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牛津英语8B 复习讲义.docx

1、牛津英语8B 复习讲义牛津英语8B Unit 1 复习讲义一、重点词汇1. used to do/be used to (doing) sth./get used to doing/be used to do基本含义用法辨析used to do “过去常常(做某事)”暗含现在已不再这样了be/ get used to “习惯于(做某事)”后跟名词、代词或动名词be used to do “被用来(做某事)”被动结构,相当于be used for doing【小试牛刀】1. He _ get up at six in the morning.2. Im still not _ the weath

2、er here in Beijing-Yes, the weather can get really cold in Beijing.3. He _ go fishing every Saturday. But since he changed his job, hesbarely(几乎不) had a chance. He thinks hell never _ this busy lifestyle.2. a bit/a bit of/ a little基本含义用法辨析a bit “稍微,有点”作程度副词,修饰动词、形容词、副词、比较级notabit=notatall, 意为“毫不”;a

3、bit of “有点儿”后接不可数名词a little “稍微,有点”作程度副词,修饰动词、形容词、副词、比较级作形容词, 后接不可数名词notalittle=verymuch,意为“非常”【小试牛刀】1. Willyoupleaseturndowntheradio_?2. Ivegotonly _ moneywithmetoday.ImafraidIcanthelpyou.3. repair/mend/fix基本含义用法辨析repair “修理,修补”多用于修理物体较庞大、构造较复杂而又损坏较严重的东西mend “修理,修补”一般指修理物体较小、结构较简单的日常用具、或缝补衣服等fix “修

4、理,校准”美式英语,相当于repair【小试牛刀】1. He often_theradiojustforfun.2. Look! She_hershoes.3. -Haveyouhadyourwatch_? -Not yet.二、语法点拨现在完成时(1)1. 基本用法 现在完成时表示在说话之前已经完成或刚完成的动作,强调过去的动作对现在的影响和结果,常与just, already, yet, notyet, recently等状语连用。 They have already cleaned the classroom. 他们已经把教室打扫干净。 现在完成时表示动作从过去开始持续到现在,或者还有可

5、能持续下去的动作或状态。常与so far, in the past few days (years), during the last three years,以及for 和 since 引导的短语或从句连用。 The doctor has saved over two hundred peoples lives so far. 到目前为止,这位医生已挽救了二百多人的生命。Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years.过去几年来,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 We have lived here since

6、 1976. 自从1976以来,我们一直住在这儿。 They have waited for more than two hours. 他们已经等了两个多小时了。【注意】一般过去时与现在完成时的区别 过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时强调过去的事情对现在的影响,侧重的是现在。试比较:I saw this film yesterday.(强调看的动作发生过了,不涉及现在)I have seen this film. (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。)2. 动词构成 have/has+过去分词 过去分词的变化规则 (1) 规则变化:在动词原形后加ed构

7、成口诀:直接加,去e加,双写加,变着加(2) 不规则变化(见规则动词表) 分类记忆:AAA型;AAB型;ABA型;ABB型;ABC型3. 句式变化【小试牛刀】 1.Theboy_(break)theglassyesterday. 2.Afterheturnedonthelight,he_(begin)todohishomework. 3.We_ (know)eachothersinceourboyhood. 4. -_you_(see)theEnglishfilmyet? -Yes.I_(see)itlastFriday. 5.Mr.Wang_(join)thePartyin1999.He_(

8、be)aPartymemberforsevenyears.6.-Are you thirsty? -No I _ just _ (have) some orange.7. My father _ (read) the novel twice.8. I _ (buy) a book just now.9. I _ (lost ) my watch yesterday.10. My father _ (read) this book since yesterday.三、交际用语谈论生活中的变化1 My hometown has changed a lot in/during/over the pa

9、st (few) years.= Great changes have taken place in my hometown in/during/over the past (few) years.= There have been great changes in/to my hometown in/during/over the past (few) years.2 The government has turned the place into a park.3 Things have changed a lot over the years.4 The changes to have

10、brought many advantages , but they have also caused many problems for people.5 We always walked to school together in the morning. Now I come to school by bus on my own.牛津英语8B Unit 1 短语汇总序号ChineseEnglish1做(某方面的)历史课题do a history project (on )2在过去的100年当中over the past/last 100 years(常用于现在完成时=during/in

11、the past/last 100 years3不同时代的交通方式transport at different times4过去曾经做某事used to do sth.5事实上in fact = actually 6从里搬出去move out of.7A娶了B或A嫁给了BA marry BA与B结婚了A and B get/be marriedA get/be married to B8变化很大change a lot/much9转变成turn into10噪音污染noise pollution11起飞、脱下take off12在某些方面in some ways13感到有点孤独feel a b

12、it lonely = feel a little lonely14不时地;有时from time to time = sometimes=at times15对.很了解know very well16与某人进行面谈;采访某人have an interview with sb.17看见某人干某事(过程)see sb. do sth. (感官动词用法)看见某人正在干某事(动作)see sb. doing sth. (感官动词用法)18纠正错误correct the mistakes19采取措施减少污染take action to reduce the pollution20听说有关.hear a

13、bout听说.hear of收到某人的来信hear from sb. = get/receive a letter from sb.21在过去in the past在现在;在目前at present = now22被使用;投入使用be in service = be in use23去度假go on holiday24不再(强调次数)no more = not any more25不再(强调时间)no longer = not any longer26独自on ones own = alone = (all) by oneself27向某人求助ask sb. for help 28示范给某人看

14、如何做某事show sb how to do sth.29有同感have the same feeling 30我得说这是我见过的最好的模型。I must say this is the best model I have ever seen.牛津英语8B Unit 1 基础训练一、重点词组1. 事实上 _ 2. 结婚 _ 3. 搬到 _4. 搬出 _ 5. 变化很大 _ 6. 在过去 _7. 偶尔 _ 8. 变成 _ 9. 高兴 _10. 噪音污染 _ 11. 关闭 _ 12. 起飞 _13. 在某些方面 _ 14. 感到孤独 _ 15. 一点点 _二、句型结构1. We live toge

15、ther until 1960 when I got married.区分 until / notuntil1) 昨天我们等他一直等到九点钟。We waited for them _ nine oclock.2)他们直到写完作业才回家。They did _go home _ they finished their homework.2. I felt a bit lonely from time to time.区分 alone / lonely虽然爷爷一个人单独居住,但他并不感到孤独。My grandpa lives _, but he doesnt feel _.三、难点语法 现在完成时1

16、) 含义: 发生在过去的动作对目前产生了影响或结果。 动作从过去某个时刻开始发生并一直延续到现在。2) 构成:主语 +_ +_+其他I have cleaned the bedroom.He has listened to music for an hour. 3) 过去分词的构成原形过去式 过去分词原形过去式过去分词beginbegan begunrodemarriedcheckwentlandedchangebought4) 常见的与现在完成时连用的副词和短语already, yet, ever, never, just, recently, so far, since , for, ov

17、er these years 选用适当的词填空 I have _ read the book, so I know nothing about it. Have you had lunch_? I have been here _ half an hour. Has she lived in Nanjing _she was born?5)完成下列各句 政府已经把这个地方变成了一个公园。The government _the place into a park. 他们还没有回来。They havent _. 你认识她有多久啦? How long _you _her? 妈妈已经去图书馆了吗?_m

18、um _the library? 我从未去过扎龙自然保护去。 I have never _Zhalong Natural Reserve.牛津英语8B Unit 2 复习讲义一、重点词汇1. include/including基本含义用法辨析include “包括,包含”及物动词,作谓语动词,后接宾语including “包括,包含”介词,一般用在逗号后面【小试牛刀】1. The price_ postage charges(邮费). 2. The band played many songs, _ some of my favourites.2. such as/for example/li

19、ke基本含义用法辨析such as “例如”一般用来列举同类人或物中的几个例子,后接名词for example “例如”举同类人或物中的一个为例,作插入语,可置于句首、句中或句末like “像”可与such as 转换【小试牛刀】 1. He has been to many countries, _ America, Japan and Germany.2. There are many difficulties in our study(研究), _, we are lack of (缺乏)money.二、语法点拨现在完成时(2)1. 短暂性(瞬间)动词 (1) 肯定句中,短暂性动词不能和

20、表示一段的时间状语连用,例如:她买这辆车有一年了。【错误】She has bought the car for a year.【正确】She has had the car for a year.他的父亲离开中国已经10年了。【错误】His father has left China for 10 years.【正确】His father has been away from China for 10 years.这位男士自从1945年就入党了。【错误】The man has joined the Party since 1945.【正确】The man has been a Party me

21、mber since 1945.【注意】经常这样使用的瞬间动词有:go, come, leave, borrow, join, die, lose, marry(结婚), begin, stop。当这些动词的完成时态需要与表示一段的时间状语连用时,其通常变化形式为:have gone(left ) - have been awayhave bought(borrowed) - have had (kept)have come - have been herehave died - have been deadhave joined-have been a member of/have been

22、 inhave began(started) have been on重要句型: Its(has been)+ 一段时间 + since 从句。 我丢那辆车有三天了。 It is (has been)three days since I lost the bike (=I lost the bike three days ago.) 电影开演十分钟了。It has been (is) ten minutes since the film began.(=The film began ten minutes ago.)(=The film has been on for 10 minutes.)

23、 他们结婚二十年了。It has been 20 years since they were married.(=They got/were married 20 years ago.)(2) 否定句中,瞬间动词可与for和since时间状语连用。We havent seen each other for a long time. 我们有好长时间没有见面了。The mother hasnt heard from her son for 3 months. 这位母亲已有三个月没收到她儿子的信了。2. have (has) been to 和have (has)gone 的区别have (has)

24、 been to “去过,到过”(人已离开那里),经常与ever, never, often, once, twice等用。have (has)gone to “去了”(人在途中或已在那里)。通常该句型只用于第三人称。Have you ever been to Guilin? 你去过桂林吗?She has been to America twice. 她去过美国两次。His father has gone abroad. 他的父亲出国了。The train has already gone. 火车已经开走了。【小试牛刀】 1. I became a teacher in 2000.(同义句转换

25、)I _ _ a teacher for _ _.2. The shop closed two hours ago. (同义句转换)The shop _ _ _ for _ _.3. The meeting finished six hours ago. (同义句转换)The meeting _ _ _ for six hours.4. They married in 1990. (同义句转换)They _ _ _since _.5. 用have/has been to/in, have gone to填空。 -Where is Jack? -He _ his country. John_En

26、gland since he came back. How long_ have_ this village? The Smiths_ Beijing for years. -_you ever_America? -Yes, I_there many times.三、交际用语假日计划 -Do you have any ideas about what to do for May Day holiday, Amy?-Yes, Im planning to travel around abroad. -Where do you want to go? -Singapore. -How long d

27、o you want to stay? - About five days.牛津英语8B Unit 2 短语汇总1 到作一次旅行go on a trip to2 一定很有趣must be great fun3把带在身边bring sth with sb4旅游景点tourist attractions5 的象征a symbol of6去滑雪/远足go skiing/ hiking7看美丽的风景see the beautiful view8玩得很高兴have a fantastic time9整天the whole day10乘地铁by underground11在入口处at the entrance12高速运行move at

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