评”这个行为 criticism:名词形式例:He wrote an article to criticize the Greek poet and got a lot of criticisms from critics.他写了一篇文章来抨击希腊诗人,结果受到了很多批评

5、家的批评。crisis:医学术语,表示“病情急转期”危机,存亡之际例:He has argued that ANWRs oil would help ease Californias electricitycrisis and provide a major boost to the countrys energy independence.他认为ANWR公司的石油有助于缓和加利福利亚的电能危机,并且极大地促进国家的能源独立词根sens:来源于拉丁文,feel表示“感觉、感知”sense:感觉 第六感:The Sixth Sense make sense:表示“合理的,讲得通的例:It wou

6、ld make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow tofull sizes and reproduce. 搭配:common sense:常识a sense of belonging / well-being:归属感 / 幸福感sensible, sensitive:含有“感觉”的意思sensible:合理的,明智的sens(感觉)+ -ible(可的)可以感觉到的 合理的、明智的例:My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a sensiblecho

7、ice.我的家长,老师还有其他成年人都表扬我做出了如此明智的选择。sensitive:敏感的 常见考法:be sensitive to:对敏感 例:The woman is sensitive to weather changes.这名女士对天气变化非常敏感。 反义词:insensitive前缀in-:表示“否定indirect, independentrational:理性的词根rat:表示“理由、理性”最初的含义:计算例:It is vital we find rational ways of fishing, before every ocean becomesa dead sea.ra

8、te:比率 interest rate / inflation rate / death ratebirth rate / crime rate at any rate:无论如何例:At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.无论如何,医疗配备都会在一个星期以内到达你那里。 ratio:比重ration:配给conscious:清醒的 反义词:unconscious例:After going without air for several minutes, Herbert was unconsciousfor 2

9、.5 months and has undergone therapy ever since. 在缺氧几分钟后,赫伯特就昏迷了两个半月,而且从此以后就不断接受治疗。 conscience:良心My conscience is clean. 问心无愧。词根gno: 表示“知道”ignore:忽略 前缀i-:否定i-(否定)+ gnore(知道)不知道 忽略 neglect:表示“不经意或者不小心、懒惰造成的疏忽” ignore:一种主观性,表示“故意不理”例:She saw him coming but ignored him.她看到他过来了,却故意不睬他diagnose:诊断 dia-(穿过)

10、+ gnose(知道)透过现象看本质 诊断例:He was wrongly diagnosed.他被误诊了。mentmental, mentally, mentality, comment, mentioncritcritical, critic, criticizem criticism, crisissenssense, sensible, sensitive, insensitiveratrational, rate, ration, ratiognoignore, diagnosein-indifferent, insensitive, indirect, independentcom

11、-commentdia-diagnose, diagnosispositive, negative, optimistic, pessimistic, consciousunconscious, conscience, neglect与“数字”相关的词根的笔记:siststand; 表示“站立”sol表示“单独的”,也可以表示“太阳”uni-表示“一个”bi-表示“二”twi-表示“二”tri-表示“三”deca-表示“十”con-表示“一起、完全”per-表示“完全、彻底”或者“远离”词根sist:站立insist:坚持in(在里面)+ sist(站立)站在里面 坚持 宾语从句:动词原形表示

12、虚拟语气 例:Im sorry you feel that way, but my mom insists that he come.很抱歉你那么想,但是我妈妈坚持要他来。 搭配: insist on:坚持,坚决要求例:Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, eventhough they have no schedules to keep.很多病人都坚持要求在医院期间有人照顾他们,即使没有固定的时间表。 形容词形式:insistentpersist:坚持per(彻底)+ sist(站立)始终屹立 坚持、继续

13、搭配:persist in 例:She persists in her search for the truth.她坚持要寻找真相。 形容词形式:persistent consist:组成 con(一起)+ sist(站立) 站在一起 组成consistent:一致的 resist:抵抗re(反向的)+ sist(站立)站在相反的立场上 抵抗,反抗 动词要使用-ing的形式例:Although a teenager, Fred could resist being told what to do andwhat not to do.虽然还是个青少年,但是弗雷德已经能够抵制别人告诉他该做什么,不

14、该做什么。 形容词形式:resistant搭配:resistant to:有抵抗力的,抵制的例:Elderly people are not always resistant to change.老年人并不总是抵制变革的。 assist:协助,始终有人站在旁边帮助你assistant:帮忙的人considerate和considerable considerate:考虑周到的,体贴的例:It is very considerate of him to wait.他能在这里等,真是太体贴人了 considerable:相当大或者相当多的例:It will have considerable si

15、de effects if taken in large doses.如果大剂量的服用,会产生很大的副作用。 unity:统一uni(单一的)+ ty统一 unite:联合,联手uni(单一的)+ te 联合 United States:美利坚合众国 unique:uni(单一的)+ que唯一的,独一无二的例:Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be given to someone else for their use, your personal data, can be used, if they f

16、ell into the wrong hands.指纹是独一无二的,不可能被别人使用,但是你的个人信息却不同,如果落入坏人手里,很有可能会被滥用。 union, unit, universe, university词根sol:单独的 sole:sol(单独的) + e仅有的例:My sole reason for coming here was to see you.我来这里的唯一目的就是来看你的。solar:太阳 考点:solar power / solar energy / solar panel 例:When we think of green buildings, we tend to

17、 think of new ones the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make thecovers of architecture magazines.一提到绿色环保建筑,我们就会想到那些新颖的、高科技且装有太阳能电池板的杰作,这些都是在建筑类杂志的封面上出现的。“二”相关的词缀:bi-和twi-combine:结合,联合com(一起)+ bine(两个)把两个东西放在一起 结合例:They also combine words to make meaningful sentences in ways thatare

18、 unique, unlearned and creative.他们以独特和创新的方式将单词结合起来,组成富有涵义的句子。 短语:combine sth with sth.: 表示“把和结合起来”例:It will be more effective to combine listening with reading.将听力和阅读结合起来,效果会更好。 名词形式:combinationtwi-相关的单词twice, twin:包含“二”的意思twist:扭曲、扭伤例:Todays a bad day for me. I fell off a step and twisted my ankles

19、.我今天真是太倒霉了!我从台阶上摔了下来,扭伤了脚踝。“三”相关的单词tri-:三 triangle:tri(三个)+ angle(角)三角形 tribe:部落 deca:“十”decade: deca(十)+ de原意:a company of ten,“由十构成的一组”十年 常见形式:in the next few decadesdecades agoover the past three decades 例:In the next few decades, people are going to travel very differently from the way they do t

20、oday.在今后的几十年里,人们出行旅游的方式将会和今天大不相同。例:Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home ach year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent.在过去的三十年间,每年离家到国外求学的学生人数以每年3.9%的速度增长。sistinsist, insistent, persist, persistent, consist,consistent, resist, resistant, assist, assist

21、antuni-unity, unite, unique, union, unit, universe, universitysolsole, solarbi-combine, combinationtwi-twisttritriangle, tribedeca-decadeconconsist, consistentperpersist, persistent与“走”相关的词根的笔记:gresswalk; 表示“走”cedego; 表示“走”cessgo; 表示“走”proachnear;表示“接近”car表示“车或者跑”currun;表示“跑”pro-foward;表示“前面,向前”oc-t

22、o;表示“朝向”aggressive, congress, progress词根gress: walk,走aggressive:进攻的、挑衅的、好斗的ag-(强调)+ gress(走)气势汹汹的走过来 进攻的例:Aggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequences.在体育运动中的挑衅行为可能会引起非常严重的后果。progress:进步pro-(前面,向前)+ gress(走)向前走 进步 在方面取得进展:have / make progress in sth. 例:We have made great progress in c

23、ontrolling inflation.在控制通货膨胀方面,我们已经取得了很大的进展。 in progress: 表示“正在进行中”例:Work on the new offices is now in progress.新办公室的建设正在进行中。 形容词形式:progressiveprolong:pro-(前面,向前)+ long(长的)向前延伸 延长例:Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged his life.早期的发现和治疗可能没有治愈他,但是却延长了他的寿命

24、。 predict:预言、预告congress:国会con(一起)+ gress(走)走到一起去开会 国会US Congress:美国国会二院制 由参议院(the Senate)和众议院(the House of Representatives)组成ambitious: 名词形式:ambition (拉丁文)四处走动 雄心、抱负也指“野心”enthusiastic:表示“热情的” 名词形式:enthusiasm词根cede和cess:表示“走”access:通道、接近ac-(强调)+ cess(走)走来走去需要一条路 通道、接近 考点:have access to:有权利、机会进入或使用例:F

25、ortunately, educators have access to many online resources.幸运的是,教育者有机会可以接触网上丰富的资源。recession:衰退re-(向后)+ cess(走)+ ion向后走 衰退 economic recession:经济衰退 经济萧条:economic depressionexcess:ex-(超出)+ cess(走) 走出了一定的界限 过度、过量 in excess of:超过;过度 例:In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late. 由于有极高的热情,我同意工作到晚一点。

26、excessive:过多的 excess:形容词&名词 adj:过度的 和excessive有什么区别? excessive:过度(严重超过了合理范围),泛滥 extreme:极度的 区分adequate, abundant, sufficient之间的不同adequate:不多不少,刚够(包含质量好的意思)abundant:非常非常的多sufficient:有富余= enough更为书面、正式additional:额外的 名词形式:addition 短语: in addition:另外例:In addition, advertising can influence consumers moo

27、ds. 另外,广告可以影响消费者的情绪。in addition to:除了之外 例:In addition to basic salary, theres a list of extra benefits除了基本的工资以外,还有一份额外收益的清单。exceed, proceed, process词根proach:表示 “接近”approach:ap-(强调)+ proach(接近)一再地接近 向靠近,方法例:The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can easily find new app

28、roaches to meet market needs.职员掌握外语技能的好处在于他们能轻易地找到符合市场需求的方法。“方法”:way, method, meansway:用得很多,普通用词method:系统、正规而且富有逻辑性的方法 例:scientific method of data analysis科学的数据分析方法means:手段 搭配:by all means:尽一切办法例:Try by all means to save the dying.想尽一切办法来救这位垂死的人。by no means:绝不例:She is by no means stupid. 她一点都不笨。词根ca

29、r:“跑”car:汽车carry:运送cargo:被车带着走的东西 货物career:马车行驶过后的轨迹 生涯、经历、职业词根car cur:“跑”currency:货币cur(跑)+ rency流通的东西 货币occur:发生oc-(朝向)+ cur(跑)朝着发生事情的地方跑去 发生 短语:occur to: 想起,想到例:To tell the truth, Tony, it never occurred to me that you are an athlete.托尼,告诉你实话吧,我从来都没想到你是一名运动员。gressaggressive, progress, progressive, congresscede ceedexceed,proceedcessaccess, recession, excess, excessive, processproachapproachcarcargo, career, carrier, carriagecurcurrency, occurpro-progress, progressive, prolongoc-occuramb

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