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1、牛津译林版英语7AUnit8Fashion知识精讲+同步练习某人花钱买某物Unit8 Fashion重点短语归纳1.think about / think of 考虑,认为2.ten more minutes = another ten minutes 再来 10 分钟3.bonow sth &om 从某人处借4.lend sth to sb= lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 spend(s)+time (on sth/doing sth)=It takes sb time to do sth 某人花费时间于某物/做某事 spend(s)+ money on sth

2、/ buying sth =sth cost(s) sb so lazy 如此懒惰8.Have/give a fasliion show9.ladius and gentlemen10.welcome to 11 show sb sth = show sth to popular among the young people 在年轻人中很流行17.look smart, cool, nice, lovely 看起来干练、酷、漂亮、可爱18.botlv.and 两者都 19.Thats all for todays show 20.Thanks for com

3、ing 21.b己 made of silkbe made of sthbe made from sthbe made in +地点be made by sb(宾格)22.note*of.not too long or too large 23 a pair of red boots24.wait for sb今天的表演到此为止 感谢你的光临 由丝绸制作得(看得出原材料)由制作 (看不出原材料)由制作 由某地出产 由某人制作既不也不既不长也不大一双红靴子等候某人 look in sth = sth look .on sb. 某人穿着 很26.写信给某人write to = write

4、 a letter to sb去做某事去参加盛宴 适合于感觉既柔软乂光滑28.go for sthgo for a big fit for30.feel soft and look(s) great(形容词)in +服饰/颜色=服饰/颜色look(s) gieat(形容词)on +sb 某物穿在某人身上看起来重要句型讲解1.Pm thinking about what to wear.what to wear意为穿什么”,是疑问词+动词不定式”结构,在此作think about的宾语。疑问词+动词不定式”结构常放在 ask; decide; fo

5、rget; know; leani; show; teach; tell等动词之后作宾语。例如:I dont know what to do next?我不知道下一步做什么。She forgot how to do it.她忘记怎么做了。【拓展】含有“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语的句子通常可与含有宾语从句的复合句相 互转换。例如:Please tell me when to meet tomonow. = Please tell me when we will meet tomonow. 请告诉我明天我们什么时候见面。Tom doesnt know wliich to choose.=Tom d

6、oesnt know which he should choose.Tom不知道该选哪一个。2.Here conies Simon.Here comes Simon.是由here引导的一个倒装句。here同there样,当置于句首时,若主语为名词,使用完全倒装的语序,即44Here/There +谓语动词(或be动词)+主语”。例如:Here is the letter you are looking for.你正寻找的信在这里。Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。注意:当主语为代词时,则使用不完全倒装,即“HegThere+主语+谓语动词”。 例如:Here you are.

7、给你。Here it is.它在这里。3.She is wealing a red silk blouse, a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots.本句中a red silk blouse和a black wool skirt都是两个形容词修饰一个名词,3 两个或两个以上的形容词共同修饰一个名词时,它们的排列顺序是由规定的, 即:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍及材料。(1)“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词或数词,它位于各类形容词 刖;(2)描绘性”形容词有:beautiful; bad; cold 等;(3)“大长高”是表示大小

8、、长短、高低等的形容词;(4)表示形状的词有:round; square等;(5)表示“年龄和新老”的词有:old; new等;(6)颜色国籍和材料比较好理解。例如:一张小圆石桌翻译为a small round stone table ”。4.What do you think of.?(1) What do/does sb. think of?这是询问某人对某事(人)的看法常用的句型, 意为“认 为怎么样? ”,答语往往是对某物(人)的评价。例如:do you think of the book written by him?你认为他写的那本书怎么样?It is very good. 很好。

9、 What do you think of?可以和 How do you like?互换。例如:What do you think of the film?=How do you like the film?你认为这部电影怎么样?5.1can spend ten more minutes in bed thenspend是动词,意为花费(时间或金钱)”。其过去式为spent。 用法如下:例如:I spend two hours in reading every day.我每天花两个小时阅读。He spends 20 yuan on books e-*eiy month他每月花20元买书。语法精

10、讲【概念引入】I.什么是现在进行时?1) 现在进行时表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作。例如:I am reading a book.我正在看书。2) 表示现阶段正在进行而说话时不一定在进行的动作。例如:I am learning English hard these days.这些日子我正在努力学习英语。II.现在进行时的标志词。现在进行时常和now、at the moment、look、listen等连用。【用法讲解】I.现在进行时的结构。现在进行时的结构是:助动词be (am, is, are) +现在分词ving现在分词的构成:1)动词的后面直接加一ing。例如: workworking,

11、 studystudying2)以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去掉字母s再加一ing。例 如:liveliving, come-coniing3)以重读闭音节结尾并且只有一个辅音字母的动词,先双写这个辅音字母,再 力 ningo例如:stop stopping, swimswimming, runrunningII.现在进行时的用法。1)现在进行时表示说话的时候正在进行的动作,经常和now, right now, at the moment等时间状语或者动词look listen等连用。例如:My father is watching TV now.我爸爸现在在看电视。Look! My bro

12、ther is playing basketball there.看!我弟弟正在那里打篮球。2)现在进行时可以表示H前一段时间内一直进行的动作,经常和these days,this week, at present等时间状语连用。例如:My parents are working on a faim these days.这些天我的父母在农场干活。3)现在进行时还可以表示现在不断发展变化的事情,表示不断发展变化的动词有 get, grow, turn, become 等。例如:Tlie leaves are tiiniing yellow.树叶在变黃。4)现在进行时还可以表示将要发生的动作,只

13、限于动词arrive, begin, go, come, leave, fly 等动词。例如:I am coming soon.我马上来。in.现在进行时的句式变化。肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它.般疑问句:Be(is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它?特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它?对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据 实际情况回答。IV.现在进行时的特殊用法。表示位置移动的动词,如:leave/ come/go/b

14、egin等用于现在进行时,表示按计 划或安排近期将要进行的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。 Can you help me?你能帮我吗?OK! Im coming.当然可以,我就来。Im going fisliing tomonow.我明天要去钓鱼。V.现在进行时和一般现在时的区别。1)现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,或者某一段时间内正在进行的动作。常与 now, listen, look, at present, at the moment 等词连用。例如:Listen! The bird is singing in the tree.听!小鸟在树上唱歌。2)一般现在时表示习惯性,经

15、常性的动作。例如:She goes to school at seven oclock.她七点钟去上学。它所描述的事情一般不会发生改变。例如:物体的性质:Tlie table is made of wood.这个桌子是木头做的。客观事实或真理:The earth is bigger than the moon.地球比月亮大。同步练习、汉译英。1.考虑 2.和都 3.由 制成 4.写信给 5.等候 6.寻找 7.去从事,去参加 &适合于 9.另外10分钟 10.看上去很酷 二、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1.Ifs ten oclock in the momiiig and youre

16、 still in bed. How 1 you are!2.Ladies and g , welcome to our paity!3.Trainers are light and c , so I like them very much.4.Miss Zhang is young and she is very p with her students.5.Don,t 1 on the ground. It is too wet.6.Can you (借给)me your English book? Mine is at home.7.His favorite colour is (紫色).

17、& The mother buys two (用 巾)for her twin daughters.9. Silk feels (光滑的).10.1like my leather (夹克衫).三、 完成句子,每空一词。1.我的夹克衫是棉质的。My jacket cotton.2.穿着新运动衣的Mike看上去很酷。Mike in his new sports clothes.3.你认为这顶帽子怎么样? do you the hat?4.Daniel比班上的任何一个学生都刻苦学习。Daniel is more hard-working student in theclass.5.我每天花两个小时写

18、家庭作业。I two hours my homework every day.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Tliis is Steve Paul Paul is2.Um fi-om (Englisl3 They are fann (w4.1like going ( shoj5.There is a computer on6.(English)(shop )on Sunday (Jim )desk.There are two (tomato) on the table7.They havengot (some) noodles8.We have a break and (talk) to

19、my friends.9.The monkey (not live) in water.10.Would you like (come) to my birthday paity?五、从方框中选出合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。be fit for; write to; wait for; think of;have to; go for; be made of; look for1 I will you at the school gate2.Bottles glass.3.Shall we a picnic tomoiTOW?4.Trainers a long walk.5.How ofte

20、n do you your pen friend?6.What do you my new boots?7. Can I help you?一 Pm some hair clips.8.Tom look after her brother at home today.参考答案1.think about2.bothand.3 be made of4.write to5.wait for6.look for7.go for9.ten more minutes10.look cool1.lazy2.gentlemenfortable4.popular5.lie6.lend7.puiple8.scarves9.smooth10.jacket1 is made of2.looks cool3.What; think of4.than any other5.spend; on四、1. his2. England3. workers5. Jims4. shopping6. tomatoes7. any8. talk9. doesnt liv亡 come五、1 wait for2 are made of3.go for4.are fit for5.write to6.think of7.looking for& has to

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