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1、轨道交通专业术语中英文对照轨道专业术语中英文对照表中文名称英文对照一、道岔turnout道岔和交叉turnout and cross ings单开道岔simple turnout对称道岔bilateral turnout二开道岔symmetrical double turnout/three-throw tur nout/tan dem turnout菱形交叉diam ond cross ing交分道岔slip switch复式交分道岔double slip switch单式交分道岔si ngle slip switch单渡线Sin gle crossover渡线Crossover交叉渡线sc

2、issors crossover套线overlapp ing of lines套线道岔mixed gauge turnout左开道岔left hand turnout右开道岔right hand turnout高速道岔high-speed turnout提速道岔speed-up turnout普速道岔conven ti onal tur nout二、转辙器Switch可弯式尖轨转辙器flexible switch间隔铁式尖轨转辙器 loose heel switch转辙角switch an gle三、导曲线(连接部分):lead curve四、辙叉Frog高锰钢(整铸)辙叉 :solid ma

3、ngan ese steel frog钢轨组合辙叉bolted rigid frog可动心轨辙叉movable-po int frog钝角辙叉obtuse frog锐角辙叉end frog曲线辙叉curved frog辙叉角frog an gle辙叉号数frog nu mber辙叉心轨理论尖端theoretical point of switch rail辙叉趾端 :toe end of frog辙叉跟端heel end of frog辙叉趾长toe len gth of frog辙叉跟长heel le ngth of frog辙叉趾宽toe len gth of frog辙叉跟宽heel l

4、e ngth of frog辙叉咽喉throat of frog五、轨件Rail基本轨stock rail直基本轨straight stock rail曲基本轨curved stock rail尖轨switch rail直线尖轨straight switch rail曲线尖轨curved switch rail护轨guard rail,check rail翼轨wing rail心轨point rail, nose rail异形轨compromise rail矮形轨flat-web-sectio n rail特种断面钢轨special sect ion rail长心轨long point rai

5、l短心轨short point rail导轨guide rail/closure rail淬火轨que nched rail绝缘轨in sulated rail可动心轨swing nose rail无缝钢轨con ti nuous welded rail ( CWR)轨缝 joint gap钢轨接头rail joi nt绝缘接头in sulated joint胶结接头 glued joint焊接接头welded joi nt冻接接头froze n joint异形接头compromise joint六、板件Plate轨撑垫板tie plate of rail brace接头平垫板joint fl

6、at tie plate辙跟垫板switch heel tie plate支距扣板offset faste ning plate垫板tie plate七、轨枕Sleeper木枕woode n sleeper混凝土枕con crete sleeper岔枕switch sleeper八、零部件Components工件workpiece易损件wear parts备件spare parts扣件rail faste nings弹条 :Clip弹性扣件elastic rail faste nings尖轨补强板reinforcing bar轨撑rail brace支撑块support block支座条bea

7、rer strap低紧扣件low restrain faste ning道钉track spike间隔铁filler限位器positi on-limited device滑床板slide plate鱼尾板Fishplate道岔拉杆switch rod, stretcher bar道岔连杆connecting bar, following stretcher bar钢轨伸缩调节器expa nsion joint导电销con ductive pin调整楔adjusti ng wedge辙跟内轨撑rail brace in side of switch heel辙跟外轨撑rail brace out

8、side of switch heel双头螺柱double head bolt轨距块gauge block调整片adjustme nt shim长方头螺栓recta ngle head bolt接头夹板fish plate, joint bar接头螺栓fish bolt, tract bolt螺纹道钉screw spike轨撑rail brace补强板 reinforcing bar顶铁Iron/stud/Distance block调整片adjustable shim绝缘垫片in sulated shim轨距块是扣轨肢的,顶铁是顶轨腰的,间隔铁一般是和钢轨轨头 下颚和轨肢上颚相接触的。九、术

9、语Terms道岔全长total le ngth of turnou t/overall le ngth前长Front len gth后长Rear len gth道岔中心centre of turnout道岔号数tur nout nu mber道岔始端begi nning of tur nout道岔终端end of turnout道岔主线main line of tur nout道岔侧线branch line of turnout道岔基线reference line of turnout道岔轨排Switch panel尖轨理论尖端 :theoretical point of switch rai

10、l尖轨尖端actual point of switch rail尖轨尖端降低值switch point relief尖轨跟端heel of switch rail尖轨长度len gth of switch rail尖轨尖端前基本轨长度 len gth of stock rail ahead of actual point of switch rail动程throw of switch查照间隔guard check gauge护背距离guard face gauge有害空间 gap in the frog冲击角an gle of impact轮缘槽Fla ngeway整体道床solid bed标

11、准轨距铁路sta ndard gauge railway复曲线compo und curve缓和曲线 tran siti on curve轨距加宽gauge wide ning曲线超高cant, superelevation轨底坡cant of rail钢轨工作边gage lin e/work ing surface of rail轨距Gauge过渡段Tran siti on area轮背距Wheel back-to-back藏尖深度Point retractio n十、工艺Processes调直straighte n顶弯bend钻孔drill冷膨cold expa nsion定长锯切cutt

12、 ing to len gth焊接weld退火Ann eal ? ni :l正火n ormalizi ng淬火quench精调final adjustme nt矫正adjust定位positi on调平leveli ng倒棱chamfer压标识fit ide ntificatio n涂装coat组装assembly打磨grinding镦粗clen ch/upsett ing十卜一、设备Equipment龙门铳床Gantry Milling Machine锻压机Forge Press闪光对焊机 :Flash Butt Welder电焊机Electric Welder数控钻床CNC Drillin

13、g Machine车床lathe圆锯床Circular Sawing Machi ne顶弯机Bending Mach ine加热炉Heat Oven砂轮机Rotary San der天车Overhead Crane叉车Forklift剪板机Sheet Shears刀具Cutt ing Tools喷丸机 :shot blaster冷却塔Cooli ng Tower弯曲试验机bend tester缓冲器buffer stops空气除尘器air clea ner上料台in put magaz ine卸料台Output magaz ine液压牛头刨床Hydraulic Bull nose Pla ne立式加工中心Vertical Machi ning Cen ter (VMC)钢轨移动系统Rail Tran sfer System (RTS)中频感应加热器Medium Freque ncy In duct ion Heater中频淬火机床Medium Freque ncy Quenching Machi ne十卜一、机械术语轴S

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