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1、英美国家概况B卷华中师范大学成人高等学历教育业余班(补考试卷)课程:英美国家概况 姓名: 得分: I. Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false F1. The British Parliament consists of the Queen, the House s of Lords and Commons.F2. The UK., like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.F3. From 19

2、79 to 1997, the Conservative Party won 4 elections under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher and John Major.F4. Checks and balances is a system for limiting the powers of the House of Representatives.T5. The President can appoint any federal judges as he wishes.F6. The United States has two major po

3、litical parties: the Democratic Party and the Conservative Party.F7. The Protestant Catholic Church reached its height in the Roman Empire.F8. The Protestant Church came into being during the Reformation.T9. The rebuilt St. Pauls Cathedral is in Baroque style.F10. The Protestant Church is the state

4、church of the U.S.T11. Easter is a Christian festival on which Christians celebrate Jesus rising from the dead.T12. For doctors, “confidentiality” is a basic rule to protect patients personal information.T13. Comprehensive schools were founded before 1960. T14. Everyone can go to a grammar school.T1

5、5. The University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world.II. Choose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.16. Which of the following about the House of Commons is NOT true? BA. Members of Parliament elect the Cabinet.B. MPs can be elected for

6、limitless times.C. MPs are expected to represent the interests of the public.D. Most MPs belong to the major political parties.17. Which British party supports a “free market”? AA. The Conservative Party B. The Liberal PartyC. The Party of Wales D. The Labor Party18. Which of the following is a Cons

7、ervative Party leader? AA. Margaret Thatcher B. Tony BlairC. Gordon Brown D. Both B and C19. Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? DA. The freedom of religion B. The freedom of speech and of the pressC. The right to own weapons D. The freedom of searching a persons home by

8、police20. Which of the following about the U.S. Supreme Court is NOT true? AA. It is created by the Congress B. It is created by the ConstitutionC. It has the right to interpret laws. D. Its Chief Judge of the Supreme Court isappointed for life.21. The “New Deal” was started by _ AA. Franklin Roosev

9、elt B. J.F. Kennedy C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson 22. What did the Christians call themselves when they broke away from the Roman ACatholic Church? A. Protestants B. Puritans C. Priests D. Prayers23. Why is a “roller coaster” a good illustration of the religious problems in Tudor times? A

10、. It is really exciting B. It is really fast C. It is strong and can not fall over D. It rapidly changes direction24. How is Oxford University influenced by religions? DA. Many of the colleges in it have Christian names.B. Most of the colleges have their own chapels.C. It holds that a university is

11、a place where religion unites people.D. All of the above.25. What is considered as “the national religion” of America? AA. The combination of religion and patriotismB. Protestant C. Catholic D. ChristianityIII. Fill in the blanks with correct information. 26. The Parliament is composed of three part

12、s: the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.27.In the U.K. , the official head of state is Queen while the real center of political life is in the House of Commons.28. From 1979 to 1997, the Conservative Party won 4 consecutive elections and was in power for quite a long time.29. The G

13、overnmental power shared between the central government and the state government is called federal government.30. The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: legislative, Executive branch and judicial branch.31. The two major political parties are the Party, which is though

14、t to be more liberal, and the Republican Party , which is believed to be more conservative.32. The Church of England balances the interests of both puritans and Protestants.33. The Merchant of Venice is a work of William Shakespeare.34. The Roman Catholic Church called for charitable work, giving help to the poor and protecting the weak.35. The Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant church make up the three major groups of Christianity in the world.IV. Explain the following terms

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