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华尔兹马蒂尔达的文化阐释 澳大利亚国民性格透视.docx

1、华尔兹马蒂尔达的文化阐释 澳大利亚国民性格透视“华尔兹马蒂尔达”的文化阐释 -澳大利亚国民性格透视 中国人民大学硕士学位论文论文题目: (中文)“华尔兹马蒂尔达”的文化阐释 澳大利亚国民性格透视 (英文)Cultural Interpretation of “Waltzing Matilda” A Perception of Australian National Identity作者: (中文名) 陈 霓(英文名)Chen Ni所在院、系、所: 外国语学院专业名称: 英语语言文学指导教师 姓名、职称: 张勇先教授论文主题词: Waltzing Matilda;Cultural Interpr

2、etation学习期限: 2001 年 9 月 至 2004 年 7 月论文提交时间: 2004 年 3 月CULTURAL INTERPRETATIONOF “WALTZING MATILDA” ? A PERCEPTION OF AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY A Masters Thesis Presented to The School of Foreign Languages Renmin University of ChinaIn Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements forThe Master of Arts D

3、egreeBy Chen Ni March 2004AcknowledgmentsI feel indebted first of all to my mentor Professor Zhang Yongxian, who has introduced me into this field of Australian Culture Studies and inspired me into choosing my thesis topicHis advice and support have always accompanied me and helped me out, when I wa

4、s experiencing confusion and frustration during my study at Renmin University of China, especially in the process of the completion of this thesisSpecial thanks go to Australia-China Council and the Australian Centre at the University of Melbourne, who made my research at the University of Melbourne

5、 possibleDuring my stay in Australia, DrJune Senyard from the History Department of the University of Melbourne made every effort to bring the Australian history tangible and real to me; Professor Chris Wallace-Crabee helped me with my understanding of the popular poetry and paintings at the end of

6、the nineteenth centuryThanks are also due to all the faculty members at the School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University of China, who have helped me a lot in my course study at Renmin, which finally led to the completion of this thesis Table of Contents Acknowledgements.iiiChapter IIntroduction.1

7、Chapter IICulture and National Identity 2.1. Culture 2.1.1. Culture: An Inclusive Definition.4 2.1.2. The Interpretation of Culture.9 2.1.3. Folk Music: A Category of Culture.11 Folk Music.12 Ballad14 2.2. National Identity.17 2.3. Australian National Identity.20 2.4. Folk Music an

8、d National Identity.24Chapter IIIThe Ballad and Its Writer 3.1. Historical Background.27 3.1.1. Australia at the End of Nineteenth Century.27 3.1.2. Ballad and Ballad Writers.29 3.1.3. What Ballads Brought to Australia.31 3.2. Andrew Barton Paterson the Writer of the Ballad 3.2.1. Who Wrote “Waltzin

9、g Matilda”32 3.2.2. The Life Story of Andrew Barton Paterson.36 3.2.3. Andrew Barton Patersons Literary Works.40 3.3. Different Versions of “Waltzing Matilda”.44 3.3.1. The Macpherson and Paterson Version.44 3.3.2. The Cowan Version.45 3.3.3. Harry Nathan Manuscript.48 3.3.4. Meredith Version49 3.3.

10、5. Thomas Wood and the Internationalization of “Waltzing Matilda”49 3.3.6. The Queensland Version.51 Cloncurry Variant52 Buderim Variant52 3.3.7. American Claim to the Ballad and Copyright Issues.54 3.4. An Unofficial National Anthem: the Importance of “Waltzing Matilda”.56 3.4.1. “W

11、altzing Matilda” and the War at Gallipoli.56 3.4.2. The Status as the Unofficial Anthem58 3.4.3. A World Cup without “Waltzing Matilda”61 3.5. Conclusion.64Chapter IV Culture Interpretation?Love for Unique Australia 4.1. Unique Australian Setting in “Waltzing Matilda”.65 4.2. Unique Australian Theme

12、 in “Waltzing Matilda”.69 4.3. Unique Australian Images in “Waltzing Matilda”.70 4.3.1. Swagman71 4.3.2. Waltzing Matilda74 4.3.3. Billy and Tucker Bag75 4.3.4. Billabong76 4.3.5. Coolabah Tree.77 4.3.6. Jumbuck.77 4.3.7. Squatter78 4.4. Conclusion.78Chapter VCulture Interpretation?Egalitarianism in

13、 Australia 5.1. Australian Egalitarianism.80 5.2. The Continuing Tradition of Australian Egalitarianism.83 5.2.1. Economic Egalitarianism.84 5.2.2. Egalitarianism in Legal and Political System.84 5.2.3. Egalitarianism at a Psychological Level87 5.3. Diffrences between Australian Egalitarianism and A

14、merican Egalitarianism88 5.4. Australian Peoples Sympathy towards the Underdog88 5.4.1. The Eureka Stockade.89 5.4.2. Ned Kelly.91 5.4.3. Gallipoli: Supporting the Loser.94 5.4.4. The Sports Arena: Cheers for the Underdog95 5.4.5. The Underdogs in Australian Literature.96 5.4.6. The Social Psycholog

15、y towards Underdog97Chapter VI Cultural Interpretation?Egalitarianism, Sympathy Towards the Underdog and the events of 18946.1. Egalitarianism and the Historic Background to the Creation of the Ballad of “Waltzing Matilda” th6.1.1. The Class Situation at the End of the 19 Century.98 6.1.2. Three Eve

16、nts that Carried Great Weight in the Creation of the Ballad of “Waltzing Matilda”.102 The Burning of the Paddle Steamer Rodney.103 The Shooting of Billy McLean1046.1.2.3. The Death of Samuel Frenchy Hoffmeister106 6.2. Egalitarianism and Banjo Paterson107 6.2.1. Banjo Patersons Per

17、spective and Thinking107 6.2.2. Conclusion.109 6.3. The Underdog in “Waltzing Matilda”110Chapter VIIConclusion and Prediction7.1. A Conclusion.112 7.2. A Sort of Prediction114 Bibliography.121 Appendix 1 “Waltzing Matilda” Patersons Version131 Appendix 2 “Waltzing Matilda” Cowans Version133 Appendix

18、 3 “Waltzing Matilda” Nathans Version134 Appendix 4 “Waltzing Matilda” Chinese Version.135 Appendix 5 Illustrations.137“华尔兹玛蒂尔达”的文化阐释 ?澳大利亚国民性格透视摘 要文化包罗万象。文化人类学家克利福德?格尔茨认为所谓文化就是一些由人自己编织的意义之网,对文化的分析不是一种寻求规律的实验科学,而是一种探求意义的解释科学。 一个民族的民间音乐往往与其历史、发源和草根阶层联系紧密。歌谣是民间音乐的一种形式。研究民间音乐能够了解民众的欲求和民间生活,从而至少从一个方面探及该

19、民族的民族性格和文化实质。 澳大利亚民歌“华尔兹玛蒂尔达”讲述的是一位流浪汉由于偷了一只羊而被警察追捕的故事,这个流浪汉宁肯跳进水塘淹死也不愿屈服。这首民谣有多个版本。关于它的起源和含义在百年来也备受文人学者和表演者们的争议。但普遍认为它的作者是班卓?帕特森,真实姓名安德鲁?巴顿?帕特森。班卓?帕特森一生做过律师、战地记者,到过非洲甚至中国,创作了无数的散文和诗歌,成为澳大利亚历史上最著名的诗人和作家之一。 1895年,班卓?帕特森与自己的未婚妻前往昆士兰州一个边远的地区牧场访问朋友。女主人演奏的一首民间流传的乐曲引起了帕特森的浓厚兴趣,想要为这首曲子配上歌词。后来在参观主人牧场时,主人讲述了

20、一些剪羊毛工人暴乱,放火焚烧牧场并杀死一百多头羊的故事。当警察追捕这些工人时,一位名叫赛穆尔?福兰奇?霍福梅斯特的剪羊毛工宁肯被警察开枪射杀也不愿意投降。1894年的澳大利亚遍燃剪羊毛工人的起义烽火。除上述赛穆尔?福兰奇?霍福梅斯特的故事以外,帕特森应该还知道几乎同时发生的罗德尼号明轮船被烧事件和枪杀比利?麦克林事件。正是在这样的背景下帕特森在达格沃斯农场写下了这首后来传唱百年的著名诗篇。 这首歌也称澳大利亚的非正式国歌,被认为是澳大利亚的象征。历史上澳大利亚人唱着它送亲人上战场,欢迎亲人凯旋。 孩子们在学校学唱它,人们在正式场合奏响它。2000年的悉尼奥运会闭幕式就以此曲而告终。澳大利亚的这

21、首非正式国歌早已享誉全世界。它与“星条旗之歌”和“马赛曲”一样,一经奏响就能激起人们心中无限情怀。 本文旨在通过对这首歌谣的文化内涵进行探询,解开它在澳大利亚享有如此影响的秘密,剖析澳大利亚文化的本质和核心。“华尔兹玛蒂尔达”之所以魅力无限,是由于它糅合了澳大利亚人的诸多民族精神和民族性格。它借流浪汉因偷羊而自尽的故事,抒发了对下层人的同情,为其发出“人人平等”的吁求。从歌谣的文字和它在百年来对澳大利亚人的影响来看,它折射出澳大利亚人对南半球这片广袤暴烈而又美丽的原野、对其独特的历史和文化的无限钟情和热爱。歌中唱到的“当你走过那小河就能听见他的幽灵”始终萦绕着澳大利亚。在早期的拓荒者的脸上,在

22、剪羊毛工会工人们坚毅的眼睛里,在格里波力澳新军团战士的奋勇战斗中,在澳大利亚运动员的矫健步伐和观众席上暴风雨般的欢呼声中,你都能察觉到感受到这个澳大利亚的灵魂的气息。 澳大利亚人少有能记住国歌“前进,美丽的澳大利亚”的歌词,但几乎人人都能饱含激情地唱完“华尔兹玛蒂尔达” 。因为后者用的是澳大利亚人自己的语言(至少有别于英式和美式的英语),讲的是最先踏上这块南半球土地的先人的故事,展现的是澳大利亚人独有的性格和情怀。唯有它的旋律、它的意境和它背后的独特历史和心酸故事,才能最鲜活的标志着民族之林中的澳大利亚民族。然而在各种文化都面临着全球化的今天,这首澳大利亚民歌的未来将会如何?是逐渐销声匿迹?是

23、继续流行,愈唱愈响?还是被打上全球化的烙印,发生改变?正如格尔茨所说,对文化的分析不是寻求规律,而是探求意义,给出解释。也许未来无法预测,但有一点可以肯定,那就是无论“华尔兹玛蒂尔达”如何七十二般变化,她始终彰显着澳大利亚民族的独特民族性。关键词文化 阐释 民谣 国民性格 澳大利亚华尔兹玛蒂尔达 平等主义Cultural Interpretation of “Waltzing Matilda” ? A Perception of Australian National Identity Abstract Folk music connects with the past, the origin

24、al and the grassrootsBallad is a form of folk musicThe study of folk music can provide knowledge about human endeavors and an understanding of the expressive lives of people, and hence at least from one aspect explains the essence of a nations identity and its cultureThe interpretation of “Waltzing

25、Matilda” as a semiotic symbol of Australian culture and the relating cultural events will not only help to explain its popularity, but also leads to the core of Australian culture?the Australian quest for its national identity “Waltzing Matilda” boasts the fame of Australias unofficial national anth

26、em and has long been considered the icon of AustraliaIn history it has sent Australians to war and welcomed them home againIt is learned by school children, played in the halls of power and was performed at the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Sydney Olympics before the Australian national anthem was

27、played“Waltzing Matilda,” Australias unofficial anthem, is known and loved all over the world and, arguably stands alongside “The Star-Spangled Banner” or “La Marseillaise” as a song capable of arousing deep national prideThe strains of “Waltzing Matilda” consistently bring tears to the eyes of Aust

28、ralians far from home “Waltzing Matilda” is a ballad song about a jolly swagmans rebellion against squatters landowners and troopers policemen, by drowning himself in a billabong reservoirThere are many versions of the balladThe origins of the song, and its meaning, have been contested and argued by

29、 dozens of researchers, social interpreters and performers for more than 100 yearsThe generally accepted story is that the Australian bard A. B. Banjo Paterson wrote “Waltzing Matilda” during his visit at Dagworth Station, near Winton in January 1895The simple and sentimental ballad, through its Aus

30、tralian setting, Australian theme, and Australian language, reflects the Australians love for their unique land, their people, their history and their way of livingAustralians emotion of “Waltzing Matilda” explains the Australian quest for their national identityEver since its creation at Dagworth S

31、tation, “Waltzing Matilda” has created a hero out of a gutsy, destitute man and built support for the egalitarian ethos and sympathy towards the underdogThe burning of the Paddle Steamer Rodney, the shooting of Billy McLean and the death of Samuel Frenchy Hoffmeister, together with other events, woven a historical background to the creation of the balladThe swagmans d

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