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1、机械专业英语词汇657General 通用法规,规范, code 标准, standard暂行标准, tentative standard达到标准, come up to the standard定标准, fix (set up) a standard标书,技术规格, specification要求, requirement满足要求, fulfill requirement细则, regulation规则, rule法律, law条款, provision总则, general provision附带条件,限制性条款, proviso判椐, criterion (pl. criteria)约定

2、条件, stipulation合同规定, on the stipulation that合同, contract签订合同, sign a contract拟订合同, draw up a contract违约, breach of contract代理人, mandatory强制性的, mandatory, restrictive非强制性的, optional条件, condition符合, conform to (with)遵守, comply with确认, confirm证书, certificate认可, approve (v), approval (n.)接收, accept (v.)

3、, acceptance (n.), acceptable (a.)评定, qualify (v.) qualification (n.)满足, meet许可, permit拒收, reject 废品, rejection鉴别, identify提交, submit to论证, demonstrate公约, convention仲裁, arbitration公证, notarization公证人, public notary商检, commodity inspection & testing独立检验员, independent inspector业主代表, representative of

4、S / V业主, owner委托人, client签署, sign要求, request监理员, supervisor, surveyor检查鉴定, survey检查, inspect, check, 验证, verify目击,见证, witness禁止, prohibit建议, recommend满意的, satisfactory授权, authorize文件, document审查, review监控, monitor测定, detect逐个检验, individual inspection抽样检验, sampling inspection, cross check巡检, touring

5、inspection, patrol inspection评价, evaluate试验, test实验, experiment试样, specimen可跟踪性, traceability预先具有资格, prequalify判定,评价, judge责任, responsibility, obligation, duty折衷,兼顾, compromise官方,管理局, authority样本, sample保证, assure通知单, notification通知, notify (v.) notice (n.)会议纪要, minutes数量, quantity质量, quality质量控制, q

6、uality control(Q.C)质量保证, quality assurance(Q.A)缺陷, defect损坏, damage临界的, critical受控文件, valid document停止点, hold point(H)交货, delivery竣工图, as-built drawing原始记录, original record传阅, recycle批注, comment答复, reply紧急, urgent宣读, read out直线度, straightness垂直度, perpendicular平整度, flatness同心度, concentricity同轴度, axia

7、lity平行度, parallelism圆度, roundness平面度, planeness随机的, random不平, uneven空心, hollow同心, concentricity偏心, eccentric表面粗糙度, surface roughness尺寸公差, dimension tolerance允许误差, admissible error上偏差, upper deviation下偏差, lower deviation尺寸, dimension 长度, length宽度, width高度, height厚度, thickness深度, depth跨度, span直径, diam

8、eter半径, radius外径, outer diameter内径, inner diameter口径, caliber拱度, camber挠度, deflection旁弯, lateral flexure径向跳动, runout端面跳动, endface runout中心线偏斜, lack of alignment弯曲, flexure, bending斜度, slope角度, angle对角线, diagonal平行线, parallel中心线, center line斜线, oblique line切线, tangential line轮廓线, contour line原点,起点, o

9、riginal 指标, index转速, rotary speed方向, direction指南, guide选定, choose选择, select挑选, pick炉批号, heat / plate number, heat batch炉、批, lot or heat编制, drafting签发, sign & issue执行, performance报标, invitation for tender投标, tender, bid开标, bid opening中标, success of bid询价, inquiry标价, quotation of prices, offer不相符, non

10、-conformance遗漏, omission去掉, remove更换, renew修补, repair几何形状, geometry型号, model暂时, temporarily测量, measure附件, annex, attachment修正, amend型材, bar stock湿气, moisture发出, issue填写, fill in开工会, kick-off meeting间距, interval承包商, contractor分保商, subcontractor供货商, supplier操作错误, operate missing签证, visa敲打检查, hammering

11、 test拉伸试验, tensile test冲击韧性, impact toughness冲击功, impact work 抗拉强度, tensile strength屈服强度, yield strength弯曲角, angle of bending冲击韧性试验, impact cupping test压扁试验, squeezing test侧弯试验, side bend test背弯试验, root bend test面弯试验, face bend test纵弯试验, axial bend test硬度试验, hardness test破断延伸率, percentage of elongat

12、ion of break断面收缩率, percentage seduction of area无损检测, nondestructive test (NDT)破坏试验, destructive test外观检查, visual examination 超声波探伤, ultrasonic test (UT)射线探伤, radiographic test(RT)磁粉探伤, magnetic particle test (MT)渗透探伤, penetrant test (PT)密封性试验, leak test气密试验, air tight test 压力试验, pressure test水压试验, h

13、ydraulic test气压试验, pneumatic test冲水试验, fill water test宏观组织检查, macroscopic examination微观组织检查, microcosmic examination侵蚀, erosion底片, radiographic test film变形, distortion试运行, trial operation永久变形, permanent deformation凸起, camber凸出, protrusion凹进, concave超出, protrude beyond清除, decontaminate失败,故障, failure断

14、裂, fracture塌陷,凹陷, collapse中断, discontinuity裂缝, crack发裂, flaw龟裂, fissure毛细裂纹, capillary crack起始裂纹, incipient crack断层裂纹, fault fissure积水, stagnant water船舱, cabinProcessing 工艺加工, processing, working工艺学, technology工艺技术, technique工艺的, technologic工位, station, position工序, procedure, operation工步, step车间, sh

15、op, workshop工厂, mill, factory, manufacturer工地、现场, site外场, yard, field侧面, side断面, section结构, structure, construction构件,部件, member, component零件, part, element机构, mechanism装置, device机件, machinery机械零件, mechanical element基准, datum水平基准线, horizontal reference line精度, accuracy余量, allowance组件, assemble分装件, s

16、ubassemble包装, package外协件, cooperation外购件, purchase part备件, spare part裸装件, nudes散装件, odd lot, odds & ends拆包, unpackaging工件, workpiece装箱单, packing list焊接, Welding对接焊, butt welding角焊, fillet welding搭接焊, lap welding船形焊, fillet welding in down hand塞焊, plug welding平焊, down hand welding横焊, horizontal posit

17、ion welding立焊, vertical position welding仰焊, overhead position welding全位置焊, all position welding平角焊, horizontal fillet welding仰角焊, fillet welding in the overhead衬垫焊, welding with backing 单面焊双面成形, one-side welding with back formation定位焊, tack welding堆焊, surfacing返修焊, rewelding补焊, repair welding隔离层堆焊,

18、buttering手工焊, manual welding自动焊, automatic welding焊条电弧焊, shielded metal arc welding(SMAW)埋弧焊, submerged arc welding(SAW)气保焊, gas shielded arc welding氩弧焊, argon arc welding钨极氩弧焊, argon tungsten arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护焊, MIG钨极惰性气体保护焊, TIG活性气体保护电弧焊, metal active-gas arc welding (MAG)CO2气保焊, carbon-dioxide

19、 arc welding 药芯焊丝CO2气保焊, arcos arc process, dual shielded arc welding单面焊, welding by one side双面焊, welding by both sides单道焊, single pass welding多道焊, multi-pass welding单层焊, single layer welding多层焊 , multi-layer welding连续焊, continuous welding断续焊, intermittent welding打底焊, backing welding盖面焊, cosmetic we

20、lding分段退焊, backstep welding纵缝, longitudinal seam横缝, transverse seam环缝, circumferential seam螺旋缝, spiral seam坡口, groove坡口面, groove face坡口面角度, level angle坡口角度, groove angle 坡口高度, groove depth钝边, root face钝边高度, thickness of root face根部间隙, root gap根部半径, root radius根部锐边, root edgeI型坡口, square groove坡形板边(削

21、薄), tapered edge焊缝表面, weld face焊缝背面, back of weld焊缝尺寸, size of weld焊缝厚度, throat thickness熔深, penetration焊缝成形, appearance of weld余高, reinforcement背面余高, root reinforcement焊脚, leg焊缝腰高, theoretical throat焊根, weld root焊趾, weld toe凸形角焊缝, convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝, concave fillet weld交错断续角焊缝, staggered inter

22、mittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝, chain intermittent fillet weld密封焊缝, seal weld熔透焊缝, penetration bead保留垫板, permanent临时垫板, temporary backing垫板, backing铜垫板, copper backing焊剂垫, flux backing引弧板, run-on tab end tab引出板, run-off tab end tab 引弧, arc start, arc burning熄弧, arc outage, arc blowout焊接工艺评定, welding pro

23、cedure qualification(WPQ)焊接工艺规程, welding procedure specification(WPS)焊接工艺参数, welding parameter焊接电流, welding current电弧电压, arc voltage焊接速度, weld travel speed预热, preheat后热, postheat层间温度, interpass temperature焊后热处理, post weld heat treatment焊接环境, welding surroundings焊工考试, welder qualification test清根, roo

24、t back gouged, back chipping清渣, slag removal定位板(马, strong-back电弧偏吹, arc flow熔滴, droplet拼接, splice焊缝清理, weld cleaning气刨, gouge批凿, chip锤击, peening捻缝, caulking中间焊层, intermediate weld layer划线, mark off熔渣, slag 焊缝穿越孔, weld access hole焊态, as-weld过热组织, overheated structure魏氏组织, Widmannsttten structure层状偏析,

25、 lamellar segregation熔合线, bound line热影响区, heat-affected zone (HAZ)碳当量, carbon equivalent晶间腐蚀, intercryctalline corrosion敏化区腐蚀, weld decay焊接残余应力, welding residual stress消除应力, stress relieving退火消除应力, stress relieving by annealing焊接残余变形, welding residual deformation角变形, angular distortion波浪变形, wave-lik

26、e deformation扭曲, twisted收缩, shrinkage反变形, backward deformation刚性固定, rigid fixing校正, straighten火焰校正, flame straightening焊接缺陷, weld defect裂纹, crack层状撕裂, lamellar tearing气孔, blowhole密集气孔, porosity虫形气孔, worm hole咬边, undercut焊瘤, overlap凹坑, pit烧穿, burn through塌陷, excessive penetration未焊透, incomplete penet

27、ration未熔合, incomplete fusion未焊满, Incompletely filled weld根部缺陷, root concaving电弧擦伤, arc scratch, arc strike夹渣, slag inclusion白点, fish eye错边, dislocation, mismatching, misalignment分层, stratification嵌条, insert飞溅, spatter机械擦伤, mechanical damage焊缝成形差, rough weld锤痕, hammering pit麻点, pock边缘不平整, rough edge剥

28、落, peel弧坑, crater焊道曲折, zigzag weld外形规整, smooth contour歪斜, crooked翘曲, warping焊接材料, welding consumables焊条, electrode酸性焊条, acid electrode碱性焊条, basic electrode低氢焊条, low hydrogen type electrode焊剂, welding flux焊丝, welding wire镀铜焊丝, copper -plating welding wire药心焊丝, flux-cored wire电弧焊机, arc welding machine

29、弧焊电源, arc welding power source焊条保温筒, thermostat for electrode干燥箱, dryer地线, earth lead地线夹头, earth clamp平台, platen滚轮架, turning roll胎架, placentas压缩空气, compressed air焊接量规, weld gauge测温笔, tempil stick打磨, grind (ground)焊钳, electrode holder砂轮机, grinder钢丝刷, wire brush砂纸, sand-paper砂布, emery cloth气焊, gas wel

30、ding氧-乙炔焊, oxy-acetylene welding热喷涂, thermal spraying气割, gas cutting电弧切割, arc cutting等离子弧切割, plasma arc cutting (PAC)空气等离子弧切割, air plasma arc cutting仿形切割, shape cutting数控切割, NC cutting碳弧气刨, carbon arc air gouging坡口切割, bevel cutting切割面质量, quality of cut face缺口, notch挂渣, adhering slag结瘤, dross周边焊, around welding电弧偏吹, arc blow焊

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