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DIY 窍门.docx

1、DIY 窍门大众机械(美国)杂志创刊110年周年,推选出来110个小窍门, 选自这110年来所有付印的DIY文章, 号称是110年人类智慧的结晶啊! 奇文共赏,借数码之家的宝地分享给大家,也愿数码之家能越办越好! 由于时代和国情大有不同,这些小窍门有的至今实用,有的早已融入到我们生活中,变为寻常知识, 细细品来,很多窍门仍然值得借鉴。 110个,陆续补齐1. 补窟窿1972年5月刊修补一个错扣螺丝孔,用高尔夫球木钉(小圆锥形的木塞)塞住,然后锯掉其余部分,砂纸打磨,完工。2. 熨衣板架 1948年9月刊在壁橱内壁装一个手巾架,这样熨衣板就可以竖直着存放了,还能放扫把,挂手巾之类的东西。3. 钥

2、匙孔 1984年4月刊在钥匙上打个空,就可以这样把所有钥匙都串起来,可以快速找到你要的钥匙。4. 铜线手电筒架 2011年3月刊Copper Wire Flashlight StandTo set up a simple worklight, coil 12-gauge copper wire around aflashlights barrel and twist the rest into a base. March 2011一截12号铜线在镜筒上绕两圈,剩下的绕个圈作座5Got That Wrench?On band saws, router tables, or other shop

3、equipment that requiresa wrench to make routine adjustments, we advised in July 1952:Press the wrench into a lump of weatherstripping putty and stickthe putty on the side of the shop tool. The wrench will be easy tolocate for quick changes of bits and blades.扳手找准 1952年7月刊在台锯,铣床等经常要用扳手进行调整的地方,粘一块油泥作标

4、记,更容易找准位置6Pinhole LensThe August 1955 issue told a farsighted person to punch a pinholein cardboard and peer through it to read small type. It still does the trick!小孔帮助远视眼 1955年8月刊可以在纸板上打个小孔,远视的人就可以透过这个小孔阅读小字体了7Jar Pumps Up Radio TunesTransistor radios produce a deeper, more melodious tone whenplace

5、d speaker-down on top of an open fruit jar. This worked inFebruary 1961. And it works today for an iPhone.玻璃瓶扩音器 1961年2月刊把扬声器扣在一个开口玻璃瓶上,声音会更动听你现在仍然可以用你的iPhone试试8Fortify StudsNail 2 x 4 blocking between studs when framing walls, we suggestedin November 1948. The boards provide sturdy mounting bases f

6、orheavy pictures or recessed medicine cabinets. Record the positionsupon installation.加固木墙 1948年11月刊用一整块木板钉在木板墙上可以有效加固木墙,可以在上面加挂壁画,壁橱。9Box Prevents Milk TheftDepression-era milk thieves met their match with the bandit-proofbox we showed bolted to a porch in August 1934. A hole in the toppermits the

7、bottle to be set inside, and four strips of springbrass prevent its removal. The owner unlocks a panel to access themilk. Home-security technology evolved in PMs pages, from safesmade of spare tires to whole-house diagrams on burglar deterrence.防丢牛奶箱 1934年8月刊大萧条时期,在门廊上安装个奶箱,可以有效防丢。箱子上边用四片弹性铜片钉在四边,奶瓶

8、可以放入,不易取出。10Dry Up Paint DroolPunch holes in a paint-can rim with a 4d finish nail. This helpspaint along the rim drain into the can. January 1991油漆桶导流孔 1991年 1月刊在油漆桶的边沿打4个孔,可以帮助油漆顺利稳定的流出11Get a Handle on a Broken ToolReplacing a shovel handle is one of those disappearing rural skillsthat shows basi

9、c mechanical competencejust as wrapping ducttape around a broken handle denotes the opposite, the May 2007issue said. Getting a wood handles grain direction right ensuresthe strength of a replacement handle. Mount the new handle so thatthe oval rings of wood grain run up and down the sides of thehan

10、dle relative to the blade. Handles break when the tool isstrained along those ovals. A look down the blade toward the faceof the handle should reveal only straight, parallel lines of wood grain.换铁锹把手 2007年5月刊注意选择木柄的时候,纹理要和锹面平行,不要垂直和椭圆的纹理的木柄12Slow-Leak TestA tire tip from December 1935: To locate a p

11、inhole leak in a biketires inner tube, hold it under water and watch for bubbles.检查轮胎慢漏气 1935年,把轮胎放进水里,寻找产生气泡的位置,就是小孔所在13Floating FramesOur August 1965 issue recommended taping small blocks of Styrofoamto eyeglasses bows, or legs, while fishing or boating.If the glasses go overboard, theyll float.漂浮

12、的眼镜 1965年8月刊在钓鱼或划船时,在眼镜的镜架上绑两块泡沫,如果眼镜掉进水里,眼镜不会沉底14Gloveful O ToolsAn old glove can become a miniature tool belt with a fewmodifications, according to our January 1949 issue.Cut a slit in the cuff of the glove so a belt can pass through it.Then snip off the fingertips and thumb tip. Worn on a hip,the

13、 open fingertips can conveniently carry pliers and large screwdrivers改装手套 1949年1月刊在手套的护腕处开口,可以穿在皮带上做工具袋15Improvised Slides for Heavy DrawersThe January 1970 issue showed how to reuse a bleach bottle to easeaction on a heavily laden drawer. Cut x 2inch strips from aclean, empty bottle. Heat the plast

14、ic and fold its long side into a-inch lip. Mount the strips at the bottom front corners of thedrawer frame. The drawer slides on the strips, reducing friction.改进抽屉的滑动 1970年1月刊在抽屉底下的木框滑动的地方,贴两条塑料或金属片,可以有效地减小摩擦16. 钥匙孔定位夹在钥匙孔上装个V字形的金属片,可以让你在深夜里轻易找到钥匙孔,尤其是在有照明的情况下17. 沙袋助粘沙袋可以帮助你粘接那些表面不平的装饰品,大家可以搜搜我的DIY气

15、垫船,他用吸尘器住粘18. 堵住那门一块木片可以有效阻止门来回晃荡19.Closet-Rod StopThe last suit or garment generally takes a beating in a crowded closet.To prevent this, wrap rubber bands around the rod a few inches from each endto form ridged stops for the wire hangers. January 1959no idea what the fuck they are talking about。20

16、. 车顶运输架在车顶上装个架子,就可以方便地把要运输的东西固定在车顶上了21. 让斜坡不斜储物架向外斜,一点振动就会上面东西掉下来。在加一片更斜的木片,让斜坡向內斜就行了22. C型夹把C型夹,夹在梯子上,这样锤子就不会掉下来了23. 晾衣夹和钻头用凉衣夹帮忙保管钻头,你就不用总是满地找钻头了24. 台锯推送板在台锯推送板的1/2处开个口,再在1/4处开个口,这样你就能得到两种厚度的木板了25. 垃圾桶盖中间的门把手垃圾桶盖上装个门把手,这样就有地方放桶盖了26. 肥皂润滑螺钉往螺丝钉上涂些肥皂,可以让你更省力27. 活页夹挂刷子把没用的活页夹钉在梯子顶上,可以挂刷子,在你移动梯子时,刷子还好好地待在上面28. 胶带防止毛边切割胶合板时,在切割线上贴一条胶带,可以有效防止毛边29. 防滑胶带在手推车轮子上钉两条耐磨的胶带,这样就可以有效阻止手推车的意外后退30. 用土豆“舔”邮票可以用切开的土豆来“舔”邮票信封,不必你亲自动嘴

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