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1、机械企业安全标准化管理手册doc机械企业安全标准化管理手册1Delegates, staff: Hello! i n the r un-up t o the S pring Festival, we held one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful ana lysis of the curr ent situation, discuss 2013 devel opme nt pla ns. Here, on be half of my co

2、mpany 2013 w ork reports to the Ge neral Assem bly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compa nies a dhere t o the partys 17 great spirit for guida nce, comprehensively im plement the sci entific conce pt of devel opment, promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus o

3、n impleme ntation, l ean management, continuously impr ove, smooth present safety situation of enter prise management, busi ness management a nd control scientific a nd sta ndar dize d, and the dedi cation of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the good situati on. Main i ndi c

4、ators are a s follow-the battery indicat or: power ge neration totaled 7.815 billi on k Wh, beyond the annual budget im plementation ca pacity of 315 million kWh, a n increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billi on k Wh, ex ceedi ng sales of 330 million kWh the a nnual Executive budget, an

5、 i ncrea se of 729 mill ion k Wh. -Security measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal injury accide nt occurred, no major a cci de nt and a bove, no major fire accide nts wit hout e nvironmental polluti on a cci dent s, safety for three consecutive years to mai ntain sta bility to good po

6、st ure. Business financial indicat ors: total profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond t he annual budget of 207 milli on Yuan, beyond the Datang compa ny index 41.89 million Yua n, an i ncrea se of 1.76 milli on Yuan, FCM assessme nt at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completi ng 312.25

7、 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; i ntegrated auxiliary pow er consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; poll utant emissions performa nce greatly re duced compare d to last yea r, car bon 0.09 g/k Wh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/k Wh NOx 0.512 g/k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. -Reliability i ndex

8、: equivalent availa bility factor i n 93.47%, increase d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reducti on ov er the same peri od a year earl ier. Major achievement s: first, we shoul d adhere to t he two manageme nt system basis, strengthe ning te chnol ogical researc

9、h, strengthen hi dden ha zards control and intri nsic safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o management system for improvement. Focus on promoti ng the power of the company manag ement system and the a ppli catio n and im plementati on of the safety loop five-star manageme nt syst

10、em, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. F urther regul ate security routi nes, safety supe rvision a nd ma nagement net work role t o play to a chieve closed-loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd manageme nt of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning the

11、 safety supervisi on of outsourci ng contractor s. Carrie d out in spring a nd a utumn of se curity i nspecti ons, flood control a nd inspe ction, safe ty production mont h, day supervision of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and other有限公司有限公司受控状态:发放编号:版次/修订:A/0 文件编号:YLHP-ABSC安全标准化管理手册编制:安全科

12、审核:安全生产领导小组批准:有限公司2013年5月1日发布2013年5月1日施行ctivities, compre he nsive a nd tampi ng Safety Foundati on . Troubleshooting, ma nagement me cha nism, give f ull play t o role of technica l supervisi on and realizati on of troubleshooti ng, management, impr oved process ma nagement. This year completed t h

13、e boil er lower hea der leakage, boiler pr essure, a major ri sk manageme nt, completed 29 of great risks a nd 3 General problems of governa nce. Complete chemistry lab construction, thermal control, a nd com plete the boiler scale i ntegrated manageme nt, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific

14、and technologi cal pr oje cts, such as. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-li ne simul ation system devel opme nt and application of cir culating water MCC sta ndby power transformation, t he transformation of desulfurizati on wa ste water, t he unit water supply system of com prehe nsive treatme nt a

15、nd di scharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technol ogical transformation pr oje cts, group health is impr oved. -S cie nce a nd technol ogy innovati on i s further i ncrea sed. Strengthe n the characteristi cs of supercriti cal unit major i ssues, gradually clearing t he parti cularity of s

16、upercriti cal unit a nd reg ularity. Developed motor oil time manageme nt, sw itch a ction times, statistics, coal-ai ded mea sureme nt software, improves t he producti on l evel of lea n manageme nt. Increased inve stment in sci ence and technolog y, re porting sci ence and technology projects a nd

17、 14 te chni cal proje ct total cost perce ntage of the total a nnual pr oduction output of 0.25%. Large-scale coal-fired power plant flue gas desulf urization, denitrificati on compl ete devel opme nt and applicati on of key technol ogies proje ct, w on the nati onal scie nce and technolog y progres

18、s second pri ze. 630M W s uper critical units optimize d control strategies a nd t he 630MW devel opment and applicati on of on-line simulati on system for supercriti cal units, supercriti cal 600MW unit s of tur bine driven boiler feed pum p set of compr ehe nsive treatment of defects Datang te chn

19、ol ogy respectively one or tw o and thir d. Meanwhile, informati on te chnol ogy achievement s, the com pany was name d Chi na power i nformation te chnol ogy benchmarking enterpri ses. -Repa ir and maintenance ha s improve d further. Modify the inspe ction standards a nd standards on a regul ar bas

20、i s, standardi zing w ork procedures, che cking a nd inspection pr oject. Dee peni ng the BFS+ system, and impleme nts maintenance information share d. Reorga nizing R B logi c again, a nd e nsure t he success of the RB. Innovating he mechani sm of maintena nce management, impleme nted a proje ct ma

21、nager system. Successful compl etion of two autonom ous mai ntena nce, reliabil ity improved stea dil y. Impleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accomplish tw o circulating pumps repair and over haul of four Mills, maintena nce teams to get exerci

22、se. Promote the work of energy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, complete t he unit energy consumpti on diagnosis, pla nt water balan ce test, 10 energy-saving proje cts. Second, we shoul d adhere to three on the e conomic benefits of improving, outrea chDelegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to

23、t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration.

24、Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he partys 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment, promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth pre

25、se nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: p ower ge neration t

26、otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 milli on k Wh t he annual Exe cutive budget, a n increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measure s: unpla nne

27、 d outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and above, no major fire accide nts without e nvironme ntal polluti on ac cidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stability to good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: total profits of 255 mill

28、ion Yuan, beyond t he annual budget of 207 million Yua n, bey ond the Data ng company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 milli on Yua n, FCM a ssessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply sta ndar d coal completing 312.25 g/k Wh, dow n 0.1 g/k Wh; i ntegrated auxili ary power consumptio

29、n ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; polluta nt emissi ons performance greatly reduce d com pared to la st year, car bon 0.09 g/k Wh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/k Wh NOx 0.512 g/k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. -Relia bility index: equivale nt availability fact or in 93.47%, increase d 7.95%

30、 from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over the same peri od a year earl ier. Major achievement s: first, we shoul d adhere to t he two manageme nt system basis, strengthe ning te chnol ogical research, strengthen hi dden ha zards control and intri nsic safety En

31、terprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o management system for improvement. Focus on promoti ng the power of the company manag ement system and the a ppli cation and im plementati on of the safety loop five-star manageme nt system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of

32、safety control. F urther regul ate security routi nes, safety supe rvision a nd ma nagement net work role t o play to a chieve closed-loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd manageme nt of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning the safety supervisi on of outsourci ng contractor s. Carrie d out in spring a nd a utumn of se curity i nspecti ons, flood control a nd inspe ction, safe ty production mont h, day supervision of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and other目录 . 错误!未定义书签。第一篇管理体系

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