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1、金沙遗址博物馆讲解料英文 Tour Guide Wordingfor Jinsha Site MuseumEdited by Chengdu Jinsha Site MuseumOctober 2006Tour Guide Wording for Jinsha Site Museum(Tour guide starting from the Southern Entrance Gate)Good morning (afternoon) everyone, welcome your presence and visit to Jinsha Site Museum. My name is , a

2、tour guide special for Jinsha Site Museum. It is a great honor for me to stay with you today in your visit to Jinsha Site Museum. You may be ignored that you have already stood upon the land where splendid Jinsha cultural relic site with a profound history of more than 3000 years has been buried. Le

3、ts go through the tunnel of time for a journey of Jinsha discovery. (After access into the Museum Entrance Gate) Discovered on February 8, 2001, Jinsha Site is identified as the ancient Shu cultural relic attract which was prosperous in the Shang Dynasty (16th11th Century BC) and Zhou Dynasty (after

4、 the Shang Dynasty to 221 BC). Jinsha Site is situated in the northwest of Chengdu City, between the 2nd Ring Road and the 3rd Ring Road, 5 kilometers away from Chengdu City Center the Tianfu Square. Jinsha Site was discovered by accident in a capital construction site which was on progress. This di

5、scovery was awarded as “2001 China Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries” in the same year when it was unearthed. Through years archaeological study and excavation, it is quite certain that the site distribution is scattered over 5 square kilometers around. Within this historical cultural site, some im

6、portant cultural heritages such as large-scale palace-style buildings, sites for worship activities, civilian housing area and Graves have been discovered. About over 6000 pieces of precious cultural relics including gold wares, bronze wares, jade wares, stone wares, lacquered wooden wares along wit

7、h a large number of ceramic wares, ivories, wild boar buckteeth and deer horns have been unearthed. These unearthed discoveries help us a lot in understanding in general the living style, production, custom for burying the death, religious worship of ancient Shu people in Jinsha Time; in addition, t

8、hey are also helpful for us to draw an initial conclusion regarding the nature and age of the heritage site. Upon the evaluation of the scale of the Site and some high honorable traces and relics discovered in the Site, Jinsha Site can be conjectured once to be the Capital of ancient Shu State follo

9、wed after San Xing Dui Civilization from late Shang Dynasty to the Western Zhou Dynasty. Jinsha Site is recognized as the most important archaeological discovery of China in early 21st Century as well as another significant archaeological discovery followed after San Xing Dui discovery in Sichuan Pr

10、ovince. Discovery of Jinsha Site greatly extended the content of the ancient Shu culture, which is of great significance in research on the origin, development and decay and perish of the Shu culture; in particular, it provided us with reliable evidence to explain the miracle of sudden perish of San

11、 Xing Dui civilization. It is no doubt to advocate that Jinsha Site has reproduced the glory and prosperity of the ancient Shu State, recovered a missed history and revealed the 3000-year-long sleeping ancient civilization. Furthermore, this discovery has brought forward the history of Chengdu exist

12、ence from 2300 years ago to about 3000 years ago. Like a thunder advocating the coming of spring, Jinsha Site started with a new page to look into the miracle of ancient Shu State. And also due to such discovery, Jinsha Village located in the northwest suburb of Chengdu City which was quite unknown

13、by the public before year 2001 has become a magnetic field in West China attracting wide public concerns and peoples curiosity. (From the Entrance Gate to the Relics Site Hall) Jinsha Site had received wide concern from all works of the society when it was discovered. The State and CCP leaders have

14、shown their special concerns and contributed their great efforts to the excavation, protection and construction of Jinsha Site. More than 20 top leaders from the China Central Government including Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Wu Guanzheng, Qiao Shi, Song Ping, Wei Jianxing, Wang Lequan, Wu Yi, Li Lan

15、qing, Li Tieying, Jiang Chunyun and Chen Zhili and so on have paid their visit and inspection one after anther to Jinsha Site, leaving their instructions to explore, protect and construct Jinsha Site well. Various governmental administration and departments of each level such as State Administration

16、 of Cultural Heritage, Sichuan Provincial CCP Committee, Sichuan Provincial Peoples Government, Chengdu Municipal CCP Committee and Chengdu Municipal Peoples Government also have contributed their high regard and support to the protection and construction of Jinsha Site. Early in the end of 2002, Ch

17、engdu Municipal CCP Committee and Peoples Government specified the boundary for the site protection and zone under control of new construction, and set about to develop the general plan for the site cultural heritage protection and its feasibility study in 2003. In 2004, Jinsha Site Museum project w

18、as approved for construction. In 2006, construction of Jinsha Site Museum was entirely completed. Situated at the site where Jinsha cultural relics were unearthed, Jinsha Site Museum covers a floor area of 456 mu (equal to 300,000 m2), total construction area of approximately 35,000 m2, which consis

19、ts of Relics Hall, Exhibition Hall, Cultural Heritage Conservation Center, Park Zone and other key sections with a total construction investment amounted up to RMB309 million (cost for land use excluded). The Park Zone facilitated for the Museum is eco-environmental oriented dedicated to the site he

20、ritage protection purpose through a large quantity of every-green plantation, such as phoebe nanmu, gingko and metasequoia etc. In order to prevent from any damage to the virgin earth, plantations of those trees are all rooted in the backfilled earth with a depth of 2m. The small path on our left si

21、te is called “Road of Jade”. Our ancient ancestors started their pioneering from this land full of jungles and dangers where we are standing upon now to far-off high mountains to mine, select and transport jade stones piece by piece, leaving us a great number of fancy jade artworks to nowadays. Toda

22、y, walking on this “Road of Jade”, I am hundred percent sure you are feeling and experiencing the hardship suffered by our ancestors in mining jade stones thousands years ago. On our right side, there stands the “Ebony Forest”, a window of antiquity and time-fading. Before Dujiangyan Irrigation Syst

23、em construction by Li Bing, Chengdu Plain was frequently struck by floods, which often resulted in river course change. When a flood occurred in the upper stream, various trees were flushed and buried deeply in the ancient river course, which remained not rotted though 300012000 years has been passe

24、d. Since such deeply buried trees appear deep black color from the surface to the inside, Sichuan people call them ebony wood. From a scientific point of view, these so-called ebony trees can be varied in tree species. Due to its unique features such as compact density, organic matter decomposition

25、completion, no deformation and no worm birth, ebony wood is precious and expensive with a folksay like this “Ten thousand Liang (Chinese ancient measurement unit equal to 50g) of gold deposit at house is not worth one cubic meter of ebony wood in the field”. A large number of ebony wood has been dis

26、covered in Jinsha Site as well as area neighboring Chengdu Plain. This live “fossil” fully proves that the ancient Chengdu Plain had sound eco-environment. (Permanent LOGO of Sun and Immortal Bird)The sculpture standing before us originates from the “Sun and Immortal Bird” gold ornamental article un

27、earthed in Jinsha Site. The outside diameter of the original piece is 12.5 cm. With its meaningful look and feel, precise structural composition, beautifully flowing patterns together with rich rhythm, it condensed ancient peoples profound philosophical and religious thinking, endless imagination, e

28、xtraordinary artistic creativity and exquisite craftworks, representing the submit of gold artistic articles of China Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Morals such as chasing for brightness, teamwork for progress and consonance with tolerance found in the Sun and Immortal Bird pattern also exaggerate the st

29、rong feeling of responsibility and mission of Chinese government and people to protect cultural heritage of the motherland. On August 16, 2005, the Sun and Immortal Bird pattern was selected as the LOG for Chinese cultural heritage. On October 17, 2005, Sun and Immortal Bird Shu Embroidery returned

30、from its space journey carried by Shenzhou No. 6 Airship. On December 18, 2005, this permanent commemorative sculpture work was officially settled down in Jinsha Site Museum. The Sun and Immortal Bird sculpture standing before us is amplified by nearly 30 times of the original, serving you as a good

31、 photographing place for your eternal memory. (Outside the Relics Hall)This building before us is the Relics Hall of Jinsha Site Museum. This proximate round shaped slopping full steel structural building has an total area of 7,588 m2, a height of 19m and a span of 63m. At the present, the archaeolo

32、gical excavation right here is still under its progress. Here, in addition to our feel to the grand sacrificial scene happened in ancient Shu State 3000 years ago, we also can take close look on the archaeological excavation process to experience how archaeological work is proceeding so scientifical

33、ly and precisely, also, you will be the lucky one to witness how precious cultural relics is unearthed. (Inside the Relics Hall) Here is the excavation site for ancient large-scale sacrificial event in Jinsha Site. February 8, 2001 is the date marking the re-appearance of Jinsha Kingdom which has been buried underneath the ground for thou

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