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1、英语演讲稿跨文化交流英语演讲稿跨文化交流【篇一:英语跨文化交流】 中西方艺术文化差异与交流 学院:软件工程学院班级:13软件工程4班姓名:王萌 摘 要: 由于中国文化的现代化深受西方的影响,不少人忽略了中国对西方文化现代化的直接或间接影响,助长了“西方文化中心论”和“民族文化虚无论”。在 1719 世纪,以英国为代表的近代欧洲受到中国艺术的影响,在园林、绘画、审美方式上出现了经验主义、自然主义的新趋向,极大地推进了西方文化的现代化步伐。 关键词: 中国传统艺术; 西方文化现代化; 跨文化影响; 近代英国 文化现代化是全世界共同存在的历史趋向。由于文化传统不同,东西方文化现代化的进路有所区别。中

2、国文化现代化是在传统儒道思想基础上实现的文化变革,而西方文化现代化是在传统基督宗教信仰基础上实现的文化变革。西方文化现代化可以追溯到欧洲的文艺复兴运动。它为了适应新的社会生产方式( 如全球性的商业贸易、工业化的规模生产) ,满足新时代的文化发展需要,对传统基督宗教文化采取了重要的变革,培育了新的文化成果及其特性 虽然中世纪欧洲园林包含自然山水要素,但其中自然事物的自然性受制于“美的艺术”准则,只有接受人的理性加以美化之后,才能成为符合既定文化规范与秩序的人工景观。这种园林景观体现的是西方古典艺术美,而不是自然美。随着中国园林文化在十七八世纪传入欧洲,西方古典园林风格出现了重大变革,而其开拓者首

3、推英国。英国园林最初也是遵循西方古典园林风格的。意大利作为基督教传统文化的中心,创造了西方古典园林模式的典范。这种园林追求自然事物的风景化,使之成为人的审美对象、成为“美的艺术”,其中蕴涵了理性的逻辑秩序,亦即对神圣精神法则的信仰。当然,英国园林在遵循匀称、规范等古典形式美特征之外,也因地理形势平坦而较少意大利别墅花园那样的多层台地式特点。然而,随着中国园林文化传入欧洲,英国古典园林模式出现了重要的变化。这种变化是在长期的中西文化交往进程中实现的。法国与中国的文化交往也为英国输入中国园林文化提供了重要契机。18 世纪遗留下来的凡布娄府邸园林版画反映了当时英国自然风致园的基本面貌。其中透出自然甚

4、至原始气息的草木与水泊,飞架水面上的中国式圆拱桥,展示了中国传统园林对英国的影响。不过,凡布娄府邸园林中开阔、敞亮的空间视野在强化园林“自然”特性的同时,却难以传达中国传统园林应有的曲径通幽、变化无穷的妙境。钱伯斯还在设计伦敦丘园时直接套用中国式园林建筑要素,如以南京大报恩寺琉璃塔为蓝本而设计的丘园中国塔,便是丘园内重要的标志景观。这为追求人工化景观美的西方古典园林乃至追求“艺术审美中心主义”的西方古典审美理想植入了“自然”的基因,既促成近代西方挑战传统艺术理想,也促成近代西方发展一种有别于传统理性思辨的自然主义观念。【篇二:10分钟英语演讲稿 文化融合】 the phenomenon of

5、east-west cultural integration good morning, everyone. may you all have a good mood. as we all know, the day before yesterday was christmas. i think everyone enjoyed the day very much. obviously, christmas is a western festival, but chinese people give it a new meaning, that is “safety and happiness

6、”. and today, the topic of my speech is the phenomenon of east-west cultural integration. first, let us know about the origin of christmas. the name christmas is short for christs mass. a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we celebrate as the birthday

7、of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world. but many of the festivities of christmas do not have anything to do with religion. exchanging gifts and sending christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the christmas in the world. now, christmas has b

8、een very popular in china, especially among the young people. global integration not only promotes the international business trade, but also affects the peoples traditions and customs of different countries and regions. just as the american people have accepted the gloable food culture, chinese you

9、ng generation are also absorbing the western culture, for example christmas. in addition, valentines day, thanksgiving day and fast food, are also very popular. in my opinion, there mainly are two reasons to expain that why foreign festivals are becoming more and more popular in china. for one thing

10、, each festival is full of strong cultural color. for another thing, these festivals are filled with human interest. in addition, american fast food culture has the same situation with western festivals. fast food is very popular in china. people like to eat fast food, especially children and youngs

11、ters. fast food means restaurants make food quick and people eat food by their fingers. now, it is permeating to traditional chinese culture. nowadays we can see a lot of fast-food shops in china like kfc and mcdonald and so on. and it is so popular that you even cannot find a seat to sit down to ea

12、t what you bought at lunch time. in china almost everyone likes eat fast-food for its good taste and we regard the shop as the place we can talk with our friends how the things stand. there are some reasons for its popularity. firstly, there are a variety of fast-food that we can choose what we like

13、. there are hamburgers and pizza. secondly, recently an increasing number of people concentrate more on health than taste. and the fast-food in china is not like those in foreign countries. it adds lots of nutrition and several useful things into the fast-food. not only for it, but also for its reas

14、onable price and delicious taste. thirdly, it can save much time so that you can spend this time shopping. whats more, we can taste all kinds of food from different parts of the world with soft music and can do homework with our classmates. everything needs to adjust to the society with the changes

15、of time and space, and culture makes no exception. especially when it compromises into another culture, the origin will also change. as mentioned above, the chinese food sold in the united states,whose waste is different from local chinese food. in the same situation, the ways of chinese people cele

16、brating western festivals are very vary from american traditional ways. generally speaking, i think cultural integration has a lot of advantages. do you know haier? it makes full use of the chinese and foreign cultural integration in the implementation of market strategy to meet the different needs

17、of different types of people. the western food culture greatly eiched the chinese peoples eating habits, to stimulate chinas consumption, and promoting economic development. you can not deny it. consequently, cultural integration can help us to create such a colorful world. as to everyone, we now li

18、ve in a time what cultural integration has produced a great influence in. however, cultural independence is also of great significance. in this way, it can protect and inherit their own culture. a well-integrated nation can better keep the unity and stability of the country. the trend toward globali

19、zations encourages international exchanges and integration of cultures. if all nations integrated into one, the world would be monotonous. the world is interesting and colorful because of its diversified cultures. multiculturalism encourages tolerance and understanding among diverse groups in a soci

20、ety, thus promoting stability and development. all ethnic groups should be allowed to maintain their unique characteristics. im with the view that in this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation. and i believe that different cultures should learn from each others strength

21、s to offset their own weaknesses. of course, the culture must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures. cultural exchange, i think, is by no means a process of losing ones own culture to a foreign culture, but a process culture, of eiching e

22、ach others national cultures. modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. the international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges

23、clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.【篇三:有关模仿名人的大学生英语演讲稿】 篇一:办公室部员关于英语演讲名人模仿秀大赛总结 办公室部员关于英语演讲名人模仿秀大赛总结 12月1日下午3:00,由校团委主办、外国语学院承办的淮阴工学院第九届英语文化节英文演讲名人模仿秀大赛在枚乘路校区yfj0102教室举行。各个学院的参赛选手们济济一堂,共同体味英语文化的无穷魅力。现办公室工作总结如下: (一)活动感悟 本次英文演讲名人模仿秀大赛以“怀旧经典,流金岁月”为主题,为

24、选手们提供了一个充分展现自我的舞台。 (二)精神体现 在准备比赛的过程中,选手们努力背诵、理解演讲稿,并仔细揣摩语调,在此过程中不断超越自我完善自我;本次比赛中,各参赛选手态度积极并在准备过程中努力创新,展现出各种不同ppt风格;演讲台上,不怯场、不退缩,将自己最精彩的一面展现出来,这种善于拼搏的精神值得学习与发扬。 (三)签到工作 活动前签到虽只是一件很小的工作,但我们部门积极认真的负责人员签到,坚决发对代签,以此调动了学生会各部门参加个活动的积极性。 办公室作为负责签到的部门,做到内部成员无特殊原因的都积极参加,并坚决反对以权谋私代人签到。 (四)啦啦队 办公室为单位组成一个啦啦队,并邀请

25、其他部门加入,一起为生化学院加油。 在位选手加油的同时,我们办公室为活跃演讲气氛,积极配合选手演讲,一句简单的“yes,we can”喊出了默契,喊出了团结,喊出了希望。 (五)获得奖项 经过激烈的角逐,来自生化学院的张烜同学以beat yourself赢得本次大赛的冠军。亚军由来自计算机工程学院的黄志凯和来自人文学院的卢进军摘得。经济管理学院的朱杰、电子与电气工程学院的朱福明、外国语学院的杨许可和生化学院的谷章春获得季军。 (六)注意点 活动过程中部员更加注意个人举止,遵守现场秩序,不打闹嬉戏,不大声喧哗,认真听完演讲,并努力向他们学习,更加努力学习英语,当一个更加称职的学生干部。 生化学院

26、团总支 办公室 陆维维 英文模仿演讲对学生英语学习的促进作用 作者:李丹丹 摘 要:英语学习强调学生语言综合运用能力,注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力和跨文化能力。因此,教师应注重培养学生的语用能力、口语交际力和跨文化交流力。通过自身实践,探讨英文模仿演讲对学生英语学习的促进作用以及对英语口语表达的提升作用。关键词:模仿演讲;模仿展示;实践过程;文化学习;语言习得;口语表达;思维训练普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)指出:高中英语课程应强调在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力和跨文化交际力。因此,教师应该注重学生的语用能力,培养学生的口语交际能力以

27、及跨文化交流能力,让学生具有国际化视野。在现实生活中,学生在课堂上不敢开口,即使开口,所能表达的内容也非常有限。究其原因:学生大多是在汉语的环境中学英语,缺乏语用氛围;在课堂上少数英语基础较好的学生或者性格较为外向的学生容易霸占课堂;我们课堂的形式或者课堂的活动也较为单一;我们所用的英语缺乏真正的环境,学生在课堂上根据教材内容有目的地进行操练,在不了解国外文化的同时,很容易使用“中国式英语”即“chinglish”。笔者结合教学实践,探索英语模仿演讲这一活动形式对学生英语学习,尤其是对学生英语口语能力提升的促进作用。 一、实践过程与策略 1.探讨与分组环节 利用本校研究性学习课程开设时间,将高

28、一、高二各一个班的学生进行集中和分组。教师加以引导,由学生进行讨论,要求一:讨论出自己最感兴趣的话题类别;二:说出自己最喜欢或者是最崇拜的名人;三:模仿演讲者,演讲内容为英文。按照讨论结果进行分类。类别为: a.政界类别,如:barack hussein obama walker bush,hillary clinton.b.科学类别, c.时尚类别,d.社会学类别,e.饮食与健康类别,f.经济类别,g.其他。分类后学生根据各自的组选出自己最喜欢的名人或者最感兴趣的话题,借助ted等相关网站和视频找出相对应的人物演讲视频。 2.探寻演讲背景,人物简介 3.模仿演讲练习阶段

29、学生将自己选出的演讲视频(视频的截取时间依据整个研究性学习课时定为每人2分钟)和演讲稿件准备好,进行模仿演讲,此环节的前部分可以利用假期或者课余时间进行。在下次课的集中时间前,教师将视频和稿件收集整齐,部分学生若无法自己选择可以在教师的帮助下完成此环节。在课上,教师给予学生相应的指导,从语音语调到演讲技巧、模仿细节。同学之间也可互相展示,不断进行调整和修正。学生进行朗读、记忆、纠错、模仿(此环节要在观看视频基础上进行),循序渐进。 4.展示和对决阶段 经过视频选取,模仿练习后先进行组内展示淘汰,再进行小组与小组之间对决,最后进行总决赛。在确保每位学生都有机会参与的同时,也要最大限度地调动学生的

30、积极性。每组的展示评选:选两位学生代表和两位教师代表作为评委,各小组分组同时进行。晋级的同学直接进入下一轮的比赛,最后决赛,评出一、二、三等奖。比赛结束后,由教师和学生共同对此活动进行总结和反思。我们不仅要总结出这次活动的收获,更要发现所存在的不足之处,为下次更好的实践做准备。展示部分话题也在此和大家做一个分享:facebook sheryl sandberg 2012 hbs毕业典礼演讲,jay walker谈中国英语学习狂热,laura trice建议我们说 二、总结和反思 1.学习语言的同时学习文化 新编简明英语语言学教程指出:languang as the keystone of cu

31、lture is tightly intertwined with culture.learning a language is inspeparable from its culture.when learning a foreign or second language,we should not only learn the mere imitation of the pronunciation,grammar,words and idoms,but also learn the ways in which the foreign language reflects the ideas,

32、customs,and behavior of that society,learn to understand their “language of the mind”,or acculturation.作为文化的基石,语言与文化紧密相连,学习语言是无法与学习其文化相分离的。我们不仅要学习语言本身,更应了解相应的文化。为了更好地进行模仿演讲,我们要探讨演讲者做这个演说的背景,探究人物本身的经历,我们的模仿才会更深刻,这个探究的过程会让我们对英语国家的背景和文化更加的了解,同时这种深刻的模仿本身也必将会更促进我们对语言和文化的习得,更利于我们英语的学习和口语的表达。 2.通过模仿演讲学习发音、语法、词汇和习语 我们模仿的对象均为“native speaker”,并且公众演讲的话,英语也是相当标准的。那么学生就可以通过模仿来学习发音。对学生来说这个方法也比较容易操作。同时我们在模仿演讲的文本内容中学习语法,学习词汇,学习发音,这就在不知不觉中增加了我们的词汇量,增强了我们的语感,而且也有利于我们今后对这些词汇、习语和语法的运用。 3.促进学生口语表达能力 语言是有声的,在语言学习过程中学习者必须开口说,否则学生就不能获得使用有声语言进行交流的能力。这就要求教师创设环境,给学生表达的机会。如果直接让学生进

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