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本文(卫星链路计算软件Satmaster帮助共68页文档.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、卫星链路计算软件Satmaster帮助共68页文档上下行部分Site Name / LocationEnter the literal name of the site where the earth station is located up to a maximum of 40 characters (18 for country data files)Example input for country data files (18 characters maximum)LiverpoolExample input for all other forms (40 characters ma

2、ximum)Liverpool, Merseyside, England.基站名称输入基站所处位置的名称,最多40个字母。国家数据文件名举例(最多18个字母):liverpool其他格式输入举例:Liverpool, Merseyside, England.Site LatitudeEnter the latitude of the site where the earth station is located. This must be entered in decimal degrees with the suffix N for north and S for South. No spa

3、ces are allowed. Examples 53.33N or 27.89S Important Note:When entering data into country data files latitudes are required in degrees and minutes format as obtained from maps and atlases. In this case the fractional part represents the number of minutes and cannot exceed 59. In all other cases inpu

4、t in decimal degrees are assumed. A conversion facility is provided under the calculate menu.基站纬度输入地面站的纬度。必须以小数后跟N或S表示。不能输入空格。比如53.33N或27.89S 注意事项当输入国家数据文件时纬度需要以地图上的度和分为单位。这种情况下,小数部分为分的表示,不能超过59。在其他情况下,都是以度来表示的。Caculate菜单中有一个转换工具。Site LongitudeEnter the longitude of the site where the earth station

5、is located. This must be entered in decimal degrees with the suffix W for west and E for East. No spaces are allowed. Examples 3.00W or 29.79E Important Note:When entering data into country data files longitudes are required in degrees and minutes format as obtained from maps and atlases. In this ca

6、se the fractional part represents the number of minutes and cannot exceed 59. In all other cases input in decimal degrees are assumed. A conversion facility is provided under the calculate menu.基站经度输入基站的经度。必须以小数后跟E或W表示。不能输入空格。比如3.00W 或29.79E 注意事项当输入国家数据文件时纬度需要以地图上的度和分为单位。这种情况下,小数部分为分的表示,不能超过59。在其他情况

7、下,都是以度来表示的。Caculate菜单中有一个转换工具。Altitude of SiteEnter the altitude of the earth station above sea level. This is primarily used in the calculation of rain attenuation and atmospheric absorption. The units are kilometres.5.0 km is the maximum altitude allowed. Enter zero if you will prefer a slightly p

8、essimistic worst case link budget calculation.基站海拔输入基站的海拔。这主要是用来计算雨衰和大气吸收值,单位是千米。最大允许输入的海拔为5km。如果需要比较悲观链路预算可以输入0。Frequency频率Enter the centre frequency of the carrier in GHz. For the uplink, typical values are around 6GHz and 14GHz for C and Ku band respectively. For the downlink, values of 4GHz and

9、12GHz are typical. The accepted range is 1GHz to 50GHz输入上行载波的中心频率,以Ghz为单位。典型C波段和Ku波段的值为6GHz和14GHz。下行的典型频率为4Ghz和12GHz。可输入的范围为1Ghz到50GHz。PolarizationThis is simply the polarization system adopted by the wanted satellite transponder and is either linear (ie vertical & horizontal) or circular. Enter the

10、 letter V for vertical polarization, H for horizontal polarization or C for circular polarization.极化这就是所需卫星转发器的极化方式,可以选线性(垂直和水平)或圆极化。输入“V”为垂直极化,“H”为水平极化,“C”为圆极化。Signal AvailabilityDepending on your system design requirements a choice of signal availability should be specified. For typical domestic s

11、atellite TV systems, a figure of 99.5% availability is normally sufficient. In fact most packaged fixed dish systems are designed around this figure. For SMATV you may require a higher figure of 99.9% and cable head even higher. The upper limit provided is 99.999% but this level of performance is ra

12、rely necessary or even achievable. The parameter is used in calculating an appropriate fade margin based on the rain-rate statistics for the site. If you like to work with worst month statistics a conversion to average year signal availability is provided under the Calculate menu.With link budgets u

13、sing uplink power control systems a higher availability is often specified for the uplink than the downlink.信号可用度(年平均)根据你的系统设计需求,信号可用度应该是确定的。典型的国内TV系统,这个数到99.5%为宜。实际上大多集成的碟形天线系统按照这个数字设计。SMATV(卫星公共接收电视)需要高到99.9%的可用度,电视终端机则更高。最高可以设为99.999%但是这种程度的可用度不常用也不可行。这个数值经常用来计算合适的雨衰。如果你愿意通过“worstmonth最糟糕的一个月”数值转

14、换为年平均信号可用度,可以通过Calculatec菜单下的工具进行换算。如果链路使用上行功率控制系统,经常要设置一个较高的系统可用度。Antenna ApertureAntenna aperture is normally taken as the overall diameter of a parabolic dish, the major dimension if an offset focus antenna. Units are always metric (in metres) to conform to international engineering practice. The

15、 lower limit handled is 0.2 metres and the highest 50 metres.天线口径通常是抛物线天线的直径,偏馈天线的主要直径。单位都是米。最少为0.2米,最大为50米。Antenna EfficiencyAntenna efficiency is the amount of incident signal actually collected by the dish and feed, expressed as a percentage. Quality of construction, signal blockage by head units

16、, and method of feed affects this parameter. Most antennas have efficiencies of between 60% and 70%. If you do not know the efficiency of the antenna then enter 60% as a worst case value.With link budget and dual feed forms, the value entered may be prefixed with a + character so the value will be interpreted as a gain, in dBi, rather than efficiency.天线效率天线效率就是入射信号呗反射

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