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1、110课词汇选择练习1北邮远程1-10课词汇选择练习1北邮远程大学英语2词汇选择练习题第一单元选择题1. The argument is settled _B_ a rather unexpected way. A. at B. in C. by D. with 2. That story _B_ in a magazine. A. revealed B. appeared C. yielded D. seemed 3. I have never been able to track _C_ the person who wrote the story. A. out B. up to C.

2、down D. after4. I will _D_ three hundred,from 1 to 300.A. number B. quantify C. additional D. count 5. He knows that the commotion would frighten the cobra _A_. A. into striking B. at striking C. to strike D. into strike 6. The tone of his voice,which was so _C_,silenced everyone. A. surrounding B.

3、greeting C. demanding D. earning7. The American comes _B_ with a start.A. over B. to C. up D. down 8. The servants are waiting to serve the next _B_. A. dinner B. course C. meal D. dish 9. He sees the cobra emerge and make _C_the bowl of milk. A. at B. toward C. for D. to 10. _A_the corner of his ey

4、e, he saw her approaching. A. Out of B. From at C. Beside D. Aside 11. He sees a strange expression _A_the face of the hostess. A. come over B. being come to C. being come over D. came over 12. While a man may feel like_A_, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has. A. screaming B. to screa

5、m C. scream D. to screaming13. That is what really _A_ . A. counts B. concerns C. matter D. worry 14. A _B_ official and his wife are giving a large dinner party. A. colony B. colonial C. colonel D. colonist 15. The young couple _C_ with their guests. A. seat B. seated C. are seated D. are sitting d

6、own 16. The guests sit in their _C_ dining room. A. spacecraft B. wide C. spacious D. broad 17. The wide glass doors open _A_ the veranda. A. onto B. toward C. in D. into 18. A womans reaction in any _D_is to scream. A. critical B. critic C. criminal D. crisis 19. Her muscles _B_ slightly. A. contac

7、t B. contract C. conduct D. confirm20. The dining room has a _B_ marble floor. A. empty B. bare C. hollow D. blank21._B_ there is life there is hope. A. Since B. As long as C. As D. Though 22. The meeting is _A_ next Friday. A. to be held B. be held C. to be hold D. to hold23. He knows that the comm

8、otion would frighten the cobra _A_. A. into striking B. at striking C. to strike D. of striking24. I have never been able to _D_ down the magazine story. A. catch B. trail C. trace D. track25. I feel like _A_ cold. A. catching B. to be catching C. to catching D. to catch 26. The driver _B_ slowly af

9、ter the accident. A. came up B. came to C. came down D. came over27. He died _B_ the earthquake. A. shortly as B. shortly after C. shortly while D. short after 28. A strong wind _D_ after we left the harbor. A. stick up B. stick C. sprang D. sprang up29. He _A_ to me to come downstairs. A. motioned

10、B. warned C. sighed D. directed30. _C_ his mother, the boy stopped crying. A. At sight B. In sight C. At the sight of D. In the sight of 31. The student did not _B_ the argument but watched the other people. A. attend B. join in C. join up D. join with 32. Tom is out of work now. Therefore, to him e

11、very penny _B_. A. is value B. counts C. is possible D. costs33. When the class was over, every one made _C_ the dining room. A. by B. alone C. for D. from34. The mans eyes _B_ with fear when he saw the robbers gun. A. wider B. widened C. hastened D. thrilled35. Dick has _A_ his childish habits. A.

12、outgrown B. outlet C. outnumbered D. outdone 36. After years of efforts, those originally _B_ hills are now covered with young trees. A. empty B. bare C. hollow D. naked 37. Mary is a _B_ candidate for the job. A. slim B. likely C. slight D. complex 38. We had _A_ him of the danger but he turned a d

13、eaf ear to our warning. A. warned B. motioned C. directed D. tracked 39. How dare you _C_ the door in your mothers face? A. release B. contract C. slam D. widen40. We learn to _D_ before we learn to walk. A. jump B. climb C. scale D. crawl41. The two teachers started a _C_ debate on whether intellec

14、tuals should go into business. A. stupid B. vaguely C. heated D. stiff 42. In the 1929 economic _A_, many Americans lost their jobs. A. crisis B. critic C. critical D. criminal43. Frown _C_ his brow when he was deep in thought. A. contacted B. conducted C. contracted D. confirmed44. The _B_ of Venus

15、 without arms has long been regarded as a symbol of beauty. A. tone B. image C. signal D. impulse 45. The _B_ of the dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests who attended. A. course B. host C. actor D. native boy 答案:1 B 2 B 3C 4D 5A 6C 7B 8 B 9 C 10 A11A 12A 13A 14B 15C 16C 17A 18

16、D 19B 20 B 21B 22A 23A 24D 25A 26B 27B 28D 29A 30 C 31. B 32. B 33C 34B 35A 36B 37B 38A 39C 40 D 41C 42A 43C 44B 45B 第二单元选择题1. Thomas Jefferson died long ago, but many of his ideas are still _B_ great interest to us. A. to B. of C. at D. for2. Jefferson may be _A_famous _George Washington and Abraha

17、m Lincoln, but most people remember at least one fact about him: he wrote the Declaration of Independence. A. lessthan B. lessto C. morethan D. asas3. Jefferson believed that a free man _C_ knowledge from many sources besides books. A. get B. receive C. obtain D. acquire 4. He _D_to a committee to f

18、ind out whether the South Branch of the James River was deep enough to be used by large boats. A. appointed B. assigned C. pointed D. was appointed 5. _D_ birth and _ education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class. A. Forfor B. Ofof C. Byof D. Byby 6. Jefferson _B_ his way to talk with gar

19、deners,servants,and waiters. A. went on B. went out of C. went D. went to 7. Jefferson _A_to accept other peoples opinions without careful thought. A. refused B. declined C. rejected D. refuted 8. _C_believe _reject anything because any other person has rejected or believed it. A. Eitheror B. Not on

20、ly but also C. Neithernor D. Not only as well as 9. Conflicting ideas is a _D_of strength. A. origin. B. spring C. resource D. source 10. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom _B_ . A. living B. alive C. live D. lively 11. There are two sides _C_every question. A. of B. i

21、n C. to D. at 12. You should take one side with decision and _A_ it with effect. A. act on B. act C. perform D. work 13. The present should never _D_ customs which have lost their usefulness. A. chain to B. tie at C. be tied at D. be chained to14. I steer my ship with hope,_B_ fear _ . A. leavingawa

22、y B. leavingbehind C. leavebehind D. leaveaway 15. Jeffersons courage and idealism _C_ knowledge. A. were originated from B. founded on C. were based on D. based on 16. He was an expert _A_agriculture,archeology,and medicine. A. in B. at C. about D. on 17. He _C_a plow superior to any other in exist

23、ence. A. discovered B. found C. invented D. created 18. _D_ all Jefferson s talents, one is central. A. In B. Among C. From D. Of 19. He was _C_ a good and tireless writer.A. first B. for all C. above all D. of all 20. American education _A_ a great debt _ Thomas Jefferson.A. owesto B. ownsto C. off

24、ersto D. attributeto21._C_ still at college, Miss Wei had her first poem published.A. Being B. The time C. While D. That22. He did not fear new ideas,_D_ fear the future.A. nor he did B. or did he C. nor he could D. nor did he23. It was Jefferson _A_ wrote the Declaration of Independence.A. who B. t

25、he man C. which D. what24. Tom _C_ himself _ to have got the medal. A. consideredluckily B. provedluckilyC. consideredlucky D. questionedluckily25. These apples are _B_ those I bought yesterday. A. more superior to B. superior toC. more superior than D. superior than26. Mike _A_ his money behind whe

26、n he went shopping.A. left B. brought C. forgot D. remained27. Children need many things, but _C_ they need attention.A. in all B. for all C. above all D. after all28. We _B_ to make him feel at home. A. went to our way B. went out of our wayC. went away from our way D. went on our way29. She _A_ th

27、at if he didnt give her enough money, she would make it public.A. threatened B. tortured C. feared D. scared30. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer _B_.A. in practice B. in existence C. in common D. in turn解析:该题选B,题目大意是“曾经生活在地球上的许多动物物种不再存在”in existence:存在的;现有的This is

28、the most magnificent bridge in existence. 这是现有的最雄伟的大桥。31. All the soldiers _A_ their officers order.A. acted on B. acted to C. acted with D. acted for32. Ill _C_ it to you to settle all the business.A. reject B. resent C. leave D. let33. Where did you _A_ your knowledge of Chinese history?A. obtain

29、B. receive C. appoint D. leav 34. Public opinions are usually _B_ by mass media.A. affect B. influenced C. change D. effect 35. We _B_ that important new discovery _ Albert Einstein.A. owefor B. oweto C. ownfor D. ownto36. It is reported that some workers on strike _D_ with the police.A. action B. concluded C. appointed D. conflicted 37. Dont _D_ in doing what you believe is good and correct.A. reject B. prevent C. refuse D. hesitate38. The _A_ of the custom is unknown.A. origin B

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