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1、有关GET写作有关GET写作一 写作部分题型分析非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲对于写作部分的规定是:“写作部分的目的是测试考生用英语书面表达思想的一般能力。写作要求切题,能正确表达思想, 意义连贯, 无重大语言错误。 摘要要求概括内容准确。考试时间为30分钟。从1999年一月起将要求改为:要求考生写出不少于150词左右的短文(或段落)。一般来说GET写作以议论文为主, 有时也有一些说明文。议论文有以下几种类型:1 比较性议论文:它是用以比较两种或两种以上事物的异同, 优势与劣势。如:Which Form of Transport Is More Preferable, Car or

2、Bus?2. 评论性论说文:评论性论说文主要是对有争议的主题发表议论。如有些情景作文给考生提出了一种社会现象或观点, 要求考生就其加以评论, 然后提出自己的看法,并加以论证。如:What Would Happen If There Were No Power3. 阐述性论说文:这种作文要求考生就一个问题,正面阐述自己的观点, 说明自己的理由。如:Is It Good for Students to Have Part-time Jobs4. 解释性论说文:这种作文一般用于解释和分析社会现象和社会问题。如:The Effects TV Has on Children近几年也出过图表作文。图表作文

3、多为说明文与论说文相结合的形式。 它要求考生能够用文字形式对图表中反映出来的情况加以说明,通常还要求考生能够对图表中反映出来的情况或问题展开讨论。二 短文写作的评分原则和标准1 评分原则现在通行的英语作文评分方法基本都采用总体评分的原则,就总的印象给分, 并决定是否给奖励分, 而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体。 要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想, 也要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍, 用词和造句是否清楚而准确地表达了思想。2. 评分标准 现在通用的英语作文评分标准大致相同, 一般将考生作文分为六个档次: 109分:内容切题,

4、 包括提纲的全部要点;表达清楚, 文字连贯, 句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确。 8-7分:内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;表达基本清楚, 文字基本连贯, 句式有一定变化, 句子结构和用词无重大错误。 6-5分:内容切题,基本包括提纲的要点;表达基本清楚, 句子结构和用词有少量的错误。 4-3分:内容基本切题, 语句可以理解, 但有较多的句子结构和用词错误。 2-1分:基本按照题意写作, 只有少数句子可以理解。 0分:文不切题, 语句混乱, 无法理解, 或抄写事先背好的范文。 全文不足150个词, 酌情扣分。2 短文写作要求根据以上写作原则及评分标准, 我们可以归纳出对一篇高分的作文的要求是:(1

5、) 内容切题, 即严格按照题目规定的内容来做文章。(2) 表达清楚, 即观点鲜明,意思完整, 论证充分, 首尾呼应。(3) 意思连贯, 即文字通顺, 句与句、段与段衔接自然, 文章条理清楚。(4) 句法多变, 即遣词造句熟练自如, 语句灵活多变自然得体。(5) 语言正确, 即句子结构和用词无重大错误。三 写作部分复习与答题对策1 仔细审题, 读懂提示中的要求及其含义2 草拟提纲, 确定短文的布局结构3 动笔写作, 一气呵成4 留出时间, 检查与修改短文四 英语写作技巧(一)措词措词是英语写作的最基本的技巧。 只有了解如何措词和措词的基本知识, 我们才能准确地表达我们要说的东西。1 根据词义选词

6、我们在用英语写作时应尽可能地选择正确恰当的词语来表达自己的意思。对于关键的词和自己不熟悉的词应弄准词义再用。因为在英语中同义词很多, 又有很多词是一词多义,同义词中每个词又有不同的含义。如:inexpensive和cheap都含有“价格不高”之意,但cheap还有质量不高之意;average和mediocre都含有“中等”之意,但后者又含有“毫无成就的,平庸的”意思。词的含义有时在词典上找不到的, 它是在词义基础上扩展的带有联想或感情色彩等意义的词义, 如I am plump; you are heavy; he is fat.这里 “plump”是褒义词, “heavy”是中性词, “fat

7、”为贬义词2. 用英语思维选词我们在进行英语写作是应尽量学会用英语思维,用我们学过的词汇、短语和句型以及它们所处的语言环境中的用法来表达我们要表达的意思,这样就会避免因英语和汉语的思维差异所造成的用词和用法不当。如:-The price of books is very expensive now.-Books are now very expensive. -We have visited the exhibition for many times.-We have seen the exhibition for many times. -Anyone who dares to try th

8、e law with his body will be punished.-Anyone who defies the law will be punished. 3. 选词原则 A. 选用熟悉的词, 而不用不的、牵强的词, 否则有可能使句子显得很不自然, 甚至出现错误, 试比较下列两句的用法。 -As a graduate student, I feel there is a burdensome responsibility upon my shoulder. -As a graduate student, I feel that a heavy responsibility rests

9、upon my shoulders. B. 选用表示具体概念的词, 不选表示抽象概念的词, 能够使文章内容更充实, 更有说服力。如: We all love him because he is a good man.We all love him because he is honest. (kind, generous, or warmhearted)C. 如果能用单个词来表达, 就不用多个词, 避免累赘。如: -He is a person of much ambition and full of great expectations of future. -He is an ambiti

10、ous young man, full of great expectations. D. 选用短词、小词,不选长词、大词。 一位专家曾指出:“我们要清楚地表达我们的想法, 就不要因为用了buy或 see 而不用purchase或 observe而感到惭愧, 因为它们能更加清楚地表达我们的意思。” 4 注意用词多样化 在英语写作中要力求用词多样化, 避免因同一个词的反复使用而使文章显得呆板、单调、没生气。可以使用不同词源, 不同水平的同义词, 也可用同义的词组和短语,相应的代词, 乃至完全不同形式的句子来代替。如: Many of us believe that a persons mind

11、becomes less active as he grows old. A recent study shows that it is true that when a person is old, there is some decline in his psychomotor speed. But when speed is not a factor, he loses very little intellectual ability over the years. (二) 句子 1 句式的多样化 句式多样化是对一篇好文章的基本的要求, 只有丰富多彩的变化才是美的。如果一篇文章只用一二种

12、句式就会显得单调、呆板。句式多样化不仅可以通过使用不同句型和结构的句子,也可以通过使用不同长短的句子来达到这一目的。 - I usually go to the country for a walk during the weekend. Last Sunday I decided to spend the whole day in the city for a change. I decided to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Zhongshan Park. It was early. I left home. The streets around

13、 were deserted. There were no usual crowds and traffic. Everything was strangely quiet. -Though I usually go to the country for a walk during the weekend, I decided to spend the whole day in the city for a change last Sunday. I went to the Tiananmen Square and the Zhongshan Park. It was so early whe

14、n I left home that the streets around my neighborhood were deserted. Without the usual crowds and traffic, every thing was strangely quiet. 2句子的完整、统一与连贯性 我们现阶段的英语写作中,每个句子都应该是完整的句子, 句子各部分既要层次分明,又要紧密联系在一起, 表达一个完整的意思。语片(词组或从句等不完整句子)的使用应尽量避免。如: -We had a hard time choosing our courses because there were

15、 so many subjects that we liked very much. For example, Literature, French and Painting. -The whole class were interested in the activity. Many of which took actions immediately. -We had a hard time choosing our courses because there were so many subjects that I liked very much, such as, Literature,

16、 French and Painting. -The whole class were interested in the activity and many of the students took actions immediately. 在汉语中,两个(或更多)完整的句子可以用逗号来连接。有时我们可以看到一个段落中,各句之间都用逗号连接, 到段落结束才用一个句号。这在英语中是不规范的。英语中两个完整的句子若在一句话中要么是并列关系, 要么是主从关系,要么用分号隔开来区分层次, 要么把它们分成两个句子。如: -It is a personal matter, everyone has to

17、 cope with it sooner or later. -Because it is a personal matter, everyone has to cope with it sooner or later. -It is a personal matter and everyone has to cope with it sooner or later. -It is a personal matter; everyone has to cope with it sooner or later. -It is a personal matter. Everyone has to

18、cope with it sooner or later. 另外还有一些初学者在句子之间根本不用任何标点符号, 一直写下去直到段落末尾用一个句号表示结束,那就更不应该了。2 句子的简洁性与自然性 好的英语句子应该简洁、明了、自然又有逻辑性。写作者既要把意思表达清楚又要是语言精练、自然。如: -In my own personal opinion I think we should stop discussing now.-There is only one reason that is acceptable, and that is our country has a large popula

19、tion.-He didnt say so because he wanted to hurt you.-One can observe that athletics can be beneficial to the health of one who participates as well as entertaining for one who watches.-I consider The Old Man and the Sea one of the literary masterpieces of our time, but many people dislike Hemingways

20、 other novels.改正的参考句子:-I think we should stop discussing now.-Only one reason is acceptable: our country has a large population.-He said so, not because he wanted to hurt you.-Sports can be healthful for the players and entertaining for the fans.-Even those who dislike Hemingways other novels are li

21、kely to enjoy the Old Man and the Sea, which I consider one of the literary masterpieces of our time.4 注意修辞格的运用 我们常用的修辞格有比喻(simile, metaphor)、拟人(personification)、夸张(hyperbole)、讽刺(irony)、对偶(antithesis)、排比(parallelism)和反问(rhetorical question)等.修辞要符合英语的表达习惯。如: He is as strong as an ox. He is as strong

22、as a horse(三)段落1 段落的结构一般来说, 段落(主要是扩展段)是由主题句、扩展句、转折句和结论句组成的。主题句(topic sentence)是英语段落的最主要的特点。每一个段落(主要是扩展段)都有一个主题句来清楚地告诉读者该段主要讲的是什么;扩展句(supporting sentence) 是用具体事实去发展、证明或支持主题句的句子;转折句(transitional sentence)是用来表示作者转变叙述或表达的角度的句子;结论句(concluding sentence)一般位于段尾,是对全段进行总结、归纳或提出结论的句子。如: Parents should guide th

23、eir children in growing up. When children are very young, they need much guidance. At this period parents should give them a few responsibilities and help them learn to manage some of their own affairs. For example, parents can tell children to keep themselves clean without always having to be told

24、to do so and to manage their own sensible bedtime. Children still need guidance when they reach adolescence. At this stage, parents should have them prepared for the more important decisions they will have to make. For example, parents can guide their children in deciding whether they want to go to

25、college or what specialty to choose. Learning to accept responsibilities, to manage ones own affairs, and to make ones moral and professional decisions are important steps in growing up, and parents have an obligation to prepare their children to take them. 在上面这个段落中,第一句为主题句,第二句 一级扩展句, 第三句为二级扩展句,第四句为

26、三级扩展句, 第五句为转折句兼一级扩展句, 第六句为二级扩展句, 第七句为三级扩展句, 第八句为结论句。2 主题句的位置主题句是段落的中心,它可根据文章的需要位于段首、段中、段尾,也可以首尾呼应。3 段落的展开段落的展开比段落的主题句更重要 我们通常通过提供事实、数据、举例、解释和说明等办法来展开一个段落。总之, 段落展开的越细, 越具体,就越有说服力。以下简单说明段落展开的几种写作方法:时间和过程顺序法:这种方法多用于叙事或描述事情进行的过程 根据事情发生的先后来叙述。在叙事时, 有时为了描写回忆, 或强调事情的结果也可以用倒叙或插叙法。空间顺序法:这种方法是用来描叙一个地方或一件事物的空间

27、关系, 比如一间房屋的陈设。叙述按一定顺序进行, 如由近到远, 由上到下, 由左到右等。重要性顺序法:这种方法可用于说明文、议论文或报告中。叙述的顺序可以从最不重要的到最重要的, 或从最重要的到最不重要的。按这种方法讲叙重要性或理由比较有说服力。比较与对比法:这种方法多用于说明文和议论文等。它是对两个或两个以上的事物的异同点、优势与劣势进行比较和对比 比较是比较两个以上事物的类似之处, 对比是比较他们的不同点。 对比和比较的叙述顺序有两种,一种是分别叙述法, 另一种是成对叙述法。我们先讲A事物的特征, 如:A1、A2、A3,,然后再讲B 事物的特征,如:B1、B2、B3,也可以用另一种方法对A

28、1和B1的特征加以比较和对比, 然后再对A2和B2、A3和B3,加以比较和对比。定义法:这种方法就是对一件事物(或人)或一个概念下一个定义, 根据这个定义来叙述该事物或概念的细节或特征等。分类法:该法多用于描述、说明与议论。分类法是根据事物的性质、形状、原因或功能等特征进行分类, 然后就各类分别加以叙述。因果法:先叙述事物发生发展的原因再叙述结果, 或先叙述结果,在解释原因。问答法:通过提出的问题然后在解答的方式来阐述一个事物或一个概念。还有一些展开段落的方法, 我们不在此逐一说明。4 段落的统一与连贯一个好的段落应该是一个整体, 段落的各部分都应该与段落的中心思想紧密相连, 支持段落的主题句

29、。 与主题无关的句子, 会影响段落的统一性(unity), 无论这些句子多美, 也应毫不犹豫地删去。要使段落达到连贯性的方法很多, 现简要介绍几种:(1) 用过渡词使段落具有连贯性在英语中有些词或词组能够清楚地表明一个段落中不同层次之间的关系, 我们把它们叫做信号词。A. 表示时间和顺序关系的信号:Next, soon, then, later, finally, after, first, second, and so on, meanwhile, at length, in the past, in the meantime, afterward, after a few days, no

30、w, immediately, while after a short time, thereupon, thereafter, presently, since, at lastB. 表示转折和对比关系的信号词But however, on the other hand, nevertheless, otherwise, yet, and yet, after all, at the same time, although true, in spite of, despite, still, on the contrary, notwithstanding, in contrast, eve

31、n so, for all that, while, nonetheless.C. 表示列举与增补关系的信号词:In addition, also, furthermore, moreover, another, likewise, similarly, next, finally, besides, first, second, (and so on), again, and then, in the first place, too, equally important, and further, lastD. 表示举例的信号词:For instance, an example of th

32、is, for example, take the case of, in other words, that is, as has been noted, in fact, specially, in particular, indeed, incidentally.E. 表示强调的信号词:Even, actually, as a matter of fact, surely, in fact, certainly, undoubtedly, indeed, true.F. 表示原因与结果关系的信号词:As, because, since, because of, for the reason, therefore, hence, thus, consequent

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