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surprises at the studio.docx

1、Surprises at the studio(Unit 4 Reading, SIA Oxford English)执教者:华实高中车昊【教材分析】本文是一篇小说节选。故事的主人公是Angela和Mandy。故事背景设置在一个摄影棚 内。故事情节为Angela和Mandy参加一个电视竞猜节目的录制,在节目录制过程中,发生 了一系列让人意想不到的事情,最终Angela意外赢得比赛的大奖。1、文本特征本文标题Surprises at the studio高度概括了故事发生的场景和关键情节,Surprises为文 眼。文本中配有一副插图,一目了然地点出故事的冲突,即一位参赛选手在节目录制过程中 突

2、然晕倒,这既是课文标题中的surprises之一,同时又能很好地引发学生阅读的兴趣。2、文本特点1)从文本的语言来看,文章虽篇幅较长,但语言难度不高;文章以对话为主,内容相 对松散。因此要给学生充足的时间阅读。2)从文本的结构来看,文章采用叙述的方式,其中有一些表示时间顺序的关键词。在 教学设计时以引导学生关注时间顺序,从而理清故事发展脉络。3)从文本的内容来看,文章主要以对话、细节描写、动作描写和心理活动刻画人物性 格。本节课的设计是让学生通过阅读找出surprises,因此不要求课前预习。3、阅读策略因为本文是一篇故事,教师可以借助文本特征,让学生阅读课题下方的背景介绍以及文 中的插图,抓

3、住故事的背景和主题。教师还应指导学生通过skimming, scanning等阅读策略 充分了解故事情节、梳理脉络。4、学情分析这是学生进入高中以来第一次阅读故事类题材的文章,因此对如何阅读此类文章需要加 以指导。由于文章篇幅较长,又以对话形式呈现,学生会觉得内容较散,需要来回地读。另 外,文中有些推进情节发展的动词,可能会在把握文章梗概时形成障碍。5、阅读教学重点和难点1)掌握阅读故事类体裁文章的切入口,即故事的基本要素:人物、地点、情节。2)理清故事脉络,找出文中出现的surprises。3)体会作者对于主人公Angela的刻画,分析其人物性格。6、关于信息技术的运用随着教学改革的不断深入

4、,越来越多的先进教学手段正不断被运用到日常教学中,它们 给传统教学注入了新鲜血液,给枯燥的课堂带来了无限活力,尤其是多媒体信息技术使得英 语知识既能看得见,又能听得见,让老师能把英语学习的情景设计得生动活泼,富有创意, 使学生置身于一定的语言环境中,让他们在一定的语言环境中去领悟语言,操练语言,运用 语言。这培养了学生的英语学习兴趣,提高了他们的英语交际能力,使学生主体性得到更大 发挥,有效提高了英语课堂教学的有效性。在这节课中,1)我运用一段关于电视竞猜节目录影的视频,引出文中的一些关键词, 帮助学生扫除阅读中的词汇障碍;同时给学生营造一种跟课文内容近似的节目录影中的紧张 氛围,使学生置身于

5、语言情境中;自然过渡到课文的阅读,还可以激发学生阅读的兴趣。2) 运用一些图片,使词汇教学更加直观、高效。3)上课课件中对于故事脉络理清的几张PPT 右下角都配有课本上的插图,始终给学生营造一种故事氛围。4)读后活动要求学生在朋友 圈分享故事内容并表述对Angela的看法,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生感受到语言的交际性、 实用性。Teaching objectivesAt the end of the lesson, students will be able to1. get a general ideal of the story by predicting, skimming and sca

6、nning the passage.2. know some new words, director, contestant, cameraman, host, faint, tense, terrific etc.3. know what kind of person Angela is and appreciate Angelas courage when she is faced with challenge.Teaching aidsMultimedia facilities, blackboardTeaching proceduresStepsTeachers activitiesS

7、tudents, activitiesPurposesPre-readingShow some pictures of TV programmes.Identify the different typesofTVprogrammes.To introduce the setting of the story and arouse students5 interest.Play a video of the filming of a quiz programme and teach some new words.Watch the video and learn some new words.

8、And read the new words.To help students identity the different characters in a TV quiz programme.While-readingHave students read the title and predict what the surprises are.Read the title and predict what the surprises are.To arouse the interest in reading.Have students skim the introduction, the f

9、irst three and last three paragraphs and answer the questions.Skim the introduction, the first three and last three paragraphs and answer the questions.To have students learn the beginning and the ending of the story.Have students scan line 5 to 16 and answer the questions, do the match exercise.Sca

10、n line 5 to 16 and answer the question, do the match exercise.To have students learn what happened before the TV quiz programme began and how it was dealt with.Have students scan line 17-28, and fill in a table.Scan line 17-28, and complete a table.To have students know the different performances of

11、 Angela and Mandy in the contest.Have students summarize what the surprises are.Summarize what the surprises are.To have students further understand the title.Post-readingHave students talk about their opinions about Angela.Share their opinions about Angela with others.To make students appreciate An

12、gelas courage.Have students retell the story with some key words and talk about what they learn from Angela.Retell the story with some key words and talk about what they have learned from Angela.To have students consolidate what they have learned from the story.Assignment1. Read aloud the new words and expressions carefully.2. Read the passage again to get a better understanding.3. Writing: If you were one of the audience and you attended the filming, please “upload“ what your have seen and what you can learn from Angela to Wechat(微信).

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