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高中英语Book 1 Module3 Family matters教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.docx

1、高中英语Book 1 Module3 Family matters教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Book 1 Unit 3 Family mattersDeveloping ideas - Just A Brother by Tian Hua Yiyuan No.1 Senior HighPart 1. Analysis of the teaching materialsThis is a feature story. It is about the British athletesthe Brownlee brothers. In the 2016 World Triathlon Seri

2、es in Mexico, with just 700 meters to go, the elder brother Alistair was in the third place, and the younger brother Jonny was in the lead. But Alistair found his younger brother about to fall onto the track, so he caught him and pushed him to the finish line. Alistair finished in the third place an

3、d his brother Jonny in the second place. The story mainly shows the brotherly love.Part 2. Analysis of the students1. The students involved in this class are from Grade1 in senior high, who are a bit poor in English vocabulary and grammar, so the expressions and sentence used in this class may not b

4、e easy to understand for them.2. In students daily life, they are busy with their homework and exams, so there is little time for them to read after class. 3. Some students lack the confidence to express themselves and communicate with others. Therefore, various activities will be arranged to encour

5、age them to participate actively in class.Part 3. Learning objectives1. To know the main idea and the structure of the story.2. To master the characteristics of feature stories.3. To get the information and retell the story.4. To talk about family love.Part 4. Teaching methods and assistance1. Stude

6、nt-centered approach 2. Task & activity-based approach (individual, pair and group work)3. Arouse the students enthusiasm by giving them some encouragement and guidance.4. MultimediaPart 5. Teaching important points1.To understand the story well by doing some exercises related to the content and str

7、ucture. 2.To retell the story and express their views on having a brother or sister.3.To be aware that family love is the most important in the world.Part 6. Teaching difficultyHow to let the students master the main message and the detailed information and express their views freely.Part 7. Teachin

8、g procedures Pre-class Activities(课前活动) To ask the students to collect some as much information about the Brownlee brothers as possible.While-class Activities(课中活动) Step1. Warming up1) To share the background information of the story.2) To watch a short video.3) To describe the brothers relationship

9、.Purpose of this part:To arouse the students interest in reading the story and lead in the topic.Step 2. Read for the main message Read the story quickly and choose the main message.1.Love and competition between the Brownlee brothers make them successful athletes.2.People have different opinions ab

10、out Alistair Brownlees actions in the triathlon final.3.For Alistair Brownlee, family love is more important than winning the triathlon final.Tips: How to get the main message?1._ 2._3._ 4._Purpose of this part:To read for the main message of the story.Step 3. Read for the structureTask 1: Read the

11、story and divide it into three parts. Part 1 (Para. )the structure Part 2 (Para. ) Part 3 (Para. )Task 2: Match the main ideas with each part.Part 1 Divided opinions on Alistairs action.Part 2 A brief introduction to the background of the story.Part 3 Alistair helps his brother towards the finish li

12、ne.Purpose of this part:To develop the students ability in analyzing the structure of the story.Step 4. Read for the styleWhat is the style of the passage?Features are “_”, which are written in an _,with _ and _.1. Feature stories typically start with a “_” that gets the_. 2. The middle part contain

13、s the “_” of the story.3. The ending is a _, a _ or even a _ for the reader. Purpose of this part:To get the students to know about the characteristics of a feature story.Step 5. Read for detailed information Read the passage and answer the following questions.1. Who are they?2. When did it happen?

14、3. Where did it happen?4. What happened and what did Alistair do?5. Why did he do so?6. How did people react?Purpose of this part:To help the students master the details of the story.Step 6. Retelling (pair work) Retell the story of the Brownlee brothers following the steps below.1. Retell the story

15、 of the Brownlee brothers.2. Give your opinions on Alistairs actions.3. End with what you have learnt from the story.Purpose of this part:To let the students retell the story following the instructions and using their own words. At the same time, the students can have a deeper understanding of the s

16、tory.Step 7. Post-reading activitiesActivity 1: Have a debate.What do you think of having a brother or sister, an advantage or a disadvantage?Positive Side: List the advantages.1. _2. _3. _ Negative Side: List the advantages.1. _2. _3. _ Activity 2: Express your opinions.Purpose of this part:To make

17、 the students aware of the theme conveyed in the story and develop their ability in showing their views orally. Step 8. AssignmentWrite a letter to one of your family members. Purpose of this part:To put what the students have learned into practice and develop their ability of writing.After-class Ac

18、tivities(课后活动)Reflection:1. After completing this part, I can rate my performance 1 (excellent), 2 (good) or 3 (in need of improvement). get the main message of a passage know of the characteristics of feature stories write about a family memory learn how to resolve family conflicts2. Ive learnt to

19、make use of the following words and expressions:_3. I still need to improve:_Book 1 Unit 3 Family mattersDeveloping ideas - Just A Brother 学 情 分 析一、高一学生的词汇储备不足,生词是学生在阅读上最大的障碍;另外,学生还存在阅读目的不明确、阅读技巧缺乏、阅读习惯差等问题。二、文章中的长难句,如with复合结构,定语从句,分词做状语,虚拟语气等,是学生阅读理解过程中的另外一个障碍。三、学生没有拓展阅读的时间,每天忙于应付考试,忙于完成教师布置的作业,无法达

20、到一定的课外阅读量。四、大部分学生有学好英语的愿望,但是学习动力和自信却严重不足。急需解决的问题是:如何才能帮助学生树立自信,增强学习的动力。五、部分学生探索学习方法的意识不强,学习过程中存在着一定的随意性和盲目性,没有探索出适合自身情况的学习方法。个别学生不能深入学习,浅尝辄止,没有形成良好英语学习习惯。Book 1 Unit 3 Family mattersDeveloping ideas - Just A Brother 效 果 分 析教学环节教学内容活动设计活动目标信息技术运用及意图1.Pre-class activitiesTo ask the students to collect

21、 some information about the Brownlee brothers.利用网络或相应书籍查阅相关资料。为故事的阅读做好充分的准备,引发阅读兴趣。网络运用2.Pre-reading activitiesTo make sure that the students have mastered the words and expressions.扫清阅读前的词汇障碍。更好地理解全文。课前准备3.Warming-upTo go over the background information, watch a video and choose words to describe t

22、he brothers relationship.通过PPT展示、视频展示,让学生了解故事的主人公,引导学生进入积极的阅读状态。激发学生对故事的好奇心,为阅读训练做好准备。PPT展示视频展示4. Read for the main message1. To ask the students to read quickly and choose the main message.2. To sum up the ways to get the main message.学生快速阅读课文,选择主旨大意并总结找主旨大意的方法。学习寻找文章主旨大意的技巧。PPT展示5. Read for the st

23、ructure1. To read and divide the story into three parts.2. To match the main ideas with each part.分析文章的结构,总结每个部分的大意。了解故事的结构以及每个部分的大意。PPT展示6. Read for the style.To learn about the style of the storyfeature stories.了解故事的文体特点。了解特写的写作特点PPT展示7. Read for detailed information. 1. Show the six elements of a

24、 story.2. Read the story and answer six questions to get the details. 展示故事的六要素,让学生细读文章,回答六个细节文体。掌握故事的六要素,掌握故事细节。PPT展示8. RetellingTo ask the students to work in pairs and retell the story in three parts.让学生两人一组,按照提示,编造对话,复述故事。全面掌握故事内容,结合自己的理解,组织语言,复述故事,体现情感目标。PPT展示口头展示9. DebateTo ask the students to

25、work in groups to have a debate.让学生小组合作,展开辩论。小组合作,展开辩论,展现讨论成果。PPT展示小组合作口头展示10. AssignmentWrite a letter to one of your family members.给家庭成员写一封信巩固落实课堂效果。PPT展示评测练习 Book 1 Unit 3 Family mattersDeveloping ideas - Just A Brother 教 材 分 析本文是一篇人物特写。讲述了在2016年于墨西哥举行的世界铁人三项系列赛中,英国选手Brownlee兄弟的故事。在离终点线700米时,Bro

26、wnlee兄弟中的哥哥Alistair处于第三位,他的弟弟Jonny处于领先地位。但是Alistair发现弟弟将要摔倒,于是他搀扶着弟弟到达了终点,比赛以弟弟Jonny获得第二名,Alistair获得第三名结束。在设计这堂课时,从文章的内容和情节为切入点,设计了各种形式的练习,对学生的阅读能力进行了充分的训练。以retelling的形式,对文章进行升华理解,激发学生学习英语的热情,锻炼学生的口头表达能力以及处理加工素材的能力。通过debate,让学生能够升华知识运用,提高自我表达能力,同时实现高效的阅读输出,升华情感。I.Knowledge and SkillOn the basis of l

27、earning about the story, the students are expected to master the message, structure, style and detailed information of the story as well as the ability to retell. In this lesson, the students are supposed to get trained and improved in their reading as well as speaking and writing abilities through

28、various class activities. Let the students be aware of the importance of family love and cherish their families.II. Teaching important points4.To understand the story well by doing some exercises related to the content and structure. 5.To retell the story and express their views on having a brother

29、or sister.6.To be aware that family love is the most important in the world.III. Teaching difficultyHow to let the students master the main message and the detailed information and express their views freely.Book 1 Unit 3 Family mattersDeveloping ideas - Just A Brother评 测 练 习1.To find out the problems and make some improvement

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