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1、外贸函电自考题真题外贸函电自考题真题2017年04月 第部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 (在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的) 1. As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement as _. A.follows B.follow C.following D.followed 答案:A 解答 句意:按照要求,我们很高兴给你方如下报价,此报价不具约束力。as follows表示“如下”,为固定用法,故选A。 2. Although the quality of these goods is _ usual s

2、tandard, we are prepared to accept the goods if you will reduce the price, say, by 20%. A.not in line with B.not conform to C.not up to D.not in conformity to 答案:C 解答 句意:尽管这些货物的质量没有达到通常的标准,但若你方能降低价格,比如降价20%,我方将接受这批货物。up to表示“达到(某数量、规格等)”,与句中的standard对应,符合题意。in line with表示“和一致,按照”;conform to表示“符合(规定、

3、要求等)”;in conformity to/with表示“依照(法律、愿望等)”。 3. As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice _ our order with you. A.but to cancel B.but cancel C.canceling D.hut cancelled 答案:A 解答 句意:由于你方未能按时交货,我方只好向你方取消此次订单。当不定式结构作but(except, besides)等介词的宾语时,若but等词前面的句子中有实义动词do,该不定式结构中的to要省略,否则一般不省略,故选A。

4、 4. Please indicate on the enclosed copy of your order form _ you want to place a cash order now. A.when B.whether C.until D.unless 答案:B 解答 句意:请在随函附上的你方订货单副本上注明,你方是否要随订单付现。whether表示“是否”,符合题意。when表示“当时”;until表示“直到才”;unless表示“除非”。 5. May I suggest that we send a technician to inspect the equipment and

5、 make the necessary repairs at a _ cost? A.reasoned B.realistic C.realizable D.reasonable 答案:D 解答 句意:我可否建议,我方派一名技术员对设备进行检查并在合理的价格内进行必要的修理?reasonable意为“(价格等)公道的,合理的”,符合题意。reasoned意为“理由充足的”;realistic意为“现实的”;realizable意为“可以实现的”。 6. An exporter cannot receive payment until the goods on consignment _ som

6、etime in the future. A.have offered for sale B.are quoted C.arrived at destination D.have been sold 答案:D 解答 句意:在寄售货物卖出之后,出口商才能收到付款。在not.until.这一句型中,若主句的谓语动词为一般现在时或一般将来时,until引导的从句中的谓语动词应为现在完成时,用来强调从句的谓语动词所表示的动作发生在主句的谓语动词所表示的动作之前,故排除B和C。have been sold表示“被卖出”,符合题意。have offered for sale表示“公开出售”,与题意不符,故

7、排除。 7. You may contact the Bank of China for any information concerning our credit _. A.stand B.standing C.understand D.understanding 答案:B 解答 句意:您可以联系中国银行咨询关于我方信用状况的任何信息。credit standing为固定用法,意为“信用状况”。 8. We wish to introduce _ the largest exporter of fabrics of high quality in China. A.that we are B

8、.in that we are C.ourselves as D.ourselves being 答案:C 解答 句意:向您介绍一下,我们是中国最大的高档面料出口商。introduce oneself as表示“自我介绍”,为习惯用法。 9. Our payment terms are _ letter of credit for the full invoice value. A.confirmed B.combined C.committed D.completed 答案:A 解答 句意:我方的付款条件是保兑信用证,保兑金额为发票总额。confirmed意为“保兑的”,符合题意。combi

9、ned意为“结合的”:committed意为“坚定的”;completed意为“完成的”。 10. Fresh supplies are _ early next month. A.due to arriving B.due arriving C.due arrive D.due to arrive 答案:D 解答 句意:新货源预计将于下月初抵达。due在此处意为“预期的”,后面接不定式结构,作主语的补足语,故选D。 11. As our stocks are rapidly _, the maximum quantity we can supply is 100 tons. A.runnin

10、g B.diminishing C.shortage D.stopping 答案:B 解答 句意:由于我方的库存迅速减少,我方能够提供的最大供货量为100吨。由空格前的are和rapidly可知,空格处应填动词的现在分词形式。diminishing意为“减少”,符合题意。shortage为名词,意为“缺少”;running意为“奔跑,运营”;stopping意为“停止”。 12. We assure you of our full _ in executing the contract. A.caution B.attention C.intention D.appreciation 答案:B

11、 解答 句意:在履行合同方面,我们保证给予充分关注。attention意为“关注”,符合题意。caution意为“谨慎,警告”;intention意为“意图,目的”;appreciation意为“欣赏”。 13. After the contract is signed, we shall open _ the Bank of China here an L/C at sight in your favor. A.with 答案:A 解答 句意:在合同签订之后,我方将在中国银行开具以你方为受益人的即期付款信用证。with表示这个信用证是有中国银行标志的,即由中国银

12、行开出的信用证,故选A。 14. We are disappointed to note that so far we have not received your L/C which _ us before April 1st. A.shall reach B.must have reached C.should have reached reaching 答案:C 解答 句意:我们很失望地注意到,到目前为止我方还没有收到你方的信用证,我们本应于4月1日收到该信用证。should have done表示“本应该但没有”,符合题意。 15. _ we would like to cl

13、ose the business with you, we find your bid unacceptable. A.Much B.However much C.Much as D.Despite 答案:C 解答 句意:尽管我们很想和你方达成交易,但我们不能接受你方的出价。much as表示让步关系,符合题意。much表示“许多”;however much表示“无论多”;despite意为“尽管”,其后一般接名词性成分,如名词、动名词、名词性从句等,不符合题干结构,故排除。 16. As this model was so popular with our customers, we wou

14、ld like to know whether it is still _. A.respectable B.available C.acceptable D.reasonable 答案:B 解答 句意:因为这个款式特别受我们的顾客欢迎,所以我们想了解一下这一款式是否还有货。available意为“可获得的”,符合题意。respectable意为“值得尊敬的”;acceptable意为“可接受的”;reasonable意为“合理的”。 17. We thank you for your letter of May 5th _ your purchase from us of 5,000 ton

15、s of green beans. A.confirm confirm C.confirming D.confirmed 答案:C 解答 句意:很感谢您5月5日的来信,向我们确认您从我方购买的5000吨青豆。句中已有谓语动词,故排除A项;动词不定式在此表示动作未发出,故排除B项;过去分词作后置定语时,其与所修饰名词之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,而此处confirm与letter之间不存在被动关系,故排除D项;现在分词结构在此处作定语,修饰letter,故选C。 18. _ you probably know, a routine credit investigation is the u

16、sual procedure before new accounts are opened. A.Because B.Since C.As D.While 答案:C 解答 句意:也许正如您所知的那样,常规信贷调查是开立新账户前的正常程序。as表示“正如”,引导非限定性定语从句,在句中作宾语,用来说明整个主句。 19. We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still _. A.paying B.owning C.outstanding D.understanding 答案:C 解答 句意:我们很遗憾地通知您,您还有2

17、0%的运费未支付。outstanding意为“未付款的”,符合题意。paying意为“支付的”;owning意为“拥有”;understanding意为“理解”。 20. We have received your letter of September 12, _ we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters. A.which which C.with which D.from which 答案:D 解答 句意:我方已收到你方9月12日来函,欣悉你方对我们的电热器感兴趣。from which引

18、导非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词letter。 第部分 非选择题 二、填空题 1. It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we accept your counter _. 答案: offer 解答 句意:考虑到我们之间长期的业务关系,我方接受你方的还盘。counter offer表示“还盘”。 2. Enclosed is our Sales Contract No.HN768 _ duplicate. 答案: in 解答 句意:随函附上我方HN768号销售合同两份。in duplicate表示“(文件等)一

19、式两份地(的)”。 3. If you insist _ your price, we will have no way but turn _ other sources for supply. 答案 解答 句意:如果你方坚持该价格,我方将别无他法,只好另找其他供应商。insist on sth. 表示“坚持”;turn to表示“转向”。 4. We have issued a L/C through Bank of China London in your _ for USD500,000. 答案: favor 解答 句意:我方已通过中国银行伦敦分行开具以你方为受益人、金额为5

20、0万美元的信用证。in ones favor表示“以为受益人”。 5. We hope that youll pay more attention _ the quality of your goods _ the future. 答案:to,in 解答 句意:我方希望贵方今后能更加注重商品质量。pay more attention to表示“更加注重”;in the future表示“未来,将来”。 6. As you will note in our catalog, our kitchenware is superior _ any other competing products in

21、 the market. 答案: to 解答 句意:正如您在我们的目录上看到的那样,我们的厨具优于市场上其他竞争产品。be superior to表示“优于”。 7. If you are interested in dealing _ us in other products, please inform us _ your requirements. 答案:with,of 解答 句意:若贵方有意就其他产品与我方进行交易,请告知我方你们的要求。deal with表示“与交易”;inform sb. of sth. 表示“告知某人”。 8. We look forward to receivi

22、ng your order at an early _. 答案: date 解答 句意:我们期待早日收到您的订单。at an early date表示“尽早,早日”。 9. Our manufacturers are doubling their efforts to keep _ with the demand. 答案: up 解答 句意:我们的制造商正在加倍努力,以跟上需求。keep up with表示“跟上”。 10. Shipment will be effected _ 30 days after receipt of the relevant sight L/C issued by

23、 a bank acceptable to us. 答案: within 解答 句意:在收到由我方所认可的银行开具的相关即期信用证后30天内,我方将安排货物装船。within表示“在范围内”。 11. Enclosed is our general terms and _ for our international trade. It is adapted from the model contract for the International Sale of Goods. 答案: conditions 解答 句意:随函所附的是我们国际贸易中的通用条款。这些条款改编自国际货物销售的示范合同。

24、general terms and conditions表示“通用条款”。 12. We would ask you to change the _ of payment to D/A 60 days. 答案: terms 解答 句意:我方要求责方将付款条件变更为承兑后60天付款。terms of payment表示“付款条件”。 13. The relative L/C should be _ by a bank acceptable to us one month before the shipment. 答案: issued/opened/established 解答 句意:相关信用证应

25、于装船前一个月由我方所认可的银行开具。issue/open/establish L/C表示“开具信用证”。 14. You may _ assured that we will ship the goods by the end of next month. 答案: be/rest 解答 句意:请贵方放心,我方会在下月末将货物装船。be/rest assured表示“放心,确信无疑”。 15. We are sorry _ the trouble the printer has caused you, but we are confident that it can be fixed _ yo

26、ur complete satisfaction. 答案:for,to 解答 句意:对于这台打印机给您带来的不便,我们深感抱歉,但我们坚信可以把它修理到让您百分之百满意。be sorry for表示“为感到抱歉”;to ones satisfaction表示“使某人满意”。 16. Our sewing machine are selling fast, and there have been numerous enquiries _ them. 答案: about/for 解答 句意:我们的缝纫机十分畅销,有大量关于该产品的询盘。about/for表示“关于”,符合题意。 17. We sh

27、all make a reduction of our price _ 5% if you increase the quantity 6,000 _ metric tons. 答案:by,to 解答 句意:若贵方将货量增至6000吨,我方将降价5%。reduce by表示“减少了”;increase to表示“增加至”。 18. Please _ L/C No. 357 to read The L/C will expire on May 28, 2015 in China. 答案: amend 解答 句意:请将357号信用证修改为“该信用证将在中国于2015年5月28日到期”。amend.

28、to read表示“将修改为”。 19. The users are in urgent _ of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for an early delivery. 答案: need 解答 句意:用户急需已签约的机器,事实上,他们敦促我们早日交货。in need of表示“有的需要”。 20. Your claim on the shortage of _ that amounts to 1.5 tons in all. 答案:weight 解答 句意:你方关于短重1.5吨的索赔。shortage of wei

29、ght表示“短重”。 三、英汉翻译 (每小题2分,共20分) 1. We should be glad if you would send us patterns and prices of quality cotton piece goods available from stock. 答案:如能给我们寄来可现货供应的优质布匹的花样和价格,我们将十分高兴。 2. We can say for sure that our prices are quite reasonable. Other suppliers cannot possibly under-quote us if their go

30、ods are as good as ours in quality. 答案:可以肯定地说我方价格是相当合理的,质量与我方产品相同的供货商不可能报比我方低的价格。 3. If you find our offer acceptable, please send us an email for our final confirmation. 答案:如果您认为这一报盘可以接受,请即来电子邮件,以便我方最后确认。 4. We would like to have you offer for 100 metric tons, quality the same as last consignment. 答案:希望您能报给我们100吨质量和上一

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