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1、外研版高中英语必修2培优练习Unit1FoodforthoughtPeriodPeriod Using language Grammar &VocabularyGrammar (情态动词一 )课前自主预习 观察句子,总结规律 1. I was_able_to hold a knife and fork and chopsticks!2But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother.3Mum and I just have_to find a

2、way to get him into the kitchen!4. wed_better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies, .5You neednt try it if you dont want to, Mum said, .我的发现以上五个句子都使用了情态动词。(1)句中的 be able to意为 “ 。”(2)句中的 dare意为 “ 。”(3)句中的 have to意为 “ 。”(4)句中的 d better 为 的缩写,意为 “ 。”(5)句中的 ne

3、ed意为 “ 。”答案: (1)能够 (2)胆敢,敢于 (3)不得不 (4)had better;最好 (5)需要 精讲课时语法一、be able to 的用法be able to 意为“能够,有能力”,不仅有时态、人称和数的变化,而且还可 以与某些系动词或情态动词连用 (通常不与 can 连用 ),甚至还可以有非谓语形式。He hasnt_been_able_to get in touch with her.他一直未能和她联系上。You might_be_able_to persuade him.你也许能够说服他。I hope to_be_able_to do the work. 我希望能干

4、得了这项工作。I regret not_being_able_to help her.我很遗憾未能帮助她。易混辨析 can 和 be able to 都可以表示能力,前者泛指一般的能力,只有两 种形式,即 can, could;后者表示通过努力可以具备具体做到某件事的能力或实现 某种状态,重点强调的是要有一个努力的过程。如:I can drive a car.(我会开车 )I will_be_able_to drive the car in a week.( 隐含着我努力一周后就有能力学会开 车的意思 )二、 dare 的用法dare既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词1dare作情态动词时,表示“

5、敢,敢于”,后跟动词原形,常用于疑问句、 否定句和条件句中。此时的 dare 没有人称、数和时态的变化,能单独构成否定和 疑问。例如:Dare you climb that tree?你敢爬那棵树吗?He darent go there because it is very dangerous. 他不敢去那儿,因为那儿很危险。2dare 用作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,用 do, does或 did 来构成否 定句或疑问句。She didnt dare to say a word, did she? 她一句话也没敢说,是吗?三、 have to 的用法have to 意为“不得不” ,有

6、时态 、人 称和 数的 变化 ,其否定形式为 dont/doesnt/didnt have to。Its too late. I have_to go home now. 天色太晚了,我现在得回家了。You dont_have_to finish the work now. 你现在没有必要完成这项工作。易混辨析 have to和 must 的区别have to 表示一种客观的需要,而 must 表示一种主观的需要。此外, must 还表 示“偏要”“非得”的意思。I have_to attend an important meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我不得不参加一个

7、重要的会议。I must clean the room because its dirty. 我必须打扫一下房间,因为太脏了。四、had better 的用法 had better 意为“最好”,后跟动词原形,常用来提出建议,或表示迫切地希 望、警告等,语气较强。其中动词 had没有人称或数的变化。 had better 的简略式 为d better,否定式为 had better not。Shed_better get here soon or shell miss the opening ceremony. 她最好快点到这儿来,否则她会错过开幕式的。They had_better_not

8、be late. 他们最好不要迟到。五、 need 的用法1作情态动词(1)need作情态动词时,常用于疑问句、 否定句或表示疑问的从句中, 意为“需 要”。 Need I finish the work today? Yes, you must./No, you neednt. 我需要今天干完这活吗? 是的,必须干完。 / 不用,你不必干完。(2)neednt 意为“不必”,表示客观上不必如何。So I neednt pretend, need I? 因此我不必假装,对吧? 2作实义动词 need 作实义动词时,后可接名词、动名词、不定式等,有人称、时态和数的 变化。The bike nee

9、ds_repairing. The bike needs_to_be_repaired. 这辆自行车需要修理。选词并用适当形式填空: be able to; dare; have to; had better; need 1She not go out alone at night.答案: dare2Its quite warm here so we not turn the heating on.答案: need3You arrive early so that you will not miss anything.答案: had better4He walk home yesterday

10、because his car broke down.答案: had to5Neither my wife nor I persuade my daughter to change her mind now.答案: am able to6He play the piano when he was 5 years old.答案: was able toVocabulary1related adj. 有关系的,相关的 (P5)归纳拓展(1)be related to be connected with 与有关系 /关联 (2)relate v. 联系,使有联系 relate to 涉及;与相关 r

11、elate . to . 把和联系起来1Light industry is closely related_to agriculture. 轻工业和农业密切相关。2The questionnaire relates_to our lifestyle. 这份问卷调查和我们的生活方式有关。3It is difficult to relate these results to any known cause. 很难把这些结果和任何已知的原因联系起来。(1)单句语法填空1This is an French word (relate) to music.2We must relate what he s

12、ays what he does.答案: related to(2)单句写作 未来,工资的增加将和绩效相关。In the future, pay increases will productivity.2他问了一些和他的专业有关的问题。He asked some questions his major.答案: be related to related to2diet n. 日常饮食 vi. 节食;按规定饮食 (P5)归纳拓展keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食 be on a diet 节食(表状态 ) go on a diet 节食(表动作 )1Everyone sho

13、uld keep_a_balanced_diet for the benefit of health. 为了健康,每个人都应该保持平衡的膳食。2Have you been_on_a_diet? Youve lost a lot of weight. 你最近在节食吗?你瘦了好多。3Ive been dieting ever since the birth of my second child. 我生完第二个孩子后就一直在节食。单句写作1My sister wants to (节食 ), because she thinks she isoverweight.2 (均衡的饮食 ) is impor

14、tant for a childs development.3Drinking water is a key part of (健康的饮食 ) and it makesyour skin clearer and takes weight off.答案: go on a diet A balanced diet a healthy diet3addict n. 对着迷的人 vt. 使上瘾 (P5)归纳拓展(1)addict oneself to 沉溺于;醉心于 (2)addicted adj. 上瘾的;沉迷于某种嗜好的 be/become/get addicted to . 沉迷于;热爱 (3)

15、addictive adj. 使人上瘾的 addiction n. 瘾,入迷,嗜好 After his divorce, Bruce addicted_himself_to drinking, thus losing his job. 离婚后,布鲁斯终日醉酒,结果丢了工作。 Teenagers who are_addicted_to the Internet are more likely to suffer fromdepression. 有网瘾的青少年更可能患忧郁症。3You should stop taking this medicine because it is addictive.

16、 你应该停止服用这种药,因为它令人上瘾。4Some students are now fighting their addiction to computer games. 现在一些学生正努力戒除对电脑游戏的瘾。(1)单句语法填空1Alcohol and tobacco are both highly (addict)2He is now fighting his (addict) to alcohol.3We are addicted to (buy) new things.答案: addictive addiction buying (2)单句写作 曾经有一段时间他玩电脑游戏上瘾。Ther

17、e was a time when he computer games.答案: was addicted to playing4in case 以防万一 (P5)归纳拓展in case of 以防万一 (后跟名词 )in that case 如果那样的话 in this case 在这种情况下 in most cases 在大多数情况下 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样in no case 决不 (位于句首时句子用部分倒装 ) thats not the case情 况并非如此 as is often the case情 况常常如此,常有的事 Take an umbrella wit

18、h you in_case_of rain. Take your raincoat in_case_(that) it should rain.带上雨伞,以防下雨。 In_any_case,_I have to leave soon. 无论如何,我必须尽快离开。3In_no_case should you leave here. 在任何情况下你都不要离开这里。单句写作 对他来说是常有的事,他上课迟到了。 with him, he was late for class. 带张地图吧,以防迷路。Bring a map you get lost.汤姆现在很忙。在这种情况下,我们就不再等了。Tom i

19、s very busy now. , we wont wait any longer.4无论如何我不能输掉这次重要比赛。 this important match. 万一有火警,将玻璃击碎。 fire, break the glass. 答案: As is often the case in case In this case4In no case can I lose In case of5differ v. 不同,不一样,有区别 (P5)归纳拓展(1)differ from 与不同 differ in 在方面不同 (2)different adj. 不同的;相异的 be different

20、 from . in . 在与不同 (3)difference n. 不同;区别 tell the difference between . and . 分辨和的不同 make a difference 有影响;起 (重要 )作用 This proposal differs_from the last one in many important respects. This proposal is_different_from the last one in many important respects. 这个建议在很多重要方面与上一个不同。 Compare the two pictures

21、 and tell_the_difference between them. 比较一下这两幅画,分辨出它们之间的不同。 One false step will make_a_great_difference.差之毫厘,谬以千里。语境串记 Though they are twins, they have many differences. First of all, they differ_in hobbies. Jim likes playing football while Tom enjoys playing chess. In addition, they are_different_f

22、rom each other in shape. Jim is tall and fat while Tom is short and thin.虽然他们是双胞胎,但他们有许多不同之处。首先,他们的爱好不同。吉姆 喜欢踢足球,而汤姆喜欢下棋。此外,他们体形不同。吉姆又高又胖,而汤姆又 矮又瘦。单句语法填空1These two books differ colourone is red and the other is blue.2Our village is very (difference) from what it was before.3The behavior of parents m

23、akes a great (different) to the children.答案: in different difference6recommend v. 推荐 (P6)归纳拓展recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物 recommend sb. as 推荐某人为recommend that . 建议 (that 从句应用 should动词 原形,其中 should 可以省略 )It is recommended that . 建议 (It 作形式主

24、语, that 从句为真正的主语 )1He strongly recommended_going there by train. 他强烈建议坐火车去那儿。2Why did you recommend_him_to_take such an important position? 你为什么推荐他担任这么重要的职位?3Would you recommend_a_book_to_me? 你能给我推荐一本书吗?4Ill recommend Tom as his assistant. 我要推荐汤姆当他的秘书。5It_is_recommended_that you should consult your

25、doctor. 建议你去咨询医生。(1)单句语法填空1It is such a great hotel that I would recommend it any friend of minewho is going to Beijing.2He recommended (read) the book before seeing the movie.3Its strongly recommended that the machine (repair) every year.答案: to reading (should) be repaired(2)句型转换The doctor recommen

26、ded (that) my father (should) take more exercise. The doctor recommended my father more exercise.答案: to take .用 be able to的适当形式完成句子 1每个人都看得出两者的区别。Everyone see the difference between the two.答案: is able to2由于他的帮忙,我们昨天才能提前完成这项工作。Thanks to his help, we finish the work ahead of timeyesterday.答案: were ab

27、le to 3我还看不出两者的区别在哪儿。I see the difference between the two yet.答案: havent been able to 4如果你睡个好觉,那么你就能做出这道题。If you have a good sleep, you work out this problem.答案: will be able to5我对不能帮助你感到抱歉。I feel bad about help you.答案: not being able to 6他似乎能把复杂的思想用简单的话语说出来。He seemed put complicated thought in simp

28、le words.答案: to be able to .用 have to 的适当形式完成句子 1我把自己锁在了我们的公寓外面,不得不破门而入。I locked myself out of our apartment and break in.答案: had to2制定计划要从调查研究入手。To work out a plan, one start with investigation.答案: has to3我得在 5 点钟到学校接孩子。I pick up the children from school at 5 oclock.答案: have to .单句写作1我们的老师建议我们定期锻炼以

29、保持身体健康。Our teacher recommends that .答案: we (should) take exercise regularly 2犯罪率上升可能与失业率上升有关。The rise in crime is likely an increase inunemployment.答案: to be related to 3这两个地区的气候差异很大。These two regions .答案: differ greatly in climate 4你应该带着你的雨伞以防下雨。You should take your umbrella .答案: in case it rains5不

30、言而喻保持平衡的膳食能帮助你保持健康。It goes without saying that can help you stayhealthy.答案: keeping a balanced diet.一句多译1时间很充足,你不必开这么快。Theres plenty of time. You so fast.Theres plenty of time. You so fast.答案: neednt drive; dont need to drive2看看这些花,它们需要浇水了。Look at the flowers. They need .Look at the flowers. They need .答案: watering; to be watered3他一句话也不敢说。He a word.He a word.答案: dare not say; doesnt dare to say课后课时作业 阅读理解Turning the lights out or wearing a blindfold while eating could be a quick way to lose weight, according to scientists

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