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1、最新中考英语常考易错点专题讲练介词介词易错清单1. besides,except,but(1)but 表示“除之外”,常与有否定意义的词连用,当but前有动词do时,but后接动词原形。如:He did nothing but wait.除了等,他什么也没做。(2)except 除之外,不包括在内;指从整体中排除一部分人或物,前面常有all,every,any,no及其他复合词,但在否定句中,except却没有排斥性。如:All the students took part in the sports meeting except Tom.除了汤姆以外,其他的同学都参加了运动会。(汤姆没有参加

2、)(3)besides 除之外,包括在内。指在原来的基础上加上除外的人或物,其前有other,another,any other,a few等词。如:We need three more boys besides Tom.除了汤姆以外,我们还需要三个男同学。(我们也需要汤姆)2. in,afterin与将来时态连用时,表示“过多长时间以后”的意思,后面跟表示一段时间的词语。After与将来时态连用时,后面只能跟表示时间点的词语。After与过去时态连用时,后面才能跟表示一段时间的词语。例如:He will be back in two months.他将在两个月后回来。He will arri

3、ve after four oclock.他将在4点以后到达。He returned after a month.一个月后他返回了。3. above/overabove意思是“在之上”,表示某物的高度,但是没有垂直关系,与介词below相对。如:The waterfall(瀑布) is above the bridge.瀑布在大桥的上游。The shelf is above the bed. 架子在床的上方。over意思是“在之上”,表示某物的垂直位置。其反义词是under。over能与 there连用,而above则不能。如:Theres a bridge over a river. 河上有

4、一座桥。Theres a lamp over the table. 桌子上方有一盏灯。4. between,amongbetween意为“在之间”,指两者之间。between与and连用时,意思是“在和之间”。如:The bedside table is between the bed and the armchair.床头柜在床和扶手椅之间。Wang Tao sits between Li Ming and me.王涛坐在李明和我之间。between后面接三者或三者以上的人或物时,是把这些人或物分为两个部分,分别看待。如:Whats the difference between these

5、two books?这两本书之间有什么不同?My grandpa takes some medicine between three meals every day. 爷爷每天在两餐之间吃药。among意为“在之间/中/中间”,指三者或三者以上之间的位置关系。如:The film is the best among the modern movies.这部电影是现代影片中最好的。There is a village among the hills. 群山之中有一个村子。5. under/belowunder意为“在之下”,表示物体靠/贴近或相互垂直的位置关系,反义词是over。如:Therer

6、e lots things under the bed. 床下有许多东西。Lets go and enjoy the cool under that big tree.我们去那棵大树下乘凉吧。below意思是“在之下”,表示下方的位置,但不贴近,反义词是above。例如:I live on the third floor. My grandpa lives two floors below me.我住在三楼。我爷爷住的比我低两层。Holland (荷兰) is below the sea level. 荷兰在海平面以下。6. beside,insidebeside意为“在的旁边/附近”,等于a

7、t the side of,其同义词是near/close to。有时可以与by互换使用。例如:Kate sits beside/by Sandy. 凯特坐在桑迪的旁边。My house is beside/by the road. 我家在路边。inside意思是“在里面”,表示具体的位置关系,其反义词是outside。如:Kates toys are inside the box. 凯特的玩具在盒子里。7. through,across,across fromthrough和across都表示“穿过”,“通过”的意思,across表示从物体表面“穿过”、“通过”;而through则表示从内部

8、或空间“穿过”、“通过”。across from 相当于opposite,美国英语中常用。如:He went across the hall to the door.他穿过大厅走到门口。They are building a tunnel,and it will go through the mountain.他们正在修建一条隧道,它将穿过这座山。The shoe store is across from the bank.鞋店在银行对面。Their house is just across from ours.他们的房子就在我们家的对面。8. in front of,in the front

9、 ofin front of 是短语介词,之后可以跟名词或代词作宾语,意为“在的前面”,其反义词是behind,说明人与物,物与物之间的相对位置,即不在同一范围内。in the front of是介词短语,之后跟名词或代词作宾语,意思是“在的前部”,说明某人/物在同一范围内。如:Theres a big tree in front of the house. 房子前面有一棵大树。The teacher sits in the front of the classroom.那位老师坐在教室的前面。9. for sb.与of sb.在句型It is +形容词 + of/for + somebody

10、 + to do something中,用of还是用for取决于形容词,如果形容词是描述人物性格特征,后面的人与形容词有主语和表语的关系,用介词of,形容词常用clever,kind,nice等;如果形容词是说“事”的用介词for,形容词常用easy,important,necessary等。注意两个句型的正确翻译。Its important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语很重要。Its kind of you to help me with my English.帮助我学英语你真好。提分策略介词是历年中考英语试题的考点之一。在近几年的中考试题中,

11、重点考查方位的介词、时间的介词,同时注重考查常见的介词短语、短语介词及其固定搭配。复习过程中可以利用图示法、口诀法及固定搭配来熟记介词的用法。1. 图示法考查方位介词。可以利用下图帮助解答这类问题。考生首先要牢固掌握常用方位介词,其次要能在具体语境中熟练使用方位介词。【例1】(2018湖北鄂州35)She sold her treasures to cure her mothers illness,even though it was her own wishes.Its so kind her.A. against;of B. above;ofC. on;for D. for;for【解析】

12、考查介词的用法。上一句是让步状语从句,为了治愈她母亲的疾病,她卖掉自己的宝藏,虽然违背了自己的心愿。“against ones wishes(违背了自己的心愿)”是固定搭配。“Its so kind of sb.(某人真好)”是固定句型。故选A。【答案】A【例2】(2018安徽37)Mrs King put a coat the sleeping girl to keep her warm.A. over B. withC. behind D. beside【解析】考查介词的用法。over意为“在上面”;with意为“和”;behind意为“在后面”;beside意为“在旁边”。根据句意“为了

13、保暖,Mrs King在睡着的小女孩身上盖了一件外套”。故选A。【答案】A【例3】(2018河南28)I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in the window.Its dangerous to do that.A. in B. throughC. over D. to【解析】考查介词的用法。in意为“在里面”;through意为“通过”;over意为“在上面”;to意为“往”;根据句意:我昨天把钥匙丢在房间了。我不得不爬窗户去拿钥匙。这样太危险了。故选B。【答案】B2. 口诀法时间介词也是历年中考考查的重点。表时间的介词在

14、用法上具有固定性。这些介词的用法都需要准确记忆。下面口诀可以帮助考生解答常见考题。年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用in,上午下午又是in。要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。正午夜晚用at,黎明用它一样行。at用在钟点前,相差用to,past过。勤学苦练牢牢记,成绩一定很不错。【例1】(2018山东滨州23)A ship from South Korea sank into the sea April 16,2018.A. in B. onC. at D. for【解析】考查介词的用法。具体的日期之前应该用介词on。故选B。【答案】 B【例2】(2018四川南充27)Michae

15、l Jordan is a great American basketball player. He was born 1963.A. on B. atC. in【解析】考查介词用法。在年份前用介词in,故本题选C。【答案】C【例3】(2018湖北黄冈32)When is Jays concert?Its three oclock the afternoon of July 18th.A. at;in B. at;onC. on;in D. in;on【解析】考查介词用法 在几点钟前面用at,在某一天上午、下午、晚上之前用on,故选B。【答案】B3. 固定搭配法常用介词构成的固定短语很多,必须

16、牢记这些常用介词短语,才能在具体语境中灵活运用。【例1】(2018山东临沂20)Now,people regard drinking tea a culture more than a habit.A. as B. byC. of D. with【解析】考查动词加介词用法。“把看作)”是固定搭配。故选A。【答案】 A【例2】(2018天津38)Be friendly and youll well with others.A. look at B. get onC. put on D. pick up【解析】考查固定搭配的用法。“get on well with sb.(与某

17、人相处融洽)”是固定搭配。故选B。【答案】 B【例3】(2018四川南充31)Our teachers are very strict us.A. with B. to C. on【解析】考查介词固定搭配。be strict with意为“对某人要求严格”。句意:我们的老师对我们很严厉。故选A。【答案】A专项训练1. (2018上海奉贤区29) March 20 26,the US first lady Michelle Obama was on a trip to China with her daughters and mother.A. Between;and B. From;toC.

18、By;to D. On;to2. (2018江苏泰州3)The robber walked the street,jumped a tall wall and ran away.A. through;across B. across;overC. over;across D. across;through3. (2018天津塘沽 25)You can improve your English practising more.A. by B. withC. of D. in4. (2018贵州遵义37)You are just for the game . Please come and joi

19、n us.A. in time B. on timeC. at times5. (2018上海)The foreigners arrived Shanghai late night.A. at;at B. in;atC. in;in D. at;in6. (2018江苏淮安)How do you learn English words? making flashcards.A. To B. ByC. For D. With7. (2018云南昆明)Project Hope has built many schools big classrooms and libraries.A. in B.

20、ofC. for D. with8. (2018青海宁夏)His grade in the exam put him the top students in his class.A. between B. overC. among D. above9. (2018河北)How do you communicate with your foreign friends? writing emails,of course.A. With B. ByC. At D. From10. (2018浙江杭州)English is my favorite subject,and I am good it.A.

21、 for B. toC. at D. of11. (2018江苏南京)The theme of the Youth Olympics in Nanjing is “Talk the world,and share our dreams.”A. with B. atC. over D. from12. (2018河南)Mr Hu,can you tell us how to learn math well?Sure. But remember nothing can be learned hard work.A. by B. atC. without D. for13. (2018广东湛江)Wh

22、at does your new English teacher look like?She is a pretty lady long hair.A. at B. forC. with D. of14. (2018江西)On the way the mountain village,we found the local houses different from ours.A. to B. byC. at D. on参考答案与解析1. B解析:考查短语介词的用法。由时间状语“March 20 26”判断,该短语表示一段连续时间,应该用短语介词来连接。故选B。2. D解析:考查

23、介词的用法。强调“步行过街道”应该用介词across;“跳过高墙”应该用介词through。故选D。3. A解析:考查介词的用法。多练习表示方式、手段,应该用介词by。故选A。4. B解析:考查介词短语的用法。故选B。in time及时;on time 准时;at times有时。由“来参加比赛”判断,应该用on time。故选B。5. B解析:考查介词的用法。动词arrive常可与介词at或in搭配,意为“到达某地”,at后常接小地点,而in后常接大地方,且大小是相对的,这要根据具体的情况来确定。此句中Shanghai属大地点,应用in。与night搭配的是介词at,构成at night。6

24、. B解析:考查介词的用法。句意为“你怎样学习英语单词的?”“通过做抽认卡”。by 意为“通过某种方式”。故选B。7. D解析:考查介词的用法。句意为“希望工程修建了很多有大教室和图书馆的学校”。with意为“具有;带有”。故选D。8. C解析:考查介词的用法。句意为“他的分数使他位于班级前几名学生当中”。among指在三者或者三者以上的人或事物之中。故选C。9. B解析:考查介词的用法。句意为“你怎样与外国朋友交流的?”“当然是通过写电子邮件的方式”。 by 意为“通过某种方式”。故选B。10. C解析:考查固定短语。be good at擅长;在方面做得好。根据句意:英语是我最喜欢的学科,我

25、很擅长它。所以选择答案C。11. A解析:考查介词的用法。talk with为固定词组,意为“与交谈”。故选A。12. C解析:考查介词用法。句意:“胡先生,你能告诉我怎样学好数学吗?”“能,但要记住不努力学习什么也学不了。”用介词without“无,没有”。13. C解析:考查介词短语作定语的用法。由问句可知,本题询问“你的新英语老师长什么样?”,答语回答“她是一位留着长发的漂亮女士。”这里由于句中有is谓语动词,所以用介词with短语作定语,表示“带有”的意思,来限定lady。14. A解析:考查介词的用法。on the way to.意为“在去的路上”。故选A。初三英语中考模拟试卷含答案

26、(无听力)二、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳的选项。( )31.Wecansee_moonin_ evening. A. the ; / B. the ; a C. the ; the( )32. Did you watched the _ television news? A. policemenB. policemensC. policemens( )33. Mybrotheristoo youngtodress_.A.himself B. him C. herself( )34. About _of the students in m

27、y school _ girls.A. three five; isB. third fifth; areC. three fifths; are( )35. The city will become _ , if there is _ pollution. A. much dirtier; lessB. much dirtier; moreC. much dirty; much( )36. Luoshi Noodles smell _, but taste _.A. well; badly B. good; badly C. bad; good ( )37. When you leave t

28、he classroom, you should remember to _ the lights.A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down ( )38. Its a fine day. Lets have a picnic, _?A. will you B. dont we C. shall we ( )39. -What _theweather_tomorrow? - It will be cloudy.A. is; likeB. will be; likeC. will; be like ( )40. -Excuse me. Can you tell me

29、_ ? -At about 8 oclock, sir.A. what time will the plane arrive inShanghai B. what time the plane will reach ShanghaiC. what time the plane will arrive Shanghai3、完型填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,选择最 佳的答案。 My mother had only one eye. When I was growing up, I 41 her for it. I hated 42 the other children stared at her and looked away in disgust(厌恶). As I grew up, I studied hard and got a job overseas 43 I wouldnt have to meet her. I was busy 44 providing a comfortable life for my beloved children. I didnt even think about my mother anymore. My classmates invited me back to

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