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1、仁爱英语七年级上Unit1Topic2教案Unit 1 Mak ing New FriendsTopic 2 Where are you from?The main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。I . Teachi ng aims and dema nds 教学目标1.Lear n some pers onal pronouns and possessive pronouns:me, your, she, he, we2.Lear n some country n ames:Can ada, Japa n, En gla nd3.Lear

2、n other new words and phrases:excuse, excuse me, what, n ame, where, from, be from, the4.Talk about people n ames and where they are from:(1) Excuse me, are you Jane?Yes, I am.一What your name?My n ame is Sally.(3) Where are you from?I,m from Can ada.(4)Are you from Can ada, too?No, Im not.(5) Is he/

3、she ?Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.(6) Where is he/she from?He/She is from n . Teachi ng aids 教具卡片/教学挂图/录音机川.Five-fi nger Teachi ng Pla n 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过对话,复习 Topic 1的见面问候语,并导入本课新单词和新句型。1.(师生问候,复习前一话题所学知识,为此课学习作铺垫。 )T: Good morning, class!Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang!T: Nice t

4、o see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: How are you today?Ss: Fi ne, tha nks. And you?T: Im OK.(转向一名学生向他询问问题并示意他回答。 )T: Hello, are you Xiao Ming?S1: Yes, I am.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: This is Xiao Gang.S1: How do you do? Xiao Gang.S2: How do you do?(反复操练见面问候语,让学生充分复习第一话题所学内容。 )

5、2.(拿出准备好的卡片进行问答,卡片上写有 Canada, England, the U.S.A., Japan, Cuba, China这些国家的名称,背面写有来自相应国家的人物 Jane, Tony, Sally, Yjkio, Maria, Kangkang。)T: Who is this?(教师解释并示意学生回答。 )Ss: This is Jane.T: Great, she is Jane, and she is from Canada.(板书并要求学生掌握。)| she, be from, CanadaT: Who is this?( 拿出 Tony 的图片。)Ss: This

6、is Tony.(帮助回答并领读 Tony。)T: Great, he is Tony, and he is from England.(板书并要求学生掌握。)| he, EnglandT: Excuse me, who is he?(拿出的图片。)Ss: He is Sally.(帮助回答并领读 KOBE。)T: Where is he from?(教师解释并领读此句。)Ss: He is from the U.S.A.(帮助回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握 excuse me和where;理解the U.S.A.。)| excuse me, where, the U.S.A.T: Excuse

7、 me, whats your name?(拿出Yukio的图片给其中的一个学生。 )S3: My name is Yukio.(帮助学生回答。)T: Where are you from?(老师解释并领读此句。 )S3: I am from Japan.(帮助回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握。)What your n ame?Japan T: Excuse me, is he Kangkang?(拿出康康的图片。) Ss: Yes, he is.T: Is he from Japan?Ss: No, he isn t.(帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生理解。)I isn t=is notT: W

8、here is he from?Ss: He is from Chi na.T: Are we from China?(老师解释并做相应的手势表示我们” 。)Ss: Yes, we are.(帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握。)I we |Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)通过询问名字和国籍来了解新认识的人,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。1.(出示1a教学挂图,让学生观察人物,猜测她们之间的对话内容。设置听力任务,播放 1a录音。)T: Look at the picture. Guess what they are talking about. Now lets

9、 listen to 1a and answer the following questions. (1) Who are they?(教师翻译。)(2) Where are they from?(教师翻译。)(核对答案。)2.(再次播放1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿对话内容,注意语音语调。 )T: Now let listen to 1a again and read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3.(让学生独自朗读1a,并找出关键句型,根据关键句型进行对话练习,完成 1a。)T: Read 1a by

10、yourselves, and find out the key sentence patter ns in 1a. The n practice the con versatio n accord ing to the key sentence patter ns in pairs.(板书)Excuse me, are you ?Yes. What your n ame?My name is Where are you from?Im from Are you from ?No,Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)通过反复操练询问名字和来自的地方的句型,巩固

11、所学目标语言,以达到运用英语进行交流的目的。1.(结合学生的自身情况,给学生两分钟时间,两人一组操练如下句型。让学生站起来或到台前来表演。 )T: Now work in pairs. Act out the conversation with your own names in two minutes. You can practice like this: Excuse me, are you ?Yes, I am. What your name?My name is 2.(再给学生两分钟时间,两人一组操练下列句型。要求学生首先使用本课所学的国家名称来表演,然后再用自己的真实情况如所在区或

12、村来表演。方式同上。 )T: I llgive you another two minutes. Make similar dialogs like this :Where are you from?Im from Are you from ?No,I m from Example:S1: Where are you from?S2: Im from Zhon ggua ncun. Are you from Zhon ggua ncun?S1: No, I m not. I m from Bagoucun.3.(将上述两步结合起来表演,完成 1b。)T: Now make your own c

13、on versati ons accord ing to 1a. Finish 1b.Example:S3: Excuse me, are you Wang Wei?S4: Yes, I am. Whats your n ame?S3: My n ame is Li Lei. Where are you from?S4: Im from Beijing. Are you from Beijing, too?S3: No, I m not. Im from Shanghai.Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)学习用第三人称询问名字和来自的地方的句型, 培养学生综合运用语

14、言的能力, 提高他们学习英语的积极性。1.(出示2a教学挂图,让学生特别注意图片中远处的人,帮助学生学会知识的迁移,即由第一、二人称的学习过渡到第三人称的学习。让学生根据所给句型造句。 )T: Look at the pictures, who is she/he? Where is she/he from? You can make the sentences like this:Is she/he ?Yes, she/he is. / No, she/he isnt. She/He is Where is she/he from?She/He is from 2.(播放2a录音,核查学生自

15、主造句的正误。 )T: Liste n to 2a and check your an swers.3.(两人一组操练对话,完成 2b。)T: Practice the con versati ons with your partner. Act out your con versati ons.4.(分组活动。两人一组合作完成 3。最后师生共同核对答案。 )T: Let finish 3 in pairs.5.(挑几组学生朗读3,注意语音语调。)6.(出示4的图片,图文结合,让学生加深对国家名称的记忆,并了解各国的标志性建筑或象征物。播放 4录音,完成4。师生共同核对答案。)T: Now p

16、lease listen and number the pictures. Then listen again and match the names with the right countries.7.(让学生自主完成5。提醒学生注意画线的部分,归纳总结首字母大写的情况及标点符号的使用情况。 )T: Please copy the sentences in 5. Pay attention to the underlined parts.Step 5 Project第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)通过找字母游戏和名人会活动,帮助学生记忆单词并培养学生熟练运用英语交流信息的技能,培养学生

17、学习 英语的兴趣。1.(找字母游戏:把 Section A的单词字母杂乱地写在黑板上,让学生挑选字母组成单词。选出一个字母,就把相应的字母擦掉,直到字母全部被擦掉为止。每组派两名代表搭配,哪组最快最准,哪组就取胜。 )2.(名人会:每个学生设计一张名人卡片,并充当卡片上的名人。让学生们运用前一话题及此课所学的知识互 相交朋友。)A: Excuse me. My name is Zhao Benshan. Wha t Syour name?B: My n ame is Gong Li. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too. Where are yo

18、u from?B: Im from Shandong. Are you from Heilo ngjia ng?A: No, I m no t. Im from Lia oning.B: How are you?A: Im fine, tha nk you. Is she Song Zuying?B: Yes, she is.3.Homework:(1) 三人一组,根据1a和2a编一个对话,相互询问姓名和国籍。(2) 预习Section B的生词。(3) 每个学生带一张自己最喜欢的体育明星或电影明星的照片, 最好再准备他/她国家的国旗和著名建筑或自然风光的图片,以备下节课使用。板书设计:Whe

19、re are you from?Sectio n A1. Excuse me, are you Jane? 3. Where are you from?Yes, I am. Im from Can ada.2. Whats your name? 4. Is he Li Ming?My name is Sally. Yes, he is./No, he isnt.Secti on BThe main activities are 1a, 2a and 3.本课重点活动是 1a, 2a 和 3。I . Teachi ng aims and dema nds 教学目标1.Lear n some ne

20、w words: who, they, the n2.Lear n about pers onal in formati on:(1) Who is she?She is Deng Yaping.(2) Wheres she from?Shesfrom Chi na.(3)Are they from En gla nd?No, they arent.(4) Where are they from?Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.3.Lear n about the inton ati on.n . Teachi ng aids 教具图片/教

21、学挂图/录音机/中外名人图片in . Five-fi nger Teachi ng Pla n 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)利用图片,师生对话,导入本课新单词。1.(出示图片,复习旧知识引出新知识。 )T: Who is he?(出示 Tony 图片。)Ss: He is Tony.T: Where is he from?Ss: He is from En gla nd.(板书并要求学生掌握。)whoT: Who is she?(出示 Jane 的图片。)Ss: She is Jane.T: Where is she from?Ss: She is fr

22、om Can ada.T: What your name?(把Sally的图片给一个学生并问。 )S1: My n ame is Sally.T: Are you from the U.S.A.?S1: Yes, I am.T: Is he Kangkang?(把Yukio的图片给一个学生并向全班同学提问。 )Ss: No, he isn .T: Who she?Ss: Hes Yukio.T: Is he from Cuba?Ss: No, he isn . He is from Japa n.(板书并要求学生了解。)CubaT: Who from Cuba?(出示 Maria 图片。)Ss

23、: Maria is.T: Is Kangkang from China?(出示 Kangkang 图片。)Ss: Yes, he is.T: Are they from China?(出示 Kangkang 和 Yukio 的图片。)Ss: No, they aren (帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握 they,解释aren=are not。)I they, arent=are notT: Are we from China?Ss: Yes, we are.2.(把全班学生分为六人一组,每组分得一张刚才用的图片。每组依次上台表演对话。方式:每组由一名学生问,其他五名学生回答。目的:激发

24、学生学习热情, 既复习刚学到的新单词, 又对下一步呈现起铺垫作用。)T: Now work in groups of six. In turn, every group practices a dialog after the example. One makes questi ons, the other five an swer them.Example:S2: Who this?Gi: She is Jane.S2: Where is she from?Gi: She is from Can ada.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)通过两幅名人图片进

25、一步学习如何表述个人信息,培养学生的学习兴趣。1.(教师展示1a教学挂图,让学生回答他们是谁,并介绍他们的基本信息。 )T: Look at the picture. Who is she?(指着第一张图片问。 )Ss: She is Deng Yaping.T: Where is she from?Ss: She is from Ch ina.T: Who is he?(指着第二张图片问。)Ss: He is Stephen Hawking.(教师领读 Stephen Hawking。)T: Where is he from?Ss: He is from En gla nd.2.(播放1a录

26、音,让学生跟读并注意模仿其语音语调。要求学生注意听缩写词的发音。 )T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.板书含有缩写词的句子并解释。 )Shes from Ch ina.He from England.Shes=She isHe =He is 3.(再次播放1a录音,让学生重点注意语调,并找出升降调的规律。 )T: Liste n to 1a aga in. Find out the rules of the inton atio n, please.(板书重点句

27、子。)Who is he/she?He/She is Where is he/she from?He/She is from Where =Where is4.(要求学生两人一组互动操练 1a。请几组学生根据挂图表演对话,完成 1a。)5.(出示2a教学挂图,播放2a录音,学生跟读,并标出升降调。 )(板书并讲解重点句型。)Are they from ?No, they aren Where are they from? is from and is from 6.(学生两人一组操练 2a。然后请几组学生上台表演,完成 2a。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分

28、钟)利用个人信息资料练习对话,巩固目标语言,培养学生语言表达能力。让学生了解主要英语国家的国旗及标志性建筑,扩大学生知识面。1.(教师出示1b中的三幅图片,让学生两人一组操练,巩固 1a中含第三人称单数 Who is he/she?及 Where ishe/she from?两种句型的问答形式。同时让学生了解各国的国旗及标志性建筑。完成 1b。)T: Look at the pictures in 1b. Work in pairs. Practice the dialogs according to 1a.Example:S1: Who is he?S2: He is Zhai Zhiga

29、ng.S1: Where is he from?S2: He is from Chi na.S3: Who is she?S4: She is Sarah Brightma n.S3: Where is she from?S4: She is from En gla nd.2.(教师出示2b图片,让学生通过看图独立完成 2b。然后两人一组进行对话练习以加深理解。找几组学生到台前表演。)T: Look at the picture in 2b and complete the conversation. Then practice in pairs. I ask some groups to a

30、ct it out i n the front.Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过操练询问人名和来自的地方的句型,培养学生积极与他人合作、共同完成学习任务的能力。1.(让学生拿出事先准备好的自己喜欢的名人或明星的图片,要求学生到讲台上向大家作介绍,内容要包含:他/她是谁?他/她来自哪个国家?目的是巩固前面所学知识。 )T: Now take out the photo of your favorite person. Who can come to the front and introduce him/her to us? Example:S1: She is Kelly. She is from the U.S.A.S2: They are Che n Yufa n and Hu Haiqua n. They are from Lia oning.2.(运用1c的句型,两人一组相互问答,完成 1c。)Example:S3: Who she?S4: She is Kelly.S3: Where she from?S4: She is from the U.S.A.S4: Who are they?S3: They are S4: Where are they from?S3:

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