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1、行政法中英文对照版Administrative Litigation Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2014 Amendment)Effective 中华人民共和国行政诉讼法(2014修正) 现行有效Issuing authority:National Peoples CongressDocument Number:Order No. 15 of the PresidentDate issued:11-01-2014Level of Authority:LawsArea of law:Administrative LitigationAdminis

2、trative Litigation Law of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国行政诉讼法(Adopted at the 2nd session of the Seventh National Peoples Congress on April 4, 1989; and amended according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress on Amending the Administrative Litigation Law of

3、the Peoples Republic of China adopted at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National Peoples Congress on November 1, 2014)(1989年4月4日第七届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过根据2014年11月1日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议关于修改中华人民共和国行政诉讼法的决定修正)Table of ContentsChapter I General Provisions第一章总则Chapter II Scope of

4、Cases Accepted第二章受案范围Chapter III Jurisdiction第三章管辖Chapter IV Primary Litigation Participants第四章诉讼参加人Chapter V Evidence第五章证据Chapter VI Filing a Complaint and Accepting a Case第六章起诉和受理Chapter VII Trial and Judgment第七章审理和判决Section 1 General Rules第一节一般规定Section 2 Formal Procedure at First Instance第二节第一审普

5、通程序Section 3 Summary Procedure第三节简易程序Section 4 Procedures at Second Instance第四节第二审程序Section 5 Trial Supervision Procedure第五节审判监督程序Chapter VIII Enforcement第八章执行Chapter IX Foreign-Related Administrative Litigation第九章涉外行政诉讼Chapter X Supplementary Provisions第十章附则Chapter I General Provisions第一章总则Article

6、1 To ensure the impartial and timely trial of administrative cases by the peoples courts, settle administrative disputes, protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations, and oversee administrative agencies exercise of power according to the law, this Law

7、is developed in accordance with the Constitution. 第一条为保证人民法院公正、及时审理行政案件,解决行政争议,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,监督行政机关依法行使职权,根据宪法,制定本法。Article 2 A citizen, a legal person, or any other organization which deems that an administrative action taken by an administrative agency or any employee thereof infringes upon th

8、e lawful rights and interests of the citizen, legal person, or other organization shall have the right to file a complaint with a peoples court in accordance with this Law. 第二条公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关和行政机关工作人员的行政行为侵犯其合法权益,有权依照本法向人民法院提起诉讼。The term “administrative action” as mentioned in the preceding paragr

9、aph includes administrative actions taken by an organization empowered by a law, regulation, or rule.前款所称行政行为,包括法律、法规、规章授权的组织作出的行政行为。Article 3 The peoples courts shall protect the right of a citizen, a legal person, or any other organization to file a complaint, and accept, according to the law, adm

10、inistrative cases that shall be accepted. 第三条人民法院应当保障公民、法人和其他组织的起诉权利,对应当受理的行政案件依法受理。Administrative agencies and the employees thereof may not interfere with or impede the acceptance of administrative cases by the peoples courts.行政机关及其工作人员不得干预、阻碍人民法院受理行政案件。The person in charge of an administrative ag

11、ency against which a complaint is filed shall appear in court to respond to the complaint, or, if he or she is unable to appear in court, authorize a relevant employee of the administrative agency to appear in court.被诉行政机关负责人应当出庭应诉。不能出庭的,应当委托行政机关相应的工作人员出庭。Article 4 The peoples courts shall independe

12、ntly exercise judicial power over administrative cases, without any interference by any administrative agency, social group, or individual. 第四条人民法院依法对行政案件独立行使审判权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。The peoples courts shall establish administrative divisions for the trial of administrative cases.人民法院设行政审判庭,审理行政案件。Arti

13、cle 5 The peoples courts shall try administrative cases based on facts according to the law. 第五条人民法院审理行政案件,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。Article 6 In the trial of administrative cases, the peoples courts shall examine the legality of administrative actions. 第六条人民法院审理行政案件,对行政行为是否合法进行审查。Article 7 In the trial of admi

14、nistrative cases, the peoples courts shall apply the collegial bench, disqualification, open trial, and “final after two levels of trial” rules according to the law. 第七条人民法院审理行政案件,依法实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。Article 8 In administrative litigation, the parties shall have equal legal status. 第八条当事人在行政诉讼中的法律

15、地位平等。Article 9 Citizens of all ethnicities shall have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their respective ethnicities in administrative litigation. 第九条各民族公民都有用本民族语言、文字进行行政诉讼的权利。In an area where an ethnic minority is concentrated or several ethnicities cohabit, the peoples courts sh

16、all conduct trial and publish legal instruments in the spoken and written languages commonly used by the local ethnicity or ethnicities.在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,人民法院应当用当地民族通用的语言、文字进行审理和发布法律文书。The peoples courts shall provide interpretation for litigation participants who are not familiar with the spoken

17、and written languages commonly used by the local ethnicity or ethnicities.人民法院应当对不通晓当地民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。Article 10 In administrative litigation, the parties shall have the right to debate. 第十条当事人在行政诉讼中有权进行辩论。Article 11 The peoples procuratorates shall have the authority to exercise legal supervis

18、ion over administrative litigation. 第十一条人民检察院有权对行政诉讼实行法律监督。Chapter II Scope of Cases Accepted第二章受案范围Article 12 The peoples courts shall accept the following complaints filed by citizens, legal persons, or other organizations: 第十二条人民法院受理公民、法人或者其他组织提起的下列诉讼:(1) A complaint against any administrative pu

19、nishment, such as administrative detention, suspension or revocation of a license or permit, ordered suspension of production or business, confiscation of illegal income, confiscation of illegal property, a fine, or a warning.(一)对行政拘留、暂扣或者吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收违法所得、没收非法财物、罚款、警告等行政处罚不服的;(2) A complaint a

20、gainst any administrative compulsory measure, such as restriction of personal freedom or seizure, impoundment, or freezing of property, or administrative enforcement.(二)对限制人身自由或者对财产的查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施和行政强制执行不服的;(3) A complaint against an administrative agencys denial of, or failure to respond within th

21、e statutory period to, an application for administrative licensing or any other administrative licensing decision made by the administrative agency.(三)申请行政许可,行政机关拒绝或者在法定期限内不予答复,或者对行政机关作出的有关行政许可的其他决定不服的;(4) A complaint against an administrative agencys decision to confirm the ownership or the right t

22、o use any natural resource, such as land, mineral resources, water, forest, hill, grassland, wasteland, tidal flat, or sea area.(四)对行政机关作出的关于确认土地、矿藏、水流、森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、海域等自然资源的所有权或者使用权的决定不服的;(5) A complaint against a decision on expropriation or requisition or a decision on compensation for expropria

23、tion or requisition.(五)对征收、征用决定及其补偿决定不服的;(6) A complaint against an administrative agencys refusal to perform, or failure to respond to an application for the administrative agency to perform, its statutory duties and responsibilities in respect of protecting personal rights, property rights, and ot

24、her lawful rights and interests.(六)申请行政机关履行保护人身权、财产权等合法权益的法定职责,行政机关拒绝履行或者不予答复的;(7) A complaint claiming that an administrative agency has infringed upon the plaintiffs autonomy in business management, right in the contractual operations on rural land, or right in operations on rural land.(七)认为行政机关侵犯

25、其经营自主权或者农村土地承包经营权、农村土地经营权的;(8) A complaint claiming that an administrative agency has abused its administrative power to preclude or restrict competition.(八)认为行政机关滥用行政权力排除或者限制竞争的;(9) A complaint claiming that an administrative agency has illegally raised funds or apportioned expenses or illegally re

26、quired performance of other obligations.(九)认为行政机关违法集资、摊派费用或者违法要求履行其他义务的;(10) A complaint claiming that an administrative agency has failed to pay consolation money, minimum subsistence, or social insurance benefits according to the law.(十)认为行政机关没有依法支付抚恤金、最低生活保障待遇或者社会保险待遇的;(11) A complaint claiming t

27、hat an administrative agency has failed to perform according to the law or as agreed upon, or illegally modified or rescinded, an agreement, such as a government concession agreement or a land and building expropriation compensation agreement.(十一)认为行政机关不依法履行、未按照约定履行或者违法变更、解除政府特许经营协议、土地房屋征收补偿协议等协议的;(

28、12) A complaint claiming that an administrative agency has otherwise infringed upon personal rights, property rights, or other lawful rights and interests.(十二)认为行政机关侵犯其他人身权、财产权等合法权益的。In addition to those as set out in the preceding paragraph, the peoples courts shall accept administrative cases whic

29、h may be filed as prescribed by laws and regulations.除前款规定外,人民法院受理法律、法规规定可以提起诉讼的其他行政案件。Article 13 The peoples courts shall not accept complaints filed by citizens, legal persons, or other organizations against the following: 第十三条人民法院不受理公民、法人或者其他组织对下列事项提起的诉讼:(1) Actions taken by the state in national

30、 defense and foreign affairs, among others.(一)国防、外交等国家行为;(2) Administrative regulations and rules or decisions and orders with general binding force developed and issued by administrative agencies.(二)行政法规、规章或者行政机关制定、发布的具有普遍约束力的决定、命令;(3) Decisions of administrative agencies on the rewards or punishme

31、nts for their employees or the appointment or removal from office of their employees.(三)行政机关对行政机关工作人员的奖惩、任免等决定;(4) Administrative action taken by an administrative agency as a final adjudication according to the law.(四)法律规定由行政机关最终裁决的行政行为。Chapter III Jurisdiction第三章管辖Article 14 The basic peoples courts shall have jurisdiction over administrative cases as courts of first instance. 第十四条基层人民法院管辖第一审行政案件。Article 15 An Intermediate People

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