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本文(新课标版高考英语一轮复习选修模块8Unit24Society题型组合训练十二B北师大版1217359.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、新课标版高考英语一轮复习选修模块8Unit24Society题型组合训练十二B北师大版1217359题型组合训练十二(B).七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Common public speaking problemsThe use of “I feel”, “I think” and “maybe”In the question-and-answer session of the speaking competition, many contestants began their answers with uncertain expre

2、ssions like “I feel”, “I guess”, “I hear”, “maybe” and “perhaps”. These words show that the person is only speaking from his or her point of view.1Work on keeping your answers brief and to the point. 2 Instead of the empty-sounding “I guess”, using facts, together with a clear conclusion based on th

3、ose facts, is far more likely to be popular with an audience. Using only one speaking style Dont stick to the same tone. 3 For example, when they spoke about their dreams, some sounded romantic. Others used humor. Very few used several different styles together. Try mixing more than one style, rathe

4、r than just sticking with the same one.Irresponsible answers Public speaking is different from personal conversations. Youre responsible for your words. 4So you should think twice before you talk. Dont be like the student who, when asked about his opinion on book piracy(盗版), started by saying he sup

5、ported it.Talking around the topic rather than directly answering it You should focus on one point and give a clear solution. The key is to work out what question is being asked. Is it asking you to discuss a certain topic or to present your own point of view? Use one or two arguments together and g

6、ive a strong conclusion. 5A.It can be boring.B.Even though you want to answer quickly, you dont want to sound foolish.C.Also work on delivering them with calmness and confidence.D.Deliberate gestures and affected (做作的) expression of feelings are improper in a successful speech.E.Remember that judges

7、 are not judging you on whether they agree, but on your ability to say what you think clearly.F.This lacks the support of facts and seems not to be reliable for the judges and audience.G.Confidence is extremely important in public speaking as it lets a speaker sound more convincing.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.答案语

8、篇解读本文是一篇说明文,文章列举了在演讲比赛问答环节中常出现的四个问题并提出了解决方案。1.F根据上文the person is only speaking from his or her point of view可知这个人仅从个人观点来说,缺乏事实佐证,因此在裁判和观众看来是不可靠的。2.C根据上文Work on keeping your answers brief and to the point.以及C项中的关键词work on可知答案。3.A根据上文Dont stick to the same tone.和下文Try mixing more than one style, rathe

9、r than just sticking with the same one.可知不要使用一种语调,这让人厌烦,而应该尝试把不同的风格融合在一起。4.B根据标题Irresponsible answers中的answers结合上下文可知即使想快速回答也应该对你的言语负责,不要发表听起来愚蠢的话语。5.E根据上文You should focus on one point and give a clear solution.和Use one or two arguments together and give a strong conclusion.可知你的要点要表达清楚,结论要经得起推敲,裁判判断

10、的依据是你把你的想法表达清楚的能力。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2017课标全国)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this1process and found something that has changed my2at college for

11、the better:I discovered ASLAmerican Sign Language(美式手语).I never felt an urge to3any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The4languages were enough in all my interactions(交往). Little did I know that I would discover my5for ASL.The6began during my first week at

12、 college. I watched as the ASL Club7their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very8of communicating without speaking9me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the10. This newness just left me11more.After that, feeling the need to12further, I decided to dro

13、p in on one of ASL Clubs meetings. I only learned how to13the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my14progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to15those meetings and learn all I could.The following term, I16an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was17. I soon

14、realized that the silence was not unpleasant.18, if there had been any talking, it would have19us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the20way of communication it opens.1.A.searching B.planning C.natural D.formal2.A.progress B.experience C.major D.opinion3.A.choose C.learn D.crea

15、te4.A.official B.foreign C.body B.concern C.goal D.request6.A.meeting B.trip C.story D.task7.A.recorded B.performed C.recited D.discussed8.A.idea B.amount C.dream D.reason9.A.disturbed B.supported C.embarrassed D.attracted10.A.end B.past C.course D.distance11.A.showing B.acting

16、ying D.wanting12.A.exercise B.explore D.explain13.A.print B.write C.sign D.count14.A.slow B.steady C.normal D.obvious15.A.chair B.sponsor C.attend D.organize16.A.missed B.passed C.gave up D.registered for17.A.prohibited B.welcomed C.ignored D.repeated18.A.Lastly B.Thus C.Instead D.However1

17、9.A.required B.caused C.allowed D.expected20.A.easy B.popular C.quick D.new答案语篇解读本文主要讲述的是大学为了开阔学生的视野,在多个领域为学生提供探索和学习的舞台。作者发现了美式手语这一新颖的交流方式,通过自己学习手语的经历,阐释了高等教育不仅使学生学习和积累知识,而且帮助他们理解人生、扩大自身发展空间。1.A文章开篇说明高中与大学的不同之处在于大学为学生探索新领域搭建了平台,作者本人也经历了这样的探索过程,使其大学生活丰富多彩。四个选项中,只有searching与上句提到的explore和exploration语义相

18、关。2.B我发现了某种使我的大学生活经历(experience)变得更美好的东西美式手语。progress进步,发展;major 主修课程,专业课;opinion意见,见解。3.C我以前从来没有感觉到有学习(learn)任何一种手语的冲动。不定式短语to learn.作定语修饰名词urge。choose 选择;read 阅读;create创造。4.D在我所有的人际交往中口头(spoken)语言就已经足够了。与家人、朋友进行日常交流没必要一定使用官方(official)语言、外(foreign)语及肢体(body)语言,故排除A、B、C三项。5.A根据第二段的内容可知,本题所在的句子表达了作者的


20、合适,因为学习手语既不是作者给自己制订的任务,也不是大学的任何一门课程要求的,因此排除task。7.B我观看了美式手语俱乐部成员用手语表演的(performed)一首歌。选项中recorded(录音)、recited(背诵)和discussed(讨论)都不符合涉及聋哑人的语境。8.A手的动作和无声交流的想法(idea)吸引了我。amount (数量)与句意不符;dream(梦想)一般指想法远大,不能表达即将付诸实践的想法;reason(理由)与上下文无关,也不符合句意。9.D无声交流的想法吸引了(attracted)我。disturb(困扰)、support(支持)、embarrass(使尴尬

21、)均不符合上下文逻辑。10.B我所看到的完全不像任何我在过去(past)体验过的。下文的newness也暗示了答案。11.D本句承接上文。这种新奇使我想(wanting)更多地了解它。leave sb. doing使某人做。show(展示)、act(行动)、say(说)均不符合逻辑,故全被排除。12.B在那之后,我觉得有必要进一步探索(explore),于是决定参加美式手语俱乐部的一次集会。13.C那一天我仅仅学会了怎样用手势表达(sign)字母。print印刷,出版,发行;write写,书写;count计算,重要,有价值。以上三个动词均与手语特点不符。14.A然而我并没有对自己缓慢的(slo

22、w)进步感到沮丧,相反,我感到兴奋。steady(稳步的)、normal(正常的)、obvious(明显的)均与句子意思不符。15.C我确保参加(attend)所有的集会,学习我所能学到的一切。chair主持;sponsor主办;organize组织。以上三个词在下文中没有相关线索,故被排除。16.D接下来的一个学期,我注册了(registered for)美式手语课程。miss错过;pass经过,走过;give up放弃,抛弃。以上三项与上下文意思不符,故被排除。17.A教授耳朵听不见,因此任何口语交谈都是禁止的(prohibited)。welcome欢迎;ignore忽视,不理;repea

23、t重复。以上三个词都不符合逻辑,故被排除。18.C我很快就意识到无声并没有让人感到不快。与之相反(Instead),如果课堂上允许说话,会导致我们学到较少的东西。从行文逻辑判断此处表示前后叙述的是两种相反的情况,而不是单纯的转折关系,故排除D项。lastly(最后,最终地)和thus(因此)不符合逻辑,故也被排除。19.B相反,如果有任何交谈,那就会导致(caused)我们学到较少的东西。cause sb. to do sth.导致某人做某事。require需要,要求,命令;allow允许;expect期盼,期望。以上三个词与语境不符,故被排除。20.D现在,我很感激这种无声以及它所开启的新的

24、(new)交流方式。对作者来说,手语并不是简单的(easy)交流方式,也不能认为它是时髦的(popular)交流方式,文中以及常识都没有说手语是快捷的(quick)交流方式。.语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2018河北衡水中学十模)High-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping are Chinas four new ways of life. They are most appealing to youths from 20 countrie

25、s participating 1 the Belt and Road Initiative. The four new great inventions are all related to Chinas high-tech innovation, 2 has improved the quality of peoples lives. “My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat whatever I want 3(simple) with a tap of my phone,” said Lin Jinlong, an oversea

26、s Chinese student from Cambodia, 4(add) that even pancake sellers are using Alipay (a mobile payment).In 5 word, China is leading in many ways. Bike sharing, for example, is not new itself. But China has made it much more convenient and 6(enjoy) both in China and overseas. Leading Chinese bike-shari

27、ng 7(company), Mobike and ofo are now operating in foreign countries such as Singapore and Britain. Users in the countries 8(feel) excited and posted photos of 9(they) riding the Chinese bikes on social media. A growing number of foreigners hope 10(promote) economic development in their home countri

28、es by paying more attention to the achievement of China.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.答案语篇解读本文主要介绍了中国新的“四大发明”:高速铁路,电子支付,共享单车和在线购物。新的四大发明提高了人们的生活质量,同时这些高科技革新对其他国家也产生了影响。1.in考查固定搭配。participate in意为“参加”,是固定搭配。2.which考查定语从句。先行词是high-tech innovation,关系词在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故用关系代词which。3.simply此处作状语,应用副词修饰,故填simp

29、ly。4.adding考查非谓语动词。动词add与Lin Jinlong构成主动关系,故用现在分词形式作状语。5.a考查固定搭配。 in a word总而言之。6.enjoyable考查形容词。and是并列连词,它前后连接两个相同的语法成分,由convenient可知填enjoyable。panies考查名词复数。根据下文Mobike and ofo 可知此处须填companies。8.felt考查动词的时态。该空处后面的and是并列连词,它前后连接两个相同的语法成分,felt和posted是并列谓语,都用一般过去时态,故填felt。9.themselves考查反身代词。主语和宾语为同一个人,

30、故用反身代词themselves。 promote考查非谓语动词。hope后接动词不定式作宾语,故填to promote。.短文改错(2018辽宁沈阳一模)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。The approach of the coll

31、ege entrance exam announce the end of my stressful high school life. Actually, Im planning for a relaxed and meaningful summer vacation.The first thing coming to my mind is to get a driving license, what I think is a must for most high school student in China. Apart from a completely relaxation, I also plan to take an English course to improve my speaking English. In ad

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