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6A 期末总复习要点归纳及易错题练习.docx

1、6A 期末总复习要点归纳及易错题练习6A英语期末复习提纲一.要求会背,会写的单词:月份:January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June 六月 July七月 August八月 September 九月 October 十月 November十一月 December十二月 序数词:规则的序数词是在基数词的词尾加 “th”不规则的:first第一 second第二 third第三 fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 twenty-first 第二十一 thirtieth第三十 fortiet

2、h第四十diary日记;日记本 earphones耳机 cook 烧饭;厨师 collect收集 milk挤牛奶;奶牛 pick摘;采 water 浇水;水 taste品尝 watch手表;观看 teapot 茶壶 wallet皮夹子 calculator计数器 skateboard 滑板 comb梳子 mirror镜子 hairdryer吹风机 always总是 ask 问 date日期 question 问题 answer 回答 mean意思是 birthday生日 people 人,人们when什么时候 excited兴奋的 exciting令人兴奋的 also也 beside在旁边 i

3、n front of 在前面 behind在 后面should应该 should not =shouldnt不应该 must必须holiday节日,假日 二要求会背,会写的词组:1.散步take a walk 2.去散步go for a walk 3.赛跑running race 4.发出吵闹声make noise 5.环顾四周look around 6.拾起pick up 7.上来come up 8.脱下take off 9.穿上put on 10.吹灭blow out 11.刚才just now 12.体育运动日Sports day 13.片刻之前a moment ago 14.手机mob

4、ile phone 14.光盘随身听CD walkman 15.拔胡萝卜pull up carrots 16.国庆节National Day 17.元旦New Years Day 18.新年New Year 19.儿童节Childrens Day 20. 劳动节May Day 21. 春节Spring Festival 22.中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 23. 复活节Easter 24.万圣节前夜Halloween 25. 端午节Dragon Boat Festival 26.在圣诞节at Christmas 27.在圣诞日on Christmas Day 28.圣诞树Chr

5、istmas trees 29. 我有Ive got = I have got30.装扮dress up 31.吃月饼eat moon cakes 32.吃粽子eat rice dumplings 33.在后部at the back of- 34.下车get off 35.喜欢喝茶 like drinking tea 36.上车get on 37.公共标志public signs 38.十二岁twelve years old 39.远离stay away from 40.在草地上走walk on the grass 41. 禁止停车No parking 42. 一张十元钞票a ten-yuan

6、 note 43.禁止吸烟No smoking 44.禁止乱扔杂物No littering 45.禁止吃喝No eating or drinking 46.不要触摸Do not touch 47.禁止践踏草地keep off the grass 48.保持安静be quiet 49.危险danger 50.一起回家go home together 51.放学后after school 52.上课前before class 53.谈论talk about 54.和某人谈话talk to/with- 55.拍照take photos 56.举行一个生日晚会have a birthday party

7、 57. 寻找look for 58.一张纸a piece of paper 59. 参加聚会go to parties 60.在地上on the ground 61.一副眼镜a pair of glasses 62.一卷胶卷a roll of film 63.在农场on the farm 64.去年last year 65.上个周末last weekend 66.看电影watch a film 67.参观农场visit a farm 68. 在一月in January 69. 浇树water trees 70.在春节at Spring Festival 71. 在儿童节on Children

8、s Day 72. 去年一月last January 73.在一月一日on the first of January 74.在周末at weekends 75. 挤牛奶milk cows76.拜访亲戚朋友visit relatives and friends 77.收集邮票collect stamps 78摘橘子pick oranges. 79. 吃许多美味的食物 eat lots of delicious food 80.在野营at a camp 81.烧许多食物 cook a lot of food 82.去野营 go camping 83.吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 have a big dinn

9、er 84. 玩灯笼 play with lanterns 85.当然of course = sure 86.我最喜爱的节日 my favourite holiday 87. 梨树pear trees 88.赏月 watch the moon 89.过个长假 have a long holiday 90.看龙舟赛watch dragon boat races 91.给我一本书give me a book / give a book to me92.向我们展示一些邮票show us some stamps / show some stamps to us93.给妈妈买一把梳子buy a comb

10、 for Mum94.作为一件生日礼物as a birthday present 95.一个广受欢迎的节日a popular holiday 96.在学校操场上.in the school playground 三要求会读,会背,会写的句型: 1这个标志表示什么意思?-它的意思是我们不应该吵闹。- What does this sign mean? - It means we shouldnt make noise. 2现在我能看电视吗?-不能,你应该做家庭作业。-Can I watch TV now? No, you cant. You should do your homework. 3不

11、同的标志表示不同的意思。 Different signs mean different things. 4-今天是几月几日? - 一月三日。 - What date is it today? Its the third of January. 5-今天星期几? - 星期三。 - What day is it today? Its Wednesday. 6-你的生日是什么时候? - 十月二十号。 - Whens your birthday? - It is on the twentieth of October. 7-你想要什么做生日礼物? - 我想要一个滑板。- What would you

12、like as a birthday present? - Id like a skateboard. 8-你的日记本在哪儿? -在书桌上。 - Wheres your diary? Its on the desk. -现在不在那了。- 刚才在那的。 - Its not there now. It was there a moment ago. 9上个星期你在哪?- 我在野营。 - Where were you last week? I was at a camp. 10昨天你去哪了?- 我去了一个农场。 - Where did you go yesterday? I went to a fa

13、rm. 11.-三天前你干什么了?-我看望我的叔叔阿姨了。 -What did you do three days ago? -I visited my uncle and aunt. -你还做了什么?- 我看了一场电影。 - What else did you do? I watched a film. 11什么节日在元旦后面来?-春节。 -What festival comes after New Years Day? Spring Festival. 12中秋节是什么时候?-是九月或十月。 - Whens Mid-Autumn Festival? -Its in September or

14、 October. 中秋节人们通常干什么?- 看月亮。 - What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival? They usually watch the moon. - 去年中秋节你看月亮了吗?-没有。 - Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival? No, I didnt. 13这个皮夹子是送给你的。-非常感谢。-别客气。 - The wallet is for you. Thank you very much. You are welcome. 14这些光盘是谁的? 是我们的。 - W

15、hose are the CDs? They are ours. 它们是谁送的?- 是我妈妈送的。-Who are they from? They are from my mother. 15. -你想来我的生日聚会吗?-想。 -Would you like to come to my birthday party?- Yes, Id like to. 16. -你最喜欢的节日是什么? -春节。-Whats your favourite holiday? -Spring Festival. 17. 赛跑很令人兴奋。The running race is very exciting.18. 所有

16、的男孩都很兴奋。All the boys are very excited. 四要求会读,能理解的词组和日常交际用语:1.the sign on the birds cage 鸟笼上的标志 2.point to指着 3.a big birthday cake 一个大生日蛋糕- 4. walk to 走向- - -5. fold it in half 把它对半折 6.write a message 写一条信息7.police station 警察局,派出所 8. meet Helen 遇到海伦9. dress up in costumes 用戏服装扮 10.have parties 举行聚会11

17、.play o lot of games 玩许多游戏 12.this morning 今天早上13.a funny cartoon一个滑稽的卡通片14.go to the supermarket 去超市15.walk in the mountains在大山里走 16.a VCD of Japanese cartoons一个日本卡通片的光盘 17. sing the song “ Happy Birthday to you” to Ben对本唱生日快乐歌18.draw a picture on the card 在卡片上画一幅图 19.a lot of questions about 许多关于的

18、问题 20.spend time with my family和我的家人共度时光 21.catch grasshoppers in the grass 在草丛中捉蚱蜢 22.sit at the back of the bus 坐在汽车的后面 23. The bus stopped, and some people got off . 汽车停了下来,有人下车了。 24. I asked, but nobody answered. 我问,但是没有人回答。25.I asked him to take it to the police station.我请他把它带到警察局。26. I like th

19、e colour very much.我非常喜欢这个颜色。27. Here they are.它们在这儿。28. Lets wait and see.我们等着瞧吧。29. Theres no one nearby.附近没有人。30. Mr Green is talking to his student about holidays.格林先生正在跟他的学们生谈论节日。31. Spring Festival is coming soon.春节快到了32. Su Hai wants to take some photos.苏海想要拍些照片。33. Can you pick them up for m

20、e, please? Sure.-你能帮我把它们拣起来吗.-当然。34.The doorbell is ringing.门铃在响。五语法:(一)人称代词物主代词主格宾格形容词性名词性Imemymineweusouroursyouyouyouryourshehimhishissheherherhersitititsitstheythemtheirtheirs1“人称代词的主格作主语,如:Im a student. He is a teacher.2.“人称代词的宾格”常用于动词或介词后,作宾语, 如: Show us how to draw a star. Where is Gao Shan?

21、Im looking for him.3. “形容词性物主代词”常用于名词前,起限制作用, 如:your book, our classroom(二) 1 表示“喜欢”某一类东西:“like + 名词复数”2 表示“喜欢”干某事情:“like +动词ing”3 表示“想要”某物:“would like + 名词 ” 或“want +名词”4 表示“想要”干某事情:“would like + to +动词原形” 或 “want + to + 动词原形”5 表示“能”或“会”干某事情:“can + 动词原形” 表示“不能”或“不会”干某事情:“cant + 动词原形”6 表示“需要”某物: “ne

22、ed + 名词 ” 表示“需要”干某事:“need + to + 动词原形 ”7 表示“努力或尝试”干某事:“try + to + 动词原形 ”8 问“多少”个某物: “how many + 名词复数”9 “play”的用法:(1)play + 球, 如: play football, play table tennis ( 2)play + the +乐器, 如: play the guitar, play the violin (3) play with + 玩具,如:play with a yo-yo, play with a puppet play with + 某人 如:play w

23、ith me(和我一起玩)10. 动词be的用法:“am” 用于第一人称单数 I“is”用于第三人称单数 “he, she, it, Mike, 名词单数”, 和“this, that”“are”用于“we, you, they, Mike and Tom, 名词复数,和“these, those”11. “there be”的用法:(表示某地某时有某物或有某人) there is + 名词单数 不可数名词 there are + 名词复数12“have, has”的用法:(表示某人有或某物有) “has”用于第三人称单数,如“he,she, it, Helen, 名词单数” “have”用于

24、除第三人称单数以外的所有的人称。13 同音词 herehear rightwrite seesea forfour no know two too son - sun there-their buy by year ear pear-pair14 反义词 last-nextfirst after before right - wrong left fat-thinopen close come go here there day night same different loudly quietly up down busy free small big cry laugh minus plu

25、s ask-answer15 同义词近义词 go to school on foot walk to school sure of course go to school by bike ride to school a moment ago just now16 名词复数规则的 :(1)直接加 “ s” , 如: boys , books , photos, -(2)以 “s, x, ch, sh” 结尾的, 加“es”, 如: clssses, boxes, watches, , - (3) 以辅音字母加 “ y” 结尾的, 变 “y” 为 “i” 加 “es” ,如: storystor

26、ies, citycities, country counties, diary - diaries - 不规则的 :footfeet toothteeth man men woman women childchildren mousemice (mangomangoes housewifehousewives) (三)一般过去时态:1.意义:表示过去时间发生的事情或存在的状态。2.陈述句的句子结构:主语 + 动词的过去式3.动词过去式的构成:规则的:(1)直接加ed, 如: played, watched, visited, - - - - (2)以e结尾的, 加 d , 如:taste-t

27、asted, like-liked, - - - (3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,变 y 为 i, 加 ed , 如: carry carried (4) 个别双写末尾字母,加 ed, 如: stop stopped , jog-jogged,- - - 不规则的:isam-was are-were do-did go-went see-saw sit-sat get-got meet-met have/has-had come-came take-took run-ran draw-drew drink-drank sing-sang fly-flew put-put- (四).现在进行时态

28、1.意义:表示事情正在发生或动作正在进行。2.陈述句的句子结构:主语 + 动词be + 动词的现在分词3.动词现在分词的构成:(1)直接加“ing”,如:doing, cleaning, seeing, - - - -(2)去掉末尾不发音的 “e”,再加 “ing”,如: make making, have having, dance dancing, - - - - (3)个别动词需要双写末尾字母,再加 “ing”,如: running, swimming, sitting, putting, jogging, getting, beginning,-(五). 一般现在时态: 1.意义: 表

29、示习惯性,经常性的动作,事情. 2.陈述句的句子结果: (1) 主语(第三人称单数) + 动词第三人称单数 如: My mother washes clothes every day. (2) 主语(非第三人称单数) + 动词原形 如: I wash clothes every day. 3 . 动词第三人称单数的构成: (1) 直接加 “s” , 如: helps, comes, surfs, - (2) 以 “s, x, o, ch, sh” 结尾的, 加 “es” , 如: does, goes, watches, catches, washes, brushes, - (3) 以辅音字

30、母加 “y” 结尾的, 变 “y” 为 “i” , 加 “es” , 如: carry carries, fly flies, - 特殊的: have has, (六)改写句子:(1) Ben does his homework at seven oclock.Ben doesnt do his homework at seven oclock.( 否定句)Does Ben do his homework at seven oclock? (一般疑问句)What time does Ben do his homework?(对“at seven oclock”提问)(2) The boys play football after school.The boys dont play football after school. (否定句)Do the boys play football after school?(一般疑问句)What do the boys do after school?(对 “play football”提问)(3) Helen is making a dress now.Helen isnt making a dress now.(否定句)Is Helen making a dres

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