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1、八年级英语新目标下第九单元教案“科研兴课 优质达标”1. 课题:Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park ?2. 课型:新授 3. 3.辅助工具:多媒体,班班通本单元以 “Fun places”为话题,通过单元教学,要求学生通过描述过去经历的功能句式,学习现在完成时的用法,并能区别现在完成时和一般过去时在表述过去经历的不同。本课时是此单元的第一课时,内容有Section A :1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c.Section A 1a呈现了几个有趣的地方,在帮助学生学习新词汇的同时,也激发他们的学习兴趣。1b是一个听力活动,初步呈

2、现了本单元的目标语言,即现在完成时。要求学生听录音对话,判断Claudia和Sarah分别去过哪些地方。1c 是一个口头练习,学生将结对用目标语言对图片中的几个地方进行会话练习。2a和2b是两个听力活动,学生将听到三个对话,要求学生能将听到的地名圈出来,并根据所听内容判断一些句子的正误。2c是会话活动,要求学生根据听力活动中的对话做角色扮演,谈论去过哪些地方,想去哪些地方以及打算如何去。题目Unit9. Have you ever been to an amusement park?课型新授课 第1课时Teaching goalsKnowledge:1.Words Amusement park

3、, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, neither, have a great time2. Sentences: Have you ever been to ? Yes, I have been to No, I havent. I have never been toSkill: Enable the students to talk about where they have been to using Present Perfect tense.Emotion: Help students learn how to talk about

4、 where they have been.ImportanceUnderstand the differences between the Present Perfect tense and the Simple Past tensedifficultiesHow to use the Present Perfect TenseTeachingaidsPictures, and a tape recorderTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Leading in The teacher and the students watch a period of a video a

5、nd enjoy the English song. Then ask and answer some questions between the teacher and the students.T: Do you think it fun? What are they doing? Do you like traveling?Ok, today were going to talk about some interesting places we have been to or were going to. Thats Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amu

6、sement park? (Show the students the amusement park on video)T: Look! This is an amusement park. Its so beautiful, isnt it?Step 2 Pre-task Presenting some pictures of amusement park, zoo, aquarium, space museum and water park.Have you ever been to a/an ? Yes, I have. / Me, too. / So have I.No, I have

7、nt. /Me, either. / Neither have I.Step 3 While-taskStudents look at the pictures and make similar dialogues in pairs.A: Have you (ever) been to a/an ?B: Yes, I have. What about you?A: Me, too. / So have I.Step 4 PairworkT: Look at the picture. We can see two girls. They are Claudia and Sarah. What d

8、o you think they are talking about? Lets listen and find out where they have been. (Then check the answer together.)Step 5 While-taskShow some photos of the teacher, and say a passage about the past experience:T: I have been to Shanghai several times. I went there last month again. I went there by p

9、lane. I went there with my workmates. I had a great time. I want to go there again. Im going there this summer vacation.Step 6. PairworkShow some photos of the students, and ask them some questions.Then make the students work in pairs.Step 7. SummaryT: Today we met so many interesting places. Can yo

10、u guess which place I would like to visit most? (Showing some characters in Disney)Yes, thats Disneyland. Would you like to visit Disneyland? After class, please look for some information about Disneyland, and were going to talk about Disneyland next class.教学反思第二课时Teaching goalsKnowledge:1.Words Amu

11、sement park, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, neither, have a great time2. Sentences: Have you ever been to ? Yes, I have been to No, I havent. I have never been toSkill: Enable the students to talk about where they have been to using Present Perfect tense.Emotion: Help students learn how to

12、 talk about where they have been.ImportanceUnderstand the differences between the Present Perfect tense and the Simple Past tensedifficultiesHow to use the Present Perfect TenseTeachingaidsPictures, and a tape recorderTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Leading in Sample one: (出示图片) (P68 1a)A: Have you ever b

13、een to an amusement park?B: Yes, I have. I went to Fun Times Amusement Park last year. Have you ever been to a water park?A: No, I havent.B: Neither have I. Lets go to Water City tomorrow.Step 2 Pre-task Get a map of China, ask ss to talk about where they have been.Step 3 While-task Work in pairs an

14、d talk about the places they have been to by using “ Have you ever been to Dalian?” “ Yes, I have. No, I havent.”Step 4 PairworkA: Have you ever been to the space museum?B: Yes, I have. I went to there last year. Have you ever been to an aquarium?A: No, I havent.B: Neither have I. Lets go to the aqu

15、arium tomorrow.Step 5 Summary.What have you learned in this lesson?I have learned the Present Perfect Tense.教学反思题目Unit9. Have you ever been to an amusement park?课型新授课 第3时Teaching goalsKnowledge:1.Words Amusement park, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, neither, have a great time2. Sentences: H

16、ave you ever been to ? Yes, I have been to No, I havent. I have never been toSkill: Enable the students to talk about where they have been to using Present Perfect tense.Emotion: Help students learn how to talk about where they have been.ImportanceUnderstand the differences between the Present Perfe

17、ct tense and the Simple Past tensedifficultiesHow to use the Present Perfect TenseTeachingaidsPictures, and a tape recorderTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Leading in Talk about Micky Mouse and Dault Duck,then ask ss if they have ever heard of Disneyland. Show pictures about it.Step 2 Pre-task Read the ins

18、truction aloud and explain it.Step 3 While-taskPlay the tape of the text, and ss to cirle and unline the sentences.Step 4 PairworkWork in groups to find some phrases and try to retell the textHear of: 听说A theme park:主题公园A roller coaster:过山车Take a ride: 乘船On board: 在船上End up with:以.结束Step 5 Summary.W

19、hat have you learned in this lesson?I have learned a passage about Disneylany.教学反思题目Unit9. Have you ever been to an amusement park?课型新授课 第4课时Teaching goalsKnowledge:1.Words Amusement park, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, neither, have a great time2. Sentences: Have you ever been to ? Yes, I

20、 have been to No, I havent. I have never been toSkill: Enable the students to talk about where they have been to using Present Perfect tense.Emotion: Help students learn how to talk about where they have been.ImportanceUnderstand the differences between the Present Perfect tense and the Simple Past

21、tensedifficultiesHow to use the Present Perfect TenseTeachingaidsPictures, and a tape recorderTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Leading in 同学们都学习英语, 请同学们在组内自述Why do you study English?,并参看P71-1a, 向全班说which reasons are important to you, and which reasons are not important to you.( 1a, 1b)Step 2 Pre-task 通过完成t

22、ask,复习Section A部分的基本句型,为进一步学习 Section B做铺垫。 Task: 小组活动。根据所给表格,在各小组范围内了解同学们过去是否有过这些经历,并至少说出一个自己曾经有过的其它经历,完成表格,然后请一名小组成员做report. NamesHave you ever.YesNo The other experiencebeen to an aquarium?traveled to another city?helped someone you did not know?studied English?been to an aquarium?traveled to ano

23、ther city?helped someone you did not know?studied English?been to an aquarium?traveled to another city?helped someone you did not know?studied English?been to an aquarium?traveled to another city?helped someone you did not know?studied English?Report: In our group, _ students have been to an aquariu

24、m, _students have traveled to another city, _ students helped someone they did not know, _students have ever studied English, and we have been studying English.Step 3 While-taskJust now the students told about why they study English, now listen to a tape and know what a interview between a teacher a

25、nd a student. After listening complete these tasks.Task1: Try to tell the words you cant guess the meaning or understand .(The teacher explain these words in English, and write them on the board.) Task2: Listen again, and circle the questions you hear. ( 2a )Task3: Listen the third time or once agai

26、n, and fill in the questionnaire. ( 2b )Task4: Pair work (2c ) Look at the questions in activity 2a and role play the interview. Answer with the information that is true for you.Task5: Write a summary and report Report: My name is . , Im from., I want to study English because.Step 4 Reading在规定的时间内读课

27、文,以小组竞赛的形式回答课下8个问题,看哪组回答的问题最多,并且快而准确。(1) 在规定的时间内,分小组读课文,并探讨问题如何回答。(2) 强答问题,并记分。(回答正确加十分,错误减十分,由教师记分)同时教师讲解同学们把握不准的问题。(3) 以 Pair work 形式,让学生熟练掌握问题及答句,并站起来对答。(4) 大声朗读课文一遍。(有时间可多一遍)(5) 根据问题,简要复述课文Step 5 Summary.教学反思第五课时 ExercisesI. 根据单词首字母提示和句意完成下面的句子(10分) 1. Holland is a E_ country. 2. He likes singin

28、g, e_ singing pop songs. 3. Our new English teacher can play many m_ instruments. 4. Maybe when I g_ Ill be a flight a _. 5. She has never been to an a_ park. N _ have I. 6. There is an old f_ car in the museum. 7. I d_ that secret. II. 连词成句:(20分) 1. ever, you, to, been, have, museum, the _ 2. to, w

29、e, Water World, the, went, last year _ 3. I, see, language, movies, English, to went _ 4. next, is, to, the, going, zoo, week, he _ 5. the, for, years, job, twenty, she had, has _III. 单项选择:(20分) 1. Mary has gone to the teachers office. _ has Joan. A. And B. Neither C. So D. But 2. Hed like _ to the supermarket. A. going B. goes C. go D. to go 3. My little brother has never been to _ amusement park. A. a B. an C. / D. the 4. Many of buses and taxis _ busy. A. be B. are C. is D. am 5. Animal globes are _ very popular gifts. A. a kind of B. kind of

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