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1、高一英语下册Unit高一英语下册Unit 20 Humor教案目标导引.单词及短语mostly,practice,appreciate,lay,fortunately,as well as.语法分词作宾补内容精讲.单词及短语精讲1.mostly adv.大多数,大部分,在多数情况下(侧重强调数量)e.g.The medicine was mostly sugar and water.这种药大部分是糖和水。She uses her car mostly for going to shops.多数情况下,她用她的车是为了去购物。比较:almost adv.几乎,差不多(侧重强调程度)e.g.I h

2、ave almost finished my introduction to the book.我差不多快写完这本书的简介了。Christmas was almost at hand.圣诞节快到了。2.practice n.练习u.;做法,习惯c.;动词为:practise形容词为:practical 实际的,实用的e.g.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。You will get over that with practice.通过练习你会克服那一点的。e.g.It is a dangerous practice to get off a bus before it s

3、tops.在车停之前下车是危险的做法。It is my practice to rise early.我习惯早起。动词用法:e.g.You must practise speaking English more.你必须多练习说英语。Mary practises on the piano every day.玛丽每天练习弹钢琴。形容词用法:e.g.It sounds like a good idea,but there are some practical difficulties.这个主意听起来不错,不过有一些实际困难。Your invention is clever,but not very

4、 practical.你的发明很不错,不过不太实用。3.appreciate v.欣赏;感激, 名词为:appreciatione.g.His abilities were not appreciated in his job.他的工作能力没得到赏识。She doesnt appreciate good wine.她不会欣赏好酒。e.g.I appreciate your help.感谢您的帮忙。Id appreciate it if you would turn the radio down.请你把收音机音调小点。4.lay vt.放(在上);架设,敷设;生(蛋)e.g.He went ov

5、er and laid down his cup on the tray.他走过去,把杯子放在拖盘上。A bridge is to be laid across the river.河上将架一座桥。A turtle lays many eggs at a time.海龟一次下许多蛋。layaside 放在一边,搁一搁(暂不处理);存蓄e.g.Plans for the new building were laid aside.盖新楼的计划被搁至一边。He lays a little aside every week for his old age.他每周存一点钱为了养老。5.fortunate

6、ly adv.幸好 反义词为unfortunately 形容词为:fortunate名词为:fortune 钱财;命运;幸运e.g.Fortunately,he found the money that hed lost.幸好他找到了丢的钱。名词用法:e.g.He made a large fortune by selling cars.通过卖车,他发了财。He went to America to seek his fortune.他去美国找出路。A fortune-teller told her she would marry a foreigner.算命的说她会嫁个外国人。.句子精讲6.

7、Cross-dressing men or women often appear on the stage.演员们经常穿着异性服装出现在舞台上。appear vi.出现,反义词为 disappear;名词为 appearance。e.g.If you didnt appear by seven oclock,I wont be coming at all.如果你7点钟还不到,我就绝不会来了。Her new book will be appearing in the shops very soon.很快商店就会出售她的新书。appear 还表示似乎,好像,看来,相当于seem,用法如下:(1)a

8、ppear(to be ) adj./noun.e.g.He may appear (to be)a fool,but actually hes quite clever.他可能看起来很傻,不过实际上他相当聪明。(2)It appears so/not.(用做答语)e.g.“Will she have to have an operation?” “It appears so/not.”“她非做手术不可吗?”“看来是的/不是”。(3)It appears that sb./ appears to do e.g.It appears that theyve lost

9、 interest.=They appear to have lost interest.看起来他们已经不感兴趣了。用法类似的动词还有:It happens/turns out that碰巧结果(最终,原来)e.g.It happened that he was in the classroom.=He happened to be in the classroom.碰巧他在教室里。7.People make us laugh by making fun of somebodys way of dressing or telling an amusing story.拿别人的穿着方式开玩笑,或

10、者讲一个有趣的故事,都会使我们发笑。amusing adj.引人发笑的,有趣的,动词形式为amuse,名词为amusemente.g.I dont find his jokes very amusing.我觉得他的笑话不怎么好笑。His silly jokes amused the children.他的笑话让孩子们笑了。We were greatly amused to hear about him sitting on the wet paint.听到他坐了一屁股的油漆,我们都得好笑。To everyones amusement the actor fell off the stage.演

11、员从台上摔下来把大家逗乐了。amuse(使开心,使发笑)有两种分词形式的形容词amusing 表示使人/令人发笑的,amused 表示(人)觉得好笑的;且amuse 的名词可用于“to ones+抽象名词”这一结构中,表示使某人感到的是。类似的词语还有:worry,excite,tire,interest,surprise,shock(使震惊),astonish(使惊呆),amaze(使惊奇),puzzle,confuse(使迷惑/糊涂),satisfy(使满意),move(使感动),frighten(使害怕)disappoint e.g. It was amazing that I came

12、 first.=I was amazed that I came first.=It amazed me that I came first.=To my amazement I came first.使我大为吃惊的是我竟得了第一名。8.Comedies also play on words to create fun.喜剧也利用双关语制造笑料。play on words(使用)双关语word n.此词不同意义总结:(1)字,词,话e.g.Tell me what happened in your own words.用你自己的话告诉我发生了什么事。(2)消息u.e.g.Word of his

13、 success soon got around.他成功的消息很快传开了。Word came that he had succeeded.有消息传来说他赢了。(3)诺言,保证e.g.keep ones word 遵守诺言 break ones word 违背诺言 give sb.ones word 向某人保证(4)其他词组:in a word 总之,简言之 in other word 换句话说have a word with sb.和某人谈话have words with sb.和某人吵架9.Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the

14、 spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.有经验的艺术家会利用口语中各种丰富的元素使观众很快就流露出愉悦。make use of 利用make 构成的短语还有:(1)be made of/from/in e.g.This car is made in Japan.这辆车产于日本。(2)make up 构成,编造e.g.This team is made up of eleven players.这支队伍由11人组成。(3)make up for 弥补e.g.Were working hard to try and make up for lo

15、st time.我们正在努力,试图补偿损失的时间。(4)make up ones mind e.g.They made up their minds to give up smoking.他们下定决心要戒烟。(5)make fun of 拿开玩笑e.g.Dont make fun of me.别取笑我。10.I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!我决定把整件事当成一个玩笑。look on sb./ upon sb./sth.as把看成e.g.I look on him as my best friend

16、.我把他当成我最好的朋友。look 构成的短语还有:(1)look down upon/on 看不起,轻视 e.g.We shouldnt look down upon the disabled.我们不应该瞧不起残疾人。(2)look back on/to sth.回顾e.g.they cant help looking back to the past.他们情不自禁地回顾起过去。(3)look forward to期盼, to 当介词e.g.Were looking forward to seeing you.我们盼望着见到你。(4)look into调查 e.g.Be patient.Il

17、l look into the matter in no time.耐心些,我会尽快调查此事。(5)look through 浏览,逐一检查 e.g.She looked through her notes before the examination.考试前她匆匆看了一遍笔记。(6)look sb./sth.up and down 上下打量 e.g.He looked the poor young man up and down.他上上下下打量着这个穷苦的年轻人。(7)look up to sb.(as)尊敬 e.g.They all looked up to him as their le

18、ader.他们都尊他为他们的领袖。11.Now I joke and say to everyone that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him.现在我开玩笑地对大家说我敢告诉我的经理我对他真正的看法。dare v.aux.(情态动词)& vt.敢情态动词用法:(1)时态(过去时可用dare 也可用dared)e.g.No one dare/dared speak of it.(2)否定句e.g.I darent ask her for a rise.我不敢要求她加薪。(3)疑问句e.g.How dare he take my

19、 bicycle without even asking?他怎么敢连问也不问就把我的自行车骑走了?实义动词用法:e.g.(1)I dare (to)behave like that in my house.在我的房子里我敢那样做。(2)I didnt dare (to)move.我不敢动了。(4)He had never dared (to)ask her to go anywhere with him.他从不敢让她和他一起出去。(5)Being youngsters,we sat modestly at the back,never daring to speak.因为是年轻人,所以我们谦虚

20、地坐在后面,不敢讲话。dare 用作实义动词时,有时态、人称、数的变化;dare 后可以接不定式符号to,也可以省略to,但以daring 形式出现时,通常后面的to 不省略。dare 用于词组“I dare say”中表示“我相信,可能”,而不是“我敢说”。e.g.I dare say he will come.也许他会来的。Youre tired,I dare say.我相信你累了。比较:need 又可以用作情态动词,又可以做实义动词。但是,区别于dare,need做情态动词时没有过去时needed;做实义动词时,不定式符号to 不可以省略。e.g.He wondered whether

21、they need finish that work.他不知道他们是否得干完那件活。=He wondered whether they needed to finish that work.语法精讲12.分词做宾语补足语a)分词可以在have,make,let,see,hear 等动词后与一个名词(代词)构成复合宾语。复合结构中分词为宾语补足语,补充说明前面的名词(代词)。e.g.Dont you see a girl running towards us?有个女孩向我们跑过来你没看见吗?Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你久等了。She was gl

22、ad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.她高兴地看到孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。We should keep them informed of what is going on here.我们应当让他们知道这儿发生的情况。b)感官动词也可用不带to的不定式构成复合宾语。用现在分词时,表示动作正在发生,用不定式表示动作全部过程结束了。e.g.Do you hear someone knocking at the door 有人敲门你听见了吗?Yes,I did.I heard him knock three times.

23、是的,我听见他敲了三下。使役动词have,let,make 可以用不带to的不定式构成复合宾语。e.g.Now let us hear her play the piano.现在让我们听她演奏钢琴。Nothing can make me turn against my country.任何事都不能让我背叛我的祖国。感官动词和make接不带to 的不定式复合结构时,若主动变成被动,不定式符号to不可省略。e.g.She listened to him sing the popular song.她听他唱了首流行歌曲。=He was listened to to sing the popular

24、song.有些动词只接分词构成复合宾语。如catch,keep,find,spend,waste,scold等。e.g.Once we caught him dozing off in class.有一次我们发现他在上课时睡着了。Dont waste time going on with the project.别再浪费时间继续做那个项目了。c)分词做宾语补足语时,用主动形式还是用被动形式,由宾语决定。e.g.He once heard the song sung in German有一次他听人用德语唱了这个歌。=He once heard someone sing the song in G

25、erman.Youd better have your shoes mended.你还是请人把鞋子补一补吧。=Youd better have someone mend your shoes.d)介词with也可以名词与分词或不定式构成的复合宾语,在句中做状语。分词与不定式补充说明with 的宾语,由宾语决定分词或不定式用主动形式还是用被动形式。e.g.With the work done,he went home.工作做完了之后,他回家了。I found his house,with a boy leading us.有一个男孩给我们领路,所以我找到了他的家。With you to help

26、 us,Well finish the task in time.如果你帮助我们,我们会及时完成这项任务的。迁移发散13.make sb./,make sb./st.done 表示使某人/物,让某人/物。由宾语决定宾补动词用主动形式还是用被动形式。e.g.Onions make your eyes water.洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪。Speak louder to make yourself heard.请大点声,让别人能听到你的声音。类似动词还有:let sb./ ;let sb./sth.donekeep sb./sth.doing;keep sb./sth.doneh

27、ave sb./;have sb./sth.doneleave sb./ do/doing;leave sb./sth.done过关题:The house had one of the windows_ in the storm yesterday.A.breaking be breaking C.broken be broken答案:C过关题:Good morning.Can I help you?Id like to have this package_ , weighed be

28、weigh D.weighed答案:D14.hear 类感官动词see,look at,watch,observe(观察),notice(注意到),listen to,feel,有如下共同特点:(以see为例)(1)see sb./ 看见做某事(看见全过程;变成被动句时,需加不定式符号to)e.g.I saw him pick it up.我看见他把它捡起来了。=He was seen to pick it up.(2)see sb./sth.doing 看见在做某事(看见正在做某事)e.g.I saw him working in the garden yesterday.昨天我

29、看见他在花园里干活。(3)see sb./sth.donee.g.He hated to see any bird killed.他痛恨看见小鸟被杀。过关题(1)On my way home,I saw a thief_money from a lady by the police.A.being caught stealing B.having caught stealingC.caught stealing D.having been caught to steal答案:C(2)Seeing the sun_above the surface of the sea,we let out a

30、 cry of joy. rise raiseC.rising D.raising答案: soon asas soon as 有两个意思:与一样快/早;一就as/so long as 长达(之久);只要as/so far as 远到,一直到;就(而言),尽as early as 像一样早;早在as many/much as 像那样多;多达e.g.As soon as the reporters know what to write about,they will get down to working.记者们一知道该写什么,就立即开始着手工作。We didnt arrive as early as we had hoped.我们没有像希望地那样到得那么早。过关题(1)_he does his work,I dont mind what time he arrives at the office.A.So far as B.So long asC.In case D.Meanwhile答案:B(2)My mathematics is very poor.Dont worry.Ill help you_I far as soon quickly as poss

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