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1、上海牛津版小学英语四年级下册课文内容上海牛津版小学英语四年级下册课文内容2M3U1quietloudbelltelevisionsounddoorbell安静的大声的铃电视声音门铃ringwind-bellcrayonstickstringdifferent响风铃蜡笔小棒线不同的dozeawakepuzzledunhappywheelsquare打瞌睡醒的困惑的不高兴的轮子正方形bearhaira pair of scissorseach shape熊头发一把剪刀每一个形状be carefulhave a naphave a bath小心打个盹.洗澡新- 课-标 -第-一-网fly awaya

2、 week laterIn the end飞走一周后最后1. Grandma, its noisy outside. 奶奶,外面很吵。2. Yes, there are some students outside. 是的,外面有些学生。3. Draw different shapes on the thick card. 在厚卡片上画不同的形状。4. Make two holes in each shape. 在每个形状里开两个洞。5. Tie the shapes and the bell together with some string. 用一些细绳把形状和铃系好。6. Excuse m

3、e! Im sorry. Be careful! 请原谅!我很抱歉。小心点。7. They are awake now and feel angry. 他们正醒来并很生气。8. An old tortoise lives by a small pond. 一只老龟住在一个小池塘旁边。9. She always has a bath in the pond and sings some songs. 她总是在池塘边唱歌边洗澡。10. “Im sorry,”the little bird says and flies away. “对不起,”那小鸟边说边飞走了。11. The wheel s on

4、 the bike go round and round. 自行车上的轮子在转动。12. Dont go near that square, Clare! 不要走进那个方形。M3U2clockbatterymouse(mice)owlleavestart=begin钟电池老鼠猫头鹰离开开始get upbrush ones teethwash ones face起床刷牙洗脸have/eat breakfastbe back home from workwatch the cartoon吃早饭下班回家看卡通do a puzzleon the sofaread a storybook玩拼图在沙发上看

5、故事书talk to sb.the next morningwake up对某人说话第二天早上醒来be late for schoollast nightfinish doing sth.上学迟到昨天晚上完成做某事 时间的表达方式:seven oclock 七点整a quarter past seven = seven fifteen 七点十五分half past seven = seven thirty 七点半a quarter to eight = seven forty-five 七点四十五分X k B 1 . c o m1. What time is it now? Its a qua

6、rter past seven. 现在几点钟了?七点十五分了。2. Its five forty-five. Mum is back home from work. 五点四十五分。妈妈下班回家了。3. Its time for bed. 上床时间到了。4. Can I finishing watch the cartoon? 我能看完卡通吗?5. Its nine fifteen. Kitty is watching TV on the sofa. 现在九点十五分。Kitty在沙发上看电视。6. The next morning, Tom wakes up and looks at his c

7、lock. 第二天早上,Tom起来看他的钟。7. Tom runs all the way to school. Tom走在去学校的路上。8. His clock stopped at ten thirty last night. 他的钟在昨晚十点三十分停了。9. A big brown owl is flying in the clouds. 一个大的棕色的猫头鹰在云中飞。10. It hits the cow and calls out Ouch! Ouch! aloud. 它撞击奶牛并大声叫。 M3U3alwaysusuallyoftensometimesneversmile一直通常经常

8、有时从不微笑whileshyactivitychess 然而害羞的活动象棋 fromtoChinese chess clubat weekends从到中国象棋俱乐部在周末have a good timevisit my grandparentssee a film玩得开心看望我的爷爷奶奶看电影days of the weekhave a partyon Monday afternoon一周的七天开派对在周一下午Music Clubhave a Music classhave music shows音乐俱乐部上音乐课表演音乐剧have meetingsin the music room 开会在音

9、乐教室里 星期的表达方式:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 星期天 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 注意:根据国外的习惯一周的第一天是从星期天开始的。从星期一到星期五称之为weekdays,星期六和星期天称之为weekends。1. Im always busy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 我周一、周二和周三总是很忙。2. Im never busy on Saturday and Sunday. 我周六和周日从来不忙。3. Im usually busy,

10、but Im always happy. 我常常很忙,但我总是开心。4. Peter goes to school from Monday to Friday. Peter周一到周五去上学。5. He often goes to the school library on Monday afternoon. 他经常在周一下午去学校图书馆。6. At weekends, Peters family sometimes go to Rainbow Park. 在周末,Peter一家有时去彩虹公园。7. They always have a good time there. 在那儿他们总是很愉快。8

11、. What do you usually do at weekends? 你在周末通常做什么?9. I usually play badminton with my father. 我通常和我的父亲打羽毛球。10. The days of the week are having a party. 一周的每天们在举行派对。11. “Let me get everyone a drink,”he says. “让我给每位一杯饮料,”他说。12. Whats the date today? Its the fifth of May. 今天的日期是什么?今天五月15日。13. What day is

12、 today? Its Sunday. 今天星期几?今天星期日。 M4U1pianoviolintriangledrumrecorderguitar钢琴小提琴三角铁鼓笛子吉他pipergoldplay a guessing gamebe full of吹笛人金子玩猜谜游戏充满a bag ofplay beautiful musica musical instrument一包吹奏美妙的音乐一件乐器rubber bandwant to do sth.good table manners橡皮筋想要做某事饭桌礼仪sit on her back 坐在她的背上 乐器相对应的声音the piano - Di

13、ng-ding! the triangle - Ting-ting!the violin - Zing-zing! the drum - Boom-boom!play+ the+乐器, 例如play the piano play直接加球类, 例如 play football 新 课 标 第 一 网1. What can you play? I can play the piano. 你会弹奏什么?我会拉小提琴。2. The city of Hamelin is full of mice. 哈梅林城充满了老鼠。3. A man comes to help the people of Hameli

14、n. 一个男人来帮助哈梅林的人们。4. The people of Hamelin do not want to give the piper his gold. 哈梅林的人不想给吹笛人他的黄金。5. Now all the children of the city walk behind him. 现在城里所有的孩子都走在他后面。6. Tie some rubber bands on a pencil case. 在铅笔盒里系一些橡皮筋。 M4U2festivalrelativedumplingmooncakemoneyimportant节日亲戚饺子月饼钱重要的rememberchopsti

15、cksknife(knives)forkduring 记得筷子刀叉子在期间 the Spring Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festivalthe Mid-autumn Festival春节端午节中秋节the Double Ninth Festivalrice dumplingthe old peoples home重阳节粽子老人院X k B 1 . c o mClass 3 Grade 4 talk about sth.四(3)班 谈论某事traditional foodon New Years Evehave a big dinner传统食物除夕夜吃团圆饭red en

16、velopeswatch colourful fireworkswatch dragon boat races红包看彩色的烟火看龙舟比赛eat Double Ninth cakesclimb mountainsspecial foodtable mannersblow bubblesIts not polite to do sth.餐桌礼仪吹泡泡做某事不礼貌 1. Miss Fang and the students are talking about festivals in China.芳老师和学生们在谈论中国节日。2. What do you usually do during the

17、Spring Festival? 春节期间你通常做什么?3. My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. 我最喜欢的节日是端午节。4. Many old people live in the old peoples home. 许多老人住在养老院。5. The students in Class 3 Grade 4 often go to visit them at the Double Ninth Festival. 四年级三班的学生经常在重阳节去探望他们。6. This is me in the classroom. 在教室里的是我

18、。7. The Spring Festival is an important festival in China. 春节是中国一个重要的节日。8. People also call it the Chinese New year. 人们也叫它做中国新年。9. On New Years Eve, families have a big dinner together. 在新年除夕,家庭们一起吃一顿大餐。10. Children can get money in red envelopes. 孩子们可以从红包里得到钱。11. It is not polite to talk with your

19、mouth full, and dont run around or play with your food. 满口说话、不环绕或者玩你的食物是不礼貌的。12 Never blow bubbles when you drink milk. 喝牛奶时永远不要吹气泡。月份的表达方式:新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网January February March April May June July一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 August September October November December 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月M4U3ducklingswannestugl

20、ybeautifulgrey小鸭子天鹅巢,窝丑陋的美丽的灰色的wormheavylonelyMother Duckthe fourth虫子重的孤独的鸭妈妈第四make a nestfeedwithstay with sb.做窝给喂和某人呆在一起swim awaydrive sb. awaylook into the pond游走把某人赶走向池塘里看基数词和序数词:one - first two - second three - third four - fourth five - fifthsix - sixth seven - seventh eight - eighth nine - ni

21、nth ten - tentheleven - eleventh twelve - twelfth thirteen - thirteenth fourteen - fourteenthfifteen - fifteenth sixteen - sixteenth seventeen - seventeenth eighteen - eighteenth nineteen - nineteenth twenty - twentieth (这里一共给出了1到20的基数词和序数词,其中1-12必须掌握,前者是基数词,后者是序数词,比如说基数词是一,相对应的序数词就是第一,在句子中序数词必须要加th

22、e)1. Mother Duck is making a nest. 鸭妈妈在造窝。2. Now there are four eggs in the nest. 现在窝里有四个蛋。3. Mother Duck feeds her babies with small worms. 鸭妈妈给他的孩子喂小虫。4. The big grey duckling eats all of them. 那灰色的大小鸭吃掉所有小虫。5. The ugly duckling is too heavy so he swims behind them. 丑小鸭太重了以至于游在他们后面。6. The ugly duckling goes into a house, but an old woman drives him away. 丑小鸭走进一个房子,但一个老妇人赶走他。

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