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1、房屋租赁合同中英文版房屋租赁合同中英文版租赁合同(Lease Contract)是指出租人将租赁物交付给承租人使用、收益,承租人支付租金的合同。在当事人中,提供物的使用或收益权的一方为出租人;对租赁物有使用或收益权的一方为承租人。今天小编要与大家分享的是:房屋租赁合同中英文对照版。具体内容如下,欢迎参考阅读:房屋租赁合同 PREMISES LEASE CONTRACT立合同人:Parties to the contract:出租方(以下称甲方):Lessee (hereinafter referred to as party A):承租方(以下称乙方):Tenant (hereinafter

2、referred to as Party B):甲乙双方经过友好协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。Having reached unanimity through friendly consultation and negotiation, Party A and Party B, here by agree to enter into the following contract to be abided by both parties.一.建筑地址:甲方将其所有的位于上海市 的房屋在良好及可租用的状态下出租给乙方。 乙方向甲方承诺该物业仅作为住宅使用。. Address of premis

3、ed:Party A lets its lawfully owned premises to Party B in good and tenantable condition, Located atParty B shall undertake to party A that the premises shall be used only for the purpose of Residential.二.房屋面积出租房屋的登记面积为 平方米(建筑面积)。. Floorage of premises:The registered floorage of the premises let by P

4、arty A shall be squaremeters(floorage).三.租赁期限:. Lease Term:租赁期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止甲方应于 年 月 日以前将房屋腾空交给乙方做搬迁准备使用。The lease term shall be from (month) (day) (year),to (month) (day) (year).Party a shall vacate the premises and deliver it to Party b forpreparing moving in before (month) (day) (year).四. 定金:.

5、Earnest money:1. 乙方于 年 月 日支付的定金为人民币(美金) 元整,其它的余额 元整人民币(美金)应在 年 月 日之前支付给甲方。Party B has paid RMB (USD) as an earnest moneyon (month) (day) (year). anther vacancies yet to be filled as RMB(USD) will be paid to Party A before (month)(day) (year).2. 在甲方收到定金(以乙方汇出日为准)之后自租期开始之前如甲方违约,则上述定金由甲方双倍返还乙方,如乙方违约则定金

6、由甲方没收。If Party A violates the contract after receiving the deposit (depending on the date of remitting from Party b and before the lease term begins, Party A shall pay double theearnest money back to Party B. If Party b violates the contract, The carnest money shall be confiscated by Party A.3.租期开始之

7、后,上述定金转为下述第六条的保证金。After the lease term begin, the above-mentioned earnest money shall be automatically turned into deposit of security of Clause 6 of this contract.五. 租金:. Rental:1. 数额:双方议定租金为每月人民币 元整。乙方以 形式支付给甲方。Amount: The total amount of monthly rental agreed upon by both parties shall be RMB or

8、US$ . Party B shall pay the rental to Party A in the form of .2. 支付方式:租金按 个月为一期支付,第一期租金 年 月 日以前付清,以后每期租金支付时间为当月 日之前,先付后用(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担),甲方收到租金后应予以书面签收。Method of payment:The payment of rental shall be made each period, month (s) is one period, the first payment shall be made before (

9、month) (day) (year). Each successivepayment shall be made before . Party B shall pay the rental before it moves into the premises.(If Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting shall be the day of rental payment ,the remittance fee shall be borne by the remitter.) Party

10、A should issue a written receipt after each payment of rental is received.3. 如乙方逾期支付租金,则每逾期一日按应付月租金的百分之一向甲方支付滞纳金。如乙方逾期超过十五日,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。If Party B delays such rental payment, Party B shall pay penalty to Party A at the rate of 1% of the due rental for each day of delay.If the d

11、elay is in excess of 15 days. It shall bedeemed as automatically quitting tenancy, which shall constitute breach of contract. Then, Party A shall have the right to recover the leased premises and take actions against PartyB for liabilities of breach of Contract.六. 保证金. Deposit of Security:1. 为确保房屋及其

12、附属设施之安全与完好及租赁内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意支付给甲方保证金共计人民币 元整,甲方在收到保证金后应予以书面签收。To ensure that the premises and its accessory facilities are sale and in good condition and that accounts of relevant fees are settle on schedule during the term of lease, Party Bagrees to pay Party A as a deposit, Party A should issue a

13、written receipt.2.除合同另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁关系消除乙方保证原有房屋及设施完好,迁空,点清,并付清所有应付费用后当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方。Unless otherwise agreed upon, the amount of deposit of security shall be refunded by Party A without interest to Party B upon expiration of the lease, provided that Party B has vacated the premises, left everything in

14、 the premises intact and paid up all expenses due, kept the premises and all facilities in good condition.3.因乙方违反本合同的规定,而产生的违约金,损害赔偿金以及租金及相关费用,甲方可经乙方书面确保后在保证金中低扣,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十天内补足。Any penalty for breach of contract, compensation for damage and rental and other relevant fees payable arising fro

15、m Party Bs violation of the provisions of the Contract may be deducted by Party A from the deposit of security after receiving the written confirmation from Party B. any shortage there of must be made up for by Party B within ten days of the receipt of the notice of Payment issued by Party A.七. 其他费用

16、:. OTHER FEES:1.乙方应承担租赁期内的电话费,水、电、煤、 等一切因乙方实际使用而产生的费用,并按公共事业单位的单据如期交纳。Party B shall pay for the water, electricity and gas fees and telecommunication fees and all other fees incurred by Party B in actual use and paid bills from relevant public service department on schedule the terms of lease.2、物业管理

17、费用由 方支付。Management fee that will be payable by party .八. 甲方的义务:. Obligations of Party A:1. 甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施(详见附件)交付乙方使用。Party A shall turn over the premises and accessory facilities (details refer to the appendix) on schedule to Party B for use.2. 房屋设施如因质量原因,自然损害或灾害而受到损害时,甲方有修善的任务并承担有关的费用。Party A shall

18、 be responsible for repairing any damage of the premises due to poor quality, natural tear and wear or calamities and bear the expenses thereof.3. 甲方应确保其为出租房屋的合法拥有人,按中国法律该房屋可以出租,如在租赁期内,该房屋发生所有权全部或部分的转移,设定他项物权或其他影响乙方权益的事情时,甲方应保证所有权人,他项权利人或其他影响乙方权益的第三者,能继续遵守本合同所有条款,反之如乙方权益因此而遭受损害,甲方应付赔偿责任。Party A shal

19、l ensure that Party A is the legal owner of the premises and the premises can be let according to Chinese law, If all or part of the ownership of the premises is transferred, other rights ate settled, or any other happening affects the rights and interests of Party B during the leasehold, Party A sh

20、ould guarantee that the owner. Person to the rights or any other third Party that affects the affects the rights and interest of Party B continue to abide by all the articles of the Contract. Otherwise Party A shall be liable for compensating the loss to the rights and interests suffered by Party B

21、there from.九. 乙方的义务:. Obligations of party B:1.乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项费用。Party B should pay the rental, deposit of security and other fees payable on schedule according to the provisions of the Contract.2. 乙方经甲方同意,可在承担租用房内进行装修及添置设备。租赁期满后,乙方可将添置的可拆动的动产部分自行拆运,并保证不影响房屋的完好及清洁使用。Party B may, upon appro

22、val by Party A, fit up the lease premises and add equipment there in during the lease hold expiration of the lease hold, Party B may remove the added party of property that is removable, but Party B must ensure that the premises is in good and clean condition for use.3. 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承担租的房屋转租或分租给第三方,并

23、爱护使用租赁的房屋。如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋及设施受到损坏,乙方应付赔偿责任。Party B shall not transfer or sublet the leased premises without the approval by Party a and shall take good care of the leased premises and facilities resulting from Party Bs fault or negligence.4. 乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用租赁房屋,不得擅自变更使用性质,不应存放危险物品,如因此发生损坏,乙方应承担全部责任。Par

24、ty B shall use the leased premises lawfully according to the provision of the contract. Party B shall not arbitrarily change the use of the said premises. No hazardous materials and goods shall be allowed to be kept in the premises. If any damage is attributable to such use, Party b shall be fully l

25、iable for the damage.5. 非房客人为因素造成的设备和家具损坏,由房东负责修缮或更换,如房东在接到房客通知的十天没有及时修缮或更换,房客有权自己去更换或修缮,费用由房东承担,房东应负责房屋结构的维修,除非损坏是由于房客人造成的,其中日常消耗品的更换费用由乙方承担。In case any equipment in The Property breaks down by natural use by The Tenant, it is The Landlords responsibility to arrange and pay for the costs of repair

26、or replacement. In the event that The Landlord fails to repair or replace such equipment within a reasonable time (being less than ten days from he date on which the problem was notified to The Landlord) The Tenant shall have the right to arrange for repair or replacement and the costs are to be rei

27、mbursed to the Tenant by The Landlord. The landlord is responsible for the repair and upkeep and repair of the structure of The Property, except where and to the extent it is damaged due to the negligence of The Tenant. Party B is responsible for the daily consumption.十. 同终止及解除的规定:. Termination and

28、dissolution of the Contract:1. 乙方在租赁期满后,如需续祖或退租,应提前一个月通知对方,由双方另行协商续租事宜。If Party B intends to renew or terminated lease hold upon its expiration, it shall notify PartyA of such intention one month prior to the expiration of the lease term. Then the two parties shall discuss matters over the renewal o

29、f leasehold.2. 租赁期满后,乙方应在当日内将承担的房屋及设施在正常清洁状态下交还甲方,如有留置的任何物品,在未取得甲方的谅解之下,均视为放弃,任凭甲方处置,乙方绝无异议。Upon the expiration of the lease hold, Party B shall return he leased premises and accessory facilities in normal condition to Party A within last days, Any belongings left behind in the house shall, without

30、obtaining precious understanding of Party A, be deemed as thingsgiven up by Party B and shall be dispose of by Party A at its discretion o which Party B shall raise no objection.3. 合同一经双方签定后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止,如有未尽事宜,甲、乙双方可另行协商。This Contract shall come into force upon the date of being signed by both parties. It must not be terminated at will without the approval of both parties, Anything not covered in the contract must be consulate separately by party A and party B.4. 同任何一方在不可抗力事件(地震,战争,自然灾害,政治因素)而不能履行本合同义务时,本合同将自然终止,未租租金及全部押金将返还给乙方。In the occurrence of force majeur (

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