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1、英文求职信十篇If everyone understands you, then you have to be ordinary.整合汇编简单易用(页眉可删)英文求职信十篇 英文求职信 篇1Dear Sir,On my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and export trading。 Knowing something of the scope and enterpris

2、e of your huge export department, I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening。I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year。 At present I am a student in the college of but I shall graduate from the college this coming July, finishing the requiremen

3、ts in three years, I have had no business experience, but my college record has been good。 A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference。Dr。B。Chao, President of the college of will be glad to tell you more about my character and ability, I shall be glad to call at any time for an interview

4、。Very truly yours英文求职信 篇2首先,求职信Cover letter 真的很重要吗?除了有好的英文履历之外,还需要一份针对你想申请公司和职缺的求职信,也就是 cover letter,英文求职信真的非常之重要!原因除了求职信本身就是要跟着履历发出去的一封信件外,更重要的是 履历只能告诉人资求职者的各方面条件如何,而从求职信中才可以更清楚地让你想要进入的公司你比其他求职者更优秀的地方在哪?为什么他们非用你不可?求职信可以说是你与应聘公司的第一封情书因此,求职信是大家可以好好发挥并展现你想在这间公司工作的热情,希望公司收到这封情书后会对你有兴趣并且给予面试的机会。求职信要回答什么

5、问题?在写这份求职信 cover letter之前,必须要先花一点时间思考如何回答以下这两个问题 :(这两个问题其实就是公司会想要从这份求职信找的答案!)1、为何么想要在这个公司做这个工作?这个问题背后的含义是:你对这份工作有多大的热情? 你是否已经在相同或相关的领域有工作经验?如果有,非常好!用过去的相关工作经验和想申请的这个职位做个完美的连结那如果还没有怎么办?我知道很多刚来英国打工度假的朋友第一份工作想做精品销售,但在台湾就是没打过工啊!这样重点可以著放在学校或是从嗜好培养出的相关能力,尝试用这些能力去和这个工作要求的能力沾上边以精品业或是零售业整体举例来说:须具备的能力有 team w

6、ork, good communication skill, customer service, interpersonal skill, multi tasking, problem solving skill 等等,可以问问自己以前有没有团队合作的经验?是否曾经搞定过很难搞定的客人?或是有无一次处理很多事还处理得很好过的经验?千万不要瞎掰或造假工作经验,因为就算这样得到面试机会,也会在面试中露出破绽2、你可以为公司贡献什么?以我的了解这个问题的意思是,如果每个应征者的工作经验背景都差不多,你比其他求职者更优秀的地方在哪?或是有没有对想申请的这间公司有任何不同想法或建议?讲到这边大家可能会觉

7、得求职信好像很麻烦而且要写得东西好像很多,但不用担心!以上内容简单扼要就好(A4纸大小一面以内),毕竟这是与公司的第一封见面信还是要吸引公司看你的履历。而且准备这些问题都是在为之后面试中的问答做好练习!求职信的写法大纲在信件的开头部分,以信件的写法放上 Dear Mr / Mrs _ ,字体的大小 : 12 / 字体 Century Gothic长度最多不超过A4一面内文分为三个主要段落 :第一段说明想要申请的公司职缺以及从哪里得知这个工作的讯息第二段用来回答以上说的两个重要的问题最后一段表示感谢希望收到公司的来信第一段 EXAMPLE :I am writing to apply as a

8、sales associate in _Burberry_(company name)which has been advertised on _ (websites name).这一段只需开门见山的注明清楚欲申请的职位及公司名称,和从哪里得知此职缺的讯息即可,让人资可以马上知道这个应征者想要申请的部门职位以便做后续处理,这也是把这些资讯放在第一个段落的原因第二段 EXAMPLE :I have previously worked in Charles Tyrwhitt (company name) as a sales assistant (position) in London for 1

9、 year. Three months after joining the company, I became the top sales of the company branch. I was able to successfully assist Chinese customers in particular to make purchases while maintained a good level of overall customer satisfaction by my language expertise. Through this experience, I have ga

10、ined skills such as customer service, sales, teamwork and problem solving skills.I have an extensive background in relationship building and finding ways to connect with people. Combined these skills learned from CT and my knowledge in menswear, I believe that Burberrys menwear department is the per

11、fect place for me to utilise my customer service skill sets and fully contribute to your company.第二段是整个信件中的核心部分,需要好好把以下这两个问题回答清楚:为何么想要在这个公司做这个工作?上面英文第一句的部分我用过去在零售业的工作经验作为连结。接着叙述我在加入公司后三个月后达成的一个小成就,就是成为分店的销售王!因为我的语言的优势让我更有办法让我服务的中国客人埋单 ; 并且说明从这个经验中学到哪些能力?你可以为公司贡献什么?上文中写到我除了有善于与人打交道的个性,加上在之前公司 (CT)卖男装

12、的经验,我相信能够将所学和经验发挥在贵公司 (Burberry)我用了一个非常简单的例子来说明求职信内容的大致的方向以及需要回答到的重点,当然这不是完美的范例也需要依照每个人想投的公司类型和职缺去做适当的修改最后一段 Example :Thank you very much for considering my application. I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,David表示感谢公司花时间考虑你的申请文件,并且期待可以得到公司的回复,下面挑一个敬语 Sincerely, Kind regards,Best regar

13、ds放上,最后加上你的署名就大功告成了!英文求职信 篇3Today,I am writing to apply for the application engineer of your company,below i will give you some general information about myself.I graduated from_ university in 20_, and got a MBA degree,In my campus life, i have received the most excelent award three times,i have ser

14、ved in the colleague baskball team and as monitor for about two years.and in my spare time , i also love reading ,everyday even i am very busy,i will spare at least one hour to read my favoriate book.Through search ,and i know that your is a famous company with excelent management ,so if i have the

15、opportunity to work in the company ,i believe that i will be able to full develop my abilities and obtain strong knowledge ,and the same time i will make valueable contribution to your company.So look forward your reply.thank youKumwing Ho英文求职信 篇4Dear Mr HoApplication for the position of Quality Con

16、trol ManagerMy substantial experience in quality control makes me feel confident to succeed in the captioned position as advertised in todays JobsPower.I have spent fifteen years with a manufacturer as a Quality Control Specialist, from which I have gained solid, hands-on experience in environmental

17、 analysis. In this position, I have had the opportunity to function in all areas of quality control. My in-depth knowledge in this area includes all the inspection systems, procedures, and equipment necessary to maintain product standards within critical tolerance. In addition to my work experience,

18、 I hold a Bachelor of Science degree of XYZ University.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information. I would be happy to discuss this matter with you in a personal interview. Look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelySteven Cheung英文求职信 篇5Dear Mr HoApplication for

19、 the position of ReporterI am very interested in the above position advertised in the JobsPower on January 4. I have attached a copy of my resume for your consideration.As you will note in my resume, I have extensive experience in different fields of journalism. My internship with the XYZ Newspaper

20、as a junior reporter provided me the opportunity to sharpen my writing, practise researching and photography skills. My duties included news reporting and editing a variety of articles, all demanding strict deadlines.During my first year in the Any University, I took up the position of Reporter for

21、the departmental newsletter, where I became proficient in desktop publishing.As a recent graduate with a degree in Journalism, I aspire to start my career with a newspaper that has your reputation. I look forward to further discussing my application with you.Yours sincerely英文求职信 篇6Dear Sir/Madam:You

22、r advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equi

23、valent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating() from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a co

24、ntrol simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only the have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak E

25、nglish is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks,Wang Lin英文求职信 篇7as the saying goes, downwards, e

26、veryone wants to own a larger platform for greater progress。 thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read this cover letter。 perhaps you are facing a number of job seekers, perhaps you just rest in between a busy meeting, quiet in a noisy phone after switching on its cover, but i can f

27、eel the significance of this moment。 for me, when you turn the page when you have opened the gateway to opportunity for me and the success of the first gate。 you will be opened a new chapter in my life, because your love and care, my life will now appear in a memorable turning point。my name is _, i

28、shaanxi _x university school of tourism and environment _ session of the project cost professional graduates。 21 years old this year, i cheerful, willing to accept new things, hobbies, dare to meet the challenge, is a person who is not throwing in the towel。 in college who have participated in the s

29、chool and the department organized sports activities, and awards。 university studies so that i establish the correct outlook on life, values, and the formation of a warm, motivated, and indomitable character and honest, trustworthy, responsible, loving creed。 college life, i have a unique way of thi

30、nking, not only learned the textbook knowledge, but also a social practice opportunity, not only on the knowledge of the consolidation and strengthening, but also improve their ability。i just want to choose your leaders give me a display platform。 with very sincere feeling of persistent hope to atte

31、nd your organizations recruitment, i hope i can surprise you coming, gives me hope。 i hope you give me the opportunity to hone their own。 an ancient saying goes: ten years of sword, ten years of school life as a grinding process of the sword。 today finally it presents in front of you, please identif

32、y its sharp, i believe it will not make you disappointed。 self determined, oneday provinces, selfconfidence has improved character; brave job, pragmatic innovation, selfconfidence had been successful。 so, today i take the liberty of you volunteered, hoping to get a chance to test their own, also hope to contribute to the development of your c

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