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1、中考英语重点单词用法 初中英语重点单词用法Attention1. attention是名词,意为“注意,留心,专心”。常用于短语pay attention to,意为“对注意、留心”。这里的to是介词,其后常接名词、代词或动名词。attention前可用more, close, great等来修饰,以加强语气,表示“更加注意”。 如:Please pay more attention to the problem we have to face. 请多注意我们所面临的问题。2. 在pay attention to后若无宾语,则不用 to。如:Today is your last lesson

2、in French. I beg you to pay attention. 今天是你们上的最后一节法语课了,恳请你们认真听。terrify1. terrify是动词,意为“使害怕,使恐惧”。如:His terrifying stories terrified the girls.他讲的恐怖故事吓坏了这些女孩子。2. be terrified of sth./ doing sth.意为“对某物/干某事感到恐惧、害怕”。如: I was terrified of the tiger when I first saw it.我第一次看见老虎时吓坏了。He is terrified of speak

3、ing English in class.他害怕在课堂上讲英语。注:be terrified比be afraid 的语气更强,害怕的程度更大一些。practice1、practice v. 练习;实习。后面多跟名词(词组)或v-ing形式作宾语。如: I want to practice my spoken English in the English Corner this weekend.这个周末我想去英语角练习口语。Listen! Someone is practicing playing the piano. 听!有人在练习弹钢琴。2、practice n. 实践;练习;经验。多为不可

4、数名词。如:Practice makes perfect. 谚熟能生巧。Have you had any practice in nursing the sick?你有护理病人的经验吗?Interest1. interest 作及物动词。interest sb.意为“使某人感兴趣,引起某人注意”。如:Geography doesnt interest him.地理引不起他的兴趣。interest sb. in (doing) sth.意为“使某人在方面感兴趣”。如:He tried to interest me in buying the house.他想说服我买这所房子。2. interes

5、t作名词。意为“兴趣”时,常作不可数名词。常见短语show / have interest in (doing) sth.,意为“对表现出 / 有兴趣”。如:She showed great interest in the meeting.她对这次会议表现出极大的兴趣。意为“业余爱好”或“感兴趣的事”时,常作可数名词。如:He has two great interests. One is sports and the other is music. 他有两大爱好:一个是体育,另一个是音乐。3. interested是形容词,常用结构be interested in (doing) sth.意

6、为“对(做)感兴趣”,主语是人。如:John is interested in history. 约翰喜欢历史。He is interested in drawing pictures.他对画画感兴趣。4. interesting也是形容词,意为“令人感兴趣的”,既可以作表语,也可以作定语。如:The story is very interesting. 这个故事很有趣。This is an interesting movie. 这是一部有趣的电影。preferprefer是及物动词,意为“更喜欢,更喜爱”,相当于like . better。1. prefer sth.意为“更喜欢”。如:He

7、 prefers country life. 他更喜欢乡村生活。2. prefer doing / to do sth. 意为“更喜欢干”。如:I prefer watching / to watch TV.我更喜欢看电视。3. prefer sb. to do sth. 意为“宁愿某人做”。如:I prefer you to stay here a little longer.我更喜欢你在这里多呆一会儿。4. prefer sth. to sth.意为“比起更喜欢”。如:She prefers English to Chinese.比起语文来她更喜欢英语。5. prefer doing st

8、h. to doing sth. = prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 意为“喜欢做而不喜欢做,宁愿做而不愿做”。如:I prefer doing to talking.我喜欢做事,不喜欢空谈。Children prefer to stay at home rather than go out with you. 孩子们宁愿呆在家里而不愿和你一起出去。goodgood是英语中一个比较活跃的单词,既可作形容词,也可作名词。1. 作形容词时,在句中既可作定语,也可作表语。(1) good意为“好的,美好的”。如:Weve seen this good fi

9、lm. 我们已看过这部好电影了。The news is too good to be true. 这条消息好得难以让人相信。(2) good意为“善良的,和蔼的”,相当于kind。如:Mrs. Wang is a good wife. 王太太是一个贤慧的妻子。(3) good意为“新鲜的”,相当于fresh。如:This meat doesnt smell quite good. 这肉味不太新鲜了。(4) good意为“有益的,有帮助的”,常见短语be good for .,意为“对有益,有利于”;其反义词组是be bad for . ,意为“对有害,有害于”。如:Milk is good f

10、or children. 牛奶对小孩有益。2. 作名词,意为“利益,好处”,常见短语do sb. good,意为“对某人有好处”。如:Eat more fruit. It will do you good. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。 3. 与good有关的其他常见短语:(1) be good at .意为“擅长于,在(方面)做得好”,后接名词、代词或v-ing形式作宾语。其同义词组为do well in。如:Are you good at English?你英语学得好吗?They are good at playing football. 他们擅长踢足球。(2) be good to . 意为

11、“对友善”,一般接表示人的代词或名词,其中good可用friendly代替。如:All the parents are good to their children. 天下所有的父母对自己的子女都很好。(3) have a good / great time表示“玩得高兴,过得愉快”。其同义词组为enjoy oneself。如:They had a good time in the park. 他们在公园里玩得很高兴。相关链接 good与well的区别在指质量和技艺等方面好时,good是形容词,而well是副词;well用作形容词时,专指身体健康,作表语,意为“(身体)好”。如: Its a

12、good car, and it runs well. 它是一部好车,跑得不错。Are you well today? 你今天身体好吗? Remindremind是及物动词,意为“提醒,使记起”。1. remind sb.意为“提醒某人”。如:He reminded me in time just as I would make the same mistake again. 他就在我差一点犯同样的错误时,及时提醒了我。2. remind sb. to do sth.意为“提醒某人做”。如:The teacher reminded us to pay attention to the pron

13、unciation of the new word.老师提醒我们要注意这个生词的发音。3. remind sb. of sb. / sth.意为“使某人想起”。如:The earrings remind me of my grandma.这对耳环使我想起了我的奶奶。4. remind sb. that . 意为“提醒某人”。如:Please remind me that I should bring him a present for his birthday.请提醒我给他带生日礼物。provide1. provide及物动词,意为“提供,供应”。如:That hotel provides g

14、ood meals. 那家旅馆供应丰盛的膳食。2. provide常用于下列结构:(1) provide sb. with sth. (提供给某人某物) 如:The managers provided us with a few computers. 经理们向我们提供了几台计算机。(2) provide sth. for sb. (为某人提供某物) 如:They provided food and medicine for the refugees. 他们给难民们提供了食品和药品。 continuecontinue意为“(使)继续,(使)连续”,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。1. 作及物动

15、词。如:Lets continue our meeting. 咱们继续开会吧。2. 作不及物动词。如:Ten minutes later, the class continued.10分钟后,又上课了。3. continue to do sth.与continue doing sth., 均可表示“继续做某事”。如:She continued to play the piano. 她继续弹钢琴。He continued working though he was ill. 他虽然有病,但一直坚持工作。considerconsider 是动词,意为“考虑,思考,认为”。常用于下列结构:1. co

16、nsider+n. / pron. 如:We must consider the matter carefully.我们必须仔细考虑这件事。2. consider doing sth. 如:Mr. Wang is considering going to America.王先生正在考虑前往美国。3. consider+连接代(副)词+不定式 如:They should consider what to do next.他们应该考虑下一步该怎么办。友情提示 consider作“认为”讲时,其后还可跟复合宾语,宾语补足语可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词短语和不定式(多为to be形式)等。如: I

17、consider myself to be lucky. 我认为自己是幸运的。aswhenwhileas意思是“当时候”,往往强调主句和从句中的动作或事件同时发生,有时译成“一边一边”。when 是普通用语,在表示“当时候”时,从句中既可用延续性动词,也可用短暂性动作的动词,可以替代as或while。while 引导的从句的动作常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,常用进行时态,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生。注意:while从句中的动作一般是延续性动作的动词。 afford1. afford是动词,意为“买得起,担负得起”。通常与can, could, be able to连用,尤用于否定句或疑问句

18、中。如:They couldnt afford $50 for a ticket. 他们拿不出50美元买一张票。Can we afford a new car? 我们能买得起一辆新车吗?2. afford后面常跟带to的动词不定式。如:We cant afford to go abroad this summer.今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。sure1. sure作副词,表示“当然,的确”,相当于certainly / of course。如:Can I borrow these magazines?我能借这些杂志吗?Sure / Certainly / Of course. 当然可以。2.

19、 sure作形容词,常用于以下结构:be sure to do sth.表示说话人确信某人,以及be sure of / that .表示某人确信自己。如:He is sure to succeed. 他一定会成功。(说话人确信)strict1. strict是形容词,意为“严格的,严厉的”,可作表语也可作定语。如:Our head teacher is very strict, but we still need many strict rules. 我们的班主任非常严格,但是我们还需要许多严格的制度。2. 我们常见短语be strict with sb.,意为“对某人严格要求”,以及be

20、strict in (doing) sth., 意为“对(做)某事严格要求”。如:Mr. Smith is very strict with his children.史密斯先生对他的孩子们要求十分严格。We should be strict in (doing) our work.对工作我们应该严格要求。clean1. 多作及物动词,有时也可用作不及物动词,意思是“弄干净,擦干净,打扫干净”。如:Please clean the blackboard. 请把黑板擦干净。These plates clean easily (=are easy to clean).这些盘子很容易擦干净。2. 常

21、用词组:(1) clean up意思是“收拾整洁,清理,整顿”。如:The city government has decided to clean up the city. 市政府已决定要整顿市容。 友情提示 可构成合成词:clean-up。如:Im going home to have a good clean-up. 我将回家好好收拾一下。(2) clean out 意思是“把(房间、抽屉等)弄干净整齐,清除”。如:I asked the children to clean out their drawers. 我让孩子们把他们的抽屉收拾整齐。友情提示 可构成合成词:clean-out。

22、如:The place needs a good clean-out. 这个地方需要好好清理一下。turn1. 作名词,意为“(依次轮到每个人的)机会”。常用于Its ones turn to do sth,意为“轮到某人做某事”,以及wait ones turn,意为“等着轮到某人”。如:Its your turn to clean up the classroom. 该你打扫教室了。Youd better wait your turn to get the ticket.你最好按顺序等着拿票。2. 作动词,意为“转弯,转变方向”。如:The wheel turned slowly. 车轮缓

23、慢地转了个弯。3. 常见短语动词:turn on 打开turn off关掉 turn up调节(收音机等)使音量变大turn down调节(收音机等)使音量变小友情提示 turn还可用作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。如:When autumn comes, leaves turn yellow. 当秋天来到的时候,叶子都变黄了。decide decide v. 作出决定;下决心(做某事)。后面多跟动词不定式作宾语。如: She decided not to go alone. 她决定不单独去。 decide的名词形式是decision,固定搭配make a decision意为“作出决定”。如:

24、 She could not make a decision about the dress. 她对(买不买)这件连衣裙下不了决心。make【短语搭配】 make a decision 做决定、下决心 make a face 做鬼脸 make a living 谋生 make friends with 与交友 make fun of 取笑 make. into 把做成 make mistakes 犯错 make room 让地方、让位置 make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音 make ones (the) bed 整理床铺 make sure 务必、确保 make up 组成、构成 ma

25、ke up ones mind 决定 make use of 利用【考题回放】( )Nine players _ the team.A. make into B. make sureC. make up D. make a livingway【短语搭配】by the way 顺便说(问)一下 in many ways 在很多方面 in this / that way 这样 / 那样in the (ones) way 碍事、妨碍on the (ones) way to 在路上【考题回放】( )Where is my father, Mum?He is _ to his office.A. by

26、the way B. on the wayC. in this way D. in the waycall【短语搭配】call back 回电话 call for 要求、需要call in 找来、请来 call off 取消call on 拜访 call up 给打电话【考题回放】( )Dont forget to give me a ring when you get there.OK. Ill _ as soon as I arrive.A. call back B. call up C. call on D. call inget【短语搭配】 get along 进展、相处 get aw

27、ay (from) 离开、逃走 get back 回来、收回 get in the way 妨碍 get over 克服、恢复、原谅 get to 到达 get into 进入、陷入 get married 结婚 get off 下车、离开 get together 聚首、欢聚 get on 上车、进展、相处 get out 出去、离开 get up 起床、站起身 get used to 习惯于 get in touch with 和取得联系【考题回放】( )May I _ my MP4?Sure. A. get off B. get back C. get on D. get tokeep【

28、短语搭配】 keep away (from) 避开、不接近 keep back 扣留 keep down 控制 keep in mind 记住 keep off 避开、不接触 keep ones word 遵守诺言keep on (doing sth) 继续(做某事)keep out 不让进入 keep up 保持keep up with 跟上、不落在后面【考题回放】( ) The windows are broken and need repairing.I think so. They can hardly _ the cold now.A. keep out B. give outC.

29、take out D. put outgive【短语搭配】give away 赠送、分发 give back 还给give in 让步、投降 give off 散发出give out 分发、发放 give up 放弃【考题回放】He has failed several times, but he wont _. (06河北)A. go on B. come on C. get up D. give uplook【短语搭配】look after 照顾 look at 看 look for 寻找look down on (upon) 看不起、轻视look forward to 盼望 look into 调查、研究look out 当心、注意 look over 查看、检查look through 浏览look up (在词典或参考书中)查阅(词或资料)【考题回放】( )The doctor _ the crying baby, but he couldnt find out what was wrong with i

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